IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2016-02-23

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*** Win7Mac has joined #maemo-meeting21:56
reinobhi there!22:05
Win7Machi reinob!22:06
Win7MacHuge thanks again for updating m.o. legal pages22:06
reinobno problem!22:07
Win7Macso you got full access to all systems?22:08
reinobon I can apparently edit/create any page. didn't experiment too much, but at least you can edit (raw) html pages/chunks22:09
reinob(would have preferred using vi over ssh, but such is life..)22:09
reinobwhat I didn't get around to doing was the preparation for the referendum and/or council election22:10
reinobI may have an hour or two tomorrow afternoon, so not all hope is lost22:10
Win7Macjuiceme and Woody should be able to help + explain22:11
Win7Macemphasis on should ;)22:12
reinobI've inspected the database already, so in theory I should be able to do this, but I just have to sit down and prepare the SQL statements and then have juiceme look over it and check if something is wrong22:12
reinobmy SQL is pretty rusty, but for this it should be OK..22:12
Win7MacHm, we're alone desspite my email reminder :(22:18
Win7Macjuiceme, reinob, please check for possibility to add the date of elections to the result page!22:21
Win7MacI always find it troublesome to find the right date for elections22:22
Win7Maclooking it up on tmo right now...22:22
reinobI'll check about the election results page. Probably requires editing whatever script generates the page, but I'll see if I can figure it out22:24
Win7Macplease do22:25
Win7MacAccording to next election should be may-12-201622:26
Win7MacWe need to announce at least 4 weeks ahead22:27
reinobThanks for checking the date. I'll set a reminder (just in case..)22:28
reinobOK it should be /usr/local/src/maemo2midgard/maemo-elections/vote/results.php22:30
reinob(just thinking "aloud" to then check in the IRC log)22:30
Win7Macunfortunately I'm no help in such technicalities :(22:32
reinobno problem :)22:33
reinobThe "voting_start" and "voting_end" are even fetched from the db, so it should be trivial to add a line displaying them22:34
Win7Macno shortcut to "timestamp"?22:35
Win7Macreinob, updated
Win7Macno problem!22:40
reinobI've created a patch for the results.php script. Should work w/o testing (trivial), but I don't know if there's a way to test it on a "fake" election. Probably too complicated so I'll just get a second opinion from juiceme and declare it as mathematically bug free. Should be OK.. :)22:44
Win7Macif you say so... ;)22:45
reinobjuiceme? are you there?!22:46
Win7Macthanks for that mail!22:58
reinobgerne :)22:59
juicemeSorry I was a bit late today...23:07
juicemeI am on holiday nw and visiting my parents in middle-of-finland23:07
reinobthen you shouldn't bother with us :)23:08
reinobpeterleinchen is also excused23:08
reinobfrom HtheB I haven't heard/seen in a while23:08
juicemeThey have had some IT problems and I was solving those, my father has a new printer that needed to be connected to all computers etc...23:08
juicemeHtheB has not been in few latest meetings IIRC23:09
reinobjuiceme: I meant, you may want to spend time with them instead of with us :)23:11
juicemereinob regarding the voting engine, not that much SQL is needed, just the midgard users import and checking if the data contains uld-users that have requested to be removed and if so, purge those from the tables....23:11
juiceme(actually that SHOULD not happen as I think when admins have marked people as expired they should stay that way...)23:12
Win7Macuh, that still needs to be done manually?23:12
juicemeneeds to be checked every thime23:13
juicemebut otherwice the engine woorks well with the web interface23:13
juicemeWin7Mac true23:13
Win7Maccan't those users be removed from DB?23:14
Win7Macor ecluded?23:14
* Win7Mac is stabbin in the dark...23:15
juicemeyes, there is some field that says that the entries should not be included but they still pop up :(23:15
juicemeI think checking/tweaking the import script would be needed23:15
Win7Macor try to trick system by deleting email-adress?23:16
Win7Macfor those users23:16
Win7Macor by deleting karma or whatever23:17
juicemewell, if the entry still gets to the voters table with empty email address it could wreck some havoc :)23:18
Win7Macas i believe user itself can't be deleted completely?23:18
juicemenot from the midgard table, no23:18
juicemeI think it had something to do with messing up a lot of things in all discussions and so where the said user has taken part23:19
reinobI'll see if I can have a look at checking/tweaking that script23:19
Win7Macthen my best guess is: try to trick the system if it can't be fixed as desired23:19
Win7Macdoing it manually each time might do it for now, but we want to keep it as easy as possible I guess23:22
reinobI'll see how far I get, but now I have to leave23:30
reinobgood night guys23:30
Win7Macthanks again + gnite reinob23:31
Win7Macbye o/23:58
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