IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2015-12-22

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xesops.. ECHAN21:52
peterleinchenxes, hi :)21:56
xespeterleinchen: hi! ;)22:01
peterleinchenaccidentally here? ;)22:01
peterleinchenor just listening?22:02
xesalways here, now just listening22:03
juicemexes, peterleinchen, merry christmas :)22:07
peterleinchenjuicme, hi. not yet22:08
peterleinchenor are you Finns earlier ;)22:09
xeshi juiceme!22:09
juicemewell, we celebrate the christmas eve which is day after tomorrow. but it is close enough to already greet people with it :)22:11
peterleinchenokay, merry x-mas and a happy new year :D22:12
juicemeare you already on holidays, or still working?22:13
peterleinchenill at home :(22:13
juicemeI took a long holiday as I have accumulated worktime, so am on leisure already22:13
juicemetoo bad, hope not serious?22:13
peterleinchengot that bad cold 6 weeks ago and still/ again suffering22:14
peterleinchennot THAT bad but bad enough22:14
peterleinchenantibioticum and so on22:14
juicemesure it can be long sometimes... the one that does not raise temperature too much usually can last weeks22:14
peterleinchenexactly :(22:15
peterleinchenlungs got x-rayed already as coughing since weeks ....22:15
peterleinchenbut nver had it for 6 weeks!22:16
peterleinchennot much responses on the coding competition thread, right?22:19
peterleinchenwas already about to bump it22:19
peterleinchenbut decided to wait for tonight22:20
juicemenot really, no concrete ideas22:22
juicemebut positive response though22:22
peterleinchenyeah, positive they were. but too less I guess22:23
peterleinchenwhat do you think about a call like 'who wants to participate at all'?22:24
juicemewel we could have a poll, just to know in what neighbourhood the number of participants would come to22:25
juicememore or less unofficially22:26
juicemeI mean, it cannot be held as binding, but just yes/no/unsure22:26
peterleinchenyes, exactly something like this22:27
peterleinchencan hthbe add a poll later on? we cannot for sure22:27
peterleinchenHtheB, can you do that?22:28
juicemeI guess it's just us 2 here now :)22:29
juicemeit is busy time of year...22:29
peterleinchenyeah looks like22:32
peterleinchenshouldn't it be the calmest time of year ;)22:33
juicememmh, went to shop today, just to buy some groceries22:34
juicemeit was so filled up with people doing christmas shopping22:34
juicemeso calmest, yeah :)22:35
juicemeI had talk via mail with reinob, to give him a short intro to the election mechanics this evening but he probably also has too much in his hands now.22:38
juicemebut basically he has now access to www also, and already has looked at the voting db which is a good thing.22:39
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Win7Machi there22:42
juicemeRegarding christmas presents, tomorrow am going to get my son a new Nexus5x (with the not-even-so-hiddeen-agenda that when he gets the new one, I will ingerit his current Nexus5 and can install SFOS on it...)22:42
juicemeWin7Mac, hi22:43
Win7Macthat's a clever present then... ;)22:43
peterleinchenWin7Mac, hi22:43
peterleinchenfor whom? ;)22:44
Win7Machi peter, stil suffering... :(22:44
Win7Macfor jussi I guess22:44
peterleinchenyep :(22:44
peterleinchenand right :)22:44
Win7Macpoll seems a good idea ^^22:45
juicemeyes, it is a way to get presents for both of us :)22:45
Win7MacI still need some too...22:45
juicemewith poll we can get a rough idea of the participants before starting the campaign22:46
Win7Macright, if low support from community, we scrap that22:46
peterleinchenso I will mail htheb to ask if he can add it to existing thread22:46
peterleinchenwin7mac, exactlh my concern22:47
Win7Macthen lets discuss how the poll should look like22:47
peterleinchenkust a simple: would you like to attend? yes/no/undecided22:48
peterleinchenwith imfo that is is not binding at all22:48
peterleinchenjust to get impression22:48
juicemenot binding, yes, but honesty required22:48
Win7Macok, I'd like to differentiate in "undecided"22:48
juicemeas for reasons why?22:49
Win7Macsomething like that22:49
Win7Macor depends on...22:49
Win7Macor "why i wouldn't"22:49
juicemeyes, that could be ok22:50
Win7Macto throw some ideas22:50
peterleinchenvia the poll? how to?22:51
peterleinchenguess to announce poll with such words may be the way?22:51
juicemewell you can write up a post explaining why not22:52
reinobhey there. sorry I just came home now22:52
juicememost polls have such longer explanations22:52
juicemereinob, hiya!22:52
peterleinchenreinob, ho22:52
Win7Machi reinob22:53
reinobyou don't want to know what I've been doing22:54
Win7Macnow I do...22:55
juicemeheh, some creepy business then :)22:55
peterleinchenjyes we do22:55
reinobbut I'll tell you: I was re-packing a huge toy horse which somehow didn't fit in the original packing anymore22:55
reinob(for sending it back because it stinks like china..)22:55
reinobyup, once I took it out of the package I didn't get in anymore22:56
reinobso I had to make a box out of parts of other boxes22:56
reinobI hate basteln :)22:56
peterleinchenah okay, yeah just send backnsome stuff too22:56
peterleinchenoutnof same reasons22:56
juicemesometimes packing is like an art, it seems topologically impossible that the stuff that you have really come in the small box...22:57
reinobyes. I and didn't want to break the damn f*cking stinking horse. I hate it now :)22:57
juicemewhat is basteln?22:57
reinobanyway. just checked the log. hope you get better peterleinchen!22:57
peterleincheneither we are more alerted or we care more or that stuff from chinanhosts more chemistry than earlier22:58
reinobthat's german for doing handicraft stuff22:59
reinoblike what children do with paper glue and stuff22:59
juicemeah, okay :)22:59
juicemewhat we call "askartely" in finnish22:59
reinobwhich I hate in case I didn't say it already. I'm a software guy22:59
peterleinchenyou may call it tinkering, too :)22:59
juicemesorry for typo, "askartelu"23:00
reinobaskartely, sounds even worse than basteln. I have even forgotten the spanish word for it23:00
juicemewell I did my share yesterday when I basteln:ed a bunch of christmas cards :)23:00
peterleinchenreinob, bricolaje?23:01
reinobyes :)23:01 ;)23:01
juicemehmm google translate...23:01
reinobbut that's more like with wood and screws and things (for adults :)23:01
reinobI'd say "trabajos manuales"23:01
peterleinchenthat I do understand also23:02
peterleinchenerm you saw my mail regarding file attachments on tmo?23:03
peterleinchenchemist will have a look23:03
juicemethe thing with cardboard, glue, pieces of woolen strings and colored inks is that it all really sticks in your fingers badly!23:03
peterleinchenno need to tell I had to do TWO lanterns for st. martin23:04
reinobre. attachments: either we allow them or we don't. the current situation is not so nice. I remember that having had to rename something to .zip to get it through23:05
reinobwe could say 1MB or 10MB but not based on extension23:05
peterleinchenexactly but younread his answer?23:05
juicemethat'd be probably OK. I never understood banning attachemnts based on the name...23:06
peterleinchenjuiceme did you ask chemist as tmonadmin about that swear filter  rules23:06
peterleinchenthen we should bring this (attachments) up?23:07
juicemepeterleinchen, no but he is aware of the referendum we are going to have on the swear filter23:08
peterleinchens/n/ / for all posts , vkb23:08
reinobdo we know what the current attachment limits are?23:10
juicemeno, at least I dont23:11
reinobI do now23:11
reinobimages are 19.5Kb23:11
reinobdeb, gz, tar and zip: 488.3KB23:12
reinobjpg 97.7Kb23:12
reinobis tar.gz allowed at all (as "gz"), or is only a single extension allowed?23:13
peterleinchenit may be related to storage limitations earlier. and now, too23:13
peterleinchentar.gz is aloowed as gz23:13
Win7Macif i remember right, I once "accidently" uploaded a pic exeeding the limits for quite a bit and it went through...23:14
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Win7Maclet's see what chem|st finds out23:16
reinobI suggest that (1) we allow any extension (e.g. rpm) and (2) we up the limit everywhere to 5MB23:17
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reinob(we still have moderators in case people abuse this and upload p0rn)23:18
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reinobhi guest, but happened?23:18
reinobI mean, what happened?23:18
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Guest41841no split23:24
Guest41841om killer:(:(:(23:24
Win7Macshitty connection23:24
Guest41841damn Joxxa:(:(:(23:25
Guest41841am I back?23:25
Win7MacRE poll: how about23:25
Win7Mac- yes, sure23:25
Win7Mac- I'd like to but don't have a target device to hack on23:25
Win7Mac- undecided untill it's clear what to expect in prizes23:25
Win7Mac- undecided untill it's clear who/what the competitors are23:25
Win7Mac- undecided untill it's clear how Sailfish OS evolves23:25
Win7Mac- no, but I'd like to support other developers if I can23:25
Win7Mac- no, simply not interested23:26
Win7Mac- no, I already switched platform23:26
Win7Mac- no, I believe Maemo/Meego/Sailfish OS is dead end23:26
juicemeokay, expected to select just one of those? :)23:27
reinob3 4 and 5 (undecided) make result in people selecting those thus delaying the very answer to those questions. I'd drop them23:27
juicemeGuest41841, I have no idea why is your OOM killer so proactive... it's never bitten me23:27
Guest41841yes, only one I'd say23:27
Win7Machehe, fot a point there, juiceme23:27
reinob8 and 9 are basically the same for all purposes23:27
juicemeyes, 8&9 could be combined too23:28
reinobmaybe 3 4 and 5 could be joined to "undecided: need more information" (and then they post the question in the thread)23:29
Guest41841what is 3 about? at all23:29
reinobI join if I can get my 911. Otherwise not worth it23:30
reinobthat kinda thing23:30
juicemei'll want a 911 also23:30
reinobTurbo, that is.23:30
Win7Macnot sure but I would like to see differentiation where possible. usernames will be displayed...23:30
juicemein a pinch could do with a carrera23:31
Guest41841ah that 911 :)23:31
Guest41841no prbs with diiferentiaon23:31
Guest41841no German power ;)23:32
Win7Mac>900 PS...23:32
reinobOK but then council can answer 3 (prizes) but not 4 (competitors will be known when the deadline is reached, so no further competitors allowed) and 5 is too open. we cannot answer the question23:34
juicemewhen I visited Porche museum they told me that Ferrari stole their log from Porche :)23:35
juicemetime for me to drop off23:37
juicemeso who'll do the poll?23:37
Guest41841I mailed and PMed htheb23:38
reinobonly the OP can change the post into a poll. Or do we need a moderator?23:38
Guest41841would like to have it in same thread, not a new one23:38
Guest41841need a mod23:38
reinoband HtheB us both council and mod23:38
Guest41841user cannot add poll 'after ' creation23:39
reinobwe have winner then23:39
Guest41841are we okay with win7mac's options then?23:39
reinobin principle yes. I'd join 8 and 9 and 3/4/5 but find it perfectly fine if we keep it like this23:40
juicemesure, so we ask HtheB to do that. good23:40
* Guest41841 too23:41
juicemeso, good night and Merry Christmas to all of ya!23:41
reinobjuiceme: in case you drop off: merry christmas and all that!23:41
Guest41841juiceme all the best23:41
juicemeGuest41841, get well soon!23:41
Guest41841see you next week?23:41
juicememost probably23:42
Guest41841okay then, have a good time23:42
reinobI may not be available on 29th. see you probably in two weeks!23:42
Win7Maclove, piece & health to all of you23:42
reinobpiece? :))))23:42
Guest41841harmony :)23:42
Win7Machappy holidays23:43
Win7Macyeah, that too...23:43
reinobOK it's getting to romantic. Bye!23:43
Win7Macoh... peace of course... probably even both! ;)23:44
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