IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2015-12-15

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*** peterlein has joined #maemo-meeting20:40
peterleinHi all, sorry but I am still suffering from my viral/bacterial infection. changed medicine today and looks like I will not be able to attend :(20:43
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juicemeI am on te road now, with pretty spotty 3g connectivity21:57
juicemehowever i try to keep up, excuse me if i react slowly...21:57
reinobhi there22:06
reinobpeterlinchen: gut besserung!22:07
reinobhope you're not driving?!22:09
reinobah OK. I read "on the road" and took it literally22:09
juicemeat the station now, waitig for the next train22:09
reinobOK :)22:09
juicemeon the road, o the move ;)22:10
reinobany points in the agenda today?22:10
juicemefinalizing the competition opefully.22:11
reinobOK then we need HtheB and Win7Mac22:11
reinobre. election. any idea how/when we can plan the "training"22:12
juicemeor getting it rolling if not finalizing22:12
juicemehow aout next week some day? i am planning to start christmas hjoliday then22:13
juicemeof course that does not mean i would be any lessbjsy... ;)22:13
juicemeless busy22:14
juicemelots of typos22:14
reinobif OK tuesday morning would be fine for me :) monday morning I've also off, but have dentist appointment..22:15
juicemecould try it then.22:15
reinobwould be great22:16
*** HtheB has joined #maemo-meeting22:23
HtheBhey guys22:23
juicemehiya ho ;)22:25
juicemeHtheB how are you today?22:25
reinobah hey. been in a private conversation with juice me re. ssh keys for garage22:26
reinobOK we continue here. I'll check the keys on my end and report back22:26
HtheBjuiceme: im fine thanks22:29
HtheBI watched a live stream of Fairphone  today22:30
juicemeHtheB, fyi; I am on the road, at a station nlw waiting for my train. in about 25min when it comes, I will be partly unreachable due to spotty 3g coverage.22:30
juicemeah, da fairphone launched new model?22:31
HtheBah ok22:32
HtheBI asked this question to them, glad they answered it22:32
juicemeok ;)22:36
HtheBwhen should we announce the compo?...22:42
reinobwe could do it next week wednesday, before the holidays. to get people to prepare for it :)22:43
*** Win7Mac has joined #maemo-meeting22:43
reinobhey Win7Mac!22:43
juicemenow my train comes22:45
reinobOK see you later!22:45
Win7Macenjoy the ride ;)22:45
juicemebe seeing you!22:46
Win7Macok, so i didn't miss much22:47
Win7Macpeterleinchen, get well soon22:47
Win7Machuh, peterlein...22:47
Win7MacHtheB, hehehe22:48
HtheBreinob: you think that people will be preparing?22:51
HtheBim sure people would be preparing for holidays :P22:51
reinobhmm. at least mentally :) we could also announce right now :)22:52
Win7Macre CC: category "Update/Fix it"... how abot having that for each device (N8x0, N900, N9, Jolla)?22:53
reinobin principle no problem, but not sure how many people will come up on each category..22:53
Win7MacBTW, Woody offered an unused N900 as prize22:56
Win7Mac(as a donation)22:56
Win7Macwhich reminds me of postage and import taxes :(22:59
reinobno such thing as a free lunch..22:59
Win7Mac^^that will likely be a problem23:00
reinobby when should we have the prizes ready?23:00
reinobor generally, what's the timeline from day of announcement?23:00
Win7Macprobably we (MC eV) should collect devices mainly from EU, probably there'll be ways people can ssend directly23:02
Win7Macor via the help of HtheB, he's already experienced with thata I've heard23:02
Win7MacIt'd be interesting to know how much money MC eV is able/willing to spend on this whole thing23:03
Win7Macand how much money will be donated23:04
HtheBI could help in any way I can23:05
HtheBno doubts about that23:05
reinobI could help with $$$23:06
Win7Macreinob, you're so generous, many thanks but let's see the response to the pre-announcement which I'll post soon (TM)23:08
Win7MacI'll add some lines23:09
reinobso we (you) announce this week?23:10
Win7Macto the post then23:10
Win7Macok, let me check if I can make a blog post23:10
reinobisn't TMO enough? I always sort of assume that if somebody is not on TMO he's not on maemo23:11
HtheBdo we have a blog?...23:12
Win7Macvery likely, yes23:12
HtheBwhere O_o23:12
HtheBdont bring me to the dark alleys please23:16
HtheBjust posting on TMO is the way to go I guess :D23:16
Win7Macbut I can't find how to make new post there...23:16
HtheBsure, you can post as a blog too23:16
HtheBbut dont forget tmo23:16
Win7MacHtheB, it gets auto-posted to tmo23:17
HtheByou should put a counter on that blog post, to see how many times it gets even read...23:17
HtheBok then :D23:17
Win7Macauthor on tmo:
Win7Macno other way to post as "CommunityCouncil" on tmo23:18
Win7Macand I just think that's the right way to do it, not really nescessary though23:19
Win7Macbut i can't post anywhere there :(23:22
Win7Macor I'm blind...23:22
Win7Macmaybe juiceme knows more23:23
Win7Macor chem|st: ping23:23
reinobssh to working! :)23:32
reinobgotta leave now. might check in 30min or so.23:36
reinobif not, thanks guys for being there. good night23:36
Win7Macreinob, good night23:37
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