IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2015-11-24

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*** HtheB has joined #maemo-meeting21:19
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peterleinchenreinob, zu dieser zeit bald schon wieder "ho ho ho" :)22:05
reinobgenau :)22:05
reinobhi father :)22:06
HtheBeveryone is here? juiceme?22:06
HtheBI would like to start the meeting22:06
reinobWin7Mac and juiceme still haven't shown themselves22:06
HtheBok, calling juiceme22:07
HtheBjust a sec22:07
HtheBok, he should be here any minute22:07
peterleinchenbeing on, but need to fetch up a bit of today's news :(22:10
HtheBtodays news?22:10
HtheBpeterleinchen: check it out in about 30 minutes22:11
HtheBI dot want to make this meeting long22:11
HtheBLet start it. The other persons will be here soon22:11
HtheBdont *22:11
reinobme neither. (haven't watched the news yet, but OK).22:11
HtheBthanks reinob for the agenda22:12
reinobHtheB: about being chairman/writing the minutes: any problem with that? or OK if Juice assists with it22:12
HtheBwriting the minutes is really a pain for me22:13
HtheBI would however love to lead22:13
*** Win7Mac has joined #maemo-meeting22:13
reinobhey Win7Mac22:13
reinobOK with that. you can stay as chairman and Juice writes the minutes22:13
reinobI can backup for him if/as needed22:13
reinoball OK with that?22:13
HtheBWelcome Win7Mac, we have just begun22:14
HtheBreinob: To be honest, I've never heard that a chairman releases notes22:14
HtheBisn't that the job of the "secretary"?22:14
reinobtomorrow I have two hearings, as chairman. Somebody else has to do the writing :)22:15
Win7Macthere is no "secretary" position in council, only chair22:15
HtheBWin7Mac: I suggest to have it then22:15
HtheBadding as an agenda point22:15
Win7Macbasically MM are the only duty22:16
reinobJuice is not here, but let's put it this way: if Juice is OK then OK, if not then me, so at least we can be 100% sure that the position of "secretary" can be created and be filled22:16
HtheBreinob: that would be great22:17
Win7Macno need to invent anything22:17
reinobvirtual secretary..22:17
reinobor ghost writer if you will :)22:17
HtheBWin7Mac: something wrong with it?22:18
reinobof course this leaves the question: what does a chairman do?22:18
HtheBchairman: leading the meeting, asking for stuff if things are done22:18
HtheByou know... what a chairman usually does..22:18
peterleinchenannounce stuff on TMO and/or MO22:19
peterleinchenlead voting internally here on irc22:19
HtheBpeterleinchen: usually a secretary prepares the paperwork/text22:19
HtheBand the chairman can announce it yes22:20
HtheBbut since the secretary has the same rights, he might as well post it directly too22:20
* HtheB is calling juiceme again22:20
peterleinchenchairman is his own secretary :)22:20
reinobOK I'll make my position clear: the discussion, from my point of view, is about minute writing, so not really about general "secretary" work. Either Juice and/or me could take care of that, but whatever other responsibilites the chairman has or may have are his own.22:22
HtheBlets skip to the next point, we will fall back on this one if thats ok22:22
HtheB* Spam via garage/council ML22:23
reinobtoday there was a spam e-mail where even the from: was council@maemo.org22:23
HtheBToday, I've received even an email from the council email itself22:23
HtheBreinob: yes, exactly22:23
reinobTrivial to fake but easy to spot. We let it pass thru22:23
reinobhey ho!22:23
Win7Maci'm ok with a secretary22:23
juicemesorry I was away, I had a bit of network related issues...22:24
reinobWin7Mac: should be define its functions. But then we need to define those of the chairman22:24
HtheBwelcome to the meeting22:24
juicemeI changed some furniture around, and while doing that I ended up moving my router & wlan to different location22:25
HtheBok lets continue where we are right now22:25
reinobyou mean spam?22:25
HtheBwe 'll come back to the first point22:25
juicemejust a moment I'll read backlog22:25
HtheBwhile juiceme reads: What can we do about it22:25
juicemeand thanks HtheB for the reminder :)22:26
HtheBit's getting worse each day22:26
reinobon spam: we can only make a "formal" request to techstaff to22:26
reinob(1) make sure only registered  users get the emails22:26
reinob(2) see how the incoming filter can be hardened a bit22:26
Win7Macchem|st said: "As mail@ is a plain bounce/fwd without mailboxes there is no sane way to filter spam but at22:27
Win7Macyour own end, as the incoming addresses are new to your system or rather it had22:27
Win7Macnot that much spam yet the filtering will not work as expected as long as you do22:27
Win7Macnot train your system further"22:27
reinobthe use a trainable (bayesian) filter, which is not so good for this role22:27
HtheBWin7Mac: what about todays mail?22:27
reinobsame thing, anyone can use anything as "from:"22:27
reinobbut it does look horrible for our image22:28
Win7Maci had no spam today22:28
Win7Macbut a lot recently22:28
Win7Macvia garage and whatnot22:29
HtheBWin7Mac: A lot of tech and website requests? :)22:29
reinobI cannot say for sure that another filter or other filter settings could make a better job. spam fighting is hard.22:29
Win7Macvarious shit22:29
HtheBwhat about changing the prefix for a while?22:30
reinobmaybe we should go for a whitelist. only registered users can send e-mails from the outside (i.e. system-generated e-mails like garage builds etc are still OK)22:30
HtheBuntill bots finds out the new email :)22:30
HtheBreinob: sounds ok to me22:30
Win7Maci find it hard to believe that there's no way to apply a filter22:30
reinobthey check if IP is in SPAMCOP and other lists. Not much more22:31
reinobe.g. X-policyd-weight:  NOT_IN_SPAMCOP=-1.5 NOT_IN_BL_NJABL=-1.5 CL_IP_EQ_FROM_IP=-2 (check from: .huixin. - helo: .mail.mx9.huixin. - helo-domain: .huixin.)  FROM/MX_MATCHES_HELO(DOMAIN)=-2 IN_AHBL=1.8; rate: -5.222:31
juicemeOK, now am active :)22:31
reinoball negative (good) scores, but still spam22:31
juicemebeing secretary is OK by me.22:31
juicemeonly, be prepared that I might not immediately have the minutes ready the next dat...22:32
reinobjuiceme: great. We still need to define the precise functions. Not that HtheB would request something indecent from you :)22:32
* HtheB scraps off the first agenda point22:32
juicemenext day I mean22:32
Win7Macno prob22:32
HtheBThats ok22:32
HtheBchem|st: are you active?22:33
juicemeabout the spam, if I understood correctly there really is not much that can be done.22:33
juicemesince the mailing lists are not real lists, only mail forwarders it is not possible to implement spam filtering22:33
HtheBwhat about making them real lists?22:34
juicemeso each one should have filtering by their own provider.22:34
juicemeHtheB, wel that could be a possibility22:34
peterleinchenjuiceme, are you going to tell t-online? ;)22:34
reinobwait wait. there are no mailboxes that's OK but a mailing list can have (and we have) spam filtering. It's just not suited for this type of mailing list (apparently)22:34
juicemelike the community list for example, that has filtering22:34
reinobjuiceme: of course you can and should filter. but we are de facto spreading spam. we are going to get blacklisted like real soon22:35
juicemepeterleinchen, I have no idea what's the procedure at t-online, my mailserver is run by a friend who is really paranoid sysadmin :)22:35
reinobrule #1 about spam: you don't send spam22:36
peterleinchenreinob, not WE are sending spam22:36
peterleinchenand it is not via mail server afaiunderstood22:36
reinobof course we are! the server is receiving a spam e-mail addressed to, which happily forwards to whoever is on that list22:37
HtheBwhat IF we were sending it?22:37
HtheB(conspiracy theory :P)22:37
reinobwe are multiplying spam for f** sake22:37
HtheBreinob: you have a point22:37
reinoband being on the council I don't want anyone to complain to me that he's getting spam from me22:37
peterleinchenthere should be only other councilors ...22:38
HtheBwhat about that person who complained that he was actually unscribed from the garage account22:38
HtheBand still receive it?22:38
peterleinchenhtheb do not mix up lets finish first22:38
reinobperhaps user error (who knows). we can only ask techstaff as we (I) cannot check how that all works22:38
Win7MacI put techstaff in CC, but no answer from them so far, we should ask again22:39
peterleinchenI never received spam via community mailing lists, only via council (and maybe also garage)22:39
reinobyup me too: garage and council only22:39
HtheBmee to22:39
HtheBme too22:39
reinobI can write to techstaff and request information or ask for ideas how/what can be improved22:40
peterleinchenso there is difference between council/garage and lists22:40
reinobdraft to you all first22:40
peterleinchenreinob, yes please thanks22:40
reinoboff the top of my head I don't know what other lists we have.any example you can provide?22:40
juicemereinob the problem is not really that bad. There are just a few forwarders; the council address, the board address, the donation address, the techstaff address AFAIK.22:40
Win7Macreinob, yes please, thanks22:41
juicemecommunity list, devel list etc are real lists with filtering22:41
juicemeWhat I mean, for example, is that spam sent to the council address goes to just us, nobody else.22:42
HtheBjuiceme: you love to get spam?22:42
juicemewe are *not* spreading spam22:42
peterleinchenjuiceme, exactly22:42
juicemeHtheB as I said I do not see much of it. My sysadmin has good filters22:42
peterleinchenbut what about garage?22:42
juicemeabout garage I am not sure how many are on it.22:43
juicemebut you are correct, garage is a forwarder I think.22:43
Win7Maci also got spam only via garage and council22:43
reinobjuiceme: yes OK, I only added a bit of drama to it. But still unacceptable22:43
peterleinchenreinob, I feel it as annoying to hell. But ...22:44
reinobOK asking costs nothing. Let's see what possibilites we have22:45
peterleinchenso lets wait for techstaff answer. and ask for presence herenext week?22:45
peterleinchenso back to the one guy of garage22:45
peterleinchenhtheb, you know the sequence?22:45
juicemewell what we could do is make all the forwarders lists. however that does create management overhead.22:45
reinobI'll include that in my question. Need to check the exact case and find out if it was user error or a bug on our side22:46
HtheBAbout the guy: he seems like he wants a project to be deleted22:46
reinobwhat's the difference between "forwarder" and "list"?22:47
peterleinchenafair he deleted his account and still got mail via garage.m.o22:47
HtheBpeterleinchen: yes, but he also asked to remove this project22:47
juicemereinob, it is just a bouncer that delivers incoming mail to other adresses, like a procmail filter.22:48
reinobmaybe the project still has leftovers with his e-mail address22:48
reinobthat's to me a forwarder, or a list. You seemed to imply there's a difference22:48
juicemea list is like majordomo, has maintanance and lots of different automatics22:48
reinobah OK22:48
juicemefor example the community list has restrictions, you need to be subscribed to it to send anything. Else it goes to a holding queue and not to the list until a list moderator has reviewed it22:50
reinobOK then I'd say the garage/council forwarder should be turned into real lists22:51
juicemeshould the ruleset be same as the community list, only those who have subscribed to it can post?22:52
reinobfor garage I don't know. I thought it only (should) send automatic computer-generated messages.22:53
reinobfor council only council members should be able to send and receive22:53
chem|stHtheB: idle22:53
juicemeanyway, that's something that needs to be done by techstaff, so need to discuss with them about it.22:53
juicemechem|st, hi22:54
peterleinchenchem|st, hi. what about idle?22:54
chem|stI am idle, always22:54
chem|stI see you are on about email, spamfiltering has to be done at your end22:54
reinobchem|st: can you check backlog and give a quick opinion22:54
juicemereinob, council list can be used also by anyone wanting to contact council...22:54
reinoba spammer as well22:55
chem|styes a spammer as well22:55
juicemetrue, hence filtering.22:55
chem|styeah but what do you do with your own mail accounts?22:55
peterleinchenreinob, as your own mail address22:55
juicemereinob, what's your mail provider, do you have any configurable/automatic filtreing there?22:55
reinobit does look really bad if spam is sent from our system. don't expect legal troubles (but we could get them). technically, we're going to get blacklisted sooner than later22:56
chem| has a bouncing relay for things that is not a mailinglist22:56
juicemereinob, it is going nowhere except us22:56
chem|stMLs are moderated22:56
reinobI have my own postfix server, at the moment without filtering (it's a toy for now). gmail works OK.22:56
juicemethe mailing lists have wide distribution, but the forwarders only few people each.22:57
reinobI repeat: problem is not us filtering or not at our end. Problem is "users" (whatever the definition) complaining that they get spam from us22:57
chem|stso what you guys need to do is pump those spam mails to your filtersystem so it gets to learn that it is spam, just like you do with your private mail22:57
juicemereinob not possible AFAIK22:57
chem|streinob: not possible22:57
reinobchem|st: you're not getting it. I'm sorry.22:57
chem|stnow I got it22:58
reinobOK :)22:58
juicemeany spammer sending to council will only send it to us, no other users22:58
juicemesame to board, only to board22:58
reinobis it only council and garage? can we confirm that?22:58
chem|streinob: I can send you spam with your own address just to show you that anyone can use your address22:58
peterleinchenand for garage about the same, only MO "staff" people22:58
reinobof course, but not through my server22:58
chem|stso what?22:59
reinob(1) legal, (2) image, (3) blacklist, (4) I don't freaking like it22:59
chem|stthe implementation for checking validity of mailaddresses is buggy22:59
juicemeI don't believe it comes thru servers, it's probably just forged server address. looking at the transfer headers should proof that.23:00
reinobSPF would solve it, if all of our users have that23:00
reinobjuiceme: nope. It's alright23:00
chem|stand there is your buggy23:00
peterleinchenI guess reinob means "we" are forwarding/resending spam23:00
juicemereinob if so, then there is a bug in the mail server configuration.23:01
chem|streinob: what user gets what email?23:01
juicemeI am intrested of it too.23:01
juicemeany headers to eyeball?23:01
chem|stcheck our mx for being an open relay and send logs to techstaff<at>23:01
reinobyou can probably check that? council is just us (?) garage is everyone?23:01
reinobit's not strictly an open relay because it only accepts e-mails to addresses23:02
juicemeI am not sure if garage is a bouncer or a list23:02
chem|streinob: ehrm, email sent to garage addresses is relayed through us but not origin us23:02
reinobexactly. external user sends e-mail, we ( send it to our users23:02
chem|stthat is a whole other issue, and I thought that is fixed23:03
juicemereinob, ok now I understand23:03
chem|stis it sent to developer group addresses? that be a bug23:03
chem|stuseraddresses is not a bug, that is meant to be23:03
chem|stmissing the full header is probably a bug23:04
reinobI don't know. Who's "garage"? is there a list somewhere? all users with a garage account I presume. But still they should not get external spam from who-knows-what-spammer23:04
juicemebut that's just like sending spam to me@myhost if it is sent to me@garage, what it means is that the mail address has leaked to the spammers and there is not much that can be done about it currently23:04
chem|streinob: you can send mail to any $ account23:05
reinobjuiceme: exactly, but changing the address cannot be the solution23:05
reinobbut then it's ME doing the spam and getting the blame. I don't want to be blamed or accused of spreading spam to its users23:05
juicemereinob, the way email works there is not much that can be done about it except receiver side filtering23:05
chem|stso you want us to stop relaying mails through garage?23:06
Win7Macno, just filtering23:06
juicemechem|st that's doable I think, how many people need to get external mail to garage address anyway?23:06
chem|stjuiceme: all23:07
reinobIf there's no way to verify that the sender is authorised then we could at least add a footer apologizing if the above text happens to be spam.23:07
reinob"peinlich" but effective23:07
chem|stthe addresses can be used as maintainer address for projects23:08
chem|stand else...23:08
juicemeyes of course, you need to register to projects, github, whatever.23:08
juicemeso it is not an option23:09
chem|stlocking it to only receive from within maemo might be blocking actual mail not coming from us (us as in staff)23:09
reinobOK good to know that23:10
juicemereinob, earlier you mentioned that someone has received spam to her garage address, that was forged so that the seder was your garage address, did I understand correctly?23:10
Win7Macwarfare, xes, you around?23:10
chem|streinob: your liability concern, I will ask merlin if he is able to change the workings to preserve the original headers23:10
reinobjuiceme: no, today council got e-mail from ""23:11
chem|stWin7Mac: neither one's domain23:11
juicemereinob that one is just a normal sender forgery23:11
Win7Machm, probably should be then?23:11
juicemeI get spam all the time that is originating from :)23:11
reinobdefine "originating". "From: " means nothing.23:12
peterleinchenjuiceme, you write spam to yourself??? ;)23:12
chem|st80% of my spam is my own mail addresses as sender23:12
reinobReceived: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 3D49841E1B for <>; Tue, 24 Nov 2015 16:09:23 +0000 (UTC)23:12
juicemeyes, it seems to be a common spammer trick23:12
reinobso got that from
reinobwith From and To ""23:12
reinobLame but should be avoidable (SPF)23:13
chem|streinob: common23:13
chem|stSPF does not prevent that23:13
reinobif says only and not some chilean crap then yes, it does23:13
chem|streinob: or you would never receive my mails23:14
juicemeyes, that one could be fixed easily, just allow receiving FROM: headers of only from inside hosts23:14
Win7Macnobody can send from council@...23:14
juicemeWin7Mac, exactly23:14
chem|stI am sending through university so from server is sushi, relayed through mail. wher it exits uni networks23:14
chem|stjuiceme: so that locks me out23:15
reinobIn this case it had "From:" but this is irrelevant. Point is, the e-mail was accepted, with clear indications of being bogus, and then happily distributed to the list23:15
juicemechem|st, you are not sending FROM:council, so it does not lock out23:15
chem|stI think you misunderstand how email works23:15
chem|stif you just prevent council@ yes23:16
reinobchem|st with SPF you can not only define A or MX but also smarthosts. But then people need to make sure they're doing it right. Not gonna happen :(23:16
chem|streinob: never!23:16
reinobI was there when e-mail was invented. I think I know how it works23:16
chem|stgmail blocked all for weeks after our server move, with all records straight - that much for how reliable SPF is23:17
juicemefiltering the obvious sender fields off can easily be done, this way at least this kind of spam is dropped. However, of course the sender can use anything else as FROM header...23:17
chem|stwell I am using it wrong too.. I just set the from to whatever I want reply-to to be, but I do that as people use stupid mailprograms with settings ignoring reply-to headers!23:18
juicemeI have never actually run across any of that kind of mailers, even as many time heard that people do it.23:20
juicemewhat is so broken?23:20
reinobyup. I mean, I understand what you're saying but the difference here is that we manage a distribution list, so that whatever is (trivially) faked gets forwarded by us. This is what I don't like, but I realize there are no magic solutions to this. A bit of SPF, a bit of Spamassassin, etc.23:20
juicemethe problem of SPF is, it works only if the spammer does not have her own domain.23:21
chem|streinob: the garage issue might need some attention, I guess it should at least do some sanity check23:21
juicemeof course all measures cut down the volume a little23:21
juicemedoes not hurt to run a light check now and then on any system and verify settings.23:22
peterleinchenback to the user request to delete a project page23:23
juicemeah yes.23:23
peterleinchenchem|st, are we supposed to do that?23:23
chem|stpeterleinchen: I tell merlin23:23
juicemeNever tried it, but I thought one should be able to delete own projects23:23
reinobI notice that the latest spam e-mails had in X-policyd-weight "NOT_IN_SPAMCOP" and "NOT_IN_BL_NJABL", giving them 3 (-ve) points but then IN_AHBL, losing 4.9 points. Spam lists are not reliable, but maybe AHBL is better than SPAMCOP. Might investigate if there's a pattern there23:23
peterleinchenand, if he deleted his account, does his user@g.m.o get removed23:24
chem|stpeterleinchen: or are you about the project page23:24
* reinob is sorry I was looking at the keyboard23:24
peterleinchenchem|st, about the projectpage which he wanted toget removed, afair23:25
chem|stpeterleinchen: the accounts are flagged as inactive23:25
chem|stpeterleinchen: ask him to send that request to techstaff@ please23:25
peterleinchenthat means bouncing of mails take still place?23:26
juicemepeterleinchen, not if account is deleted/inactivated23:27
chem|stshould not get mail but 'we' know that there are bugs in the export for eg voting engine so I would not bet on it being completely offline23:28
peterleinchenhtheb, do you remember the user that asked for that?23:29
chem|stso I pinged merlin about mail, if anything else make sure you hilight me - and out23:29
reinobpeterleinchen:  Tapani PÃlli <lemody@gmail.com23:30
reinobP <a with umlaut> lli23:30
peterleinchenreinob, thx. will do so23:30
reinob"Please remove panu project and all my other projects from"23:31
juicemeyes, that was the message.23:31
peterleinchensomeone also has garage user name?23:31
juicemehey, we spent so long time discussing the email spam issue, what else should we have tonight?23:32
chem|stconsidering spam, you just posted a mail address to a google indexed channel - that usually peaks - and realname, and now you are up for the username23:32
HtheBpeterleinchen: yes23:32
juicemeindeed that is one way of advertising for spam.23:33
peterleinchenchem|st, absolutely right. sorry for asking. please via pm or mail23:33
HtheBpeterleinchen: i pm ed23:34
reinobyou're right. sorry.23:34
Win7Macwhat else - is it enough to have the CoC in the wiki or should we have it in the terms & conditions also?23:37
peterleinchenI guess a better place would be t&c23:38
juicememore visibility is not bad23:38
peterleinchenbut wiki is also nice place (but at least a link should be palced on MO)23:38
peterleinchenwiki as I edited some KDE mentioning yesterday ;)23:39
peterleinchenwho can add it to MO?23:39
reinobthanks for editing. I wanted to do that later :)23:40
reinobwho can edit Terms of Use?23:40
reinob(sorry I've been away a minute or two. I think the router overheated..)23:40
Win7Macthat's something for techstaff, a link to the wiki should be fine IMHO23:40
peterleinchenwin7mac, as long as not EVERYbody can edit that page, right?23:41
reinobdo we have any sort of access control in the Wiki?23:42
Win7Macthose pages can be edited by techstaff only afaik23:42
juicemeI have no edit rights there, just tried it :)23:42
reinobMy first experience was when posting the CoC23:42
peterleinchenyes, we have. ask sixwheeledbeast or rZr, not me ;)23:42
reinobOK that's for legal/terms_of_use, but if we point to the wiki from there we need to make sure the wiki (that page) is somehow locked23:43
Win7Macoh. right23:43
Win7Macwikipages can be locked to author...23:44
juicemethere is some protection for the wiki; you need to be logged on at least to make any modifications (so no random outsiders can modify it)23:44
juicemeWin7Mac thanks23:44
reinobyeah but then peterleinchen can make changes at will :))))23:44
reinobif we can lock to author, but author = group (council) NOT ME (I won't live forever :)23:45
juicemegroup is better but if not doable, then just someone as that can be changed later.23:46
juicemeanyway, I need to drop off soon23:46
reinobme too23:46
reinobwe still have competition and elections/referendums (referenda?)23:46
juicemeso we need to continue on that later23:47
reinobmaybe for next week? and/or we discuss per e-mail and wrap up next tuesday23:47
juicemealso to finalize the categories23:47
juicemeand discuss timelines23:47
reinobyes. I admit I'm a bit of without a plan on that topic, but I'll do my best to contribute23:47
reinob(i.e. I'll say yes)23:48
juicemehey, any takers for election handling?23:48
Win7Machonestly, electiom about swearfilter?!23:48
juicemeI will coach, but I'd like someone else too to know how the ropes are being pulled behind the scenes...23:48
reinobwe should do like e-mail. end-user filtering :)23:48
reinobI'd be interested, but I'm not sure I have the time23:49
juicemeit does take some time, but the basic operations are fairly easy.23:49
reinob(or a good example for an election). I think swear filter would be cool but a bit of a joke :)23:49
Win7MacI'm not tech-savvy enough for such tasks, sadly23:49
reinobthen I'll do that23:49
juicemewhen it gets *not* easy are the special cases :)23:49
reinobI can add that to my CV :)23:50
juicemeand then you need to be handy with php & mysql console :)23:50
juicemesure, real good cv material :)23:50
reinobSQL is OK-ish. PHP I hate as a language, but will live with it23:50
peterleinchenjuiceme, interested too, but ...23:50
reinobI forgot I'm a beamter. Don't need no CV :)23:50
juicemephp is crap but we have to live with it. the whole midgard is full of it23:51
reinobcivil servant23:51
juicemeah, tenure for life :)23:51
reinobwell, I cannot really say anything, but things are a-changing..23:51
reinobdrop the really. I cannot say anything23:51
juicemebut indeed, I seriously thought of rewriteing the whole election backend in node.js but then I do also have a life :)23:52
reinobI probably dislike JS more than PHP, so it's OK.23:52
juicemeokay can do it in C too if you feel better that way :p23:53
reinobC C C C (read like "Si Si Si Si" in my mother tongue!)23:53
juicemeand I do hate browser-js but node is another beast alltogether...23:54
* HtheB is afk for a little while23:54
juicemeHtheB, nite then, I'll be dropping off quite soon23:54
reinobI know, but it's a hack of language, like PHP, without the hack-ness of Perl and without the elegance of C or Lisp.23:55
reinobgotta leave too23:55
peterleinchenany result on "who can add CoC link to T&C"?23:55
Win7MacI'll email techstaff23:55
reinobjuiceme: I'll contact you in the next days (otherwise ping me) re. election stuff23:55
juicemeyou'd be amazed to know what's being done with it currently. but of course the hackkishness aspect is true too23:56
peterleinchenreinob, or put that on mail to techstaff, too23:56
reinobWin7Mac: thanks23:56
juicemeso, nite all!23:56
peterleinchenwin7mac, thx23:56
peterleinchenjuiceme, night23:56
reinobpeterleinchen: better keep it separate (Win7Mac already said he'll do it)23:56
reinobgood night all23:56
Win7Macseperate what?23:57
reinobthe e-mail to techstaffd re. adding link to T&C23:57
peterleinchenwin7mac, you about the CoC link23:57
peterleinchenreinob, about the e-mail spam23:58
Win7Macyes, I'll email techstaff, what else?23:58
Win7Macah, ok23:58
Win7Macyes, seperately please ;)23:58
reinobgood. then good night23:59
Win7Macgnite everyone23:59

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