IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2015-11-17

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*** Win7Mac has joined #maemo-meeting22:17
juicemenot much going on here yet...22:23
juicemeYou had good proposal for the categories, I think we should go with that22:24
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Win7Macsorry, afk for a while22:26
*** HtheB has joined #maemo-meeting22:31
HtheBfinally connected!22:31
HtheBhad some troubles with my client22:31
HtheByou're here!22:32
juicemebad cellular?22:32
HtheBthought you would be absent22:32
HtheBno, bad server of freenode I guess :P22:32
HtheBsomehow it always tried to connect to the same server the whole time22:32
HtheBand then some baby emergency was calling me :P22:32
HtheBbut here I am now :D22:32
juicemewhat client are you using?22:32
juicemeooo mIRC, last seen that last millenium :)22:33
HtheBI love Fish22:33
juicememy wife used to use mIRC then, 15 years back22:33
juicemenothing beats irssi, it wins all hands down :)22:33
juicemebut hey, you mentioned baby, which means; congratlations! :)22:34
HtheBthanks! ^^22:35
*** reinob has joined #maemo-meeting22:37
HtheBplease lets poke people22:37
reinobHi all22:40
reinobI'll join in ~30min or so22:40
HtheBo/ reinob22:40
HtheBplease dont make it late guys, juiceme is +1 remember22:40
reinobfamily issues. sorry.22:41
juicemeyes, and had pretty weary day, again. Our build engines are acting badly this week which means all work is stacking up :(22:41
juicemereinob, np.22:42
reinobsorry it's not gonna work today. really sorry23:24
HtheBno problem23:28
HtheBlets do something then today?23:28
HtheBI am seriously getting annoyed with the webdevelopments requests23:28
HtheBand stuff23:28
*** M4rtinK has joined #maemo-meeting23:57

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