IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2015-11-03

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juicemehiya all!22:04
reinobhi there!22:05
juicemehow's things?22:05
reinobbusy. as usual. but Ok..22:07
reinoband you?22:07
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reinobhey peterleinchen!22:08
juicemesame here. missed the last weeks meeting due to having too much to do both at work & at home...22:08
peterleinchenreinob, hi22:08
peterleinchenhi all22:08
reinobno prob. I guess we don't really.have that.much to discuss here22:09
juicemethe swearwörd filter :)22:09
juicemeand competitions22:10
reinobyup I had that in mind :)22:10
peterleinchenand yes22:10
reinobbtw I still don't appear as council in tmo22:10
peterleinchenreinob, I did not for my full first cc time :)22:11
peterleinchenbut you should contact chemist22:11
juicemewell it's not supposed to be so that you only gain the status on your 2nd term :)22:12
peterleinchenabout swearing: I -personally- see no reason to change22:14
peterleinchenexcept that smartwatch thing22:14
juicemebut indeed, chem|st should be able to do that to you22:14
peterleinchenbut that is solved22:14
juicemepeterleinchen, you want it back the way it was :p22:14
peterleinchenno :) just leave as is22:15
juicememmh, like HtheB demonstrated, you can really badmouth there if you want to, just insert the invisible chars in your banwords22:16
juicememyself, I see no reason for a filter like that.22:16
reinobI'd just get rid of it. we are fucking educated grown ups :)22:16
juicemebut on the other hand, it does not bother me that it exists22:17
peterleinchenyou can always if you really want22:17
juicemeyou'r bloody right there :)22:17
peterleinchenand yes exist does not arm22:17
peterleinchenarm = harm22:17
reinobI'm not personally bothered by it but I see no need for it22:17
peterleinchena first border is good22:18
juicemecould be it's required on some countries, perhaps?22:18
peterleinchenas it is a public forum22:18
peterleinchencould be ....22:18
reinobso when's the referendum? :) we need people to get involved22:18
peterleinchenomg do not say the word22:19
juicemeheh, yes, we could set up voting for it22:19
juicemewhaddya guess, how many people would participate?22:19
peterleinchenfirst ask chemist22:20
juicemeas the topic is so trivial could be we'd have a landslide there... hundred's o votes22:20
juicemeunlike the serious stuff that gets just about 70 votes or so22:21
peterleinchena few, less than 70, probably less than 3022:21
reinobexactly. but still. it might be  a good experience. i have the feeling that interest in community is decreasing..22:22
peterleinchensecond is true22:22
juicemeno harm in thinking about it, though.22:23
juicemecould be fun :)22:23
juicemedo you want to tighten/loosen/abolish/whatever the current filter22:24
reinobkeep or remove. tightening would be too complex22:25
peterleinchenyes, keep (or remove)22:25
juicemewas trying to come up with funny alternatives :)22:26
peterleinchenjuiceme, okay elaborate on whatever22:26
juicemeokay, have you had any thoughts about the possible competition?22:31
juicememy pet idea would be (at least one category) as "compability", meaning SW usable on more than one device22:32
reinobnice idea22:35
peterleinchenmartink asked for an "upgrade" category,i.e. existing but changing/extending SW22:35
peterleinchenI guess for ......... modrana?22:36
juicemeeither applications that runs "as is" on more than one device or that are ported at the same time for more than one platform22:36
juicemesure :)22:36
peterleinchenbut I support that, too22:36
juicemenaturally shell-scripts, python, nodejs, all these are good candidates22:37
peterleinchenno limitations on prog lang at all22:37
juicemeor compiled apps that can be built from same sources22:38
peterleinchenlast code comp ad lots of categories.maybe too much22:40
peterleinchenas we will not have that number of devs active anzmore22:40
juicemethat is true too22:40
juicemequite a few left when N9 was abandoned22:41
peterleinchenyep. and for n900 there was not too much new apps lately22:41
peterleinchendo we want the SFOS to be a competition possibility?22:43
juicemeyes, I would not want to leave any of our devices out22:45
juicemeandroids/IOS'ses/windozes are a different thingy22:45
juicemebut I consider SFOS valid since it is Mer22:46
peterleinchenwut, a nice win app does not count? :o22:46
juicemeI have to confess I haven't even got a clue how to develop apps for winphones22:47
peterleinchenofc SFOS should count too. but Iguess as an own category.22:47
juicemeprobably you'd need some MS tools for that, something that'd run on an OS that I haven't got :)22:48
peterleinchenjuiceme, ah yes for winPHONE: mee too.22:48
juicemewhatsit called, developer studio I think?22:49
peterleinchenvisual studio22:49
peterleinchensince ages22:49
juicemeyes, that one :)22:49
juicemeheh, some years back I did do some compiling on a winxp box, when I needed to port an application running on windoze to linux, but we had mingw as compiler22:51
juiceme(mingw = gcc port for Win)22:51
juicemeso did not need Developer Studio :)22:51
juicemebut am sidetracking22:52
peterleinchennowadays you can run gcc under cygwin or gnuwin22:52
juicemeso, categories needed. per device or per app type?22:52
juicemeor some other division?22:52
reinobdont know about sfos. isn't it outta scope?22:52
peterleinchengood question22:52
juicemereinob how so? it's Mer-based, and it's got QT22:53
peterleinchenreinob, I thougt so, too. first22:53
peterleinchenbut we should not exclude it22:53
peterleinchenbut make an own category, else we get overwelmed22:54
peterleinchenand no entries for maemo devices ....22:54
juicemeyes, hence I was thinking whether the categories should be horizontal or vertical, whether make the division based on the OS or based on the application category22:55
reinobbut sfos has already a(nother) community. or I am confused?22:55
juicemepeterleinchen, think so? sure there's still development for Fremantle?22:55
juicemeTJC is not actually a community same way as TMO is22:56
juicemeit's not self-governed, not self-sufficent, not developer-driven22:56
peterleinchenjust guess so. or am afraid of22:57
peterleinchentjc is just an ask-box and it is wanted that way22:57
peterleinchendid you ever try to discuss someting there?22:58
peterleinchenwith answer and/or comments?22:58
juicemeyes, but it is not really that fruitful22:58
juicemehave both asked and answered22:58
peterleinchenand not possible to track afterwards22:59
juicemebut the mechanism of askbot is not geared towards long-standing discussions22:59
juicemeI'd say it is impossible to build a community around that kind of interaction22:59
reinobOK. if nobody will be angry that we include sfos in our competition then I'm all for it.23:00
peterleinchenabout cats I propose to distinguish in OS23:00
reinobjuiceme: i agree. tjc is a mess23:00
juicemeI am sure there will be people who complain. Whichever way we decide :p23:00
reinobexcept for the portability category23:00
reinobjuiceme: yep23:01
peterleinchenno one will be angry. lots of devs switched23:01
reinobdo we then have a list of categories?23:02
juicemefor each device; category for games, location-apps, business-apps, media-apps?23:03
juiceme(for example)23:03
juicemeand then category for portability/compability23:03
reinoband for each category: new or upgrade? or must all be stuff?23:07
reinobnew stuff I mean23:07
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juicemegood question. which you feel is appropriate, it is for us to decide23:10
peterleinfor updating it may be hard to decide what is enough23:11
juicemepeterleinchen, so on 2012 competition there was no device-based divisions23:12
juicemepeterlein, true too. a colour scheme change or one new game level might not count as an update enough :)23:12
peterleinbefore fixing categories we sould alsoknow what (how much prices) we have to give away23:14
juicemeI'd like to say a complete new SW would be a good requirement, except for the compability category where porting an existing application to another device could count as a valid entry?23:15
reinobI'd go for new developments or really major updates. but latter is hard to judge, but I suppose if we get a statement of what is planned we can quickly decide23:16
juicemeyes, and wether to have prizes of devices or money23:16
reinobto me porting is equivalent to new software23:16
reinob(in this context)23:17
reinobre. prize/device. didn't win7mac said that would be a matter for Maemo e.V.?23:18
reinobafter all, we make proposals to them23:19
juicemechem|st said that i think23:19
reinobyes. sorry I mixed up23:19
juicemeyes, we draw up the competition rules and board arranges for prizes23:19
juicemenp :)23:19
reinobbut we need then some feedback before we can draw up the rules :)23:20
reinobor we just decide which categories and see what the board says23:20
juicemeI'd say we do that.23:20
reinobhtheb and win7mac not there23:21
juicemewe can engage them later.23:21
juicemewhat I propose is we continue by email thru the next week, and finalize what we want it to be like.23:22
reinobOk. can you send an initial proposal and we complete/amend it?23:23
peterleinjuiceme, yes. let us sleep one night and continue via mail, next week23:23
juicemeI'll do that tomorrow23:23
reinobfine. no hurry23:23
peterleinwhen to announce?23:24
juicemeso, unless AOB we hit da sack?23:24
juicemeannouncement when we get confirmation on prizes23:24
reinobnext tue we do final check/decision. when Ok from eV we announce23:25
peterleinI would not hurry, but we could get some attraction and input23:25
reinobwe can informally pre-announce23:25
reinobthere are irc logs anyway23:25
juicemeheh, I wonder how many people actively read da irclogs :)23:26
reinobnsa? :)23:26
juicemeoo, sure them23:26
peterleinyes. and how  much percentage of TMOlers know about irc?23:26
peterleinor even read???23:26
juicemeI'd wager a guess pretty many, 20% maybe?23:27
reinobwho cares :) good night!23:27
juicemegnite all!23:27
peterleinjuiceme, sleep well23:27
peterleinreinob, night23:28
chem|streinob: yeah I said that, this way no 'person' has ever control over prizes, and devices might be donated to MCeV and be provided as loaner too (optional requirement by donator)23:31
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