IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Wednesday, 2015-10-28

Guest31955M4rtinK, ahoj. Good to hear.00:03
Guest31955oh again a guest :(00:03
M4rtinKideally in a "substantial improvement to existing app" category00:04
M4rtinKas in the previous competitions00:04
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peterleinchen_M4rtinK, we are just thinking loud atm00:05
M4rtinKas starting a new app just for a competition is IMHO kinda superfluous if an existing one could be substantially improved :)00:05
M4rtinKpeterleinchen_: sure, just providing some feedback :)00:05
peterleinchen_yeah :)00:06
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HtheBI have the best app ever guys00:13
HtheByou wont ever beat PulleyMyFinger 2.000:13
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chem|stHtheB: reinob don't think too much about prices and stuff, once a competition is to take place MCeV will collect donations (devices/money/whatever) and once we have done that we can talk about what to offer for what, but more important is to set up a competition in the firstplace11:52
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HtheBchem|st: sounds ok16:17
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