IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2015-10-13

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peterleinchen___hi, I feel sick and think I am going to bed now, read some tmo and fall asleep21:13
peterleinchen___so do not wait for me, even I join I will be silent reader ('HEAD')21:14
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Win7MacI'm partially afk today22:05
reinobwas gonna say I'd wait 30mins or so22:06
Win7Macget well soon peterleinchen!22:06
reinobis he sick?22:06
Win7Mache said so22:07
reinobah OK22:07
Win7Macanyone else present?22:11
reinobguess juiceme will show up22:13
reinobdont know about htb22:13
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juicemesorry am a bit late, just drove from Rust to Darmstad and it is quite wearying...22:31
juicemereinob hi22:32
juicemeWin7Mac, just left?22:32
juicemepeterleinchen___, u still here?22:32
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juicemeWin7Mac, hi22:36
juicemeanything up for tonight22:37
reinobpeterleinchen is apparently ill22:41
reinobwin7mac and I are around22:41
reinobhtb still missing22:41
juicemeyes, got so much. hope he'll get better22:41
juicemeI'm in germany now btw, visiting my cousin in Darmstadt22:42
reinobre. topics: I have not yet prepared my code-of-conduct draft. started but got carried away with other stuff22:42
reinobwilkommen :)22:42
juicemedanke schön22:42
reinobwe need to organize some sort of rl meeting. preferably in munich :)22:43
juicemeyes, there's so much to do sometimes. My last week was awfully hectic at work, tried to get all the stuff done so I can go for a weeks vacation22:43
juicemeMunich is on the wrong side of the country :)22:44
reinobyou're just holding it wrong22:44
juicemejust drove today to Rust and back, went to Europe Park with my son. And it is only 250 one way... still it was pretty wearing22:45
juicemegranted we left at 07:00 and were back just some time ago...22:45
juicemeso a long day22:45
reinobmaybe we can just drop the meeting so you get your rest and peterleinchen gets better and and :)22:46
reinobafter all chatting while being a guest is sorta unpolite22:46
juicemeI'll be up for some time before going to bed... not too long though.22:46
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reinobOK. I'll look every now and then in case somebody else shows up or a topic for discussion22:52
reinobas for c-o-c: I will do it but cannot promise exactly when :)22:53
Win7Macwhat about frickin meeting minutes?22:57
Win7Macand CC?22:57
juicemeWin7Mac, I promised to help with the minutes but unfortunately was too busy last week to do anything about it23:02
juicemegnite all!23:09
reinobgood night!23:09
Win7Macwhat a meeting... ;)23:09
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reinobWin7Mac: maybe next week we can ask htb if he'd rather I write the minutes?23:09
reinobI'll see if I write an email to the council in the next few days. otherwise we only get spam :)23:11
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