IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2015-09-29

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peterleinchenin time! ??21:58
reinobHurra! :)21:58
juicemepeterleinchen, hi!21:59
juicemereinob, hi!21:59
juicemeOksana, hi!22:00
reinobhi all!22:00
reinobwe're still missing the chairman..22:06
juicemeI suppose he comes when he's got time :)22:07
reinobdoes anyone know the status of the irc cloaks?22:07
reinoband the other stuff we asked for from techstaff22:08
juicemeI can arrange for the cloaks, but I didn't get answer to the question i need to know;22:10
juicemehave all councillors regitered their nicks22:10
juicemehave you?22:10
juicemeokay, then I can ask for cloaks22:11
juicemestill need to check htheb, as win7mac has registered his22:11
reinobI'm no IRC expert. /whois htheb shows "account: HtheB". does that mean his nick is registered?22:13
juicemenot necesarily22:13
reinobOh OK22:13
juicemeit just means that's who is logged by the name at the moment22:14
juicemeif it is not registered, somebody could well claim it when it is unussed22:14
juicemeif somebody tries to do that to an registered nick, system will kick him out of it in 30 seconds unless it is refreshed by providing password22:16
juiceme(as sure you know as you have registered nick :)22:16
reinobwhen I start irssi I always see a notice that my nick is registered and should  identify, which irssi does. so I'm sure I'm registered :)22:16
juicemeah you have a script for it. I usually am always connected so need to identify only if a netsplit trashes my credentials.22:20
reinobnetsplit? sounds dangerous :) I just read the irssi manual and added the credentials there :)22:22
peterleinchenreinob, irssi on desktop?22:24
peterleinchenor n900?22:24
reinobon a VPS, connected from laptop via ssh22:24
reinobmy N900 is now in a drawer. Experimenting with jolla-only22:24
reinobbut for IRC Jolla (even with my new TOHKBD) doesn't cut it22:24
peterleinchennow on via irc on jolla22:25
reinobI like the Jolla but I miss my N900. Now I only have a micro-SIM so N900 is out, but I can use it as tablet. As it was intended :)22:26
peterleinchenbut love bitchx via n90022:26
peterleinchenI cannot let it go22:26
juicemeintresting, so you have native bitchX on n900?22:27
reinobas I said, it's an experiment. I don't think I could live without the N900. I quit smoking 3 years ago. I cannot quit N900ing :)22:27
peterleinchenand jolla does not cut it (at all)22:27
peterleinchenjuiceme, yes ofc, since ever22:27
peterleinchenreinob, :)22:28
juicemewell, IMHO Jolla works pretty nice on my setup; ssh to my server where I have irssi session under screen.22:28
juicemepeterleinchen, bitchX was my favourite client in the 90'es :)22:28
reinobwith TOHKBD or with VKB?22:28
juicemeTOHOKBD ofc, cannot use VKB for that22:29
juicemeor could but it is like eating glass22:29
juicemenot recommended22:29
peterleinchenbut typing on jolla is more lame and exausting as on n90022:29
reinobOK. My TOHKBD has some keys which are not (yet?) reliably recognized.22:30
peterleinchenand it misses hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh22:30
juicemeand since I got my scandic-chars working with help from kimmoli, I am using it to IRC fairly often :)22:30
reinobI got QWERTZ working with the files I saw (from him?) on TMO22:30
juicemepeterleinchen yes when the connection breaks it is like that :)22:31
peterleinchenwat about copy/paste since sfos2?22:31
peterleinchenmine is broken22:31
juicemeand I am still a bit afraid if someone pushes me in train for example that I drop the device when holding from KBD22:32
juicemecopy/paste is broken in browser, otherwice it works22:32
peterleinchenah I see, using jolla as web pad :(22:33
peterleinchenso we are again in state 2013/2014?22:33
reinobwas wondering: do we have anything to discuss today?22:34
reinobI mean, "official" stuff22:34
juicemewait, we'se in the 2000's? I never left 90's22:34
reinobI'm in the 80s ;-)22:34
juicemereinob, prolly not much22:35
juicemethere were some things left hanging last time22:35
reinobthen I might leave early. busy/shitty week continues. tomorrow I have oral proceedings in the morning. friday again..22:35
peterleinchenonly thing: is council group set up22:36
peterleinchenon tmo as well as mo22:36
peterleinchenreinob, okay bye22:36
reinobI can stay a few minutes..22:36
peterleinchenjuiceme, good22:36
juicemereinob, when the TMO group has been set, you will see a small tag "community council" next to your postings on TMO22:37
peterleinchenthen I would like htheb to send draft of MoM22:37
reinobone point: I sometimes get spam e-mails from council/garage address. Cannot confirm now because I've deleted them. Maybe we could implement a spam filter on incoming mails to a mailing list.22:38
juicemeyes, did he consult you on writing minutes?22:38
peterleinchenthis weeks is not necessary but last 2 times22:38
reinobjuiceme: thanks. I'll keep an eye22:38
peterleinchenjuiceme, not yet. just said he would22:38
juicemereinob spam is continuing annoyment today. I also get stuff destined for Maemo22:39
juicemeas well as spam masquarading to be from banks and so on22:39
peterleinchenreinob, I also just delete that spam22:39
reinobyeah, but I mean spammer sends e-mail to and we all get the spam message22:39
reinobI don't know if filters incoming mail22:40
peterleinchenasked for that year ago, as it started ten to get worse22:46
reinobgot an answer? :)22:46
peterleinchennow about daily spam mail(s)22:46
reinobit's not that bad. it just looks bad. maybe we can add this as a point to check with techstaff.22:46
juicemethe council list is just a mail bouncer script22:46
juicemethere is no filters afaik22:46
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juicemewhat happened just now?22:46
juicemewell the volume of spam is less than one a day22:47
*** juiceme is now known as Guest5231622:47
reinobwhat do you mean "just now"22:47
Guest52316which is manageable by just deleting22:47
Guest52316ahh that one again22:47
Guest52316netsplit... I was "guested" :(22:47
reinobwho are you, what did you do with juiceme! :)22:47
reinobnetsplit: are you know in a parallel universe?22:48
reinobwe're still entangled, so don't worry22:48
peterleinchenjuiceme, where are you ;)22:49
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reinobjuiceme is not anywhere. he just is.22:49
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Guest52316HtheB, hi!22:49
HtheBoh ffs, i didn't realize the time ! >.<22:49
peterleinchenhtheb, hi22:50
reinobHi HtheB!22:50
Guest52316and you were *so* telling reinob the time earlier :) :)22:50
peterleinchenhtheb, YOU are late :)22:50
reinobit's OK :)22:52
Guest52316hmm there's really some heavy load on the irc network atm. I cannot regain my nick a nickserv has latency... :(22:52
reinob(says me, who failed to show up last week..)22:52
Guest52316ya, no problem22:52
reinobso, maybe to summarize, as far as I've understood:22:53
reinobjuiceme will ask for the cloaks22:54
reinobsoon we'll see on TMO our status as council22:54
reinobspam via mailing lists is not really a problem, but might need to be addressed22:54
reinobjolla vkb is cool but doesn't cut it for IRC. N900 nostalgia is alive and kicking22:54
reinobthat's about it22:55
Guest52316good summary.22:55
Guest52316HtheB, by the way I am juiceme22:55
Guest52316I was netsplitted and cannot regain my mick now as nickserv has latency.22:56
reinobyeah right and I'm santa claus22:56
reinobah too late :)22:56
Guest52316btw santa claus lives here...22:56
Guest52316and not near munich22:56
reinobI know :)22:56
reinobHe's now at the Wiesn getting drunk22:57
HtheBGuest52316: juiceme_ << ?22:57
Guest52316HtheB; -->
Guest52316that's how it happened22:58
peterleinchenguest52316, you have no second nick?23:00
Guest52316what's wrong with guest52316234658923410327551234892 ?23:00
*** Guest52316 is now known as _juiceme_23:01
reinobit's not a prime number. otherwise it's fine23:01
peterleinchennothing :)23:01
_juiceme_but is fibonacci23:01
* _juiceme_ challenges reinob to prove me wrong23:01
peterleinchen5 and 2 is not 323:02
peterleinchenproven wrong23:02
_juiceme_foiled again23:02
peterleinchenreinob, sorry, just tookover23:03
reinobI had a nice proof, but couldn't type it with the jolla vkb23:03
reinob(modern day Fermat)23:03
_juiceme_HtheB, one thing I needed to ask (could be I did last time, cannot remember) is have you registered your nick?23:03
peterleinchenreinob, :):):)23:04
_juiceme_reinob, excellent futurebait :)23:04
_juiceme_just noticed today that there's new version 1.1.1 of HADK out there, dated just 2 weeks back. Maybe I should try porting the newest SFOS to my nexus and see if something has changed.23:06
_juiceme_the previous one was more than 6 months old23:06
peterleinchenthey released it with 1.1.9.x23:08
_juiceme_seems so.23:08
peterleinchenHtheB, what about MoM drafts? (last two)23:08
_juiceme_but there's no changelog23:08
reinobFIB139 = 5009530124805839113932791626123:12
HtheB_juiceme_ registered on freenode?23:12
HtheBdo you mean *23:12
reinobFIB140 = 8105590009602350419720640860523:12
_juiceme_HtheB yes23:12
reinobyour are in the middle, so no fib from you23:12
HtheBtry changing it :)23:12
*** HtheB is now known as HtheB_23:12
HtheB_try grabbing my nick :P23:12
_juiceme_HtheB good.23:12
*** _juiceme_ is now known as HtheB23:13
reinobthis is getting surreal23:13
HtheB_you should be getitng kicked in a minute :P23:13
HtheB_or not?...23:13
HtheBhmm not throwing me out yet...23:13
HtheBand no warning yet, it should issue that immediately?23:14
reinobI'm going to have to leave now. Guys be nice and don't take my nick.23:14
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reinobOh well, I'll leave the tmux session open :)23:14
*** peterleinchen is now known as HtheB23:14
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reinobGood night and talk next week23:15
reinobOh FFS23:15
HtheB_I'm kicking them :P23:15
reinobwho are you!23:15
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HtheB_peter, wanna get kicked?23:15
HtheB_here you go23:15
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reinobshow thy true name!23:15
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HtheBheh :D23:16
peterleinthanks :)23:16
HtheBseems like /ns ghost <username> <pass> will kick the user who is using your nick23:16
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HtheBwb juiceme_23:17
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juiceme_was kicked really hard on da balls23:17
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HtheBseems like /ns ghost <username> <pass> will kick the user who is using your nick23:17
juiceme_yes, learned a lesson I did :)23:17
juiceme_I was expecting to be guested but was booted instead23:18
*** group is now known as _peterleinchen23:19
HtheBboot to the head23:19
HtheBI still haven't upped the shit of last 2 meetings :/23:19
HtheBi should do it now23:19
HtheB>.< I'm so lazy lol23:19
_peterleinchenyes go go go :)23:19
_peterleinchenno prob being late23:20
_peterleinchenbut it sums up and then getting real work ...23:20
*** reinob has joined #maemo-meeting23:20
_peterleinchenreinob, good morning23:20
reinobdirect from jolla with vkb :)23:20
reinobjust testing23:21
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juiceme_reinob, nice to see you back :) :923:21
*** juiceme_ is now known as _^_juiceme_^_23:22
_peterleinchen_juiceme, nice one too23:22
reinobI'll leave again soon :) unless something important needs to be discussed23:22
_^_juiceme_^_nope just fooling around23:22
reinobhey irc wirh vkb is not that bad :)23:22
_^_juiceme_^_the visible text area is so small23:23
_peterleinchen_reinob,no, we will discuss and decide on top of your head23:23
_^_juiceme_^_when there's lots of actions, you cannot keep it up23:23
_^_juiceme_^_as it scrolls too fst23:23
_peterleinchen_dolpin keyboard cam be resized23:23
reinobOK it's not like I don't trust you guys23:23
_peterleinchen_pre-announce, as today no urgent topics I will opt out soon23:25
_peterleinchen_aving some sleep :)23:25
_^_juiceme_^_hmm yes, could do the same really23:25
_^_juiceme_^_HtheB, anything from you?23:26
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peterleinchen___gnight then23:28
HtheBnight I guess :D23:30
_^_juiceme_^_at least today not much to write home about :) :)23:32
_^_juiceme_^_okay, I'll drop off too.23:35
*** _^_juiceme_^_ is now known as juiceme_sleeping23:35
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