IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2015-09-08

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pmgcrise and shine everybody!21:58
pmgcI'm a wee bit early today...and I do have to go out to ship some work off in a bit...Labour Day yesterday... with everything closed threw off my work schedule....but I will be back well before meetings close I'm sure...and will read over whatever I miss to play catch up22:02
pmgcI will be heading out at 1930 UTC if there is anything anybody who gets here early wants to fill me in on...I'll be kicking around here until then...then I gotta go ship this pipe up..otherwise see everybody in a few :)22:04
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juicemehiya all!23:01
juicemepeterleinchen, hi23:01
juicemesvetlana, hi23:01
svetlanaHi all23:01
juicemepmgc, hi23:01
juicemeoh, he's gone23:01
peterleinchenjuiceme, BIG thanks to you for getting the voting machine up !23:01
peterleinchensvetlana, nice to read you23:02
juicemepeterleinchen, it was a bloody pain this time23:02
peterleinchenI imagine so :(23:03
juicemeI really don't know what was the problem with the referendum, had to redo it thrice23:03
peterleinchenthat means at least three free beers for you if you ever make it to my location :)23:03
juicemeI had both of them set up before, so I kicked the send-mail-button early enough before the deadline but then I noticed the referendum did not show up the options, it was blank23:04
juicemehehee, I might even be able to collect on that :)23:04
juicemeremember I told you I have a cousin who lives just next to frankfurt23:05
juicemeam going to visit her in a month :)23:05
peterleinchenwould be nice :)23:05
juicemewhereabouts are you located, anywhere near darmstad?23:06
svetlana#maemo was talking about it and figured out that the working personalised vote link is format (the one in the email takes to list of votes and does not pass the token when the users click them) but I think it's just for the next votes, not to re-send the current ones. In the email the "vote.php" bit is missing23:09
peterleinchensvetlana, could you already get any information about the legal thing (of posing links)?23:10
svetlanafound someone to follow-up with former nokia employee about it - I'm keeping half of an eye on that and if that does not work, asking SFLC might be a nice idea23:11
peterleinchensvetlana, thanks. keep us informed, please23:13
svetlanawill do :)23:13
juicemesvetlana, you are correct. The problem is just the template the mail is made from, really easy to correct :)23:14
juicemefound that out too late :(23:14
peterleinchenan old steel making plant where you can climb up the oven23:15
juicemeand that was just my mistyping it when I set up the template. Oh well, maybe next time it will work allright.23:15
peterleinchenoops, sorry. wrong channel ;)23:16
svetlanajuiceme: no problem, as long as there is a note for next time it should be all good23:16
juicemeBut the problem with setting up the referendum was a different thing. I just could not make the choices visible, after the referendum went online it hasd just 2 blank entries in the list-to-choose-from23:17
peterleinchencar museum could be in Duesseldorf23:20
juicemeI had an insight that it _could_ be related to having a comma in the selection, since I tried in vain to have the choices be somthing like "Yes, I want council to be part of Maemo Community officially" and "No, I want things to continue as they are" and was not possible.23:21
juicemefinally succeeded with just "Yes" and "No"23:22
juicemesvetlana, just now fixed the link in the temlates. Next time it should come out allright...23:30
svetlanacool. you're the best :)23:31
peterleinchenwhat about other topic in this meeting?23:52
juicemehmm, election: ongoing :)23:52
juicemereferendum: ongoing :)23:52
peterleinchenokay :) let us keep it going and I will go to bed23:53
juicemeand some happy statistics; now we have had both open for just over 3 days and already people are voting nicely23:53
juicemeas compared to last elections, Q2/2014 had 83 votes, and Q4/2014 had 82 votes23:54
juicemebut now we already have 70 votes in for the Council and 94 for the rederendum :)23:55
juicemeand there's still half a week to go :)23:55
peterleinchenthat is really surpring! but the positive way! :)23:56
juicemeso at least the referendum got good reception, it is always easier to just vote yes/now than line up candidates23:58

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