IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2015-09-01

*** Svetlana is now known as svetlana02:21
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*** peterlein has joined #maemo-meeting22:58
*** peterlein is now known as peterleinchen23:04
*** Win7Mac has joined #maemo-meeting23:21
peterleinchenoh, somone here23:30
juicemeyeah, was a bit late, sorry23:31
peterleinchenuh, just aother one23:31
juicemeanyway, i have some info items23:32
peterleinchensorry for missing letters (blame dirkvl ;)23:32
juiceme1. paid up today the bill for TM registration and owner change23:32
peterleinchenyeah? go ahead23:32
juicemeyes, and we currently own the EU trademark also in name, and not only as heirs of Nokia :)23:33
peterleinchenso we (you) may announce that on tmo?23:34
juiceme2. karma indeed is broken, and I have been looking at the reason but not confirmed it yet23:34
Win7Macgreat juiceme, how much did it cost after all?23:34
juicemeyes, it could be announced23:34
peterleinchenkarma broken? again?23:34
peterleinchenI possibly recall vaguely23:35
juicemeit was just under 2500 eur23:35
juicemeso we have some for reserve for the next time we need to renew trademarks23:36
Win7Macnext time?23:37
peterleinchencanada? ;)23:37
juicemeabout the karma issue, seems the karma plugins for maemo are running but not updating the TMO postings and thanks karma. Possibly the rest of karma (wiki & garage) is OK23:38
peterleinchenlast time it was those calculatios only triggered more week wise than our/day wise23:41
peterleinchenjuiceme, what is important: contemplation started23:42
juicemeyes, i thought too late that we should have invited all candidates to this meeting23:43
peterleinchenwe need to send out ballots on saturday23:43
juicemethat's why the problem with karma is bad23:43
juicemeI have talked with woody about it, and he gave some sugestions23:44
peterleinchenah, I see. cause of validity of voters?23:44
juicemeunfortunately I was in hospital for a day last weekend and am still a bit behind in things23:45
juiceme(no, no accidents this time.... kindney stones)23:45
peterleinchenjuiceme, again biking?23:45
juicemenope, internal problem that really hurts like hell23:46
juicemeso it seems I keep on piling theses things, both internal and external :)23:47
peterleinchenI do not see real prob with that anyway23:48
peterleinchenhow many would vote23:48
juicemebut back to the karma, indeed the validity is a problem, however it can be amended, there is a way to pull in the correct karma values in the voting engine, have to see if that is possible23:48
peterleinchenof those new accounts (minimum karma 10, right?)23:49
juicemetrue too.. probably all who would vote already have karma enough since probably voted last time too23:49
juicemeyes, I think the case of newcomers wanting to vote is fairly low23:49
peterleinchenguess so, we could  mail those way under 100 manually :)23:49
peterleinchenand even there are they just need to drop a mail or post on tmo23:50
peterleinchenmanual (re)sending ballot then23:51
juicemeyes, it is possible if there are not too many cases23:51
peterleinchendo not think so, automatic karma would be nice but not high prio23:52
peterleinchenanything I can do to help you?23:52
juicemedepends, if you'd like to look at the karma scripts it could help, maybe a second opinion is good thing :)23:54
juicemething is, midgard is something I'm not that familiar with :)23:54
peterleinchenneither one of us ;)23:55
juicemewoody assures me that the plugins are loaded and working, because the actual posts&thanks fields show up in Garage stats, they would not be there at all if plugins were not up23:55
peterleinchenwhere are those scripts? not yet any access23:55
juicemeon www, do you have login there?23:56
peterleinchenyou mean normal account on
juicemeyes, shell account like on garage23:59

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