peterleinchen | aob? else I will leave for bed | 00:01 |
juiceme | nothing else I guess. | 00:04 |
juiceme | Ah one thing | 00:04 |
juiceme | just an announcement, we have now refreshed the european TM :) | 00:04 |
peterleinchen | oh, good! :) | 00:05 |
juiceme | will have more info when the transfer from Nokia to MCeV is ready. | 00:05 |
juiceme | I'd say the donation campaign was real success | 00:06 |
peterleinchen | perfect | 00:06 |
peterleinchen | thanks to all involved | 00:06 |
juiceme | yes! | 00:06 |
peterleinchen | and also to all donors! | 00:07 |
juiceme | I think endsormeans already started to stash money for the canadian TM update sometime next century :) | 00:07 |
peterleinchen | :):):) | 00:08 |
juiceme | it's good to prepare beforehand :) | 00:08 |
juiceme | I think we can end the meeting for now. | 00:08 |
juiceme | gnite all! | 00:09 |
peterleinchen | yes, gn8 | 00:10 |
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*** Oksana_ is now known as Oksana | 02:34 | |
Oksana | Okay, something is broken here: | 03:09 |
Oksana | As in, whatever user I look up, it says "No changes were found matching these criteria." Yet, "Show contributions of new accounts only" works | 03:11 |
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pmgc | Sadly I am excceedingly late ...just couldn't get back in time for the 1pm meet today here prompt next tuesday.. | 06:41 |
Guest10 | you're not later than I am, pmgc (gerbick) | 06:42 |
pmgc | hahahaha...aww...don't feel so bad now...thank gerbick :D | 06:42 |
Guest10 | lol, no prob | 06:42 |
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juiceme | Morning! | 07:16 |
Guest10 | sup juiceme | 07:22 |
Guest10 | it's me, gerbick | 07:22 |
juiceme | hi gerbick | 07:30 |
juiceme | all quiet, all good :) | 07:30 |
juiceme | how's things down there? | 07:31 |
Guest10 | it's been going well, just been crazy | 07:39 |
Guest10 | busy as all | 07:39 |
Guest10 | sorry for disappearing on you guys, went over to Europe for a while, back in the US, just celebrated another birthday and anniversary and having fun. | 07:40 |
Guest10 | and you? I see that it's time for another TMO election! | 07:41 |
juiceme | yes, it is true thaat working sometimes gets between the things you'd like to do | 07:45 |
Guest10 | yep. indeed. | 07:46 |
Guest10 | but gotta pay the bills! | 07:46 |
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juiceme | pmgc hi :) | 08:02 |
pmgc | halllloooooo juice :D | 08:03 |
juiceme | :) | 08:06 |
juiceme | just heading for my morning brew now. | 08:06 |
juiceme | brb | 08:06 |
pmgc | cripes...yeah...I was just thinking it must be late there...I'm thinking about're thinking of bleary-eyed joe isn't even toduy yet is actually today still in the land of Tomorrow!....oooo-eee-eee-aaah! [my scifi sound-effect] | 08:09 |
pmgc | erp! "today" ...not toduy | 08:09 |
pmgc | you enjoy that joe ...I'm hittin' the snort-fort...I'll be up for my joe at around 5-6am ...just about the time you are done your lunch ... nite man :D | 08:11 |
pmgc | chow all | 08:11 |
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