IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2015-08-04

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RzRjuiceme, > #maemo18:27
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pmgcGoooooddd Mooorninggg Topeca!!!!22:59
peterleinchenGood evening22:59
pmgcSorry it is actually 3pm in Topeka right now bad..23:00
pmgcJust got back from morning/ afternoon run with my tri-pawd ...been listening to this whilst I work lately...terribly soothing..awfully calming and centering much so it almost lulls me to sleep....
pmgcgot it playing in the background..23:04
* peterleinchen too now :)23:05
pmgckepler...if 440hz is middle A...and 220hz is one octave lower ..etc...and hz is cycles per second ...then the entire solar year of any given celestial body reduced to seconds and calculated thus produces a very slow unheard note...likewise going up the scale from 440 to 880 to..etc...will inevitably lead to the cycles per second speed redisent with colour. Way-cool...23:10
pmgcsrry "resident" not redisent23:11
pmgcIf memory serves [and at the moment it is rather poor] the distance in octaves between any "middle" note on our audible scale and celestial movement [down] or colour [up]  either 20 or 40 cotaves from what we call "middle" C, D, E, etc...can't remember which it is..20 or 40...23:16
sixwheeledbeastpeterleinchen: ping23:16
peterleinchensixwheeledbeast, pong23:17
pmgc"octaves" not cotaves..23:17
sixwheeledbeastpeterleinchen: hey did you sort that page out I have been away and not had time to look at your email.23:18
peterleinchenpmgc: and what about "cotaves"? :)23:18
peterleinchensixwheeledbeast: yes, with RzR's help,
sixwheeledbeastpeterleinchen: ok np.23:25
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peterleinchenWin7Mac, hello and todays motto is:
Win7Machi! peterleinchen, the Referendum wikipage is hardly readable (the striked passages)23:33
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peterleinchenWin7Mac, I know. That is also reason why I am happy with blog post output. And did not publish that link.23:34
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Win7Macoh yes, blog post looks great23:36
peterleinchenwiki was meant as backup if blog post goes berserk (a bit you see on TMO post ;))23:37
Win7Macok ;)23:37
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Win7MacBTW, you are free to push the referendum to when elections actuaally happen. the rules say "The referendum options must be debated for a minimum of 1 month prior to the referendum."23:40
Win7Macno max. time...23:41
peterleinchenWin7Mac, yeah that was I thought of Sunday23:41
Win7Macah ok23:42
peterleincheneven it seems community does not need more time to debate :(23:42
Win7Macyea :(23:42
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peterleinchenwill inform juiceme/council and propose that, decision to be published23:43
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Win7Macsorry peterleinchen, i was wrong sunday23:45
Win7Macdidn't look it up in the 1st place :(23:45
Win7Macand there's been no timetable announced...23:46
Win7Macjust noticed23:47
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RzRpeterleinchen, cant you edit page ?23:50
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Win7MacRzR, i can23:54
RzRok good then you know what should be done23:55
Win7Macit would be much handwork...23:56
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peterleinpossibly I missed something?23:57

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