IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2015-06-30

juicemechem|st, morning07:18
juicemeyes, if the trademarks are to be enforced. Problem is I think it was not fully decided what to keep and what to ditch?07:20
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chem|stjuiceme: without funds and a fundraiser therefore.... no other than EU TMs will be renewed, we decided to get China, RU, USA additionally "if possible"11:34
chem|stas those are markets maemo would probably get exploited11:35
chem|stin 2 months we do not renew anything anymore, it is a time sensitive matter11:36
juicemeWell, I'll make a posting in the "community" section for fundraiser.11:46
juicemelet's see are we getting any intrest on that.11:47
chem|stI guess best is to make it optional to have it a normal donation or specifically for TMs - so we may refund if we do not hit the target13:52
chem|stI will check with the brand attorney if processing one by one will be much more expensive than all at once, doubt it is as every region is another task though. As I'd like to process at least EU ahead of time to get that off our chests.13:53
chem|stThe other regions not running out yet do also need a change of owner (will cost again)13:54
chem|stwarfare: fyi ^^13:59
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chem|stwarfare: juiceme how about 7-9th Aug for meeting? Any takers? Other suggestions? We are supposed to hold one mid term.14:00
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chem|stfor me weekdays be fine too14:01
juicemechem|st, the dates probably suit me okay. I'll be just back from my holidays by then. :)14:19
juicemeBTW, should we set up the official paypal account for MCEV?14:19
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chem|stjuiceme: for people outside europe?! sure why not, but I would explicitly ask for people in europe to use SEPA15:17
juicemeI just learned today that UK is not part of europe :o15:31
juicemeDamn crazy, they are part of SEPA but still have charges up to 25 GBP for european transactions!15:33
chem|stUK is 'special' for banking15:52
chem|stthey want to be special in so many things...15:53
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juicemeevening all o/23:03
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juicemepeterleinchen, hiya!23:08
peterleinchenjuiceme, hi.  anybody else around (or expected)?23:09
juicemeain't seen nobody :)23:11
peterleinchenjuiceme,me neither ;)23:12
juicemeI wonder if everybody is on _long_ holidays23:12
peterleinchenat least wiuld have been kind to say so ...23:13
juicemewaiting for warfare to notice that I pinged him, to make an email alias for paypal account23:13
peterleinchennew thread about TM fund raising came a bit out-of-nowhere23:14
juicemeyes :)23:14
peterleinchenbut good23:14
juicemebut it needed to be done23:14
peterleinchenanything new about status of HiFo transfer?23:14
juicemehow about the proceedings on the election and referendum... too bad other councillors are away now23:15
peterleinchenas I believe we need that done in advance!?23:15
juicemethe HiFo transfer has been completed AFAIK23:15
peterleinchenit has? :)23:15
juicemesince the relevant documents have been signed and funds transferred.23:16
peterleinchenthat would be good. and worth an announcement!!!23:17
peterleinchenfurthermore should we link some irc logs of our discusssions about TMs?23:18
peterleinchento help people see what they are donating for?23:18
juicemehmm, yes, need to ask chem|st but I suppose we could make an announcement on it23:18
peterleinchenand make the goals a bit more clear, as chemist did today on irc?23:18
juicemeyes, that would be good23:18
juicemedo you remember when was it that TM's were discussed?23:19
juicemethere was even a link to some site totalling the registrations to different domains if I remember correctly...23:19
peterleinchenaround 2015-02-16 we started?23:20
peterleinchenand from then a few  ore emeetings23:20
juicemecould you track something down on those lines?23:20
juicemeI think I could make the announcement on the elections23:21
peterleinchenjuiceme, thanks23:21
juicemenp :)23:21
peterleinchenthen I will hunt down the irc logs23:21
peterleinchenbut remember: we wanted to announce election and referendum together23:22
peterleinchenref text is pretty final23:22
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peterleinchenjust wrapped up in a tmo thread23:23
juicemeyes I think we all agreed that revision 3 is good to go23:23
juicemeWin7Mac, hi!23:23
Win7Machi there ;)23:23
juicemeso how's things there?23:24
peterleinchenjuiceme, yep latest version I send with mail23:24
peterleinchenover here?23:24
peterleinchensunny and warm! :)23:24
Win7Macover here?23:24
Win7Macfinally summer arrived23:24
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juicemeOksanaa, welcome!23:25
peterleinchenoksanaa, hi! :)23:25
OksanaaGood morning :-) Lately, I wake up exactly at 06:20, without alarm23:26
juicemeNice time to wake up, I usually start at 05:45 :)23:26
OksanaaOuch... Go to sleep early, then. I go to sleep between 22:00-23:5923:27
juicemenope, I really usually do with under 6h of sleep23:28
OksanaaOkay, so I am writing meeting minutes and html version of referendum document. Hopefully, will send them by email today23:29
juicemeooh, excellent! I was planning to go for that!23:29
OksanaaSo that they would get published 1 or 2 days later.23:30
peterleinchenoksanaa, perfect :)23:30
OksanaaWe have recently moved from one building to another, in university.23:31
OksanaaOkay, what about trademarks?23:31
juicemewell, if we get enough donations we'll refresh them23:32
OksanaaOkay, should we start a fundraiser about trademarks?23:33
peterleinchenoksanaa, already done ;)23:33
OksanaaHow is going with legal transfer of everything from HiFo to MCeV?23:33
Win7Macgood morning Oksana23:33
OksanaaThanks for the link. Thread is probably inactive so I haven't seen it for a long time?23:34
* peterleinchen is trying to hunt down our discussions on irc logs ...23:34
juicemenope, it is brand new, posted it today :)23:34
OksanaaGood morning :-) Win7Mac juiceme peterleinchen23:34
juicemeah, yes, it is morning there so you have not seen TMO!23:34
OksanaaAh :-) brand new23:35
Win7Mactransfer again seems stuck on Jaffas side...23:36
juicemeWin7Mac, isn't it so that most of the relevant stuff has been transferred already?23:36
Win7Macthe basic things yes23:37
Win7Macbut it's not complete23:38
juicemethe immaterial rights transfer document has been signed by both parties...23:40
Win7Macnotice to nokia still pending23:43
Win7Macformally, between HiFo + MC eV, everything is done23:44
juicemeyes, has there beeen any reply from Nokia BTW?23:45
Win7Macno notice sent :(23:47
juicemeI think the physical address was Karakaari 3 / Espoo, right?23:48
juicemeas it happens, I work there so I could go and pop there by myself if it helps...23:49
Win7Macno idea right now23:49
juicemecould be hand-delivered notice would work OK...? :)23:50
Win7Macask chem|st please23:50
juicemewill do.23:50
peterleinchendo not think so, else you get a signature of delivery23:51
juicemewell, AOB before fe finish?23:54
peterleinchenhmm, cannot find our discussion abut TMs on irc (looking on mobile)23:57
peterleinchendid we discuss only via e-mail?23:57
Win7Macthat was on email, iirc23:57
peterleinchenwe wanted to give out some info in the thread23:57
peterleinchenwin7mac, thx23:57
peterleinchenthen I will need to dig that up23:58
Win7Macwell, I sent a draft on 2015-03-01...23:58
peterleinchenand put some more discussion lines into the threadÃto give community a bit more background23:58
Win7Mac"Draft for TM thread on TMO"...23:59

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