IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Friday, 2015-05-08

chem|stalso with bradwii firmware (multiwii fork)00:01
chem|stwarfare: you available the next hour?00:07
warfarechem|st: No, I'm heading for bed in the next few minutes.00:07
chem|stfor signing the transfer stuff?00:07
warfareCan do that first thing tomorrow.00:07
chem|stno big deal, they are 6h behind us^^00:08
warfareI had telephone conferences with US-westcoast for the last 3 evenings.. "Have a nice day" "No, I'm going to catch some sleep"00:09
chem|stI will send you the stuff for court this weekend, so jussi is off the hook for once, usually you can notarize at a Buergercenter for free or little charge00:10
chem|stno need to pay 25eur at a notary00:10
chem|stonce I get to the tax declaration things I will fwd that too (applying for NPO status)00:12
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Win7MacBoard meeting minutes:
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juicemechem|st, morning!08:22
juicemetoo bad I was offline yesterday... did not get the meeting details until after the fact, when the emails came.08:23
chem|stjuiceme: no big deal, I just wanted at least one of us to participate in case there are any questions.09:02
chem|st"one of us but me"09:02
chem|stas soon as the transfer agreement is signed you may start accepting donations on our bank account09:11
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