IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Thursday, 2015-03-26

Oksanajuiceme: you cannot be sure that it was a local minimum, because it is possible that attendance at next meeting will be less than or equal to attendance at this meeting...00:20
*** M4rtinK has quit IRC00:42
*** hello-world11111 has joined #maemo-meeting00:44
*** hello-world11111 has quit IRC00:49
*** M4rtinK has joined #maemo-meeting01:24
*** M4rtinK has quit IRC01:49
*** kolp has quit IRC02:06
juicemeOksana, always the optimist :)07:39
*** kolp has joined #maemo-meeting10:03
*** sixwheeledbeast has quit IRC13:25
*** sixwheeledbeast has joined #maemo-meeting13:29
*** warfare has quit IRC13:30
*** warfare has joined #maemo-meeting13:33
*** hello-world11111 has joined #maemo-meeting13:49
*** hello-world11111 has quit IRC13:53
*** M4rtinK has joined #maemo-meeting21:13
*** M4rtinK has quit IRC21:33
*** xes_ has quit IRC23:22
*** xes has joined #maemo-meeting23:23

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