IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Wednesday, 2015-02-11

peterleinchenjuiceme, yes as you did :) but that should not be standard00:00
juicemeMentalistTraceur, I'm in need of similar collar... maybe we can get discounts on 'em?00:00
MentalistTraceurs/Still haven't had a chance to/Again failed to properly prioritize it in the chances I did have/00:00
MentalistTraceurjuiceme: I'll make some calls, see if I can get us a bulk order.00:01
juicemeyes, the manual calculation was not a problem but it _should_ work, as a matter of principle.00:01
Oksana:-) Yes, but it would move an action item into "done" list, instead of "pending"... | juiceme , where is the email template, or something? I fail to see it in here:
juicemeMentalistTraceur, I want mine in forest-green leather with metal studs00:01
gerbickbtw, Wikiwide/Oksana, you're doing a great job. Thought I'd state that.00:02
Oksana:-) Thank you.00:02
peterleinchengerbick, that is true, definitely00:02
peterleinchenoksana, thx00:02
juicemeOksana the template is in the DB, had to search a bit myself before I figured it out00:03
juicemehear hear!00:03
peterleinchenjuiceme, if you have that template we "only" need to add new available items?00:04
juicemenot quite, there was something else needed too, and now I remembered it.00:05
pichlogerbick, +1!00:06
juicemesince; currently when you log in you get the state stored in a cookie just like usually done in php scripts00:06
juicemenow it needs to be tweaked so that when you enter voting thru the weblink the state is retained correctly.00:07
juicemeso the login mechanism needs to change a bit, it is not enough to combine email and token in the mail template to form a PURL...00:07
juicemeand I just noticed indeed that on the code repository there's only the DB general schema, the email teplate is missing. I'll need to add it there too.00:08
peterleinchenis that really worth it?00:09
OksanaThank you! I was looking at schema.sql and maemoelections_mysql_schema , and feeling like something (human-readable strings) was missing.00:10
peterleinchenon N900 and PC I have no problems copying mail and token00:10
peterleinchenon N9 and Jolla I would have ...00:10
juicemewell it might make it marginally easier for someone to log in --> just a little more possibility for voting too00:10
Oksanapeterleinchen: Imagine checking email on a phone which does not support copy-and-paste. Like, Firefox OS had problems with that, if I remember correctly...00:10
peterleinchenoksana, yes, see above ;)00:11
juicemeyes, that is a good example00:11
juicemebut as it currently is, you need to enter the email and token into 2 different input fields, and the login script will grant you access. This bit needs to be modified a bit on the use of single PURL.00:12
juicemeagain, the night is falling and I need to go soon.00:14
peterleinchendid someone look into the harmattan app store topic00:15
juicemeah, that one. Is it completely gone now? (haven't looked at it lately...)00:15
OksanaNot much. I should look up who exactly uploaded fremantle archive; maybe, the same team will be able to do it for harmattan?00:16
peterleinchenI had/have the hope could do something00:16
peterleinchenoksana, just look into that thread. all info there00:16
peterleinchenbut what was said, still not ready, but other things higher prio00:17
juicemeit would be nice if Harmattan applications ccould be saved too00:17
peterleinchenyep and yep00:18
peterleincheneven I have not much from store00:18
peterleinchenso I do not see much we can do, or?00:19
juicemepossibly not much.00:19
juicemeI think one problem is that for Harmattan there were also commercial applications, and some of the authors have disappeared00:20
OksanaIf the store is still up for you, download and save the deb (and source, where available) for the app. If they are free, you will be able to get them to team; if they are not, you will have them for personal use.00:21
juicemeso it is questionable whether those should be salvaged even if possible. Or actually it is not allowed unless we can get approval00:21
juicemeOksana, yes. I have some debs I made backup for personal use00:22
peterleinchenno they also did onlly free ones for fremantle00:22
juicemepeterleinchen, allright, then there's no problem00:22
peterleinchenmy downloaded apps I have of course00:22
juicemebut hey. good night all, hmm?00:23
* peterleinchen thinks he will do so too. Good night all00:24
OksanaHas anybody heard back from X-Fade?..00:25
peterleinchenoksana, no. possibly ask rZr00:27
* pichlo says bye00:32
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* Oksana is writing meeting minutes...00:34
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gerbicklaters guys... was in-between a lot of phone calls (per usual)00:44
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