*** sixwheeledbeast has left #maemo-meeting | 22:13 | |
*** peterleinchen has joined #maemo-meeting | 23:01 | |
peterleinchen | hi, am I first? ;) | 23:01 |
juiceme | peterleinchen, hiya! | 23:04 |
juiceme | (here all the time... :) | 23:04 |
Oksana | Good morning! | 23:05 |
juiceme | Oksana, good evening :) | 23:05 |
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peterleinchen | oksana, hi | 23:06 |
Oksana | hello :-) | 23:06 |
juiceme | so, america still out, right? | 23:16 |
juiceme | anyone seen gerbick & mtraceur lately? | 23:17 |
Oksana | Not on IRC | 23:17 |
Oksana | gerbick took part in correspondence about maemo.org domain registration | 23:17 |
juiceme | good. Is it proceeding now? | 23:18 |
Oksana | Maybe... maemo.org domain registration: chemistsent mails to board^2 about TM domain & bankaccounts, and to nokia about TM and domain transfer | 23:18 |
juiceme | I was kind of worried for a while, as I was under the impression the domain transfer had been done already | 23:18 |
peterleinchen | me too, together with the trademark | 23:19 |
juiceme | it never occurred me even to check that... | 23:19 |
juiceme | how did you spot it? | 23:19 |
Oksana | DocScrutinizer reminded me | 23:20 |
peterleinchen | oksana, big thanks to you | 23:20 |
Oksana | We were discussing #maemo channels at Freenode and group contacts and trademark | 23:20 |
peterleinchen | DocScrutinizer05, and also to you! | 23:21 |
juiceme | yes, the trademark is also going to need refreshing soon | 23:21 |
Oksana | [Brr...] Where can I see the expiry date and owner of a trademark? | 23:22 |
juiceme | the trademark is already owned by HiFo, it only needs to be paid up for refreshement. I am not sure whrer you can see the expity, but chem|st told me it will expire in the end of february | 23:23 |
juiceme | but the domain ownership is really badly urgent now | 23:24 |
*** Guest10 has joined #maemo-meeting | 23:24 | |
Oksana | Welcome! gerbick? | 23:24 |
Guest10 | Yep! Sorry for the nondescript name, using Textual on the Mac - first time. | 23:25 |
juiceme | carolina ^^^ could be ? | 23:25 |
juiceme | Guest10, welcome :) | 23:25 |
Guest10 | Yes, 'tis I gerbick | 23:25 |
Guest10 | Sorry for the late entry. The timing of this in the last two weeks has clashed with meetings. | 23:26 |
juiceme | we were just discussing the domain registration. | 23:26 |
Guest10 | We should hear from them end of this week, right? | 23:26 |
Oksana | maemo.org domain registration: chemistsent mails to board^2 about TM domain & bankaccounts, and to nokia about TM and domain transfer | 23:26 |
Oksana | Hopefully, yes. | 23:26 |
Oksana | trademark is already owned by HiFo, it only needs to be paid up for refreshment. I am not sure where you can see the expiry, but chem|st told me it will expire in the end of February | 23:27 |
Oksana | chem|st told juiceme* | 23:27 |
Guest10 | Okay, I know this is my second meeting, and you guys third. But is it fair to ask that I've invariably missed something? | 23:30 |
Oksana | ((missed something)) There is livelog at html page (see topic), and I have reposted some information from earlier so that it would be visible: domain and trademark. If anything is unclear, ask :-) | 23:33 |
Guest10 | I meant in regards to what I should sign. | 23:33 |
Guest10 | I saw Peter Leinchen speaking about something around the eV... keyword was "ort" | 23:34 |
juiceme | gerbick, I am not sure waht you mean? | 23:35 |
Oksana | You are very welcome to join eV, but you do not have to. http://wiki.maemo.org/MaemoCommunity_eV | 23:35 |
Guest10 | Ah, okay. Since I'm not in Germany, and my German is very rusty... Ich glaube nicht. Vielen dank | 23:35 |
juiceme | ah, yes, that one. true. | 23:35 |
Guest10 | Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt. The domain... | 23:36 |
Oksana | Are we going to contact x-fade to get cloaks, and to add more GC, such as maybe chem|st and warfare? What ways to contact x-fade were tried, and failed, and what ways can be tried? | 23:37 |
juiceme | rzr had email contact with him I guess. But the other avenue is being explored now, contacting freenode staff directly. | 23:38 |
Oksana | Ok, in contacting freenode staff directly: having trademark owned by Hildon Foundation should be beneficial, because previously the channels "belonged" to Nokia? | 23:39 |
juiceme | other urgentish things going on, we are trying to find a bank that is easy to set up with the MCEV avvount, that is usable both in finland and in gernmany. | 23:40 |
peterleinchen | juiceme, x-fade did not answer at all ... | 23:40 |
juiceme | that so? bummer. | 23:40 |
peterleinchen | juiceme, what kkind of probs with banks? | 23:40 |
*** Guest10 is now known as gerbick | 23:40 | |
juiceme | Oksana, yes, that is the angle we are going at with | 23:41 |
juiceme | peterleinchen, it turned out yesterday that having my power-of-attorney was not enough, I would have needed to go to germany to sign some papers :( | 23:41 |
peterleinchen | juiceme, :(:(:( | 23:42 |
juiceme | the banks are being delibrately difficult lately :( | 23:42 |
Oksana | Ok. Just, when I was trying to search for Maemo at http://tmsearch.uspto.gov/ , there was no mention of Hildon Foundation. So, having something-like-whois for Maemo trademark would be welcome. | 23:43 |
juiceme | but it looks it is possible, now, at least I hope so | 23:43 |
peterleinchen | we have kind of remote identity validation, called Post-Ident | 23:43 |
peterleinchen | there you go to Post Office with passport and get identified to bank | 23:44 |
juiceme | peterleinchen, yes, tha was tried. But it requires *visiting* germany in person :( | 23:45 |
Oksana | Trying to find bank which is both in Finland and in Germany... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutsche_Bundesbank https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handelsbanken | 23:46 |
juiceme | yes. | 23:46 |
Oksana | ? | 23:47 |
juiceme | I have contacted HB, and they cannot open the account from finland, as the e.V. is registered in germany, but the other way is possible. | 23:47 |
juiceme | just gotmail from them today | 23:47 |
peterleinchen | juiceme, okay. forgot that those (not german) banks had a dependency in germany | 23:48 |
juiceme | now we need to ast khe german branch if they are willing to send the papers for signing to my local branch bank. | 23:48 |
juiceme | handelsbanken seems a good candidate ATM, it is a swedish bank | 23:49 |
peterleinchen | that would be perfect | 23:49 |
juiceme | I am hoping for it | 23:50 |
juiceme | else it means a trip for me to south-of-the-pond :) | 23:50 |
Oksana | Ok, are we going to contact freemangordon and-or merlin1991 about auto-builder and tool-chains: thumb toolchain, and GCC versions across toolchains? | 23:53 |
juiceme | what's the status on that? | 23:54 |
Oksana | I could PM on TMO, both of them, about auto-builder, and asd about feasibility of adding thumb-toolchain, and the versions of GCC? | 23:55 |
Oksana | ask* | 23:55 |
juiceme | Oksana, if you are willing to do that, it would be beautiful. | 23:56 |
peterleinchen | yes, please | 23:56 |
juiceme | I have no experience on those, since I have no N900 | 23:56 |
gerbick | Ditto what juiceme said | 23:56 |
juiceme | or actually I could say, it is in the future of me still :) | 23:56 |
peterleinchen | if we get irc fixed, it would be nice to get invited to maemo-admin | 23:57 |
* juiceme just bought a N900 :) | 23:57 | |
peterleinchen | juiceme, Yeah!!! :) | 23:57 |
gerbick | Congrats. If I find one for cheap, I might get one - but the USB issue scared me away | 23:57 |
juiceme | peterleinchen, I just had to get one, how else can I be in the *maemo* council :) | 23:57 |
peterleinchen | :) you wont regret | 23:58 |
juiceme | but it is still in da mail, will get it this week hopegully... | 23:58 |
peterleinchen | set up thumb (I recommend, as reinob) | 23:58 |
juiceme | s/hopegully/hopefully/ | 23:58 |
juiceme | I will have lot to learn with it I guess | 23:58 |
peterleinchen | file down your USB cables | 23:59 |
peterleinchen | I have it since 4 yyears and no USB prob | 23:59 |
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