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peterleinchen | juiceme, noanswer from GeneralAntilles (trying to find rZr's mail ...) | 00:00 |
juiceme | yes, for some reason it was exceedingly difficult to find the people who could do something about it. | 00:01 |
juiceme | I think there's a formal procedure contacting freenode staff in cases like this, to get privilidges to active people when the holders have gone passive. | 00:02 |
juiceme | need to investigate | 00:03 |
Oksana | Feedback from TMO, Android_808: with regards to gcc, it would be nice if we could get the same version available for non-thumb as is available for thumb. would solve some issues having to maintain two sets of patches because of the different features available. min and exp functions were not supported until gcc 4.4. | 00:03 |
Oksana | secondly it would be good if whatever version is available was a complete collection. i gave up on porting jasper because thumb gcc didn't have matching gfortran. some packages wouldn't compile with gcc 4.2 so switched to thumb version for any i built. | 00:03 |
peterleinchen | juiceme (and all), just re-send the mail about irc to council | 00:04 |
juiceme | that's only reasonable. Also for maintanance it is easier if all toolchains are of compatible version | 00:04 |
Oksana | Is it possible to ask some *Serv who are current operators of the channel? | 00:04 |
Oksana | Ok, look at the list. /msg ChanServ access #maemo-meeting list | 00:06 |
juiceme | peterleinchen, thanks | 00:06 |
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MentalistTraceur | *Sigh* Gotta love unreliable networks. | 00:08 |
MentalistTraceur | (Using an N9 as phone, wifi hotspot to N900 from which I'm connecting) | 00:08 |
juiceme | Oksana, is that the channelops list? | 00:08 |
MentalistTraceur | (The N9 wifi keeps dropping the N900 occasionally...) | 00:08 |
Oksana | juiceme: Presumably, yes. I don't understand these flags, yet. | 00:09 |
juiceme | yes | 00:09 |
juiceme | as far as I have understood there are 2 types of priviliges, the channelops who can modify topic and access lists, and gropu contacts who can give cloacks and maybe do some other stuff? | 00:11 |
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Win7Mac | hi! | 00:11 |
Win7Mac | you goz mail | 00:11 |
peterleinchen | win7mac, hey | 00:11 |
Win7Mac | got | 00:11 |
Oksana | Ok, MentalistTraceur just asked in our techstaff irc channel who is responsible for the autobuilder's maintenance. Then, when a reply is here, we can ask about: 1. thumb toolchain feasibility; 2. completeness and compatible-versions of gcc across toolchains. | 00:11 |
juiceme | Win7Mac, hi! | 00:12 |
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MentalistTraceur | Honestly, it may also help to send an email directly to techstaff. | 00:16 |
MentalistTraceur | 22:16:54 < warfare> I think freemangordon or merlin1991 | 00:17 |
juiceme | good, I did remember freemangordon after all :) | 00:18 |
Oksana | MentalistTraceur: what is "our techstaff irc channel"? https://wiki.maemo.org/IRC#List_of_IRC_channels | 00:19 |
juiceme | it's ##maemo-admin | 00:19 |
juiceme | peterleinchen, the rzr's mail you resent, the recipient is rabelg5@gmail.com | 00:20 |
juiceme | is that a freenet contact? | 00:20 |
Win7Mac | no | 00:21 |
juiceme | and if it is, there should have been some reply to the mailing | 00:21 |
Win7Mac | just ask him again | 00:21 |
Win7Mac | he's HiFo director... | 00:22 |
juiceme | Win7Mac, okay, was that xfade then? | 00:22 |
Win7Mac | i think so | 00:22 |
juiceme | ah, and he has the power-bits to chango those | 00:22 |
Win7Mac | but several attempts failed contacting xfade | 00:22 |
juiceme | I remember | 00:22 |
juiceme | since he left Nokia he pretty much disappeared from IRC | 00:23 |
juiceme | is rzr around? | 00:23 |
juiceme | anyway, getting quite late so I'll need to get my beauty sleeps :) | 00:24 |
MentalistTraceur | Re: the ##maemo-admin channel: joining it only works if you're on some list of 'allowed' people, and last I asked chemist last week he didn't really have the ability to add people to that list, as I understood it. | 00:25 |
Oksana | Should we ask DocScrutinizer? He seems to have the same privileges as X-Fade ? | 00:25 |
MentalistTraceur | Also, may get disconnected, relocating from work to home, and my mobile connection is bad around my home. | 00:25 |
Win7Mac | ^^ rabelg5@ is GeneralAntilles | 00:26 |
chem|st | Oksana: group contact is something else than access lists | 00:26 |
juiceme | Win7Mac, thanks | 00:26 |
juiceme | chem|st, yes | 00:26 |
juiceme | chanop can operate channel, GC can grant cloacks | 00:27 |
juiceme | as I understand it | 00:27 |
chem|st | gc has no direct impact on channels | 00:28 |
chem|st | usually you have some upper ranks as GC like the board and than you grant some other folks access to that feature of cloaks and stuff | 00:29 |
chem|st | at least that is what freenode would like to have | 00:29 |
juiceme | okay | 00:29 |
chem|st | channels are most to all in our hands by now | 00:30 |
Oksana | Ok, who are GCs in this channel? xfade, anybody else? ((several attempts failed contacting xfade...)) | 00:30 |
chem|st | and cloaks are just a fancy way of showing off apart of the council cloak that is actually being used as access list entry in admin-channel | 00:31 |
chem|st | Oksana: there is only one gc and that is for maemo* | 00:31 |
juiceme | chem|st, then that GC should be in our hands | 00:32 |
juiceme | ours=maemo | 00:32 |
chem|st | the maemo gc can take over ownership of any #maemo* channel upon request though - or have zombies to do that for him | 00:32 |
chem|st | juiceme: that is what we are trying to tell freenode for a while now... | 00:33 |
juiceme | ah, so there has been mail-exchange with freenode. | 00:33 |
juiceme | are they any way co-operative? | 00:34 |
MentalistTraceur | chemist: cloaks are also a privacy feature for some. | 00:34 |
MentalistTraceur | Not just showing-off flair. | 00:34 |
chem|st | I probably should just send out an email to freenode again as xfade is unresponsive ever since and generalantilles is more on twitter than on any of #our channels | 00:34 |
chem|st | MentalistTraceur: cloaks are no privacy feature... | 00:34 |
juiceme | chem|st, that would be good | 00:34 |
MentalistTraceur | No? I mean, if I wanted privacy I'd use Tor or something anyway, | 00:35 |
chem|st | MentalistTraceur: exactly | 00:35 |
juiceme | but hey. past my bedtime | 00:35 |
MentalistTraceur | but I thought it does have the pragmatic benefit of hiding the host you're connecting from from others on the server, which for some people is enough/preferable? | 00:36 |
juiceme | gnite all! | 00:36 |
MentalistTraceur | Night! | 00:36 |
peterleinchen | juiceme, gnite | 00:36 |
chem|st | MentalistTraceur: for some people yes but if I want to know your real hostname I get your real hostname | 00:36 |
chem|st | juiceme: bye | 00:36 |
Oksana | Ok, chem|st will send an email to freenode again as xfade is unresponsive ever since and generalantilles is more on twitter than on any of #our channels | 00:37 |
Oksana | Good night | 00:37 |
MentalistTraceur | chem|st: How does one do that, assuming you don't have extra information about the person besides their presence on IRC? | 00:38 |
chem|st | peterleinchen: that date was just to funny when I read it... so it is actually real but the year was one off? | 00:38 |
MentalistTraceur | (legitimately curious.. I think DCC would give it away if you allowed it?) | 00:38 |
MentalistTraceur | (And you could, as I understand it, monitor that username for the moments when they're not ident-ed with the nickserv, before the cloak is applied, But other than than I'm not sure how?) | 00:39 |
chem|st | MentalistTraceur: ping you some way like DCC or wait for you to disconnect, even if you have everything on full auto there is the moment where you connect and between that and till you get your cloak | 00:40 |
chem|st | MentalistTraceur: if you want to use IRC anonymous do not use accounts and use tor... | 00:42 |
chem|st | and choose a nickname by day of the earth^^ | 00:42 |
MentalistTraceur | DCC won't give it away unless the client allows the DCC connection, right? | 00:42 |
Oksana | ^^^^ Example of connecting: MentalistTraceur (~user@IP) has joined #maemo-meeting | 00:43 |
Oksana | Though, it may be a fluke | 00:44 |
MentalistTraceur | I wasn't idented yet when I connected. | 00:44 |
MentalistTraceur | s/connected/joined this channel/ | 00:44 |
MentalistTraceur | Anyway, all security, privacy included, is defense-in-depth. I am not claiming cloaks give absolute privacy: but they do raise the barrier by just a bit, and I recognize that some people may want that extra bit, whether that be in tandem with 'serious-business' privacy protections like Tor, or without. | 00:45 |
Oksana | I agree :-) | 00:46 |
Oksana | ((council cloak is actually being used as access list entry in admin-channel)) Interesting. | 00:46 |
chem|st | MentalistTraceur: ignore my dcc pings, was just looking for blank replies... | 00:47 |
MentalistTraceur | Alright. | 00:47 |
chem|st | for you, all memberapplications have been accounted for and I have sent emails to all off them, checked my spamfolders (again) and scrolled my inbox^^ if I missed some more - eV headcount is now 14 | 00:51 |
Win7Mac | thanks, finally! | 00:52 |
chem|st | that is including founding members | 00:52 |
Win7Mac | please update http://wiki.maemo.org/MaemoCommunity_eV#General_Assembly_.28Regular_Members.29 | 00:54 |
* Oksana would have expected 50 members, at least... [Shrugging] | 00:59 | |
chem|st | Oksana: I expect that to happen when council invites for the first official general assembly | 01:00 |
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chem|st | Win7Mac: can you lay, for another time, hand on the application form and make clear that it is the IRC account registered at freenode (nick was misleading) and probably tell that accountnames are indeed case-sensitive | 01:03 |
chem|st | bb | 01:04 |
Win7Mac | what about adding "you agree that your maemo account name will be published on the wikipage" in the form? | 01:11 |
chem|st | ok | 01:13 |
chem|st | maemo accounts are public record anyway | 01:14 |
chem|st | garage pages are pretty unprotected | 01:14 |
chem|st | but I think we might stop listing people and just update a head counter - list of nick-in-position should be enough | 01:15 |
chem|st | it is of no use to anyone to have that specific list but to those having it anyway | 01:16 |
chem|st | gtg bed time meeting 2morrow mo(a)rning | 01:16 |
Win7Mac | list of nick-in-position - what? | 01:17 |
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chem|st | Chemist (Chairman), Juiceme (Vice,Treasurer), Warfare (Senior Admin) etc | 01:19 |
MentalistTraceur | Sorry for the prolonged disconnect: some people came to my door right after I got home, sometime during that I guess I got disconnected again but didn't notice since they took a while to get rid of. | 01:19 |
chem|st | MentalistTraceur: nothing to see here.... | 01:20 |
Win7Mac | i think people might be interested to know | 01:20 |
chem|st | Win7Mac: interested yes but that is nothing we "need" to list, a blank number of "We have 14 members" is enough | 01:21 |
chem|st | and the page is editable without being logged in so what does that tell about the quality of that entry? | 01:22 |
Oksana | It could be locked so that only logged-in users would be able to edit it? | 01:23 |
Win7Mac | yes, done | 01:27 |
Oksana | So, going to write the meeting minutes... | 01:35 |
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Win7Mac | isn't garage username lowercase only? | 01:55 |
Oksana | It is case-sensitive. I don't know anything more than that. | 01:56 |
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