IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2014-11-04

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RzRTue Nov  4 20:00:38 UTC 201422:00
RzRI am back stronger than ever22:01
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RzRsorry for missing last meeting but I needed some time22:02
RzRhi peterleinchen_22:02
RzRhi juiceme22:02
RzR2/3 of council is here22:03
peterleinchen_where is other part of trio?22:03
RzRjuiceme: <= there22:05
RzRbefore the.meeting start i checked forum and wiki22:08
RzRno special input from.community22:08
peterleinchen_yes, so we may do some housekeeping on open points from last meeting minutes and TaskAgenda22:10
RzRpeterleinchen_: ok to wait for juiceme up to 15min then we start ?22:10
RzRi didnt update weeky22:10
peterleinchen_yep, checking mails22:11
RzRwiki i meant22:11
RzRkarma seems fixed22:12
peterleinchen_juiceme: ho22:12
peterleinchen_RzR: Yes! just checked also :)22:12
peterleinchen_wiil strike that!22:13
RzRwe need to ask members to report bugs regarding karma22:14
juicemesomething hazy with nmy netwrk, Im beingthrown off from shell...22:14
peterleinchen_RzR: ?22:15
peterleinchen_juiceme: fix and come back ;)22:15
RzRif someone think his karma is stuck22:16
peterleinchen_regarding karma: why do we have there still ITT posts/thanks and not TMO?.;)22:16
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RzRplz explain ?22:17
RzRits just a text label22:17
peterleinchen_just check your profile and read your karma points for posts and thanks on WHICH forum?22:17
peterleinchen_yes, I know. absolutely minor point22:18
RzRi assume itt is tmo22:18
peterleinchen_it was, now it is just tmo!22:18
RzRat least its not frozen22:19
Sicelomy karma been sitting at 107 for a bit now, even though in the interim i've had a number of posts & thanks.22:19
Siceloi'm not too worried myself, but maybe..22:19
juiceme yes22:20
juicemenow it works, phew!22:20
sixwheeledbeastI have checked most parts of Karma they seem to work but take a week or two to show.22:20
RzRI eanrt a few points thoses past weeks22:20
juicemefor a moment I thought I had bee pwned!22:20
peterleinchen_but karma for post/thanks needs lots of posts22:20
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peterleinchen_xes: hi22:21
RzRhi xes22:21
xeshi RzR22:22
juicemehiya all :)22:22
juicemeso, what's news?22:22
RzRmaemo7 is just released22:23
RzRn960 to hit mass market22:24
RzRelse no much news22:24
juicemeRzR, all in order then :)22:25
RzRso what is the agenda ?22:25
juicemeI have to admit I have not yet contacted any PA authors, again am balming toomuch-to-do22:25
juicemeRzR, well, not much new issues AFAIK22:26
RzRwhat is the council role in this investigation ?22:26
peterleinchen_juiceme: :( but you will try on, right?22:26
peterleinchen_RzR, not much, just trying to get a contact for freemangordon22:27
juicemeI promised to try that, to help freemangordon reversing pulseaudio.22:27
RzRok I gave him some hints22:27
RzRbut all that is public22:28
juicemewhat else... I did some spam-paddling on the mailing list backlog22:28
peterleinchen_juiceme: and how percent is spam?22:28
peterleinchen_90? 95? 99?22:28
juicemeup to now at least 90%22:29
peterleinchen_RzR: about ITT and TMO:
juicemeThere's actually been a few relevant posts, but I have to check if those were reposted from an approved account22:30
peterleinchen_xes, as you are here: is it  big deal to exchnage ITT to TMO on user profile page (karma)?22:31
juicemepeterleinchen_, yes, what was that thing about ITT? I was under the impression that was the original name of TMO way back?22:31
peterleinchen_xes, and also that one:
peterleinchen_yes, it WAS. but now it IS TMO22:32
peterleinchen_ITT is gone (with Reggie)22:32
juicemeoh dear!22:33
peterleinchen_really a minor point22:33
juicemeJust checked kicktarter, TOHKBDv2's hit the mark already!22:33
peterleinchen_but the other one with endsormean not finding his info is bigger (I feel)22:33
juiceme^^^that was the "oh dear!"22:34
peterleinchen_which one? :)22:34
juicemeDirk's keyboard22:35
juicemewas ohdear22:35
xespeterleinchen_:  no, it should not be a problem at all. But it would be better have a list of the pages that need to be fixed22:35
peterleinchen_TOHKBD and also Jolla sales offer are really tempting ....22:35
juicemeyes, that's how it should have been from beginning :)22:36
peterleinchen_xes, for now I know only of profile page where ITT is explicitly listed22:36
peterleinchen_xes, and would it be possible to fix those links from ITT to TMO?22:37
RzRmay it just be renamed to forum ?22:37
peterleinchen_RzR: :D22:37
peterleinchen_xes: argh, those pages with wrong link are on "forum" so a report to moderator should be enough, right?22:38
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RzRany other hot topic22:43
RzRlike we'll remain 3 to rule council ?22:44
peterleinchen_see log of last mom22:44
juicemeRzR, yes as 3 is okay number22:44
peterleinchen_RzR: yes we will three musketiers22:44
RzRlet me read them again22:44
RzRand no E.v22:45
peterleinchen_RzR: master of conduct, which one to choose ?22:45
RzRany is ok for me22:45
RzRkde ?22:45
peterleinchen_juiceme: what about the sub pages for e.V.?22:46
peterleinchen_or mozilla22:46
peterleinchen_any is okay for me too22:46
juicemethere remains the question for the referendum.22:46
peterleinchen_I liked mozilla best, then kde, then debian22:47
RzRok then moz ?22:47
juicemealtough, I am not still sure it is needed, as long as Council does not try to fight with Maemo e.V.22:47
peterleinchen_but I do not know if we may take moz (license)22:47
juicemepeterleinchen_, yes, the e.V. pages would need to be done22:47
RzRit would be good to have some contact w/ ffos communities too22:48
peterleinchen_juiceme: lets finish CoC first22:48
juicemepeterleinchen_, I liked KDE best, butr all were good22:48
peterleinchen_so RzR, your listing please22:48
juicemeRzR, that is a good idea also22:48
RzRi tent to prefer deb22:48
RzRbut it would make the decision harder22:49
RzRso kde should be ok22:49
peterleinchen_so then we have all three different best choice22:49
juicemehehheh, we all have our favourites :)22:49
RzRsince Qt is an important project in maemo22:49
RzRis it ok for kde then ?22:50
RzRwe listed it all as 1st or 2d choice22:50
peterleinchen_from my view: yes. and it is CC license22:50
juicememaybe we should re-read them and raise points what is good, and combine?22:51
RzRdeb kde moz22:52
peterleinchen_moz kde deb22:53
juicemeI'd have to re'read them to make up my mind now :)22:53
peterleinchen_juiceme: did you re-read already? ;)22:55
xesabout karma page with link: link is an user editable field called " account url"22:55
juicemepeterleinchen_, not yet22:55
peterleinchen_xes: na, it is the text in the labels left of karma points22:58
juicemekde deb moz22:59
peterleinchen_so kde is the winner!23:00
xespeterleinchen_: sorry i can't understand, please give me the link23:00
peterleinchen_the lowest  two label texts "ITT posts" NITT thanks"23:02
peterleinchen_at the left bottom of page23:02
xesitt posts?23:03
peterleinchen_RzR: what to do with the winner (kde) ?23:03
peterleinchen_xes: yes!23:03
peterleinchen_we have left the times of itt23:03
juicemepeterleinchen_, need to write it up / adapt it to our needs and put to wiki23:04
peterleinchen_only to wiki?23:04
peterleinchen_I thought it needs to be implemented in
juicemehmm good point. probably also a link on the front page pointing to it23:05
RzRpeterleinchen_: good question23:05
peterleinchen_also TMO explicitly?23:05
juicemeor just that and not wiki23:05
RzRjust report it in minutes23:05
RzRand at top of forums sections ?23:05
juicemeI'd say it should go to Maemo front page23:06
peterleinchen_okay, I guess we should all re-read and give adaptions (if needed)23:06
peterleinchen_then inform board23:06
RzRwont cause any harm yes23:06
peterleinchen_and get it linked on front page23:06
peterleinchen_did we agree to remove the Cordia link on front page of MO?23:08
peterleinchen_or replace it with neo900?????23:09
juicememmh I did not agree to either one, but both are OK by me :)23:09
RzRis it officialy dead as.a door nail ?23:10
peterleinchen_that is why I ask23:10
peterleinchen_I do not know but site looks not updated since ages23:10
RzRneo900 worth its place23:11
peterleinchen_but neo not Maemo, just product possibly using Maemo!??23:11
juicemere cordia; cannot find any recent info on google so I assume it's dead?23:11
RzRbut it makes.sense to support active projects23:12
Sicelo900nice xes :)23:12
peterleinchen_xes: perfect! so we can rename forum once more :D23:12
peterleinchen_xes: thx23:13
peterleinchen_RzR: yes I do not mind to have it there23:13
RzRso which projects may requiere community support ?23:13
peterleinchen_juiceme: okay to remove cordia and exchange to
juicemeoaky by me23:14
juicemeokay even23:14
peterleinchen_xes: another task, please :)23:15
RzRi would email.cordia to convice us to put it back23:15
xesmmm wait, there is still something to fix23:15
juicemepeterleinchen_, you are on fire :)23:15
peterleinchen_but before let us talk about that old announcements on front page23:15
RzRi can email them for council23:15
peterleinchen_juiceme: just want to do some "housekeeping" :)23:16
peterleinchen_RzR: yes, please do so. I do not expect an anser. but lets see ...23:17
peterleinchen_okay : announcements???23:17
peterleinchen_topics of 2010 2010 201323:18
peterleinchen_do we need that old stuff looking like dead?23:18
juicemepeterleinchen_, exactly, as that is our main task, to facilitate things and clean up stuff23:18
juicemeprobably there should be something new really.23:19
peterleinchen_yeah but what and how?23:19
peterleinchen_possibly board wants to keep for official announcement. but I havent seen any23:20
juicemenot much to announce lately, true.23:20
peterleinchen_and even the other stuff got announced via TMO23:20
xesok, now it's better but i don't know if it's possible to change and
peterleinchen_xes: it is just text labels. do not touch the links/tables (this may break ;)23:25
peterleinchen_I vote for just removing announcement ticker from front page. juiceme, RzR?23:26
peterleinchen_good. 2/3. then I propose to inform board and ask if they want to keep it for whatever reason23:28
* kolp suggests to ask joerg about link from --> (just to avaoid any potentially boiling blood :)23:28
juicemepeterleinchen_, ok23:29
RzRyeah i thought about this too23:29
juicemekolp, sure, we should do that.23:29
juicemehowever, DOc still posts to TMO, should not have anything against it.23:30
RzRand if he ignore us ?23:30
juicemeRzR, then we'll ask Dos23:30
RzRyea.lets try23:30
peterleinchen_maybe it is a good hint (even I think he should respect/honor it)23:30
peterleinchen_yep, RzR yo are gonna do so?23:31
RzRi can email both23:31
RzRdoc and cordia23:31
RzRany contact from cordia on irc ?23:31
juicemeokay, it's time for me to leave for tonight23:32
peterleinchen_no clue23:32
juicemeRzR, was thre mention of who's the contact on cordia pages?23:32
RzRok lets close the meeting soon23:32
peterleinchen_contact link on not present/working23:34
RzRi'll see what i can do23:34
juicemeokay. bye then :)23:36
peterleinchen_okay, then let's go to bed23:36
peterleinchen_never too late23:40
peterleinchen_just for today, I'll stick it to mom for next week23:41
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