IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2014-10-21

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peterleinchen_ /o23:01
juicemehi o/23:02
peterleinchen_I think RzR is already in bed (or party :)23:05
juicemepeterleinchen_, hi, how's it been :)23:05
juicemecould be23:05
peterleinchen_all well, thanks23:05
juicemedid he already go to china?23:05
peterleinchen_I thought so (dont know)23:06
juicemeallright, I just added the mailing list moderation to agenda23:08
peterleinchen_apart from open points I would like to add23:09
juicemeplease, just edit the wiki :)23:09
peterleinchen_I am online via phone, so patience .....23:09
juicemedo you mean something on the content of ?23:10
peterleinchen_just see the announcements and the daed link to
juicemeah yes, that one23:10
peterleinchen_and the cordia link (this is dead, isnt it?)23:10
peterleinchen_a bit of an update here would be fine23:11
juicemeas well as the link
juicemeall dead or non-relevant23:11
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peterleinchen_hi xes23:12
juicemexes, hi23:12
xeshello there!23:12
peterleinchen_should we just remove them (dead links)23:13
peterleinchen_xes, pls read öast lines23:13
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peterleinchen_how to refresh the announcements?23:13
juicemepeterleinchen_, added that to agenda wiki23:14
peterleinchen_juiceme, thx23:14
peterleinchen_so regarding karma23:16
peterleinchen_I did not see any changes lately23:16
juicemeSo, I'll quickly outline the problem with mailing list "moderation state"23:16
peterleinchen_okay go ahead23:16
peterleinchen_meanwhile I add that my karma stayed on same level since two weeks (at least, the time I am watching)23:17
juicemeI realised today that when somebody posts to the mailing list using a sender address that is not registered, the message will bounce back with an attached note that says that the message is suspended until a modarator checks the content.23:17
juicemeHowever, the mails end up in a queue that nobody ever checks :)23:18
juicemeThis could be misleading to somebody who sent the mail in good faith, waiting in vain for a moderator to check/approve the message,23:18
juicemeNow, there are basically 2 ways to solve this;23:19
juiceme1.) we change the message to "posting is forbidden from unregistered accounts, please see bla bla bla..."23:19
juiceme2.) we actually get someone to check&moderate the postings. (council for example)23:20
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Win7Machi o/23:20
peterleinchen_win7mac, hi23:20
juicemethere were fairly lots of maoils in the "forgotten queue", mostly spam, but might be some relevant now&then23:21
juicemeWin7Mac, hi23:21
Win7Maclink needs to stay, that just got introduced with the announcement ;)23:21
juicemeWin7Mac, you are correct, I just realised :)23:21
juicemeit points to Microsoft space, just as it should23:21
juicemeso, which way to go? 1.) would be simplest and possibly OK, since it directs the user to check mail client settings or register23:23
juicemenumber 2.) requires some active spam filtering23:24
peterleinchen_but an unsubscribed person may send to a mailing list (afaik)23:26
peterleinchen_so how could we bring them online, when we checked?23:26
juicemeit depends, some lists accept it but many forbid it to reduce spam23:26
peterleinchen_then simplest would be 1)23:27
peterleinchen_do we know from when this log started? (oldest message)23:27
juicemeI guess there's a procedure to do moderating a mailing list, even as I have not done it. Something like, if a posting is acceptable, the moderator resends it and it gets posted with original sender information...23:28
juicemexes, there were something like 1050 mails in the queue, right? Which was the oldest?23:29
xes~april 201323:31
juicemeso the backlog is about 1.5 years :)23:31
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xesa maintainer should filter the 95% of spam there and manage subscription and removal requests23:34
juicemeabout the control messages, nobody's looking after those?23:38
juicemeor is it handled by majordomo automagically?23:38
peterleinchen_xes, how could a 'volunteer' handle that?23:45
xespeterleinchen_:  it's not so hard, but probably he would need a little mailing list management experience and a little bit of patience23:47
juicemeI am just guessing, but I think it goes so that address of the moderator is set somewhere in the mailing list engine, and non-conforming messages are sent to it23:48
peterleinchen_Besides, I would not expect any answer on mails I wrote months ago23:48
juicememailing lists are easy to learn to handle, I wrote up a mail<->news gateway for our company's internal mailing list in a few hours from scratch :)23:49
juicemepeterleinchen_, not for mails sent so long ago, but if we decide to do active moderation, then in the future it will be quick turnaround23:50
juicemeif the volume is about 1000 mails / 18months, that adds up to about 2 mails per day.23:51
juicemenot a huge volume to moderate23:51
xesnothing impossible, but we simply need someone taking care of this23:57
juicemeI'm willing to take care of it.23:57
xeswe have a winner!23:57
peterleinchen_i was afraid to ask so23:58
peterleinchen_juiceme, you are a winner :)23:58
juicemeheh, it should not be too tasking.23:58
Win7Macright, you earned it ;)23:58
juicemexes, I'll talk to you about it later on maemo-admin23:58
xesjuiceme: sure23:59
juicemewell it was I that spotted it in the first place :)23:59
juicemeso, that one taken care of.23:59
juicemeand it's pretty near my bedtime too23:59
peterleinchen_uh oh so forget about hhtp:// ;)23:59

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