IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Sunday, 2014-09-21

*** M4rtinK has quit IRC03:26
chainsawbikedoes the maemo-community mailing list have a moderator?04:14
*** qwazix has quit IRC05:04
*** qwazix has joined #maemo-meeting05:10
*** M4rtinK has joined #maemo-meeting09:19
*** M4rtinK has quit IRC09:24
*** M4rtinK has joined #maemo-meeting10:37
*** M4rtinK has quit IRC11:53
*** M4rtinK has joined #maemo-meeting12:29
*** M4rtinK has quit IRC13:27
*** thedead1440_ has quit IRC13:28
*** thedead1440 has joined #maemo-meeting14:25
Sicelohehe. good question15:30
*** M4rtinK has joined #maemo-meeting20:53

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