IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Wednesday, 2014-09-10

juicemeokay, the next item?00:01
nieldkActive member signup00:01
juicemehave you lookes at the template chem|st mailed00:01
peterleinchen_nieldk, WHO should be moderator (for such thread)?00:02
juicemebasic form + the Maemo e.V. rules00:02
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peterleinchen_entry approval seems okay, did not read the rest (too much)00:02
Sicelowhat's the link for the template?00:03
juicemewell, I only read the english part, but the german thing should say the same :)00:03
peterleinchen_BUT there could be problems as I am afraid there wont be too much people giving away all that private info ...00:03
juicemeSicelo, it was on mail, I'll post it up to web just a minute.00:04
Sicelothank you00:04
juicemepeterleinchen_, true, but we _are_ a registered association so some things are mandated by law00:04
peterleinchen_juiceme, yep.00:05
nieldkjuicme correct00:05
Win7Macits the same as with your soccer, bingo or polo club...00:05
Win7Macor ancient phone collectors club, actually ;)00:06
nieldkagree, I think that suggestion looks fine00:07
nieldkTo simplify, would it be acceptable to retrieve the scanned copy on say a webform, or by email?00:08
juicemeallright, here's the proposal:
juicemeSicelo ^^^00:08
juicemenieldk, I'd say filled copy with signatures, scanned and emailed would be fine00:10
juicemeno need to snail-mail papers IMHO00:10
nieldkI agree to that, obviously00:11
peterleinchen_knowing the german law I am afraid snail-mail needed :(00:11
peterleinchen_chemist should know and confirm00:11
peterleinchen_win7mac, or you?00:11
juicemesnail-mail was definitely needed when we had the inaugural meeting, to get the e.V. registered!00:11
peterleinchen_otherwise agreed00:11
nieldkIn financial terms (working in such an organization), an email, or upload is OK. To verify signature, a scanned copy of for example passport is needed as well.00:12
juicemechem|st said on the mail that email of scanned copy is fine00:12
juicemeyes, that too00:12
juicemein case of no passoprt, would drivers licence do?00:13
juiceme(in finland it's acceptable in many places even though it is not _strictly_ an ID)00:13
nieldkanything official, which would prove the signature. With photo00:13
nieldksame here00:14
nieldkmostly used is actually a drivers license copy. But a few doesnt have that00:14
peterleinchen_could be sufficient for that (definitely not for flying or registering a company))00:15
peterleinchen_what about those younger people out there?00:15
peterleinchen_below 18 would need parents approval???00:16
Win7Macemail of scanned copy should be fine I'd say, since manipulating that form or putting false info would be fraud00:16
juicemethe rules say that to apply must be 14 years old00:16
juicemeit is possible that parents approval is needed for minors between 14...1800:17
nieldkbelieve in DK anyone under 15 would need parents signature, and I feel sure that is so in EU00:17
juicemenieldk, yes, in finland some limits are 16y and some 18y00:18
Win7Macshould be true00:18
juicemeand there even is a limit of 21y for buying strong spirits for example :)00:18
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peterleinchen_NOT in DE ;) (only 18y)00:19
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juicemewhich I used to think was bad when I was a teenager, but now consider wisdom :)00:19
juicemeage adds perspective :)00:19
nieldkso, then we would need parents signature of approval <18 since this is DE registred00:19
juicemeyes, that needs to be added00:20
nieldkin that case, we need some evidence that those signing up is actually above 1800:20
peterleinchen_how much members do we expect to get form those "youngsters" then? (000-009?)00:21
nieldkeg passport/drivers license etc00:21
juicemepeterleinchen_, there are at least some pretty young people on TMO00:21
juicemeso maybe a few would like to join00:22
peterleinchen_yes, I know. but I do not expect their parents to sign some e.V. joining00:22
nieldkunfortunately needed00:23
peterleinchen_but I agree we (maemo) has possibly no other chance to survive00:23
nieldk(unless we can find sponsors)00:24
peterleinchen_nieldk, someone in mind?00:24
juicemeI would not hold my breath on that00:25
Win7Mac2I wouldnt too00:25
juicemewe should plan on having no sponsors, living by give of the community00:25
nieldkwhich actually fits good in the spirit of TMO I think00:26
peterleinchen_a new "keep on the lights" campaign?00:27
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juicemeyes, that is needed at some point. The current infra is running on some donation if I remember correctly00:28
juicemebut eventually that'll time out and we need some income00:29
nieldkdonations I think is necessary00:31
nieldkso, +1 for that00:31
peterleinchen_Win7Mac, is there a chance you could tie this e.V. thing into a few simple sentences once more on TMO. or better first to council@m.o?00:31
peterleinchen_as I do see the non-responses from community as "not-good" signs00:32
peterleinchen_no reaction, no interst, no menbers, ...00:32
peterleinchen_possibly posted together with the referendum post?00:33
Win7MacFYI, HiFo has ~2.600 Euro to hand over to MC eV00:33
juicemepeterleinchen_, it is unfortunately true. also all kind of jump-thru-hoops-to-join is sure to make some people not consider joining00:33
peterleinchen_Win7Mac, not that much00:34
Win7Mac3.378 USD00:34
juicemeWin7Mac, that should keep servers running for some while when we need to start paying for it00:35
juiceme(I still am not sure how long do we have "gratis" running time left)00:35
Win7Macall servers are ~for free00:35
juicemeyes for now, but was it ot a set duration?00:35
Win7Mac(50 Euro/year)00:35
juicemethat's a hell of a donation00:36
juicemeconsidering the traffic and storage00:36
Win7Mac0 Euro for backup, 50 Euro for all maemo.org00:36
Win7Maccontinuously, I believe00:36
juicemesomebody must love Maemo00:36
juicemea lot!00:37
Win7Macthank warfare + chemist foremost00:37
peterleinchen_big THANKS to IPHH00:38
peterleinchen_and of course our techstaff00:38
Win7Macpeterleinchen_, ^^ "...tie this e.V. thing into a few simple sentences once more..." ok, where to put the stress on?00:43
peterleinchen_win7mac, simple mail00:44
peterleinchen_or CC wiki page?00:44
Win7Macit actually is all in the diagramm, I thought it more-or-less would speak for itself:
nieldkhave to leave you now. getting quite late here00:44
Win7Mac...sadly it seems not....00:45
peterleinchen_lets say it needs to be interpreted ...00:47
Win7Mac*1) Board may change bylaws by unanimous decision00:48
Win7Mac*2) General Assembly may change bylaws by 2/3 majority00:48
Win7Mac*3) General Assembly may change General Regulations incl. Council Election Rules by 2/3 majority00:48
juicemethe diagram is pretty good, condensed form of the whole shebang.00:49
juicemepeterleinchen_, there is also explanation in the text on many of posts of Win7Mac on TMO00:49
Win7Macit sure grew over time...00:50
nieldkyes, I think Win7Mac explained it in details already, and I dont think that more can be said00:50
nieldkanyway, going to bed here now00:51
nieldksee you next week :)00:51
juicemesame for me.00:51
Win7Mac...addressing the sweet spot~ a year ago:
juicemeearly morning tomorrow00:51
juicemeor today actually00:51
nieldkyep, 5 hrs00:51
nieldkuntil wake-up00:51
juicemegood night, l8er00:52
nieldkgood night00:52
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Win7Macl8er gater o/00:53
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peterleinchen_good night all00:53
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