IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2014-08-26

DocScrutinizer05(([2014-08-21 Thu 22:02:04] <chem|st> I expect GeneralAntilles to join the e.V. as soon as I have the forms, and he was one person we could get Doc to agree to))  what the F**K are you talking about?00:00
DocScrutinizer05to start with, you don't need my agreement when claiming brand ownership of "maemo" at freenode00:01
DocScrutinizer052nd you seem to still not groc the concept of GC, which is the one point of contact between freenode staff and a brand owner like Nokia or HiFo00:02
DocScrutinizer05grok, even00:02
DocScrutinizer053rd, once you own the "maemo" brand and thus namespace, you don't need xfade anymore, you simply claim that namespace at freenode staff. I discussed all this with freenode already, and sent the results and my suggestions to HiFo00:04
DocScrutinizer05not forgetting to also elaborate about what can get done *until* you eventually own "maemo" brand00:05
DocScrutinizer05on "grok GC concept": the brand owner is free to appoint whomever they like, for GC. Regularly the owners don't take that duty on themselves, see x-fade who even never been a regular Nokia employee aiui. Thus I suggested to pick GC on more practical considerations: ideally should be chanop already, a close affiliation to techstaff would also make some sense00:07
DocScrutinizer05and recently *council* decided to take interim action until HiFo or whoever can sort this stuff for good: ask x-fade to appoint *CO*-GCs which he's free to do any time00:08
DocScrutinizer05since we are not interested in your ownership cncerns, we want stuff to *work*, and for that co-GC riole and permissions are completely sufficient00:10
DocScrutinizer05and many thanks for your concerns about warfare's workload, but I guess it's him and techstaff and council to discuss that00:11
DocScrutinizer05no need for you to take care about that and blame council/me for anything00:12
DocScrutinizer05technically GeneralAntilles, me and warfare are the natural choices for co-GC. GeneralAntilles would probably be a fine choice for primary GC, but so is warfare OR me - mind you there's only ONE (primary) GC and he should be an IRC-savvy, ideally chanop as well00:16
DocScrutinizer05basically GC is for IRC what I been for server maintenance before you bullied me out based on your lack of understanding of my role00:17
DocScrutinizer05as well as your lack of knowledge about the agreement between me and HiFo about that role00:18
DocScrutinizer05and you expose same lack of understanding of the concept now with GC00:21
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peterleinchen_whois peterleinchen_22:58
DocScrutinizer05peterleinchen_: If *you* don't know... ;-)22:59
peterleinchen_Hey. Anybody else listening?23:00
RzRTue Aug 26 22:00:26 CEST 201423:00
DocScrutinizer05hi everybody! Excuse my grumpiness, today it got a reason: headache23:00
RzRexcuses accepted23:01
RzRyou can be as grumpy you want23:02
RzRjuiceme: still afk ?23:02
juicemehiya o/23:03
juicemeDocScrutinizer05, hope you're healing23:03
juicemeRzR, hiya23:03
DocScrutinizer05hoping for the ibuprofen to kick in23:03
juicemepeterleinchen_, hi!23:03
peterleinchen_ibu is the BEST!23:04
juicemeyes, beats paracetamol hands down23:04
DocScrutinizer05so niel is missing?23:04
RzRis neil supposed to be there too ?23:04
juicemehope he'll come23:05
peterleinchen_do not know, as I was away last weeks23:05
RzRit was busy at work IICR23:05
RzRhe was23:05
DocScrutinizer05supposed to? sure! will he be here? dunno :-)23:05
RzRhe is not a bot :)23:05
juicemesame, I've had lots going on lately23:05
DocScrutinizer05I'm just back from holiday23:06
DocScrutinizer05so 100% "online" again23:06
RzRyou were in spain werent you ?23:06
juicemefeeling refreshed and renewed now? :)23:06
DocScrutinizer05even met javispedro on my stopover at Barcelona23:06
juicemeoo, cool23:07
RzRcool he's hacking on tizen gear watches ;)23:07
RzRthat's nice23:07
RzRand did you see that neildk returned his jolla back23:07
DocScrutinizer05he's also busy with his master thesis or whatever. I hope to see him around more often after he successfully finilized that23:08
peterleinchen_did he? really?23:08
RzRyes I think he posted to tmo23:08
peterleinchen_I thought/read he stepped back from selling...23:08
juicemeat least he meant to sell it. frustrated about the battery, or the lack of spare batteries really.23:09
RzRI may have missread23:09
peterleinchen_battery is only top of ...23:09
DocScrutinizer05no spare batts for jollaphone? that's .... :-x23:09
peterleinchen_rZr, he wrote so but also wrote the other way23:09
* DocScrutinizer05 glares at his Jolla23:10
* peterleinchen_ cant do so :(23:10
juicemeDocScrutinizer05, there's no batteries _now_ but it don't mean there will nover be23:11
DocScrutinizer05just like *eventually* the modem may learn LTE ;-)23:12
DocScrutinizer05oh, actually it already knows LTE, in some selected countries23:12
juicemeWhat I guess is they just have not dared to order abatch based on the probability of not being enough buyers for the thingies... It might be there is a lower limit on how many you can orfer from the subcontractor23:12
DocScrutinizer05anyway, what's on the agenda for today?23:13
DocScrutinizer05juiceme: exactly23:13
RzRok let's go23:13
RzR1st we didnt send minutes those past weeks23:14
RzRI did not feel confortable to write them23:14
DocScrutinizer05who'sa chair?23:14
juicemeokay, but I did read the loghs23:14
DocScrutinizer05usually it's chair's task23:15
peterleinchen_wrote so in my mail that I need some support to do so23:15
DocScrutinizer05unless agreed upon differntly23:15
peterleinchen_had written moms and sent via mail23:15
peterleinchen_not for the last two weeks23:15
DocScrutinizer05sorry, I didn't catch up with mails yet23:15
peterleinchen_who was supposed to do so for last two meetings?23:16
RzRanyway no one complained ?23:16
peterleinchen_as I feel not right to write for those were I was absent23:16
DocScrutinizer05when noone complained, then preparing meeting minutes for past meetings is mostly useless23:16
peterleinchen_and yes no one complained at all23:17
DocScrutinizer05meeting minutes are mostly to document decisions made, and for preparing next meeting23:17
RzRwell I dont feel the need for those23:17
RzRthat single wiki page will be enough23:18
DocScrutinizer05decisions usually need other form of publication as well, so that's not a strong argument for minutes23:18
RzRI would add a chapter per meeting23:18
DocScrutinizer05there's no *rule* that requires meeting minutes23:18
juicemeas I see there was no decisions made on last meetings.23:18
RzR6m * 4w = 24 chapters23:18
juicemeI was away last week23:18
DocScrutinizer05it's just a best practice23:18
DocScrutinizer05RzR: sounds good to me23:19
RzRI can help to edit / maintain that wiki page23:19
DocScrutinizer05nevertheless when we can manage to prepare meeting minutes before next meeting, we should stick to the habit23:20
DocScrutinizer05do we have any real points on our todo list for today? Or does any of the guests want to bring up a topic that needs attention?23:21
RzRno that much23:21
RzRI can suggest some23:21
RzRI thought this could be the entry point for community to bring some topics23:22
RzRlike the previous ones we had in private emails23:22
RzRdo we agrea on the fact it's prefered to contact Council in the public ?23:22
juicemeRzR, do you mean the category "possible tasks"?23:23
RzRusers cant edit this page23:23
RzRbut they can edit the talk page23:23
RzRso on each meeting I suggest to see our tasks and this sort this "talk" page23:24
juicemeso users can suggest topics on talk, and we can take them up on wikipage23:24
RzRthis way we have direct connection to members23:24
RzRjuiceme, that's the idea yes23:24
peterleinchen_agreed , too. But where on TMO?23:25
juicemedo you intend on starting a specific topic of it on talk/community ?23:25
RzRi added this in my sig23:25
RzRbut I can make a post23:26
juicemesomething like "topics for council's attention" or smth23:26
RzRyea I'll do it23:26
DocScrutinizer05sonds all good to me23:26
RzRin hope it will end in a holywar23:26
RzRit will NOT23:26
juicememmh, many things will :(23:27
DocScrutinizer05did anybody send a mail to NielsBreet CC Jolla asking for sorting of the co-GC stuff?23:27
RzRI mailed xfade once23:28
juicemeany reply?23:28
RzRnone as DocScrutinizer05 predicted23:29
DocScrutinizer05yeah, i'm pretty sure this sort of mails gets trapped in his spam filter23:29
juicemethat's too bad23:29
RzRbut I contacted lbt who's his collegue23:29
DocScrutinizer05that's fine23:29
RzRso xfade should be aware23:29
peterleinchen_niel wrote a draft to Jolla board. But it got stuck, or?23:30
RzRlet's ask this to neil when he's back23:30
DocScrutinizer05we don't need a draft to Jolla board, we need an approach like <RzR> but I contacted lbt who's his collegue23:30
peterleinchen_but we agreed to do so in one of last meetings23:31
DocScrutinizer05we could send a mail to lbt and ask him to forward it to xfade23:31
RzRyes I can do that23:31
juicemeI agree with that... if lbt will talk with xfade over a cup of coffee or something it will be as good as reaching him via mail23:31
peterleinchen_where I see this way as the "one"23:31
peterleinchen_as it would take him only a few minutes23:32
DocScrutinizer05"Dear Niels, could you please contact council/Joerg about creating some co-GC accounts for #maemo, so we can handle stuff like cloaks etc? Thanks a lot!"23:32
juicemeyes, this is not about time, just reaching23:32
RzRI have an other idea23:32
RzRlet's invite jolla folks we know23:32
RzRin this place23:32
RzRlike today23:33
RzRor next meeting23:33
juicemewhat we'd like to talk about?23:33
DocScrutinizer05Jolla staff has no direct involvement with maemo in any way23:34
juicemethat's true too23:35
DocScrutinizer05when we ask them to "waste their time" by attending a council meeting, we should have some very sound topic we want to discuss with them23:35
peterleinchen_and that is ONLY about IRC, so mailing shoul be enough23:35
DocScrutinizer05and that topic should be of the kind that can't really get discussed on email or forum23:35
DocScrutinizer05again: maemo co-GC and jolla are *totally* unrelated!23:36
DocScrutinizer05I asked for not mixing stuff like 2make friends with jolla" and any maemo admin related stuff like xfade creating co-GC23:38
juicemeokay, anything else on agenda that we can tackle today23:38
DocScrutinizer05mixing this will not have a nice ending23:38
peterleinchen_so what about MoMs? Where to post?23:40
RzR/invite x-fade #maemo-meeting23:40
DocScrutinizer05>>hi lbt, could you please forward this to xfade? "Dear Niels, could you please contact council/Joerg about creating some co-GC accounts for #maemo, so we can handle stuff like cloaks etc? Thanks a lot!" Thanks you lbt for taking care about it, we can't reach xfade under the mail accounts we know of<<23:40
peterleinchen_Like here:
peterleinchen_or also on TMO? With which account?23:40
peterleinchen_Or do it only on wiki?23:40
juicemeuse your own account to post the news page23:41
RzRDocScrutinizer05, did this w/ stskeeps just now23:41
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o DocScrutinizer0523:41
juicemethere is automatic script that will take your news artoicle and post it to TMO23:41
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peterleinchen_juiceme: okay, but about layout?23:42
Win7Macyou just got mail Re: #maemo group contact update23:42
RzRFwd: Re: #maemo group contact update23:42
juicemewhat I used to do, is I took a previous MoM as a baseline, edited that and then posted to news23:42
juicemethe layout is "partly html"23:42
juicemekind of :)23:42
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juicemeyou are allowed to use some html tags23:43
juicemexes, hi23:43
DocScrutinizer05GREAT!!! Now all we need generalantilles to do is adding some proxies to the access list and we're done23:43
DocScrutinizer05hi xes!23:44
RzRWin7Mac, excellent job23:44
xeshi DocScrutinizer05!23:44
Win7Macwell, thank GenereralAbtilles23:44
RzRhe's not there23:44
RzRso no glory ;)23:44
Win7Macyou should have gotten this earlier, sorry23:44
RzRwell at least it's there23:45
RzRDocScrutinizer05, so next letter  will be "let's make friend w/ j"23:45
DocScrutinizer05 /cs access #maemo list23:45
DocScrutinizer05anyway we still can't handle cloaks with this23:45
RzR +AFRfiorstv23:46
DocScrutinizer05only GC and co-GCs can ask freenode staff for cloak changes23:46
DocScrutinizer05GC is not a flag in access list23:46
RzRDocScrutinizer05, he said :  Is this enough or do I need to change something else?23:46
DocScrutinizer05yes, we need to answer he please create a co-GC record at frenode for GeneralAntilles, Warfare, and I'd suggest also me23:47
DocScrutinizer05this needs him to send a mail to freenode staff asking for it23:48
DocScrutinizer05the permissions of co-GCs need to be: all irc channel administration (like reclaiming lost channels) plus cloak handling23:49
juicemeWin7Mac, hi23:49
RzRok for this DocScrutinizer0523:49
DocScrutinizer05RzR: can you please follow up on this task?23:50
RzRhow ?23:51
RzRyou want me to request this for you ?23:51
RzRlike a bullet jacket ?23:52
Win7Macplease send request to GeneralAntilles so he stays on top23:52
Win7Macof the loop23:52
DocScrutinizer05well, I seem to understand you wrote a mail to xfade already. I can of course also try to contact GenAnt and explain to him that we need co-GC with cloak handling permissions23:52
RzRlet me do this in coucil name23:53
DocScrutinizer05that's what I asked for23:53
DocScrutinizer05you can even CC Niels ;-)23:54
DocScrutinizer05now you got a working email addr23:54
DocScrutinizer05here's my suggestion for co-GC candidates again: GeneralAntilles, warfare, joerg_rw23:55
DocScrutinizer05since I want this stuff spread across more shoulders than only one person. For workload as well as redundancy reasons23:56
DocScrutinizer05bus factor ;-)23:57
juicemeyes, that is very reasonable.23:57
peterleinchen_okay to me23:57
DocScrutinizer05once HiFo or e.V. has full ownership of the brand "maemo", xfade can transfer primary GC to Genant23:59
RzRcan I be added as extra CG ?23:59
DocScrutinizer05sure, why not23:59
RzRnot that i plan to do it23:59

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