*** xes has quit IRC | 00:17 | |
juiceme | ho! | 00:30 |
juiceme | all left already...? | 00:31 |
sixwheeledbeast | was anybody really here? | 00:38 |
sixwheeledbeast | ;) | 00:38 |
juiceme | Doc was, for a while I see | 00:39 |
juiceme | I was so doubly-bent on trying to wrap up a RPM package I never noticed what time it is... | 00:39 |
juiceme | first time trying to package on the device (Jolla) | 00:40 |
juiceme | and I don't know the first thing of RPM's, always been a DEB man myself... | 00:40 |
juiceme | now why does it have to be so bloody difficult... I almost now get the .spec right, and am confronted with "cpio: Bad magic" | 00:41 |
sixwheeledbeast | meh, I'll stick to .deb's | 01:02 |
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