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DocScrutinizer05 | http://maemo.org/vote/results.php?election_id=35 | 02:42 |
M4rtinK | DocScrutinizer05: congratulations! :) | 02:45 |
DocScrutinizer05 | thanks | 02:46 |
DocScrutinizer05 | :-S | 02:46 |
DocScrutinizer05 | chem|st: council chair (leaving body) should officially announce end of elections, results, and the exact schedule how we proceed. Usually next regular council meeting is used to hand over to new council, until then new council member shall have email set up and get introduced into council's duties etc in private chat | 02:55 |
DocScrutinizer05 | attending handover meeting is mandatory for all leaving and new council body | 02:56 |
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chem|st | good morning | 14:13 |
chem|st | DocScrutinizer51: qwazix merlin1991 is a handover today possible for you? I have a very tight schedule this week and wont be able to attend anything mon and from wed-sun | 14:17 |
merlin1991 | chem|st: depending on the time yes, but you'll have to get juiceme in aswell | 14:18 |
qwazix | chem|st, after 20UTC yep | 14:18 |
merlin1991 | he's on the irc (#harmattan and #nemomobile) | 14:19 |
chem|st | merlin1991: 20utc? :) | 14:23 |
merlin1991 | that sounds ok | 14:23 |
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chem|st | I will announce it as today 20UTC for noe | 14:33 |
chem|st | now | 14:33 |
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qwazix | no meeting? | 21:34 |
chem|st | qwazix: dont knwo yet | 21:59 |
chem|st | guess juiceme will be missing | 21:59 |
chem|st | qwazix: who is able to set him up on council mailing? | 22:00 |
* merlin1991 is here | 22:01 | |
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chem|st | merlin1991: qwazix postponed I guess | 22:16 |
chem|st | merlin1991: qwazix DocScrutinizer51 how about tuesday 22UTC? | 22:17 |
chem|st | juiceme at least read the announcement... | 22:30 |
merlin1991 | sounds ok | 22:36 |
chem|st | next open spot I have monday the week after next | 22:37 |
qwazix | I'm here | 22:38 |
chem|st | ok | 22:38 |
qwazix | (sorry I misread your previous quote) | 22:38 |
qwazix | tuesday 22 seems fine, lemme check | 22:38 |
qwazix | worst case scenario I'll be a few minutes, late, otherwise okay | 22:39 |
chem|st | ok | 22:49 |
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