IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Friday, 2013-12-13

*** Woody14619 has quit IRC01:28
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*** M4rtinK has quit IRC02:19
*** kolp has quit IRC03:06
*** ZogG_laptop has quit IRC04:45
*** freemangordon has joined #maemo-meeting08:52
*** kolp has joined #maemo-meeting10:34
*** ZogG_laptop has joined #maemo-meeting11:29
*** freemangordon_ has joined #maemo-meeting12:45
*** freemangordon has quit IRC12:45
*** ZogG_laptop has quit IRC15:53
*** ZogG_laptop has joined #maemo-meeting16:00
*** ZogG_laptop has joined #maemo-meeting16:00
*** ZogG_lap1op has joined #maemo-meeting17:34
*** ZogG_laptop has quit IRC17:35
*** freemangordon_ has quit IRC18:06
*** freemangordon has joined #maemo-meeting18:06
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*** freemangordon has joined #maemo-meeting18:38
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*** freemangordon has joined #maemo-meeting18:54
*** Woody14619a has joined #maemo-meeting19:34
*** Woody14619 has quit IRC19:38
chem|sti wont make it later.... please discuss possibilities for contests and their funding, i am mobile currently with shitty internet, sorry19:46
*** kolp has quit IRC20:17
qwazixsorry for being late...20:49

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