IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Monday, 2013-10-28

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chem|stDocScrutinizer05: thanks for the karma update, does it mean that tokensystem is up to speed now or is this another construction side?10:48
DocScrutinizer05tokensystem aka voting engine shall work now10:58
DocScrutinizer05however I don't dare to touch it without guidance from woody10:59
DocScrutinizer05we need to build new electorate database and that's spiced with lots of warnings and command options that sound brutal and with no way to rollback any mistake user may make11:00
DocScrutinizer05anyway we don't need that right now, since (I heard) we got no - or too few - candidates for running a council election11:07
DocScrutinizer05I think nomination period extension needs to get announced11:07
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DocScrutinizer05disclaimer: due to a stress induced defect related to maemo elections, I saty away from managing and overseeing that process this time11:13
chem|stwill do, it is one week to add, right? so Nov 4th11:13
DocScrutinizer05I forgot, wasn't it 4 weeks?11:14
DocScrutinizer05should be written in the rules wikipage11:14
DocScrutinizer05 maybe11:16
DocScrutinizer0511:If there are fewer than 4 candidates when the nominations close, the election cannot be held.11:16
DocScrutinizer05     1:The nomination period will be extended by 1 month and the election postponed similarly.11:16
chem|styeah it is four weeks... but then we have another week nominations open now...11:17
DocScrutinizer05I didn't follow / track the dates/deadlines of this election11:18
chem|stwe have another week11:18
chem|stThe last election finished 8th of May 2013 so the election should begin on the 4th of November. Elections duration is one week, until the 10th of November. Nominations should open 2 weeks before that, thus on the 21th of the current month.11:18
DocScrutinizer05relevant data root: mail to community-ML / council blog11:19
chem|styeah that is council blogpost11:19
chem|stI will announce extension next week if need be.11:20
chem|stWoody14619: sending out tokens takes how long? couple of hours?11:21
DocScrutinizer05think of 2 days11:26
DocScrutinizer05plus checks and fixing of problems11:26
chem|stouch ( I thought of +20h but not +40h)11:26
chem|stdoes postponing work properly? (eg changing dates of elections)11:27
DocScrutinizer05unless you try to do that after the date expired11:28
DocScrutinizer05the only hard date is opening and closing of voting page11:29
DocScrutinizer05sending out tokens needs to get triggered manually11:29
DocScrutinizer05but only after electorate db been updated, checked, fixed, since every later massive changes to electorate invalidate the whole election and all tokens that already might have been sent11:30
DocScrutinizer05adding single users to electorate and sending out token to them is possible via manual process on voting admin pages11:31
chem|stso updating the db the latest possible? or does that run automagically with karma?11:31
DocScrutinizer05no, that's the process I boggle from11:31
DocScrutinizer05I prefer Woody14619 to do that11:32
DocScrutinizer05since the interface is crude and obscure11:32
DocScrutinizer05setting up the election however (dates only) is easy and can get done any time11:33
DocScrutinizer05so it will show up incl schedule in
DocScrutinizer05Woody14619 said he likes the idea of setting up another TEST election for users (and council) to practice11:34
DocScrutinizer05similar to
DocScrutinizer05NB that afaik all elections using ONE centralized global electorate table11:36
DocScrutinizer05but local token tables11:36
DocScrutinizer05or sth like that, I already mentioned it's obscure11:36
chem|styes you mentioned that11:39
DocScrutinizer05the steps aiui it (chronological sequence): set up election, dates only. Update electorate table from midgard user-table&user-karma-based-condition. Update election with new dates. Update election with candidates. Create token table and send out mails 3 days before voting starts. sit back and watch11:40
chem|stso this needs to be done within the next couple of days :/11:41
chem|stI will be later on, can you discuss the when and what with Woody14619 when he is awake please and I'll catch up later.11:44
DocScrutinizer05will try to... busy today, other stuff scheduled for today12:06
DocScrutinizer05I don't see any pressure yet, since we go into nomination extension anyway, no?12:08
DocScrutinizer05even if we don't, wasn't there a 7 days contemplation period between end of nomination period and start of voting?12:09
DocScrutinizer05all we need to do in a timely manner is to push announcements, for now12:10
DocScrutinizer05(see disclaimer above, I don't have the overview over the timelines and current state)12:11
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chem|st has no contemplation period14:33
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Woody14619Hi. :)  Yes, Maemo election rules don't show contempation period, but HFC does.  The rules on the wiki were not updated after the resolution to merge the two rule sets.  It's a minor detail, but it's in there.18:19
Woody14619FWIW: I can setup an election with minimal effort, and am happy to do so.  As noted, the only thing time critical is the start of the election.  Tokens take about 2 days to mail out, but that's adjustable.  It's all automated, so just a matter of figuring out what rate we want.  2 days was a good "don't get flagged as spam" to "get it done" ratio.18:21
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chem|stSo I need to announce an extension?!18:28
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qwazixchem|st, the original announcement didn't say anything about contemplation period, according to wiki, so maybe we should wait another week? Maybe a candidate or two will show up18:42
Woody14619I doubt the next week fill find us 4 candidates.  Reguardless I'll start the process of getting things ready.  Worst case tokens will be going out just before the election.  Less than desirable, but wouldn't be the first time that's happened...18:59
qwazixWoody14619, we already have two IIRC, so two more needed at minimum (if I'm not forgetting anybody)19:02
* gregoa doesn't remember any mails from candidates on the maemo mailing lists19:24
Woody14619We do?  I haven't seen any.  I've seen one person offer it on TMO, but nothing on the MLs (as gregoa has noted).19:25
qwazixtmo... I hope they didn't change their minds19:25
DocScrutinizer05I wonder how to organize things without contemplation period. Seems like things have to get done in zero time then19:30
qwazixcontemplation period is customary the latest years, so we can get things moving if there isn't any action soon~ish19:32
qwazixand announce correctly this time19:32
chem|stqwazix: so hold and wait for monday?19:55
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qwazixchem|st, I'd say extend on  meeting day (1/11) if noone shows up20:50
qwazixany later and we risk missing the election timeframe20:50
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