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DocScrutinizer05 | moin | 21:06 |
Win7Mac | moinsen | 21:06 |
qwazix | moo | 21:09 |
kolp | Bonjour | 21:09 |
DocScrutinizer05 | hi qwazix | 21:12 |
DocScrutinizer05 | thedead1440 posted a nice thread starter for elections to tmo | 21:13 |
DocScrutinizer05 | Woody14619, kolp, FatPhil are helping to fix itt karma | 21:13 |
DocScrutinizer05 | we might be almost there | 21:14 |
Woody14619 | hola | 21:14 |
Win7Mac | hey, Woody o/ | 21:15 |
Win7Mac | whats your thought on my last mail regarding the check + new account with me? | 21:18 |
Win7Mac | *withOUT me | 21:19 |
qwazix | sorry have to go out for 5min | 21:19 |
Woody14619 | I have made no progress on that, as I've either been working and/or out of the area (differnt states) during banking hours. | 21:23 |
Win7Mac | np, but you agree on both? | 21:24 |
qwazix | back | 21:28 |
Woody14619 | I do. I will try to get it deposited regardless ASAP. | 21:29 |
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Win7Mac | thank you | 21:32 |
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