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chem|st | yeah another meeting my attendance was announced mandatory and all talked about is elections need to be announced by chair (everything else isn't council topic or is council head of administration now), I am sorry for missing out on the election announcement last week, it was surely not on my radar and should have been, sorry! It got announced and it does not matter who announces it as long as it is announced. The role of council needs to be | 02:14 |
chem|st | Do you need me to reannounce the announcement being announced as last announcement (love ot do that announcement announcing with an announceer - no I am not drunk but please bare with me when I stop taking stuff like this not any more seriouse than dogshit in my neighbours front yard) | 02:16 |
DocScrutinizer05 | please stop acting in a way that damages whole council's reputation | 02:23 |
DocScrutinizer05 | you're free to think of council rules whatever you like, but not in your position as council member and chair of council | 02:24 |
DocScrutinizer05 | by standing for a position in council you obviously accepted to follow and obey those rules. Reread them before bullying and bashing others for trying to do what you obviously think is not relevant | 02:27 |
DocScrutinizer05 | you exhibit a rather totalitarian or maybe anarchistic mindset lately, interpreting and ignoring rules on all levels just like you feel comfortable with | 02:29 |
DocScrutinizer05 | and it's not only me who notices that your main contribution to maemo at large is silence, particularly when it comes to communication with any of the other maemo "officials" | 02:39 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I hardly notice any difference to Rob | 02:41 |
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chem|st | any more personal attack at hand? | 02:52 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | I don't see any difference in level of "personal attack" between what I said and your >> I stop taking stuff like this not any more seriouse than dogshit in my neighbours front yard<< - if any differnce that for sure in favour for dispassion on my side | 02:55 |
DocScrutinizer05 | and don't get me started about the larger picture of dropping by here late and basically blaming all other council members for doing nonsense when they try to follow and obbey rules we all wre voted by and thus are obliged to adhere to, just because the rest of council asked you to maybe repost a mail (!! OMG!) so nobody later on can blame us for not following the correct procedure | 02:59 |
DocScrutinizer05 | the time you wasted with spreading poison here would've been sufficient to send 3 emails and do 5 maemo.org blog posts | 03:05 |
chem|st | I am actually only refering to you and no I do not see a point in reposting any announcement on ML or tmo or blog - it confuses people! And no I do not see the point in having a weekly meeting where technical stuff between administrators and maintainers is discussed - wrong room, wrong floor and sometimes not even the right building you are jibbering in... a "hey chem, we almost forgot, can you announce elections this week please" resulting i | 03:17 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | suuure, since exactly this been discussed 3 weeks ago on meeting, 2 weeks ago qwazix came up with a draft for the announcement and all council incl you got a mail to please check and sign, finally we sent it out last week without your signature or help, and this week we discussed what else is needed for elections. If that agenda for council meeting isn't meeting your ideas then please come up with a better agenda rather that | 03:27 |
DocScrutinizer05 | demonstrating your disagreement by absence and poisonous actions and comments | 03:27 |
DocScrutinizer05 | you once complained that the time of meeting doesn't comply with your other schedules, any request to you to suggest a better time resulted in... silence, you guessed it | 03:28 |
DocScrutinizer05 | and I don't see how it matter to whom you refer, when in fact you're arguing about my points that referred to your behaviour as well as the rest of council and what you've been asked to do | 03:30 |
DocScrutinizer05 | and what you think is confusing or maybe not confusing people is a fine topic for agenda of a meeting, but no rationale or justification for ignoring the rest of council and not appearing at meetings at all | 03:32 |
DocScrutinizer05 | in 3 weeks our term ends anyway, I'd prefer if you try to play nice those last 3 weeks rather than adding trouble on top of what problems we already are facing. Do you think you can manage that? | 03:37 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | the position of council chair is explicitly NOT meant to empower one council member to act on own authority - it's meant to make sure council announcements are representing the majority of council, even when chair maybe disagreed during decision finding | 04:30 |
DocScrutinizer05 | thus avoiding a situation where different council members are publishing contradicting statements and thus council losing authority at all | 04:32 |
DocScrutinizer05 | and council chair is ultimately responsible for elections and their correct holding according to the rules | 04:33 |
DocScrutinizer05 | (decision finding) I'd even say chair is obliged to moderate in council so minority notions are not ignored but rather discussed so in the end council should decide unanimously. This of course the more applies when the minority notion is the chair's own one. Definitely chair isn't meant to ignore any request parts of the council gave | 04:44 |
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