IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Monday, 2013-07-01

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Win7Macwho's present?01:00
Win7Macwoody said he might come a bit later01:00
Win7Macjaffa said he trys to come by occasionally01:00
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GeneralAntillesHey, Woody.01:01
Woody14619ahey. :)01:02
Win7Macchem|st: ping01:02
Woody14619aon my n900, so a little slow typing01:03
Win7Macany news about meeting on tue?01:04
Woody14619anot sure what you mean.  had planned one for that based on previous schedules so Rob could attend.01:06
Win7Macwill it happen? when, where, will it be mandatory for new members to be present etc.01:07
Woody14619ai think it should, but attendance is not manditory... this is something to be decided this meeting I suppose.01:08
GeneralAntillesI can manage some attention on a text-meeting, but audio isn't doable for me as I'll be at work.01:09
Win7Macsame for me I guess01:09
Woody14619aissue is that we mush have an audio meeting at some point, even if it's to just confirm the discussion made elsewhere.01:11
Win7Macbut that can be later, right?01:12
GeneralAntillesDid you setup a Doodle whatever for meeting scheduling?01:12
Win7MacGA, I asked about it in board channel, nobody answered01:13
Woody14619ano, not yet. literally just got back from a funeral.  You know, you all can feel free to do some of this yourselves. just saying.01:14
GeneralAntillesI thought I did01:14
GeneralAntillesMust've been disconnected when I tried to answer.01:14
GeneralAntillesWoody14619, was directed at Win7Mac, not you. ;)01:14
GeneralAntillesSorry for your loss.01:14
Win7Macyeah, sorry01:14
GeneralAntillesI'll do that now.01:15
Win7MacI'm also sorry for not just doing it right away01:15
GeneralAntillesNo worries01:15
Win7MacI'm a rookie ya know01:15
GeneralAntillesIn general, it's good to follow the "Better to ask forgiveness than permission" policy with most of this stuff.01:16
Win7MacI'm not a native english, so please don't let me read between lines tto much ;)01:17
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Woody14619awell, especially when it comes to simpler stuff, like setting up an account or what not.  I'm also on google+ & know they have a calendarish app? sounds like this time frame is about the only thing that fits most people anyway.01:18
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Win7Macoh, I'd rather prefer concert-oh over any google service01:21
Woody14619aso do we have chem|st or jaffa here yet?01:21
GeneralAntillesJaffa's got a housewarming party01:22
GeneralAntillesSo he's probably not going to make it.01:22
GeneralAntillesNo word from chem|st.01:22
Woody14619aahh... right...01:22
Win7MacI'm sure they come by later01:22
Woody14619asight.  so really, not much we can do to move forward at this point.01:23
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Win7Macso I basically wanted to prepare things for handover to be painless as possible01:23
GeneralAntillesHave we compiled an agenda for the handover?01:24
chem|stuh sry...01:24
chem|stam late01:24
Woody14619afor google i was more talking about calendar. we tried using google+ for conferencing & it was a nightmare.01:24
Win7Macand have an official statement about when and where the meeting on tue will happen or not01:24
Woody14619aagain, the tuesday meeting was more of a "hey, can people do this" not a "you're all required to show up".01:25
GeneralAntillesAre we working with any hard deadlines for having a handover meeting?01:26
GeneralAntillesWhat official voting needs to occur for the handover?01:26
Win7Macok, thanks woody01:26
GeneralAntilless/voting/business that needs a conference call/01:26
Woody14619afrom past exercises in this, if I didn't suggest a date/time nothing would move...01:26
Win7Macand it will be on concert-oh?01:26
Win7Mac^ tues meeting?01:27
GeneralAntillesWin7Mac, presumably.01:27
Woody14619aI would prefer (and think it mahy be required) to have the existing board members acknowlege and welcome new board members.01:28
chem|stwell tue 14UTC is in the mid of my working hours and audio might get challenging01:28
Win7Macchem|st, woody just clarified that our attendance is not required01:29
Woody14619awhich is why it's been suggested to find a time we can all attend.01:29
GeneralAntillesJust sent out the Doodle poll01:30
Woody14619athis is getting mildy frustrating...  i *suggested* a time for a meeting...01:30
GeneralAntillesNot great for trying to find overlap.01:30
GeneralAntillesMore useful for picking among several already agreeable meeting times.01:30
Woody14619athanks GA.01:31
chem|stfor the ''old'' board (two guys) it should be doable to find 1 hour somewhere in a week's timeframe?! for the future we just doodle it01:32
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Win7MacGA, I only have timeframes from 01:00 - 06:00 in my timezone01:33
Win7Macas available to choose from01:33
chem|stWin7Mac: please speak UTC.... that is 1100UTC through out 1600UTC?01:34
Win7Macfor july 1st that is01:34
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Win7Macoh, forget it01:35
GeneralAntillesOh, yeah, I don't have time before work on normal workdays.01:35
GeneralAntillesForgot to include lunches01:35
Win7Macyeah, got it now01:35
Woody14619asigh... an again my stupid n900 is giving me a "redirect loop" error.01:35
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chem|stis that it?01:36
GeneralAntillesAdded some times in there.01:36
Win7MacGA, timeline ends 07-07, can you extend it?01:38
GeneralAntillesNo idea.01:39
GeneralAntillesI can01:39
GeneralAntillesBut that's as far as the data I put in went.01:39
GeneralAntillesSchedule is different next week.01:39
Win7Macok, I can only promise to attend tomorrow, which is too early I think01:41
Win7Macrest of the week I can't promise anything as I'm on business trip and probably available via N9 only01:42
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Win7MacGA, inkl. sat + sun?01:43
Woody14619aso all the doodle times are EDT?  or does it convert based on where you are?01:43
GeneralAntillesWoody14619, yeah.01:43
GeneralAntillesWin7Mac, Sat and Sunday almost always remain the same.01:43
Win7Macah, ok01:44
Win7MacWoody14619, it should state your timezone above the timeline01:46
Woody14619ak. entered. :P had to nuke /user/home/.mozilla to get the page to load.  mush have a munged setting from restore. :P01:47
Woody14619awish it had an option for "prefered" and "available"... :) but otherwise, yay.01:48
GeneralAntillesOK, for handover meeting we need to address: banking information, emails archives (?), relevant NDAs, Nokia contract negotiations, official handoff, ... ?01:48
GeneralAntillesWoody14619, yeah, it's rather sub-par.01:48
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GeneralAntillesI'd like something where we can all enter our availability times (with primary and alternate preferences) and it'd generate a list of potential meeting times that are at least x minutes/hours long.01:49
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Win7Macgreat idea, I can't even edit my "vote" on doodle :(01:50
* Woody14619a would suggest, if I knew it had that, but I don't...01:50
GeneralAntillesMight see if I can write a little web app.01:50
Win7MacOh no, wait, I *can* edit it01:51
Win7Macso doodle might pan out01:51
chem|stWin7Mac: you need to be logged in...01:53
Win7MacGA, just extend the timeline by following week from 0-24h and we will see01:53
Woody14619athat look s like a reasonable topic list.   some of that is a matter of technical issue (is there a mail archive?  Tim S. may know that.)01:53
chem|stor the session needs to be still yours01:53
Win7Macchem|st, not needed for editing01:53
GeneralAntillesWoody14619a, I'm not sure on the legal requirements for a lot of this.01:53
Win7Macsession needs to be still yours...01:54
GeneralAntillesI need to pick up a book on 501(c)(3)'s.01:54
chem|stok that's it for me.. gtg to bed01:55
Woody14619ato my knowlege we are not a 501c3...01:55
chem|stread you later01:55
GeneralAntillesI was under the impression that that was what SD69 had been hard-charging towards.01:55
Woody14619athe articles of incorporation documents I signed were for simple incorporation. there was a good 5 months I was not on the board01:56
GeneralAntillesThus the issue with PayPal.01:57
Woody14619aso it may have happened then. I actually did ask this at one point though, in email, but never got a reply.01:57
GeneralAntillesThanks again, by the way, for being so dedicate to this madhouse, Woody14619a. :)01:58
Woody14619athis is part of my frustration with things.01:58
GeneralAntillesWell, hopefully the clouds (and the weight) should be lifting shortly. ;)01:58
Woody14619aI was "out of the loop" for 5 months, but the assumption is I have all redords and knowledge, when in fact, that's the duty of the secretary of the foundation.01:59
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Woody14619aand when asked, the secretary was not replying, or as is now, downright refusing to give that information because "it's all in the email archive", which I do not know for sure even exists or how to access.02:01
Win7MacWoody14619a, nobody's blaming you02:01
GeneralAntillesI doubt Tim is archiving anything02:02
GeneralAntillesJust a forwarding alias.02:02
Woody14619aI know. :)  just venting a bit.02:02
GeneralAntillesBut, we'll chase him down on that.02:02
Win7MacI'm just abot trying to get a picture of the situation02:02
GeneralAntillesActually, I'll take that on as an action.02:02
GeneralAntillesHey, while we're on the subject of responsibilities.02:02
GeneralAntillesI hereby nominate Jaffa for Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Comm Officer.02:03
GeneralAntilles(Also: Ship's counselor)02:03
Woody14619ashit battery is dying02:03
GeneralAntillesI think we probably touched-base enough for now02:04
GeneralAntillesWe can chase down any loose ends before the handover meeting via email if need be.02:04
Woody14619aanyway... i need to eat & get back for the 8 to 10 calling hours.02:04
Win7Macwoody, please give info in #maemo-board or here what went on in tues meeting02:04
Woody14619awill b an email at min win7mac02:04
GeneralAntillesThanks, Woody14619a. Have a peaceful evening.02:05
Win7Macfor voice meeting available from 08 july on only02:05
Win7MacThanks woody02:05
Woody14619afollow up ib email please.  also, can someone hit Tim S. about adding new members to board alias?02:07
GeneralAntillesWoody14619, has the full list for now.02:07
Win7Macadding new members to board alias already happened02:07
GeneralAntillesBut I'll add that to the email I'm drafting to him.02:07
GeneralAntillesWin7Mac, board@hildonfoundation.org02:07
Win7Macah, ok02:08
GeneralAntillesWin7Mac, should I sent Tim the info@ address for the board@hifo alias?02:08
Win7Macno, HiFo-Board@~ please02:09
Woody14619athanks all.  catch you in email.02:09
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Win7Macthanks again woody, wish you a peacefull evening too. o/02:10
GeneralAntillesI think we can close then.02:10
GeneralAntillesSomebody should probably write up minutes for this.02:11
Win7Machonestly, we are not even in charge yet02:12
GeneralAntillesWell, extra transparency certainly can't help.02:12
GeneralAntillesWhether or not it's from an official body yet.02:12
Win7Macbut I won't stop you ;-)02:12
GeneralAntillesYeah, yeah. ;)02:12
Win7Macsorry, its 1 am here and have a job tomorrow...02:13
Win7Macat 9am02:13
GeneralAntillesThanks for getting the meeting organized.02:13
Win7MacI really did my best, I mean I tried. I'm a bad moderator though02:14
GeneralAntillesNah, went fine.02:14
GeneralAntilles4/5 on short notice02:14
GeneralAntillesHad no specific agenda going in02:14
GeneralAntillesso it's always going to be a little slow to get going then.02:15
Win7Maccould you extend the timeline?02:15
Win7Macmake it available 0-24h whole week02:15
GeneralAntillesThe votes are for times I'm available02:16
Win7Macif everbody fills in, it very well might pan out02:16
GeneralAntillesI guess I can just make it 0-24h then send a poll to another email02:16
GeneralAntillesthat way I can vote in it, too.02:16
GeneralAntillesI'll look at it later tonight or tomorrow.02:17
Win7Macyeah, make a new poll for that week02:17
Win7Macpeeps can fill in as soon as they know...02:18
* GeneralAntilles off to MWKN editing and dinner.02:18
Win7Macbecoz I can't make an audio meeting this week.02:19
GeneralAntillesWe may not need an audio meeting for a while, truthfully.02:19
GeneralAntillesPlanning on limiting the audio meetings to situations where we need to cast votes02:20
GeneralAntillesand then only for about 15-20 minutes to do that02:20
GeneralAntillesHave the discussions and other stuff on IRC.02:20
Win7Macalso for audio-only there's probably simpler solutions than concert-oh02:21
GeneralAntillesIt has a lot of overhead02:21
GeneralAntillesbut I know they tried a number of options that didn't work02:21
GeneralAntillesI host a Teamspeak server that we could use.02:22
GeneralAntillesGotta get the application, but it's certainly reliable.02:22
Win7Macnp, good02:23
GeneralAntillesAnyway, we'll figure it out. Sleep, sleep. ;)02:23
Win7Mac;) gn02:24
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Win7Macsh*t, are we talking about an audio meeting or an IRC meeting in that doodle thingy?02:29
DocScrutinizer05hoe about annotatintg whether the particular availability is for audio or text meeting?02:30
GeneralAntillesWin7Mac, audio.02:31
Win7Macgood then...02:31
DocScrutinizer05nice meeting ;-)02:32
DocScrutinizer05there's a tiny spreadsheet on
DocScrutinizer05since STV sucks02:34
Win7Macbrilliant idea, but may I suggest to put that topic on agenda for after handover?02:35
Win7Macwe have a top-prio topic already...02:35
DocScrutinizer05more a topic for council, but I'd appreciate feedback from you guys as well, particularly the "maemo foundation crew" who discussed that STV and alternatives a few years ago02:35
DocScrutinizer05Jaffa: GeneralAntilles ^^^02:36
Win7Macdamn. "maemo foundation crew" is much more soundy than what we actually have ;)02:37
Win7Macbut i know rights and stuff... :(02:37
DocScrutinizer05alternative-election2_with-import-borked.ods  <- if you nodded off the "update linked data" on opening that document: it breaks stuff, but a simple undu restores data to sane state02:41
Win7MacMax votes/ballot war 6, nicht 5.02:43
Win7Macbin nicht siccher, hab nur 5 stimmen abgegeben02:44
Win7Macaber IMHO war es möglich02:44
Win7Macuups, sorry for german...02:53
DocScrutinizer05this doesn't matter02:59
DocScrutinizer05obviously there are ballots with 6 votes02:59
DocScrutinizer05but only 5 are relevant02:59
DocScrutinizer05or were relevant if it wasn't for STV03:00
Win7MacI had 6 votes but only the 1st 5 were counted?03:00
DocScrutinizer05no, none was "counted". Maybe except the first one03:01
Win7Machm, ok.03:01
DocScrutinizer05it's SINGLE transferable vote03:01
DocScrutinizer05your single vote counts for the candidate you placed #103:01
Win7MacI was so brave to edit it to infobot...03:02
DocScrutinizer05and only on transfer that vote might get transferred to candidate #2 on your list03:02
DocScrutinizer05that's why I think STV sucks03:03
DocScrutinizer05in my alternative, all your votes are actually counted03:04
DocScrutinizer05the result usually is same, but in some niche cases might be way closer to what you'd expect the result of votes to be03:04
Win7Macyour proposal sounds very good to me03:05
Win7Macoh BTW, we're actually talking about this:
DocScrutinizer05and it has two advantages: you actually can grok how it works, and it doesn't need a fancy tool to get the results of your vote03:07
Win7Macinfobot absent?03:07
DocScrutinizer05never been here03:08
Win7Macah ya, forgot03:08
Win7Macwell, invite him! ;)03:08
DocScrutinizer05her, btw03:09
DocScrutinizer05not welcome on this channel03:09
Win7Macmss infobot OFC... ;)03:10
Win7Macgn o/03:17
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Woody14619FWIW: On voting questions:22:31
Woody14619Column A is the weight of the vote.  STV (and many systems) recognize the concept of un-even votes.  (eg votes per share).  In our case, that's always 1.22:32
Woody14619On the STV system, most vote systems generally count your vote as the primary vote, and only choose next votes for the case of not having a clear winner set (eg run-off voting, STV, and the like).22:33
Woody14619STV does this, in the method we use, by eliminating the lowest voter, and using their second choice vote as their new primary.  It also provides a fractional vote to those who voted for a winner when there are an excess of votes for said winner.22:35
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Woody14619This is seen in each "stage" as is far more visible in other elections.  It *does* give slight preference to "winning voters" in that their votes are counted first.  A good example is the last Council election.
Woody14619One person took 50% of the votes, despite only needing 20% to win.  The second vote of those 50% were then given (fractionally, to bring the main person "down" to 20%") and their second choices were awarded the fractional points.  The same occurs in round 3 & 4, so in some cases, peoples' 4-th place vote WERE used in that election.22:41
Woody14619In round 4, there were only 3 winners of 5 needed, so the lowest person was elimited.  The 5 people that voted for kerio then had their vote 100% transfered to their second choice.  And the others who listed kerio as their 2,3, or 4 choice, and had "excess voteage" got their next choice down fractionally applied.22:46
Woody14619Is it confusing?  A little.  Is it biased? Only slightly in that it resolves "winners" before "losers" (there's a way to tell it to invert that prority, FYI).  But ultimately, people's second, third, and at times fourth or fifth place choices CAN and do matter.22:48
keriothe 5 people that voted for me are obviously nuts22:52
keriome included22:52
Woody14619In the last election, for example, everyone who voted for me, GeneralAntilles, or Jaffa or chem|st had their second choice vote counted, minimally (that's 107 of the 112 votes that had at *least* their second-choice "count").22:52
keriohell, i don't even remember if *i* voted for me22:52
Woody14619Given the numbers, roughly 60% of them had their third choice counted.  In fact, the only one's who *only* had only their first choice counted were the 4 people who voted for Win7Mac, since their vote was used fully to elect their primary chosen candidate.22:55
Woody14619So, in summary:  all but 4 people had at least their second choice "count", and all but 5 had their third choice "count" in HiFo election.  In the HFC election, all but 4 had their second choice "count", all but 6 had their third choice "count", and all but about 10 had their fourth choice "count"... Several had their 5th and maybe even 6th choice count (if their first choice was for Joerge, which 50% were).23:05
Woody14619All that said... If someone thinks there's a better or "more fair" way to vote, I'm happy to entertain it.  But please let's not spread fud, like "Nobody's second choice counted", when in fact >95% of people's second votes (and over 90%'s of third votes) did in fact count over the past several elections.23:09
GeneralAntillesProbably not a lot of justification for adding TODOs for voting system changes.23:20
Woody14619So, since there's been a concern about "how does my vote count", I'll cover and example here.23:27
Woody14619Let's use the last HFC election as an example, since it's more "exciting".23:27
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Woody14619Let's assume that you voted for:   Joerg, merlin, chemist, 6wheel, and thedead, in that order.23:29
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Woody14619In the first round ( ) your vote goes to joerg.  But then Joerg wins by a land-slide.  To make things more even, we take the top winners points down to what is needed to win, so 66% of your vote (31/47) is freed up for your second choice.23:32
Woody14619In the secound round, 66% of your vote goes to merlin.  But Merkin now is also above what is needed to win, and in now the "leader" (you picked well!).  So on reducing his votes, we find 23% of the votes need to be freed to give to others.  In your case, that 15% of a vote, which now goes to your third choice, which is chemist.23:35
Woody14619Now, that's not much... but a *bunch* of little votes can add up.  If chemist was choice #3 for everyone (95 people), that gives him 15 votes at this point, where 16 votes is the "win" threshold.23:36
DocScrutinizer05((But please let's not spread fud, like "Nobody's second choice counted",)) please stop spreading the word FUD for sth that nobody actually did!23:38
Woody14619Turns out, a few people voted for chemist as 1st or 2nd choice,  but not quite enough to push him over on the 3rd round.  In the third round, kerio is eliminated, and the 5 people that voted him as first place have 100% of the vote moved to their second choice.  It's only fair, since their candidate is now out, and you've already helped 2 people win...  The 2 that voted for him also get their chunk of vote (~60%) moved to23:38
Woody14619their second choice.23:38
DocScrutinizer05vote for body of 2; candidates a,b,c;  ballots:   a,c  a,c  a,c  b,c  b,c  b,c23:41
DocScrutinizer05now run your STV against that, and tell me if that's fair23:41
Woody14619Must you be a 5 year old and interupt an explination you asked for?23:42
Woody14619Yes, STV DOES HAVE ISSUES with *very small* voting sets, with *very small* number of candidates and *lots* of seats.23:42
DocScrutinizer05maybe I failed to *completely+ understand STV, so I failed to craft the ballots in a way it really shows what I'm concerned about23:42
Woody14619When your number of votes is less than 10x the number of candidates, it starts to break down.  ALL voting systems have this issue.23:43
DocScrutinizer05I'm out, I don't like your name calling23:43
Woody14619STV, RVV, single choice, ALL have this.23:43
Woody14619I don't like you interupting in-channel when I'm trying to give you an example you asked for23:44
Woody14619And siting examples from the STV page for an extreem case, which is *not* what we're facing here.23:44
Woody14619Anyway... back on the topic...23:45
Woody14619In round 5, those "fractional votes" do add up, and chemist wins and has an "overage".  At this point, we have "Exhausted" votes.  These are votes that are either left over from rounding, or lost completely because people didn't make a 2nd, or third choice.23:46
Woody14619Those votes are now moved, and your vote hops again... but only 10% of it moves, since that's how far over the fractionals pushed chemist to win.  So now, you're only giving about 1.5% of a vote to your fourth choice, 6wheel.  But hey, you helped vote in 3 people, so really, getting anything at this point is candy.23:49
Woody14619Sadly, your 4thplace vote is not quite enough, and 6wheel is dropped the next round.  Your 1.5% vote goes entierly to thedead, your 5th choice candidate.23:50
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DocScrutinizer05a) I asked for an example?   b) I never said "Nobody's second choice counted"   c) calling me a five-year old is rather offensive, and is in itself an infantile behaviour   d) no sir, I didn't copy my example from anywhere, I made it up on my own after hours of study how STV works23:53
Woody14619Now, lets assume you voted differently.  Say you voted for thedead, and 3 others.  Well, our vote stays 100% with thedead, through all 7 cycles.  Why?  Because that candidate was low in the first several rounds of first-place picks.   They need every vote they can get to just stay in the race.23:53
Woody14619How many adults do you know that interupt people mid-discussion that you think are NOT rude?  Especially when that discussion is an example THEY ASKED FOR, being given.23:54
Woody14619You know what... I got enought going on right now.23:54
DocScrutinizer05and e) you can multply the ballots of my example * 10000 and nothing will change23:54
Woody14619Like most of the FUD you were spreading on #maemo earlier, before reading the page.23:55
Woody14619If you have a 2 candidate race and 3 entrants, then yes, it will be a problem.23:56
Woody14619All the numbers have to be reasonably far apart from each other.23:56
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Woody14619Voting for 3 in an election of 3 is also very unfair, since they all win, despite people just voting for 1 or 2...23:56
DocScrutinizer05which wasn't the case for *any* of our votes in maemo ever23:56
DocScrutinizer05seems you either got too few or too many of those drinks today23:57
DocScrutinizer05(to start on same level you seem to prefer today)23:57
Woody14619you know what... go fuck yourself.  I'm done.   Enjoy your little kingdom....  I've been about -->| |<-- this close to just saying FUCK ALL OF YOU and resigning for the board for about 2 weeks.23:58
Woody14619I just spent the weekend burrying a friend of 20 years... This is the last thing I need.  I'm out.23:58
*** Woody14619 has quit IRC23:58

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