IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Friday, 2013-06-21

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qwazixhi all!21:01
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Woody14619brb, gotta reboot21:05
sixwheeledbeast^is meeting in progress?21:05
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sixwheeledbeast^Hi. Win7Mac :)21:06
Win7Mac6wheely... I edited Anything else to do on the wiki?21:09
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sixwheeledbeast^Win7Mac: there's always something to be done ;P21:13
qwazixbtw, did anybody answer to the guy proposing changes to the wiki?21:14
Win7Maclike correcting formatting... ;)21:14
qwazixI hadn't the time to check, is that page locked, and he is asking or is he just being polite?21:14
qwazixehm, I don't remember, let me see21:15
sixwheeledbeast^qwazix: what page?21:15
DocScrutinizer05sorry, late21:17
qwazixthe email starts with mike plus a country designation21:18
qwazixhi DocScrutinizer0521:18
sixwheeledbeast^unfortunately I g2g. Is there anything I should be aware of before I shoot?21:20
Win7Macyeah, beware of the bugs ;-)21:24
sixwheeledbeast^be aware not beware. :rolleyes:21:25
DocScrutinizer05sixwheeledbeast^: do you want council cloak?21:25
sixwheeledbeast^I do want a cloak. not bother if council or contributor21:26
DocScrutinizer05wow, we even get a logbot21:28
sixwheeledbeast^anyway g2g. Will check chanlogs and reply to anything on ##m-c-o, laters o/21:29
DocScrutinizer05re wiki edit: I found that mail, and... well seems ok to do that edit, though that's a topic for #maemo-ssu21:30
DocScrutinizer05we got any agenda?21:31
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qwazixDocScrutinizer05, yeah but it was sent to council, so we either reply telling him to go to #maemo-ssu or to go ahead and edit21:33
DocScrutinizer05I vote for the former21:34
qwazixok, I'll reply right away21:34
DocScrutinizer05after all a) cssu team might want to learn about the issue, b) cssu team might want to verify the advice21:35
qwazixmail is off21:39
DocScrutinizer05voting token (reminder) mails also seem to be thru21:39
DocScrutinizer05so actually in time :-)21:40
DocScrutinizer05Woody14619: how's suggested SOP to handover the BoD to new body?21:42
DocScrutinizer05standard operating procedure21:43
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Woody14619no idea frankly... The "hand-off" to date has been... lets say less than adequate.21:44
DocScrutinizer05seems you are about to define and implement a standard21:44
Woody14619Part of why I've been CCing Council into the loop for most e-mails on Board, to help keep some kind of continuity where we can.21:44
DocScrutinizer05I'd think next week's meeting is a nice place to do the formal introduction and handover21:45
DocScrutinizer05I'll take care to evaluate and finalize the voting until then21:46
DocScrutinizer05err, fail21:46
Woody14619Which I may be doing solo at this point AFAIK...21:46
DocScrutinizer05maybe we should move next week's meeting, postpone it to saturday same time?21:47
Woody14619So far, I've called for a meeting on July 2nd, which is when I planned on doing it.  But may wind up moving that up. :P21:47
DocScrutinizer05aah right21:48
Woody14619Was mainly so Rob could participate (since he's been very insistant on meetings, and Tues/ Thurs were good for him.  But from the next to last mail (I saw the last one but didn't read it yet) sounds like he may not be going anyway.21:48
DocScrutinizer05nevertheless push next week meeting one day?21:48
Woody14619Difficult for me, but I can do it.21:49
DocScrutinizer05so maybe MCC/HFC could welcome the new BoD, and maybe even chem|st and merlin1991 could join then21:50
DocScrutinizer05is anybody else getting garage mails?21:51
Woody14619Sure. :)  Whatever works.21:51
Woody14619I'm not, but then I didn/t get them often before...21:52
thedead1440o/ hi all21:53
DocScrutinizer05also does anybody know of somebody willing and savvy to look into autobuilder issues?21:53
DocScrutinizer05hi thedead144021:53
thedead1440i had fallen asleep but suddenly woke up to remember there is a meeting :D21:54
Woody14619sigh.. work again.. Can't wait till my manager goes to Italy (2 more days!)  brb21:54
Win7MacLOL ;)21:54
DocScrutinizer05hehe, like me21:54
thedead1440sigh... maemo; taking over your sleep since forever :p21:54
DocScrutinizer05ooh, maybe I should wait yet another week regarding cloaks?21:56
thedead1440yeah get the new BoD their cloaks too21:57
DocScrutinizer05thedead1440: Win7Mac "killed" you from This for sure isn't meant as any putting down21:58
thedead1440so is next week's meeting being moved or not?21:58
DocScrutinizer05well, if everybody agrees21:58
* thedead1440 cries; thanks to Win7Mac :p21:58
DocScrutinizer05I'm fine with moving it21:59
DocScrutinizer05I seem to recall chem|st asking for Saturday21:59
* DocScrutinizer05 afk for preparing a coffee, bbiam21:59
thedead1440i think its best to move it too so that treasure of the new board etc can be appointed too22:00
Win7Mac...with a tear on my KB22:00
thedead1440a merged meeting would help communications too22:00
DocScrutinizer05lol, poor TimRiker, they upgraded his infobot DSL to VDSL2 but forgot to give him credentials22:00
DocScrutinizer05now he tries to run the bot over cellular22:01
thedead1440yikes that sucks22:01
DocScrutinizer05obviously: [2013-06-21 21:00:35] <-- infobot has left this server (Ping timeout: 246 seconds).22:03
DocScrutinizer05and [2013-06-21 20:59:52] [Notify] apt went offline (  [2013-06-21 21:00:12] [Notify] ibot went offline (  [2013-06-21 21:00:36] [Notify] purl went offline (
DocScrutinizer05I announce publicly that not far from now, I might have to take down autobuilder completely due to bugs and flaws raping m.o and nobody looking into them22:05
thedead1440Doc put it on a tmo thread22:06
thedead1440maybe that would get some autobuilder pros to come forward to help22:06
thedead1440+ mailing list too22:06
Win7Macand a banner on m.o ;)22:07 maintainers wanted22:07
DocScrutinizer05please no more banners22:08
DocScrutinizer05or I might activate adblock for m.o22:08
Win7Macbut honestly, when elections are done - why not? just an offer22:09
DocScrutinizer05I should create an account for you so you can uploade those banners directly ;-P22:11
thedead1440no don't do that; it would be banners-galore on m.o then :p22:11
DocScrutinizer05you only got one banner to manage22:12
DocScrutinizer05you won't have file permissions on the other ones22:12
Win7Macok, great!22:12
Win7Macbanner admin, hehe22:12
Woody14619We'd have to make a new domain.  banners.m.o22:13
Win7Mactmo + m.o then please22:13
DocScrutinizer05if midgard wasn't such a pile of indigestible incomprehensible cruft, I'd say I arrange it so you can upload and manage the banner file there, but though there *has* to be a way to do that I haven't found out _how_, yet22:14
Win7Macworks as of now, so no hurry22:14
Win7Macbut also is this really, what it should look like?:
Woody14619Have we tried reaching out to the guy that used to make autobuilder for Nokia?  Last I knew he was still around on freenode, and on the mailing list.  He may be willing to at least smack it back into operation, or share some info on it, now that he's no long with Nokia.22:15
DocScrutinizer05I need to set up a wiki-alike non-public (controlled access) area in midgard where techstaff keeps a "diary" with all the details like "where is that banner, how to swap it", which bugs pending etc22:16
DocScrutinizer05who's that, Woody14619?22:17
DocScrutinizer05Win7Mac: no, but that's as good as it gets, with my "understanding" of midgard22:18
Woody14619Can't recall the name.  He came out of the woodwork at one point during the COBs discussions with x-fade.  He was recently ex-Nokia then... but that was over a year ago.  I'll look back through my logs and such and see if I can find it.22:18
DocScrutinizer05could somebody else ping x-fade a last time maybe?22:19
Woody14619you kinda just did.  (He is in the list ----------->)22:19
qwazixI have to go, if I'm not needed anything else22:19
DocScrutinizer05that's a zombie for all I can tell22:20
DocScrutinizer05qwazix: seems our non-existant agenda we got all the missing ponts done. CYA ;-)22:20
qwazixbye! Have a good night.22:21
Win7Mac;) bye22:21
thedead1440see ya qwazix22:21
Woody14619Thanks all for getting things setup and wrapped up with the voting (pulling the lever, etc)22:21
DocScrutinizer05dang, I missed to ask him how was Tampere22:21
thedead1440is this the person with knowledge of auto-builder:
DocScrutinizer05Woody14619: after your awesome work that was the easy part, anyway yw22:23
DocScrutinizer05thedead1440: wow, you're our truffle dog22:24
Win7MacWoody14619, please keep us informed about next BoD-meeting22:24
thedead1440another link:
thedead1440Ed Bartosh and Alexander Kanevskiy22:24
Woody14619Alexander... that was it.22:24
DocScrutinizer05ooh, you all are aware that warfare will swap the switch for the GBit one next Tue 0700?22:26
Woody14619Though frankly, all three would make good candidates to drop an e-mail to to ask if they would be willing to help out.  Even just a quick guide or chat about how it works would be a huge help at this point.22:26
thedead1440Woody14619: neils = x-fade and he's unresponsive so that leaves us with 222:26
DocScrutinizer05Woody14619: i'd appreciate you being available for the voting period, in case something goes haywire22:26
thedead1440anyway alexander's g+ profile: (should be easier to contact him now)22:27
Woody14619I plan to be available as I can, but again, if something goes seriously wrong an SMS is the best way to get my attention.  I'll pop on here to reply though, as apaprently I can't do international SMS reply (thanks T-moble...)22:27
thedead1440re the switch swap; thanks warfare22:27
Woody14619Yes, huge thanks.  And to donators for funds to pay for this needed bit of stuff.  (without others needed to take it from their wallet again... as has happened too often till now).22:29
Woody14619Hopefully all such future equipment needs will happen with such process.22:29
Win7MacRob refuses to act on paypal?22:30
Woody14619thedead1440, 2?  Jeremiah, Ed, Alexander, I see 3. :)22:30
thedead1440oh you counted jeremiah in :D22:30
thedead1440another person:
thedead1440his past announcement(s) include:
DocScrutinizer05Woody14619: the switch been paid "by Rob"22:31
Win7Macah ya22:31
Woody14619Can't hurt to ask... especially with the caveat that we don't expect constant support, and any help or info would be good.22:31
Woody14619No, it was paid from the HiFo account, which is funds from m.o contributors.  (Mainly via cosimos' account)22:32
DocScrutinizer05yes, that's what I meant22:32
GeneralAntillesMaybe something Andrew or I could chase, too, if elected.22:32
thedead1440yup and my gut feeling is if they are not working for nokia, they wouldn't mind helping maemo community out22:32
DocScrutinizer05hi GeneralAntilles! :-)22:33
Win7MacMon General... ;)22:33
Win7Macthedead, many thanks for diggin'22:33
Woody14619I think Ed and Alexander especially would be willing to lend a hand, so long as they're treated with the respect they deserve.  Sadly, has not always been the case in the past.22:34
DocScrutinizer05Woody14619: hand those assho^Hdudes that lack the respect we want to see from them over to me, I haven't had breakfast yet22:35
Woody14619Anyway... I need to get back to things.  But sounds like we have a viable game plan.  Can someone follow up with them?  thedead1440, Win7Mac, GeneralAntilles? :)22:35
Win7Macfollow up?22:36
DocScrutinizer05and I'm particularly eager to bash somebody since estel's bitching/trolling about busybox and cssu extras again22:36
Woody14619DocScrutinizer05, well... There are a few that think they're owed something by such people.  They tend to whine in CSSU threads and the like....22:36
Woody14619Win7Mac, yes, as in actuall make an e-mail and send it to said people asking for help. :)22:36
thedead1440i would suggest an email be drafted for doc to send to those people22:37
Woody14619(After review via Council, which is common practice.  Write a letter, debated it a day, then mail)22:37
DocScrutinizer05chem|st will set up a special tmo theme for them22:37
thedead1440its better for our maemo tech co-ordinator to be sending stuff out so that replies can be judged best too22:37
Win7Macerr... not sure I'm the right 122:38
DocScrutinizer05Woody14619: send the guys ex autobuilder straight to ##maemo-admin or directly to me, they don't even have to bother about any bitching in so called community22:38
DocScrutinizer05(so called about the trolls, here)22:39
* Woody14619 nods. 22:39
DocScrutinizer05thedead1440: I think it's better our MCC sending those mails22:40
thedead1440true too22:41
Woody14619Win7Mac, true, but much easier on staff if they get a pre-written letter with "you should send this to X, Y, and Z about maintainer ship"  helps spread the work load. (and is a good reminder)22:41
thedead1440i just presume that such people don't have time to go thru formal stuff and prefer to cut to the chase and since you know the issues best least time spent would be them getting back to you22:41
Woody14619Anyway.. need to wrap up and get this out.  Big demo in Florida on Monday, and they want to fly it most of the weekend "just in case" they find a bug. :P22:42
Win7MacWoody14619, understood. But honestly I lack experience and might screw up, too important22:42
Woody14619k,, sure someone will pick it up. :)22:42
Woody14619Worst case I will in a week or two when I'm less swamped.22:43
DocScrutinizer05I'm all for them getting straight to me. What I don't like is it's again me doing all the work of sending amils ;-)22:43
thedead1440ok if i'm free tomorrow, i'll do a draft email and send it to council.22:44
thedead1440we'll debate it then and ask chem|st to send it to those people22:44
Woody14619k, have a good weekend all.22:44
DocScrutinizer05I even can add a footnote and forward it22:44
thedead1440see ya Woody1461922:44
DocScrutinizer05Woody14619: thanks and cya22:44
Win7Macthanks + bye woody o/22:45
DocScrutinizer05btw aiui that POS is called "cauldron", maybe our truffle dogs find further hotspots for search for experts22:46
thedead1440extras-cauldron-builds list run by mikhail.sobolev at gmail.com22:47
DocScrutinizer05err, we had that mikhail already, right?22:49
DocScrutinizer05sounds familiar to me22:49
thedead1440so now its ed bartosh, jeremiah, alexander and mikhail22:50
DocScrutinizer05and niels22:50
DocScrutinizer05and ferenc, though he might just point us to niels22:51
DocScrutinizer05well, and while we're at it: bergie and mashiara/rambo22:51
Win7Macyeah, keep'em coming22:52
DocScrutinizer05and support@nemein22:52
thedead1440and just to ensure a complete list support@nokia :p22:53
DocScrutinizer05nah, I carefully pondered and rejected that option22:53
Win7Macthere must be something claimable from migration #1, no?22:53
thedead1440anyway what else is left to discuss?22:53
Win7Macfrom nemein/nok22:53
thedead1440i'm going to drop soon22:53
* DocScrutinizer05 too22:54
DocScrutinizer05don't forget TO VOTE!!22:54
Win7Macah, now that you remind me ;)22:54
thedead1440so since there's nothing left; adios all22:55
DocScrutinizer05cya thedead1440 and thanks22:56
thedead1440good night \o22:56
thedead1440see ya doc; take a good rest too22:56
Win7Macthanks + gn!22:56
thedead1440you too Win7Mac22:56
* DocScrutinizer05 also waves and wanders off22:57
DocScrutinizer05good luck to freemangordon, he'll need it22:58
DocScrutinizer05oh, and a short isdenote to the community: I got 25, err 23 now pcs PAS414 backup battery cell, to send out to any country via normal surface delivery letter, for a 3bucks donation. If somebody is interested to do a lil soldering fancy23:00
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Win7MacmIRC sucks23:01
GeneralAntillesSorry, at work. Fielding the crazy people.23:02
GeneralAntillesWill review the logs later.23:02
Win7MacGA, hurry, it's newstime! ;-)23:05
DocScrutinizer05GeneralAntilles: next week meeting @ saturday23:10
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Win7Macjust change the order23:12
Win7Macsat. 29 first23:12
DocScrutinizer05I'll do that when it got confirmed23:13
Win7MacI confirm ;)23:13
GeneralAntillesSomebody CC me when you guys confirm the meeting times23:28
GeneralAntillesIdeally announcing it on the council blog would be good, too, but I can MWKN it with an email at least.23:29

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