IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Friday, 2013-06-07

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DocScrutinizer05sorry, I can't join today's meeting19:49
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thedead1440for reference: 21:33 <chem|st> qwazix DocScrutinizer51 merlin1991 thedead1440 sixwheeledbeast: I wont make this evening's meeting, can you please track the progress with a pad (eg so I may proceed with it over the weekend...?! Reading: make the progress of aligning HFC to MCC visible to everyone not only people who read 4 days of IRC backlog, please!20:31
thedead1440qwazix, sixwheeledbeas, merlin1991: I'm free to start meeting at your convenience20:31
sixwheeledbeastthedead1440: no problem having a quick shower and I'll brb, please post any topics for discussion.20:34
* thedead1440 unfortunately has no topics for today20:34
sixwheeledbeastOk well reading scroll back I can find...20:55
thedead1440nothing? :p20:55
sixwheeledbeast##Aligning MCC and HFC20:55
sixwheeledbeast##Autobuilder issues?20:56
sixwheeledbeast##IRC cloaks for Council20:56
sixwheeledbeast##IRC channel op/GC20:58
* sixwheeledbeast had a stable enough inet connection to have scroll back this week :)20:59
sixwheeledbeast##Anything outstanding from last week21:00
qwazixhi all21:02
sixwheeledbeastOk well it's 2 minutes past, who here :)21:02
sixwheeledbeasthi qwazix21:02
sixwheeledbeastI guess merlin is busy with Tmaemo8 update?21:05
merlin1991nope I'm here21:06
sixwheeledbeastok :)21:06
sixwheeledbeastshould we start?21:07
Drathirhi all21:09
Drathirsixwheeledbeast: any info how big is progres of update?21:10
freemangordonmerlin1991: and why not?21:10
freemangordonsorry for the OT21:10
sixwheeledbeastDrathir: progress of what?21:11
sixwheeledbeastfreemangordon: lol21:11
Drathirsixwheeledbeast: Tmaemo8 update21:11
* thedead1440 is back too21:12
sixwheeledbeastDrathir: Not here please plus I am not ssu maintainer see #maemo-ssu or #maemo21:12
Drathirsixwheeledbeast: ok im sorry i go to check thanks a lot21:14
thedead1440start with aligning hfc and mcc?21:16
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thedead1440what's stopping us from aligning the 2 bodies?21:20
sixwheeledbeastAFAIK we need the same members on both parties, also we declare that MCC will unite with HFC21:23
thedead1440to do so we need a full attendance of both bodies too right?21:23
sixwheeledbeastI agree21:23
thedead1440so we do it via email?21:24
thedead1440and a subsequent post to mailing list and tmo?21:24
thedead1440qwazix: there?21:24
sixwheeledbeastwell we definitely need to let the community know.21:25
thedead1440qwazix: what do you think should be done?21:25
qwazixI'm okay with your proposal21:25
qwazixagree all over mail in public ml21:26
qwazixand then post result on tmo+ML21:26
thedead1440so chair i.e. chem|st sends out the initial emails for the alignment?21:27
qwazixI thin we should decide now on initial text21:28
thedead1440we start a draft here: ?21:29
thedead1440I've added just two lines; please add too21:31
sixwheeledbeastI have some bits I can use on file somewhere mompls will paste in.21:32
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thedead1440hi Woody1461921:33
Woody14619hello, so I'm late (am on N900)21:33
thedead1440np; we were starting to draft an email for the alignment of MCC and HFC; could you chime in on the text too please21:34
DocScrutinizer05I suggest thedead1440 and sixwheeledbeast officially step down from their council position and keep an unofficial affiliated status that's not involving their vote on any official HFC/MCC decisions but they have both a word in discussions about any decision the council(s) do and council(s) are obliged to consider all comments/contributions of the two21:39
thedead1440we announce it now doc at this moment?21:39
DocScrutinizer05when ever you do, councils are free to unite same moment21:40
thedead1440i'm all for doing it right now to make things simpler21:40
sixwheeledbeastDocScrutinizer05: we are dratfing a document now21:40
thedead1440its best to resign in a meeting instead of separately via ML etc21:40
DocScrutinizer05sorry, I'm afk again, just dropped by to rant a bit21:41
sixwheeledbeastI agree I didn't vote on referendum for nothing21:41
DocScrutinizer05one last statement: _I_ agree on councils accept your stepping down and will keep your status as affiliated "councilors of council councilors"21:42
thedead1440you aim to confuse people with that term :p21:43
DocScrutinizer05I.E. I mandate that council keeps you in with "full voice" but no vote21:43
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DocScrutinizer05aiui another 2 of the remaining 4 voting same will create a obligatory decision of the council(s) to listen to you both for the rest of this term, when you step down21:46
thedead1440merlin1991 and qwazix your votes for ^^ to get that out of the way now itself21:47
thedead1440s/for/for or against/21:47
DocScrutinizer05then you both stating "I step down but keep my status as described by council blabla" is all it needs21:47
DocScrutinizer05for HFC please check bylaws if sixwheeledbeast needs to step down in writing21:48
qwazixsorry, battery-swapping21:48
DocScrutinizer05if stepping down HFC needs written notice, a email is sufficient I guess21:49
qwazixI don't think anybody will deny either thedead1440 or sixwheeledbeast from voicing their opinion, so this formality is in my book unneeded21:50
DocScrutinizer05if not needed, then posting here in chan is all it takes21:50
qwazixI for one promise that I'll not gag anybody in this channel :P21:50
DocScrutinizer05qwazix: it's about remaining council *listening* to them and trying to find a consensus with them21:51
thedead1440DocScrutinizer05: qwazix has a valid point; why complicate matters with introducing such a formality?21:51
thedead1440oops lag21:51
DocScrutinizer05the council promises sth to them21:51
sixwheeledbeastthedead1440: at meeting end if we both declair step-down to ML, it's in writing then?21:52
DocScrutinizer05sorry, afk now for good21:52
qwazixDocScrutinizer05: I agree fully, I just don't think we need to make it formal and become even more boring for the community21:52
thedead1440sixwheeledbeast: for MCC yes, for HFC we need to check by-laws21:52
qwazixI'm okay either way anyway21:52
DocScrutinizer51qwazix: simply say "yes I agreeN and all boredom has an end21:54
DocScrutinizer51as soon a third council also does21:54
thedead1440ok by-laws has nothing specific for resignation of a council member21:55
thedead1440since the mcc rules were adopted i would say the same steps have to be followed21:55
DocScrutinizer51merlin1991: and qwazix say YAY and step1 done21:55
thedead1440only one issue; membership to the Board; and conduct the elections of the Foundation. There shall be either three of five persons on Council21:56
thedead1440if the above is interpreted as a typo to mean three or five persons on Council what what happen if Council falls to 4 members21:57
thedead1440Do we assume that since MCC rules, adopted by HFC, have no such provision, its fine to just move on?21:57
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thedead1440hi Win7Mac22:00
qwazixoops sorry, was disconnected, of course I vote yay22:01
qwazixhi Win7Mac22:01
thedead1440so ok for formality's sake we have a provision that the aligned council must listen to sixwheeledbeast's and my opinions before reaching on a consensus in the future22:03
qwazixthedead1440: for this term22:03
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HtheBboo, im late for the meeting22:11
thedead1440HtheB: you can read the livelogs as stated in /topic22:12
HtheBi know :)22:13
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thedead1440we are more/less done with the draft i think, qwazix your input please22:15
thedead1440merlin1991: yours yoo22:15
qwazixlet me read one last time22:16
merlin1991looks good to me only line 10 is a bit weird22:16
thedead1440merlin1991: please fix it then :)22:16
merlin1991ah wait I've read an earlier version of it22:16
qwazixadded one word22:18
qwazixotherwise it's fine22:18
merlin1991line 44 is rather redundant in the light of line 1222:19
thedead1440merlin1991: removed it22:20
merlin1991looks fine now22:20
thedead1440who did the strike-through?22:21
thedead1440i rather that sentence be left for those unable to catch up22:22
qwazixI liked that last sentence22:22
qwazixIt summed it up nicely22:23
qwazixeven if redundant22:23
Win7Macok, fine22:23
thedead1440then put it back in22:23
thedead1440and remove line1222:23
Win7MacI stumbled upon "see" in the 2nd sentence, sounds somehow wrong to me22:25
qwazixs/see to/result in/  ?22:25
qwazixwe feel this for... sentence is too much, IMO22:27
qwazixthat last sentence should be short and powerful22:29
sixwheeledbeastcan we please talk in piratepad I didn't realise there was discussion here , lol.22:29
qwazixsixwheeledbeast: I'm on N900 and chat on pp is a pain22:30
sixwheeledbeasttoo many tabs :)22:30
qwazixcan't scroll the tiny window22:30
sixwheeledbeastqwazix: ok np then :)22:30
sixwheeledbeastwhat do we think, final read?22:31
thedead1440i think its fine now22:32
qwazixMy only suggestion is to trim the last sentence short22:32
thedead1440qwazix: its now "We believe the above is an important step for moving the Community forward with an unified Council in the post-Nokia era."22:32
qwazixokay it's good, now that I read it again22:33
qwazixisn't it "a unified" rather than "an unified"?22:33
qwazixsixwheeledbeast ^^?22:34
sixwheeledbeastyes a agree qwazix22:35
merlin1991imo way too much "this" in the text, but it's not a book we hand in22:35
thedead1440changed a few words to remove "this"22:36
thedead1440re-read please22:37
merlin1991I'm fine with the current version22:37
thedead1440sixwheeledbeast: ok with it?22:38
Win7Macline 7: "with similar rules" or "with same rules"?22:38
thedead1440similar due to the 3 and 5 candidates thing being tweaked22:38
Win7Macah ok22:39
sixwheeledbeastbit of grammar and tarting, but the body is there.22:39
thedead1440i think it could now be sent to doc and chem|st for their revisions before its published22:39
qwazixthedead1440: +122:40
sixwheeledbeastmerlin1991: ^^^22:40
sixwheeledbeastok do we e-mail or post linkto PP?22:41
thedead1440i think an email22:42
qwazixbetter pst link IMO22:42
thedead1440ok then post the link22:42
thedead1440i'm ok with both22:42
qwazixtracking revisions in email is not optimal22:42
qwazixbut we can post the link *and* copy the text in the body to make sure it isn't lost or vandalized22:43
sixwheeledbeastI will save a copy to desktop now.22:44
thedead1440sixwheeledbeast: could you send it to the other two also?22:45
qwazixyes please, I tried to copy all text on N900 but ctrl +a selects all website22:46
qwazixnvm I made it22:46
qwazixsending now to both councils22:46
thedead1440before i fall asleep i think its best i do a formal announcement of me stepping down:22:47
sixwheeledbeastqwazix: have you sent it? I can't copy it correctly.22:47
thedead1440I agree to step down as MCC member with immediate effect so that both the MCC and HFC can be aligned into a single unified Council.22:48
qwazixI sent it22:48
thedead1440qwazix: rec'd it22:48
qwazixsixwheeledbeast: ^^22:48
sixwheeledbeastI agree to step down as HFC member with immediate effect so that both the MCC and HFC can be aligned into a single unified Council. :)22:48
Win7Macyou sure you want to step down now?22:49
thedead1440good now i can sleep :D22:49
qwazixThanks guys, really appreciated22:49
sixwheeledbeastyou did it to me for candidate declarations :D22:49
sixwheeledbeastthedead1440: ^^^22:50
thedead1440sixwheeledbeast: ah revenge served cold; i see :p22:50
sixwheeledbeastit's the best way...22:50
sixwheeledbeastOK so other topics?22:51
thedead1440sixwheeledbeast: maybe that's why people decided to put both of us in ;) they couldn't decide whose declaration was who's actually :D22:51
Win7Maclatest news about BoD meeting?22:51
merlin1991the rest of the list is22:51
merlin1991##Autobuilder issues?22:51
merlin1991##IRC cloaks for Council22:51
merlin1991##IRC channel op/GC22:51
sixwheeledbeastWin7Mac: Can councils finish the topics above first22:52
merlin1991regarding Autobuilder, we had a problem on repo which led to packages not getting imported, I jumpstarted that but it's dead again because the import/promotion queue has gone mental22:52
sixwheeledbeastOk so the autobuilder is pants at the moment is there anything council can do about the situ?22:53
merlin1991so this one's dead untill we find out why22:53
sixwheeledbeastok thanks merlin199122:53
thedead1440sixwheeledbeast: what can council do other than issue a call for additional help?22:53
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sixwheeledbeastIt someone on the case for "finding out why"?22:54
qwazixIf you ask me we should dump that thing and put the effort at setting obs up instead22:54
merlin1991I've spent 6 hrs on that yesterday22:54
merlin1991I'll probably digg into it again next week22:54
merlin1991I'm happy though if somebody else stepps up22:54
qwazixmerlin1991: I bet in 6h you would had set up an obs22:54
sixwheeledbeastOk well thank you for your "digging" merlin1991.22:55
sixwheeledbeastCurrently I am keeping an eye on the "cleaning old version" rolling issue to stop the DB filling up with junk.22:56
sixwheeledbeastok next topic?22:56
qwazixre: cloaks I think that only x-fade can set them up?22:57
merlin1991yep ...22:57
sixwheeledbeastAgreed this is what I know too22:57
qwazixmaybe we can appeal to freenode?22:58
qwazixsay he's disappeared and that hfc should become op?22:58
qwazixor DocScrutinizer05?22:58
sixwheeledbeastjoint GC is not an option I believe22:58
chainsawbikehi, here-ish been talking to docscrutinizer about helping with sys maint... will lurk quietly unless wanted22:59
qwazixchairman, or somebody each new hfc votes @first meeting22:59
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qwazixchainsawbike: hi22:59
sixwheeledbeastAlso GC/sysop has to be a person I'd say warfare myself.23:00
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sixwheeledbeastAnyway I think DocS was looking in to this topic but we need to consider that cloaks "should" be done for council members ASAP23:01
sixwheeledbeastOK I have a couple more bits if we are finished with IRC stuff?23:02
qwazixgo ahead23:03
sixwheeledbeastI feel needs to be updated23:04
Win7MacI could do it, if I get the info23:05
sixwheeledbeastIf there are jobs which are unoccupied they could be put on so we know who to assign a role/job.23:05
sixwheeledbeastI am unsure of the information too.23:06
sixwheeledbeastthedead1440: are you scratchbox maintainer?23:06
sixwheeledbeastAlso I'd like to point out I have started a new wiki to clean up the old "Migration wiki"23:08
sixwheeledbeast Infra topics can be forked off this page I also too which is OOD.23:09
sixwheeledbeastwhat do we think, I don't want to keep merlin from his dinner :P23:11
Win7MacAccess denied for me on is that correct for regular users?23:13
qwazixis that midgard?23:13
sixwheeledbeastOh so it's not even viewable for you Win7Mac?23:15
merlin1991sixwheeledbeast: I can't view it either23:16
merlin1991probably linked to some permission23:16
sixwheeledbeastOk well ignore me then23:16
qwazixarsegard :P23:16
sixwheeledbeastHow about updating of the wiki's then23:16
merlin1991go for it23:16
sixwheeledbeastI need the info lol23:17
merlin1991it's a wiki after all23:17
Win7MacI get "Your user account does not have sufficient privileges."23:17
merlin1991yep me too23:18
merlin1991sixwheeledbeast: so we'll try to get together the current info23:18
Win7MacI don't need to though. just wanted to report23:18
sixwheeledbeastyep and I am sure Win7Mac or me can update if we know who the current person are for stuf23:19
sixwheeledbeastWin7Mac: ignore that from before23:20
sixwheeledbeastok well anything else?23:21
merlin1991I've got nothing23:21
sixwheeledbeastqwazix? Win7Mac?23:22
Win7Macthedead1440, sixwheeledbeast, I'm sure community might forgive you for stepping down IF you both self-nominate for BoD! :)23:22
qwazixno, I'm good too23:22
sixwheeledbeastWin7Mac did you have a topic?23:22
sixwheeledbeastI guess thedead1440 is afk23:23
Win7Maclatest news on bod meeting23:23
qwazixthedead1440, sixwheeledbeast, thanks again23:23
Win7Macyeah, thanks23:23
sixwheeledbeastWin7Mac: I have nfc23:23
qwazixWin7Mac: whatever I know is on tmo23:23
Win7MacI think woody is on it23:24
qwazixone can only hope he'll succeed23:24
sixwheeledbeastqwazix: np I didn't vote on joining councils for nothing, however I never imagined I would have to step out of the way for it to happen...23:24
Win7Macoh, can we banners for nominations on all *maemo.or startpages? good idea to you?23:24
Win7Mac*have23:25 is midgard so :shrug:23:25
merlin1991I guess I can head for dinner?23:26
qwazixsixwheeledbeast: true...23:26
sixwheeledbeastyes merlin1991: go eat, good luck with repos and T8, thank you! :)23:26
Win7MacI already asked joerg about banners and wanted to look into it. Hope he finds out23:27
Win7Macand *he wanted...23:28
sixwheeledbeastOh well I'll leave that with DocS then as non of the council members here can do that.23:28
qwazixI'm fine with it if that's what you're asking23:30
qwazixif there is nothing else can we call it quits?23:30
qwazixIt has been a real hard week...23:30
sixwheeledbeast:agreed: on both counts23:30
Win7Mac6wheeled, go for BoD!23:30
sixwheeledbeast##Meeting end23:31
Win7MacThanks everybody. So sorry this had to be done in order to get things straight.23:33

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