IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Friday, 2013-03-22

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MentalistTraceurHey all. For the record, I am sick and having difficulty being awake right now, so I might be less useful this meeting than usual.19:58
kerioyay meeting tiem20:06
MentalistTraceurIs DocScrutinizer05 here?20:07
MentalistTraceurAnyway, I guess we can formally say that meeting has started.20:08
MentalistTraceurAnything to bring up for the agenda by anyone else?20:08
qwazixthe election rules/eligibility/process/whatever20:09
qwazixI wanted to reply to your mail but didn't find the time20:09
MentalistTraceurAlso, Woody14619: what's happened on the Board side of things this week? Did they sign the transfer contract yet? I haven't noticed anything to that effect on forums, nor got anything like that by email.20:10
MentalistTraceurqwazix: No worries - I only got around to sending that email just a couple hours ago after all.20:10
Woody14619I've not heard from Jim since his last post in the forums.  Rob has replied to other lines of questioning (around fixing the bank account), but took most of the week to reply to multiple calls for a meeting.20:11
Woody14619His reply was that he's out next week, and has not heard from Jim.  So "lets do it week after next".20:12
Woody14619My centements.20:13
qwazixMentalistTraceur, we also have a leftover from last time, the *patch thing. I was thinking if you could please start that tmo thread.20:14
MentalistTraceurSo as I understand it, HiFo will now end up spending 1000+ USD on Nemein's hosting this month, even though we could easily be on our free-for-a-year infra from a technical perspective, right?20:15
Woody14619There was also the election rules issue...20:15
MentalistTraceurqwazix: acknowledged, I will try to get this done today.20:15
Woody14619?  Not that I'm aware of.  My understanding is that we're already running on the systems at IPHH.20:15
qwazixWoody14619, [20:09]  <qwazix> the election rules/eligibility/process/whatever20:15
qwazixMentalistTraceur, appreciated20:15
MentalistTraceurWoody14619: Yep, qwazix has already brought it up, I was just getting the shorter stuff out of the way.20:16
MentalistTraceurWe have stuff running at IPHH, but I thought the still pointed to the Nemein stuff?20:16
MentalistTraceurOr did we manage to get the DNS change through?20:16
Woody14619We got Nokia to point their DNS server at us.   A traceroute shows the path goes through IPHH now for *.maemo.org20:17
Woody14619Nemien, AFAIK, shut off their servers on the 15th, per their plan.  (Transfer happened on the 13th, as I recall.)20:17
MentalistTraceurOh, okay. I seem to have completely missed any notification of this. Is it one of those 'you had to be on IRC' things?20:18
Woody14619PS: You have DocScrutinizer05 and warefare to thank for that.20:18
MentalistTraceur(We have them to thank for virtually everything pertaining to still being up.)20:18
Woody14619No... there's a migration thread on TMO where it was also annoucned.   But it could have been missed pretty easily if you weren't following that thread.20:18
Woody14619MT: Agreed.20:19
Woody14619(And xes, and a few others as well... Not to leave anyone out.)20:19
MentalistTraceur(Well, okay, that's not fair, other people did things essential to the infra still living, but they I'd say are responsible for the majority of it.)20:19
qwazixWoody14619, I've just forwarded you the mail I sent to council re: election along with MT's response20:20
MentalistTraceurWoody14619: Okay, gotcha re: thread announcement - I don't monitor any threads specifically usually, just drop by occasionally and browse what seems to be getting discussed at the time. My fault for missing it, then.20:21
Woody14619Off topic, me & Doc the past 48 hours:
qwazixbtw a big "Thanks, techstaff@maemo!" is appropriate20:21
Woody14619That's the thing about IT jobs.  When you do them properly, nobody notices things changed.20:22
MentalistTraceurqwazix: Agreed.20:23
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: A. hello. B. Thanks for all your time and work on this. ...Okay, so, I guess that's that. That leaves the election eligibility proposal topic and that whole mess?20:25
qwazixIn general leaving actual details out, do you find the general idea I outlined in the mail correct? Can it work like that?20:28
DocScrutinizer05we got a problem on tech side: I can't sustain my current policy of handling permissions on maintainers anymore, since it conflicts too much between what HiFo expects me to do and what is needed by techstaff so they can continue to do their work. I failed to install a policy that's both compatible with HiFo security needs and also acceptable by some of techstaff. So I drop that policy and refrain from further interfering, I just20:29
DocScrutinizer05do what I originall promised to do: 30min/week to forwar requests from tech staff to HiFo and execute decisions of HiFo to accounts20:29
DocScrutinizer05sorry to everybody affected20:31
MentalistTraceurqwazix: Basically, yes, I think. I mean, that was essentially the agreed upon approach last time - hold both 'council' elections simultaneously, using the same eligibility and rules (since they are virtually the same as is) at once. (The integration of the two bodies can be done formally later/afterwords.)20:31
Woody14619I think you installed the policy just fine, and have been good in executing it.20:32
Woody14619While I'm sad to see you feel otherwise, I'm happy you're not leaving the group entierly.20:32
DocScrutinizer05I basically do20:32
MentalistTraceurI.e. they would be virtually the same since for the time being we'd essentially copy over the eligibility requirements from MCC to HFC election.20:32
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: That is very unfortunate, but understandable.20:33
MentalistTraceurWhat exactly about their policy is problematic?20:33
MentalistTraceur(Or technically infeasible or whatever?)20:33
Woody14619qwazix: I believe the nest course is to hold a referendum to edit just that section of the MCC rules (to repair the 3/5 issue) a week before the election.  The plan you have laid out is also agreeable though.20:34
DocScrutinizer05I'm supposed to oversee any possible security threat to maemo integrity. This requires cooperation by 100% of techstaff20:34
DocScrutinizer05I promisted to HiFo I will not allow any such threat20:35
DocScrutinizer05I can't promise that any longer20:35
qwazixDocScrutinizer05, did something happen specifically regarding security?20:36
qwazixOr is it just that it requires too much time?20:36
DocScrutinizer05privilege escalations, generally speaking20:36
MentalistTraceurWoody14619: Does that edit even need to happen? Worst case scenario is 3 people run for both, and then we get a 3 person MCC immediately, and a delayed HFC election - but the goal is to merge them anyway, no?20:36
DocScrutinizer05I implemented a policy that been based on a behaviour codex. That codex is not generally accepted by techstaff20:37
Woody14619MT: It does not need to happen, no.  In fact, the plan of action as it stands is similar to what I did 6 months ago.20:38
Woody14619DocScrutinizer05: I disagree with that.  Most of the techstaff agrees to the standard.  But as with anything, when a breakthrough occurs, there is a desire to cut corners.  You (rightly) stopped that in this instance.20:39
MentalistTraceurIs the event you two are discussing something in the public knowledge?20:40
MentalistTraceurOr did this happen internally among the tech staff?20:40
DocScrutinizer05whatever. Fact is that my policy isn't 100% supported. So I have to drop it and declare it as failed20:40
Woody14619DocScrutinizer05: I do not think anyone disagreed with your saying we needed to do snapshots first.  The disagreemetn was mainly over the continued pontification after everyone stopped, which happened well before a single bit was changed on any server.20:40
Woody14619MT: No.. this is over and argument in the admin channel.20:41
DocScrutinizer05*my* disagreement was about sharing admin passwords and editing database and other stuff, without proactively *asking* or *taking care* for a snapshot first20:41
DocScrutinizer05so no, my policy isn't accepted and doesn't get followed, I had to enforce it20:42
DocScrutinizer05and this policy can't work when it needs to get enforced, it has to be followed voluntarily20:42
Woody14619I see no reason that I (being appointed admin of a system) can not ask for the password for that system, when it is accidentally discovered by another tech member.20:42
Woody14619The database call was correct.  And it was not updated.20:43
DocScrutinizer05first instance *admin* password isn't in any script. IF it were, the one who finds it doesn't share it to anybody else but comes to master sysop or security councilor immediately, with a security alert20:44
DocScrutinizer05you NEVER share passwords. Particularly not master admin password20:45
Woody14619No... it wasn't in a script.  It was in the clear in the database, where anyone with db access can find it.20:45
Woody14619And this was not a *master admin password*.20:45
DocScrutinizer05and no maintainer *ever* edits user accounts on any system. This is a sysop job20:45
Woody14619Thie was the password for the admin account on Midgard... nothing more.20:45
DocScrutinizer05<Woody14619> jacekowski: can you share the admin pw with me (or mine) so I can poke around the admin interface?20:46
Woody14619The admin password that he discovered IN THE DATABASE FOR MIDGARD.20:46
Woody14619Not root.20:46
Woody14619Not domain admin.20:46
DocScrutinizer05[2013-03-22 00:34:40] <jacekowski> Woody14619: i can change it though20:46
DocScrutinizer05 [2013-03-22 00:34:45] <jacekowski> Woody14619: what do you want it to be20:47
Woody14619For that he was talking about chaning MY ACCOUNT PASSWORD, which was *blank* in the database.20:47
Woody14619So that I could log in and acces my own account on maemo.org20:47
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DocScrutinizer05no maintainer *ever* changes *any* account20:47
Woody14619I agree.20:48
Woody14619Which is why when he asked it, I paused.20:48
DocScrutinizer05and you arguing about all that is exactly the point why I can't sustain my policy anymore20:48
DocScrutinizer05so, I'll stop argue here. For me everything been said20:49
Woody14619I would like to know one thing.20:49
Woody14619Jacekowski found, in the database, the admin password for Midgard.  While I was in the channel, knowing I'd be appointed maintianer for that system.20:50
DocScrutinizer05well, actually it's even more jacekowski's arguing20:50
Woody14619What was the proper course of action for him to have taken?  Mail that info to warfare, so that he could, in turn, hours later, mail me that info on to me?20:51
DocScrutinizer051) jacekowski probably never had found that password if he hadn't (ab)used privileges he's been granted to have read access to parts of system that are locked for normal users20:52
DocScrutinizer052) if he had found that password in a publicly accessable place, he had to immediately yell an alarm to warfare and me, and not share it to anybody20:53
Woody14619You realize you asked, not 10 minutes before that:   <DocScrutinizer05> please could somebody look into login on
DocScrutinizer05so how's that related to your fiddling with garage and voting?20:54
Woody14619My ba... 3 hours before..20:54
Woody14619My what?20:55
DocScrutinizer05honestly, your arguing shows why I decided I can't sustain such policy anymore20:55
Woody14619I fiddled with nothing on garage.20:55
Woody14619I said I susspected garage and www were linked, and wondered if copying my entry from garage's password files to www would allow user access.20:56
Woody14619I was going to ask that an admin try doing just that, as you had JUST DONE THAT to fix a few accounts on garage the day before.20:56
qwazixCan you please do this after the meeting?20:57
MentalistTraceurWhat qwazix said (he beat me to typing something along those lines.)20:57
DocScrutinizer05I'm not going to do that anymore anywhere20:57
qwazixI'd like some input on the election thing so I can get out and you can argue all you want20:57
Woody14619And voting: I was asked to fix.  And frankly all it took was editing a publicly readable file to point to the right db server.20:57
thedead1440hi all :)20:59
qwazixhi thedead1440 :)21:00
MentalistTraceurqwazix: It seems we are basically in agreement - we'll copy-paste the current MCC eligibility requirements as the HiFo eligibility requirements for now; announce elections for both Councils at once, encourage people to treat them as the same thing, meanwhile get the referendum started to merge the two together (which can include the unelected 3 or 5 candidates council fix),21:00
Woody14619^^^ what he said.21:00
Woody14619Not that I have any say in it.21:01
qwazixwhat about HiFo?21:01
Woody14619What about it?21:02
MentalistTraceurand once both that referendum passes and election wraps up, the HiFo will have the council specified in its bylaws filled, whether or not they ever acknowledge this council as being a hifo council.21:02
qwazixAgreed that HiFo criteria should be identical?21:02
MentalistTraceurqwazix: You mean HiFo board?21:02
DocScrutinizer05referendum *shoukd* happen before or during council election21:02
Woody14619ByLaws say FC gets to make those rules.  Not HiFo.  That's up to you folks.21:02
qwazixMentalistTraceur, yes21:03
qwazixWoody14619, I know, I'm just asking if my proposal of using same set of rules is ok with everybody21:04
qwazix(Including you despite you not being council)21:04
thedead1440one question: if HiFo's criteria is identical with Council criteria would 100 Karma still be required to run for HiFo Board? How would Jim run for a position in that case?21:04
Woody14619I agree with DocScrutinizer05 on this, the best action would be to hold a referendum to alter MCC rules to match HF rules, preferably a week before to allow the effect to cascade on to this election cycle.21:04
DocScrutinizer05maybe he needs to do some wiki edits ;-)21:05
qwazixthedead1440, good catch21:05
qwazixDocScrutinizer05, +121:05
Woody14619.oO(Or show up.. or reply to e-mail... or...)  <-- Me, not being bitter, honest.21:05
thedead1440i personally think the 100 karma criteria should be retained and an outsider like Jim would be suitable for an advisory position like he alluded to instead of a directorship21:06
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: The referendum doesn't significantly change anything about the election - even if the election happens beforehand, we can write the referendum to acocunt for the corner cases of there being, 5 or 3 candidates running for each.21:06
qwazixthedead1440, I agree21:06
MentalistTraceurI agree that we should get the referendum passed before election ideally,21:06
MentalistTraceurbut aren't we literally required to announce election by next week or so?21:07
DocScrutinizer05but I think referendum can be faster than election21:07
Woody14619MT: Agreed.  We could announce the referendum tomorrow (or today).  It's litererally a few sentences...21:08
DocScrutinizer05even if we need to "be creative" with rules about timespans21:08
qwazix>> The referendum options must be debated for a minimum of 1 month prior to the referendum.21:08
DocScrutinizer05or announce referendum today, with a one-sentence explanation of what it's all about21:08
Woody14619Referendums must be 30 days, by MCC rules.21:08
MentalistTraceurOkay, so if we start a referendum along those lines today/tomorrow, we can be certain it'll pass by the time of the election. Okay. (For that matter, if it gets voted down, we're still in the same place we left off on...)21:09
DocScrutinizer05then we have 30 days to debate that one sentence21:09
Woody14619Referendum:  In order to repair special cases in MCC  rules, and bring them into alignment with HFC rules, the following: (MCC rule list)  Shall become (HFC rule list)21:10
thedead144030 days is a fair enough time for allowing discussion etc21:10
DocScrutinizer05if community votes down on HFC rules and unification, then we're screwed anyway21:10
qwazix##channel spam warning##21:10
qwazixThe Maemo Community Council election rules ( are a good base to start with, but they have a drawback: While there is a provision to avoid unelected members for less than 5 members, this provision does not cover the actual number five resulting in all 5 candidates to be appointed councillors (what has currently happened). This should be corrected and the clause "If fewer than 521:10
qwazixcandidates stand for election, the 3 with the most votes are elected to the council. " must be changed to "...fewer than or equal to five...". For the same reason, the clause "If there are fewer than 3 candidates when the nominations close, the election cannot be held. " must be changed to "...fewer than or equal to three...".21:10
qwazix^^^ referendum announcement21:11
DocScrutinizer05yep, fine with me21:11
thedead1440yes that should indeed be covered21:11
Woody14619That would seem to cover it.21:11
DocScrutinizer05we got 30 days to debate21:11
qwazixCan I go now to tmo and post it?21:12
MentalistTraceurIsn't Woody14619's wording more concise?21:12
MentalistTraceurI also have the following concern,21:12
Woody14619As I noted somewhere before, we can even sent one mailing with tokens for all elections (even the two not yet announced.)21:12
qwazixMentalistTraceur, yes, but it needs some literature, even as an explanation. Actual question can be Woody's21:12
MentalistTraceurit does not account for the formal 'merger' of the two bodies, just the sync-ing of election rules. Is this in no way problematic?21:13
Woody14619token gen does not require the other elections to be setup and in db.21:13
MentalistTraceur(Sincere question, not rhetorical)21:13
DocScrutinizer05(mails with tokens) we should start on that RSN21:13
qwazixMentalistTraceur, maybe not, as afterwards MCC == HC21:14
qwazixMaybe it's better to make it clear though that this is the outcome21:14
MentalistTraceurBut that's the point, afterwords, the two bodies still technically exist separately.21:14
qwazixok, coming back with a revised one, wait for me21:15
DocScrutinizer05we should explain that from that referendum on, there will no two bodies anymore21:15
DocScrutinizer05will be*21:15
Woody14619Or we can dub the election as MCC/HFC election.21:16
thedead1440also the need for the body to be recognized as HiFo's FC should perhaps be explained to prevent confusion21:16
DocScrutinizer05I.E. when BoD calls "the big red" then there won't stay a last body standing in the ashes that's MCC21:17
Woody14619"the big red"?  Not familiar with that term.21:17
MentalistTraceurthedead1440: agreed.21:17
DocScrutinizer05call for re-election of both bodies21:18
Woody14619Ahh. :)21:18
kerioWoody14619: the button to launch the nuclear missiles21:18
DocScrutinizer05right now, while technically HiFo could call re-election of HFC, MCC would survive that21:19
qwazix## Version 2 ##21:20
DocScrutinizer05kinda lobotomy21:20
qwazixSince a few days ago we are now on our own and having a body that it's main function is to communicate with Nokia no longer serves a purpose. Another body with similar functionality is however provisioned by the ByLaws of the Hildon Foundation. We need to set up election rules for this new body (Hildon Foundation Council) and transform Maemo Community Council to Hildon Foundation Council.21:20
qwazixThe Maemo Community Council election rules ( are a good base to start with, but they have a drawback: While there is a provision to avoid unelected members for less than 5 members, this provision does not cover the actual number five resulting in all 5 candidates to be appointed councillors (what has currently happened). This should be corrected and the clause "If fewer than 521:20
qwazixcandidates stand for election, the 3 with the most votes are elected to the council. " must be changed to "...fewer than or equal to five...". For the same reason, the clause "If there are fewer than 3 candidates when the nominations close, the election cannot be held. " must be changed to "...fewer than or equal to three...".21:20
qwazixThus, a referendum is called with the following question:21:20
qwazixIn order to repair special cases in MCC  rules, and bring them into alignment with HFC rules, the following: (MCC rule list)  Shall become (HFC rule list), and the Maemo Community Council will from now on be transformed into Hildon Foundation Council. Yes or No?21:20
Woody14619+50 :)21:21
thedead1440makes sense :D21:21
MentalistTraceurI'm okay with this. I'd've written a longer explanation, but that's just a personality flaw of mine - I talk too much. I approve.21:22
MentalistTraceurIf there's some clarification or whatever that we think of later,21:22
MentalistTraceurthey can always be made in the debate month.21:22
DocScrutinizer05we got 30 days for that21:22
qwazixMentalistTraceur, if you'd like to write it up better go ahead. I really recognize that your English skills are far better than mine21:23
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: *nod* Exactly my point.21:23
MentalistTraceurqwazix: Nah, I think what you did write you wrote very well.21:23
MentalistTraceurPlus, the sooner we get this out there the better.21:23
thedead1440so next topic then? :D21:23
qwazixthanks, so I'm going to post to tmo if nobody disagrees21:23
MentalistTraceurAll in favor of posting this up ASAP?21:23
DocScrutinizer05i'd prefer MT posting it21:24
qwazixnp with that21:25
DocScrutinizer05this is a very official council issue21:25
MentalistTraceur*Nod* Very well.21:25
DocScrutinizer05should get kicked off by chair21:25
DocScrutinizer05next: we provisionally apply HFC rules for this election already21:26
DocScrutinizer05particularly for the 3,5 rule21:26
Woody14619I would suggest doing so ASAP after meeting, to allow max time for debate.  Also allows election annoucement at end of next council meeting if desired (exactly 1 week offset so voting on it is done before voting starts on Council)21:27
DocScrutinizer05after referendum we can approve it21:27
MentalistTraceurWoody14619: I'm already on it lol. At this point, it's a question of how fast I can thumb-type on the N900 and how fast microb gets me to posting it.21:28
thedead1440if by next council meeting, HiFo doesn't announce its own election too would the Council be calling for both bodies' election officially instead then?21:28
DocScrutinizer05if this time we can't make all ballots arrived at voters *before* voting starts, I'll be *really* pissed!21:28
Woody14619We should talk on that topic... I have an idea or two on how to accomplish that without being marked as a spam flooder.21:29
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: Would it make sense, then, to include a line saying "Since this referendum will be resolved before the upcoming Council elections, if it passes it will apply to the upcoming election."?21:29
Woody14619but thats for offline, not in meeting. :)21:29
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: :nod:21:29
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DocScrutinizer05thedead1440: all in favour of it21:30
DocScrutinizer05err, ambiguous - *I* *am* all in favour of it21:31
DocScrutinizer05dunno about rest of council21:32
DocScrutinizer05I *think* we all 3 uttered an "ack" on that tmo thread21:32
thedead1440nm we get express approval; qwazix and MentalistTraceur agreed with Doc for above?21:33
qwazixannouncing both bodies election?21:34
qwazixYES with big Neon letters21:34
MentalistTraceurthedead1440: I am presently for it. However, if 1/3rd of the Board agrees, 1/3rd of the Board says we're not HiFo council so we have no power to do so, and 1/3rd of Board is unresponsive...21:34
MentalistTraceurNot sure how much it'll actually do.21:35
MentalistTraceurFurthermore the f'ing transfer contract /still/ isn't signed.21:35
DocScrutinizer05we have the power to do so ;-D If HiFo accepts that is another question21:35
Woody14619I am in agreeance.  I have a "red button" of my own, but am hesetant to push it.21:36
DocScrutinizer05but we don't need to refrain from calling for it just because HiFo thinks 1/3 we have no power to do that21:36
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: Oh, I agree, but unless we have mobster connections I don't know about, not much we can do to enforce that power.21:36
MentalistTraceurSo yes, thedead1440, we are all in agreement.21:36
DocScrutinizer05we have no power to enforce it maybe. But we should call for it nevertheless21:37
thedead1440MentalistTraceur: you have Community power (more powerful than mobster connections) ;)21:37
DocScrutinizer05community is our power21:37
Woody14619^^^ that.21:37
thedead1440DocScrutinizer05: my kitchen was first :p21:37
DocScrutinizer05I was typing slow21:37
qwazixDocScrutinizer05, I vote for using this as official MCC tagline21:37
DocScrutinizer05community is our power  ?21:38
DocScrutinizer05sounds good21:38
qwazixhollywood trailer voice: Maemo Community Council: community is our power21:38
DocScrutinizer05better than "we do unlike" any day21:39
MentalistTraceur...Can we make this a second referendum? 'Referendum: Official Council Motto will hereby be: "Comminity is Our Power"'21:40
DocScrutinizer05we don't need a referendum for this21:40
MentalistTraceurI'm just kidding really.21:41
thedead1440and what would HiFo's tagline be? Obfuscation is our power? :p21:41
MentalistTraceurAlthough enshrining it in a referendum gives it it's own special assertion to it.21:41
DocScrutinizer05"confusion will be our epitaph"?21:41
Woody14619.oO(Order of DeMo-Delay)21:41
DocScrutinizer05(sorry, King Crimson quote)21:41
MentalistTraceur"Regular meetings? What's that?"21:43
thedead1440ah yes i too feel meetings should be defined21:43
DocScrutinizer05"we are meetings"21:43
MentalistTraceurQuestion: where is hosted?21:44
thedead1440as in would the referendum allow for specifying in rules the frequency of meetings for HiFo Board too? once in 3 months is honestly a stretch as we've seen these past few months21:44
DocScrutinizer05(note the fine sarcasm in that)21:44
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: Noted loud and clear. :)21:44
MentalistTraceurthedead1440: Yes, but that would have to be a separate referendum.21:45
qwazixthedead1440, I don't think we should mix up BoD and Council things21:45
qwazixin the same referendum21:45
Woody14619thedead1440: It would be fine if HiFo were limited to the scope it was originally invisioned with.  But quarterly meetings + demands to micromanage = problem.21:45
thedead1440qwazix: ok; makes sense21:46
Woody14619I'd rather fix the latter than the former.21:46
DocScrutinizer05I *think* amendments to bylaws that don't _conflict_ or neuter (with) the bylaws are fine21:46
DocScrutinizer05+1 for not mixing though21:46
qwazix(and we also need to give new board a chance to fix things internally before forcing rules changes on them)21:46
Woody14619The other issue being that bylaw changes don't require referendums...  The require a vote of the board and Council.21:47
qwazixWoody14619, +5021:47
DocScrutinizer05Woody14619: it's merely impossible to fix the bylaws21:47
MentalistTraceurShould I start the thread title '[Referendum]', '[Referendum] [Council]', or '[Council] [Referendum]'?21:47
qwazixMentalistTraceur, the 2nd one21:47
MentalistTraceur..or '[Referendum/Council]', or '[Council/Referendum]'?21:47
thedead1440MentalistTraceur: i think 2nd one would be more appropriate21:47
Woody14619Council has the ability to call for a referendum to form it's opinion.  But it's not required to do so.21:47
thedead1440damn slow typing "_"21:48
qwazixthedead1440, are you mod in that forum? Can you do something to make it more visible (sticky maybe?)21:48
thedead1440post it in Community i'll make it sticky then21:48
Woody14619with luck, I may have figured out login, so that may be fixed by next week.  Can make a blog post of it, once you can log in. ;)21:49
thedead1440btw MentalistTraceur's question of's hosting is appropriate. mtr shows its hosted at; who's paying for it and what's the current status i.e. who knows the status?21:49
Woody14619Tim is paying for it, and he is still acting admin for it on request.21:50
Woody14619For now, I don't see that changing until after next election.21:50
Woody14619GA also has limited admin rights on the site (can do updates).21:51
thedead1440shouldn't it be moved to IPHH if possible to save Tim's costs too? Isn't it unfair on him to be picking up the tab?21:51
Woody14619As does Cosimo I believe (to update donor list)21:51
qwazixwhat do we do if we don't have enough candidates?21:52
DocScrutinizer05now who's going to drum up candidates for HFC and BoD elections?21:52
qwazixDocScrutinizer05, lol21:52
MentalistTraceurAbout to post, final check to see if I messed up anything.21:52
Woody14619I think right now it's dangling off an existing thing he already has.  So no a cost, just an inconvenience.21:52
thedead1440ah that's better then21:52
thedead1440the current 3 Council would be standing for re-election right? So that's 3 lesser candidates required :D21:53
Woody14619thedead1440: thus the "let it be till next election".  But I think eventually it will consolidate.21:53
DocScrutinizer05thedead1440: I strongly discourage having HiFo website on IPHH/maemo infra. They should stay independent21:53
Woody14619thedead1440: Quite the comedian. ;)21:53
qwazixthedead1440, no way21:53
* Woody14619 is inclined to agree w/ Doc on that. 21:54
Woody14619Separate infra for at least one point of contact is a good thing.21:54
qwazixMentalistTraceur, shouldn't (MCC rule list) be expanded to the actual list?21:54
MentalistTraceurqwazix: Should, but I just pasted what you gave me...21:55
Woody14619Static web hosting like that can be had for cheep these days... under $100 a year in the US, given the limited traffic it sees.21:55
Woody14619MT: You can edit it later with the proper bits, yes?21:55
MentalistTraceurWoody14619: Yes, should be able to.21:56
qwazixI just didn't want to spam the channel even more. A copy/paste of this should be enough21:56
MentalistTraceurWell, it's more than just a simple substitution of the entirety of that webpage.21:56
MentalistTraceurOr less than, rather.21:57
qwazixNot the entirety, just the first part before the table of contents21:57
Woody14619Hifo Bylaws (to find relevant parts) is here:
MentalistTraceurSince that page talks about the eligibility requirements...21:57
Woody14619It mixes them.21:58
MentalistTraceurAnd we aren't referendum-ing any changes to that on the MCC side right now.21:58
qwazixThe 5 council … … time as the council elections.21:58
DocScrutinizer05we eventually are required to also post it to ML21:59
DocScrutinizer05after editing finished ;-)21:59
DocScrutinizer05and link to tmo post22:00
Woody14619Rules 1, 2, 5, 10, and 11.2 are affect mainly, yes?22:00
MentalistTraceurWoody14619: How is 1 affected? That's in the eligibility side of things, no?22:01
MentalistTraceurUnless the nomination period's different?22:02
Woody14619Nomination periods are the same, but HFO requires a week between nomination ending and election starting for debate.22:02
thedead1440MentalistTraceur: i suggest you block the second post of the thread so that you can add/remove modifications as per suggestions/discussions22:02
Woody14619Technically, most MCC elections have broken this rule.22:02
Woody14619As it should be 2 weeks for nominations, and then *wham* elections start.22:03
qwazixwiki is painfully slow...22:03
DocScrutinizer05yeah, indeed22:03
Woody14619HFC spells out 2 weeks for nominations, 1 week for discussion, 1 week for voting... to clarify there's a desired delay between the two.22:04
DocScrutinizer05since, what bad could a late nomination do?22:04
* Woody14619 bites his tounge. ;)22:05
DocScrutinizer05"oooh unfair, that candidate stepped in and doesn't use a week to do adverisment for himself!"  .oO(???)22:06
DocScrutinizer05if a candidate isn't known because of late (self-)nomination, I think it's his own problem and not any problem for the other candidates or the voters22:07
DocScrutinizer05or would we need to give other candidates to bitch about that late one for a week?22:08
DocScrutinizer05give...a chance*22:08
MentalistTraceurWoody, does rule 2 strictly get changed?22:13
thedead1440i thought it went all quiet in here :D22:14
MentalistTraceurI.e. did the duration of the election itself differ in the bylaws? I thought not?22:14
Woody14619I was just picking out the time-based rules. :)22:14
MentalistTraceurOkay, cool.22:14
Woody14619It may also be nice to re-order the rules, since we're in "edit" mode anyway.22:14
Woody14619Pull all the time ones first, then the qualification ones after... :P22:15
qwazixMentalistTraceur, and
Woody14619awesome... One edit I see... making it now in HFC rules.22:16
MentalistTraceurqwazix: That misses the 1 week waiting/deliberation period.22:17
Woody14619just amde the fix to that. :)22:18
MentalistTraceurAnd we should do an asterisk to the eligibility points in #1 and #3, saying that those22:18
MentalistTraceurhold on I already had it worded...22:18
qwazixMentalistTraceur, where is that?22:19
MentalistTraceur"The exact eligibility requirements are determined by the HFC according to the Hildon Foundation bylaws in the Electorate and Nomination Requirements, but the current council proposes keeping the same elibility requirements".22:19
MentalistTraceurqwazix: I can do that edit22:20
Woody14619k, :) I edited the wiki, but feel free to undo and/or change that.22:20
Woody14619rather I edited rule 1. :)22:20
qwazixMentalistTraceur, Woody14619 ok thanks22:20
DocScrutinizer05I'm out. Just for the record: I formally declare to HiFo that the promise I gave about maintainers can't ever do damage to maemo been based on a twofold of measures: restrictive handling of permissions and close supervision by me. I can't sustain either of both any longer, so it's up to HiFo to deal with new situation, I stop and supposed supervision of techstaff22:20
Woody14619Oh, and 11.2 needs a fix. :P22:21
DocScrutinizer05s/stop and/stop any/22:21
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: Alright. Anything anyone has to add for the meeting at this point, or shall we adjourn?22:22
thedead1440qwazix mentioned the *patch thing at beginning of meeting22:23
thedead1440is it resolved?22:23
MentalistTraceurÂ*Nod* Not yet, still need to post thread today-ish about it.22:23
MentalistTraceurIt's on my todo, sometime after this is done.22:24
MentalistTraceurNow, how do I put an asterisk on the wiki without it being turned into a dot?22:24
MentalistTraceur(At the beginning of a line?)22:24
sixwheeledbeast<pre> </pre>22:24
Woody14619ok... 11.2 is updated... It doesn't quite match the bylaws (which say Board decides), but... I think that part needs to be updated in the Bylaws frankly.22:24
sixwheeledbeastor <nowiki></nowiki> ;)22:25
sixwheeledbeastMentalistTraceur: ^^^^22:25
MentalistTraceurThank you. What's the difference between the two?22:26
MentalistTraceurWoody14619: double check I didn't erase your edits with mine.22:26
thedead1440one more point to be raised; can an official explanation be asked from HiFo on why donations of some people are bouncing back to them?22:26
MentalistTraceurWoody14619: Double-check now that is.22:26
Woody14619thedead1440: bank screwup.  I'm working on it now.22:27
thedead1440Woody14619: oh ok; since you are part of the BoD, could you please post this here:
Woody14619thedead1440: Thank you. :)22:27
* DocScrutinizer05 idly wonders whom to send the bills for his maemo related expenses of last 3..4 months22:27
MentalistTraceurWoody14619: You added the "in conjuction with the Hildon Foundation Board ...", right? To 11.222:28
Woody14619doc:   I for one will vote to remburse...22:28
Woody14619I bolded my changes to 1 and 11.2 as per what qwazix did for his changes to 10/11.22:29
Woody14619To draw attention to the changes made.22:29
qwazixI think the post on tmo should just contain links to wiki where (* rules list) to avoid an oversize post that no-one will read22:29
thedead1440qwazix: +122:30
sixwheeledbeastMentalistTraceur: <nowiki> doesn't strip html whereas <pre> does.22:30
MentalistTraceursixwheeledbeast: Ah, thank you.22:31
Woody14619qwazix: While I would normally agree... wiki is world editable. :(22:31
sixwheeledbeastIIRC anyway22:31
DocScrutinizer05sixwheeledbeast: would you know how to implement a login-protected closed section in wiki.m.o?22:31
qwazixWoody14619, can't we lock that page?22:31
Woody14619Good for colaboration, not so good if someone changes it.22:31
DocScrutinizer05qwazix: I can lock pages22:31
MentalistTraceurWoody14619: Good point, but I'm really feeling lazy, lol.22:32
Woody14619Can you?  If you can, then please do and use it. :)22:32
MentalistTraceurSo if DocScrutinizer05 can lock that page, please to that.22:32
sixwheeledbeastDocScrutinizer05: I don't follow a protected page only for certain members?22:32
MentalistTraceur(Will we still be able to edit it?)22:32
DocScrutinizer05URL please22:32
DocScrutinizer05sixwheeledbeast: yep22:32
Woody14619If you can lock it to just council that's good. :)  Neils told me it wasn't an option when I asked 6 months ago.22:33
sixwheeledbeastDocScrutinizer05:  rwx, r__ or all?22:33
Woody14619er.. 9 months ago?22:33
Woody14619When doing Bylaws....22:33
qwazixOr just lock it after we finish it. Referendum proposal should be immutable anyway22:33
qwazixwe can use another page to track the progress if we need22:34
Woody14619work calls... be back when I can22:34
MentalistTraceurK, let me bold the asterisks, and then I think it's done/good.22:34
DocScrutinizer05sixwheeledbeast: the plan is to set up a section with "secret" info for techstaff22:35
MentalistTraceurOh, it's already locked.22:35
MentalistTraceurOkay, I say it's all good and ready.22:35
MentalistTraceurUnless someone sees anything else we missed, we're pretty much done.22:36
DocScrutinizer05shall i unlock it again?22:36
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: Not really necessary I think. It was just a stylistic change.22:36
qwazix(or 3) and the * clause should be bold22:36
DocScrutinizer05sixwheeledbeast: so techstaff can read and edit, while normal users can't even read22:37
MentalistTraceurqwazix: You think the * should be bold?22:37
MentalistTraceurOkay then, DocScrutinizer05 please unlock it again.22:37
qwazixMentalistTraceur, as it's a new thing, yes22:37
sixwheeledbeastmmm, I have edited many wiki's but never come across this. While I understand the reasons this defeats the object of a wiki. Why not a locked g.account?22:37
DocScrutinizer05sixwheeledbeast: we just pondered22:38
DocScrutinizer05I suspected it should be possible, others said it probably isn't22:39
DocScrutinizer05seems others were right22:39
qwazixDocScrutinizer05, either way there should be a vault with info in case of bus incident22:39
DocScrutinizer05we might set up our own techstaff wiki, with restricted access to whole server22:40
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: Should be done.22:41
MentalistTraceurYou can lock it again when ready.22:41
DocScrutinizer05probably e.g. monitor VM should have enough resources still22:41
DocScrutinizer05when ready?22:41
DocScrutinizer05know what?22:42
DocScrutinizer05I'll add you to admins22:42
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: Are you sure I ought to be trusted with that capacity?22:42
MentalistTraceurWhat if I am really secretely Evil(TM)?22:43
DocScrutinizer05dang, what's your user name?22:43
MentalistTraceurI would have that as my IRC name on here too, I just for some reason ended up registering the full spelling with freenode for some reason at the time.22:44
sixwheeledbeastDocScrutinizer05: Seems after some research there's a *patch that can make private pages on Mediawiki sites. It's a beta and has lots of warnings. Doesn't come on MediaWiki as std.22:45
DocScrutinizer05dafaq I can't find a user mtraceur22:45
qwazixhaving a seperate wiki is a better idea IMO22:46
qwazixharder to go down22:46
Woody14619sixwheeledbeast: It's somewhat security through obscurity though last I looked at it.22:46
qwazixDocScrutinizer see history of edits to page for exact username22:46
MentalistTraceurHmm, I'm not sure why you wouldn't. This is the username I use to sign in to wiki, right?22:46
DocScrutinizer05it always autocapitalizes search string22:46
* DocScrutinizer05 headdesks22:46
MentalistTraceurOh, lol.22:47
* Woody14619 agrees. Good place for admin wiki may be on DB? Since it's already semi-hidden.22:47
DocScrutinizer05what a SHITE!22:47
thedead1440why the heck did i end up in those results22:48
Woody14619same as empty search... finds all users.22:49
thedead1440the search algorithm is so...broken...22:49
MentalistTraceurAm I supposed to have something on this url:22:49
MentalistTraceurTo show up in search?22:49
MentalistTraceurMaybe that's why it fails?22:49
sixwheeledbeastMentalistTraceur: Only if you put something there22:51
MentalistTraceursixwheeledbeast: That's my point, should I put something there to make it work? I can't think of a good technical reason why that would be so...22:51
MentalistTraceurbut frak knows who programmed what into that wiki code originally...*shrug*22:52
thedead1440MentalistTraceur: technical reason? search is broken?22:52
sixwheeledbeastNo, it's since the infra move it's case mayhem broken logs etc etc22:52
* qwazix waves goodbye22:53
thedead1440see ya qwazix22:53
qwazixunless there's something else to discuss22:53
MentalistTraceurqwazix: Nope, meeting essentially ended a while ago.22:55
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: check!22:55
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: your username is mtraceur, not Mtraceur22:55
DocScrutinizer05fsck autocapitalization22:56
thedead1440qwazix: if you stick around you would in a few moments get Doc ranting about how xyz is broken thanks to Nemein. He'll add KDE to that list too then but ofc not blame nemein for that ;)22:56
thedead1440yes! he did it so fast :D22:56
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: Yeah, I know, though when I clikc on my username it takes me to the page with the first letter autocapitalized.22:56
DocScrutinizer05nut according to URL22:57
qwazixIf I stick around I'll start thinking that we won't have enough candidates again and I'll *maybe* go mad22:57
* Woody14619 made his wikipage a while ago and didn't even realize it did that... but it did...22:57
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: Well, if I am signed into the wiki, and click on the "mtraceur" at the top-right-ish area, it takes me to
qwazixDocScrutinizer05, look what Media Wiki does to the name of the page22:58
qwazixcouncil_rules_referendum -> council Rules Referendum wtf22:58
MentalistTraceurqwazix: Lol.22:59
DocScrutinizer05anyway, MentalistTraceur added admin22:59
qwazixcss(  text-transform: capitalize; )22:59
DocScrutinizer05thus you should be able to edit that page22:59
qwazixwhich doesn't apply for chars not starting new words23:00
DocScrutinizer05dunno if admin is sufficient to lock/unlock pages23:00
qwazixso it's not media-wiki, but rather the maemo template :)23:00
sixwheeledbeastAdmin page is empty do we have a list of them :)
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: But afaik I don't even have a usename of "MentalistTraceur" for the wiki (or garage or logically any other part of *.m.o).23:03
DocScrutinizer05well, so?23:04
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: I'm so confused. Where am I an admit at, now?23:04
DocScrutinizer05please rephrase23:05
MentalistTraceurWait, I think I misunderstood your earlier statement...23:05
MentalistTraceurnvm for a moment.23:05
DocScrutinizer05Warning: This page has been locked so that only users with administrator privileges can edit it.23:06
MentalistTraceurOkay, I think it works. I see a "Unprotect" option.23:07
thedead1440Doc that pages shows you to be a bureaucrat (along with admin); i thought you hated bureaucracy :p23:07
DocScrutinizer05if you got a menu entry "unlock" at right, then admins are allowed to lock/unlock as well23:07
sixwheeledbeastI can confirm I can't edit said page23:07
sixwheeledbeastonly "view source"23:08
MentalistTraceur*Nod*, if I click Unprotect I get to a menu that allows me to change the protection options...23:08
DocScrutinizer05so, I'm no longer needed for maemo ;-P23:09
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: You are always needed. Without you we would be groveling in the mud, having to subsist on iStuff and Androids...23:09
* thedead1440 goes to sleep too... Good night people (at last a civil and breezy meeting) :)23:10 least eventually, as the infra would be dead right now.23:10
* Woody14619 comes back in time to agree with MT...23:10
MentalistTraceurOkay, anyway, meeting's been formally over for a bit now, and now we know that I can unprotect/protect that wiki page if we think of any more edits.23:11
MentalistTraceurReferendum is officially on the table as of a little while ago.23:11
Woody14619Did you edit the TMO post?23:11
Woody14619And mail the mailing list with it? :)23:11
MentalistTraceurAnd we have to announce our elections next week, I believe.23:12
MentalistTraceurOh, crap, mailing list.23:12
* MentalistTraceur groans.23:12
Woody14619Sorry. :)  But it's important. :)23:12
MentalistTraceurSomeone remind me the email address?23:12 or something?23:13
Woody14619and cc maemo-announce as well23:14
MentalistTraceurThank you.23:15
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: get well soon!23:17
Woody14619List is now showing bug mailing list and rtcomm? Did it always do that?  Hmm...23:17
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: Thank you!23:18
MentalistTraceurI should a link to the thread from the mailing list email, right?23:19
Woody14619Should be enough, but include a bit of text about it being a referendum at least. :)23:20
DocScrutinizer05you should copy thext of first post, plus link to first post23:20
MentalistTraceur*Nod* I was naturally copying the text of the post itself,23:21
MentalistTraceurjust wanted to make sure about the link.23:21
MentalistTraceurÃ(Although it seems a bit obvious to have done the link too)23:21
Woody14619k, work calls off.. thanks all23:22
MentalistTraceurEmail is out!23:25
MentalistTraceurReferendum is fully live.23:25
MentalistTraceurWait, crap...23:26
MentalistTraceurMail delivery subsystems problems... I did something wrong.23:26
MentalistTraceur<> (expanded from23:28
MentalistTraceur<>): mail for loops back to myself23:28
MentalistTraceurThat might not have been me doing something wrong...23:28
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: Shall I forward you the error?23:30
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: I forwarded you the messages I got back from "Mail Delivery System <>"23:32
MentalistTraceurPlease forward that to the appropriate tech staff (I didn't want to forward it to in case it was something I did wrong so as to not waste everyone's time...23:33
sixwheeledbeastanybody left ....23:58

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