IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Wednesday, 2013-02-13

*** M4rtinK has joined #maemo-meeting00:04
*** xes_ has joined #maemo-meeting00:42
*** xes_ has quit IRC00:42
*** xes_ has joined #maemo-meeting00:42
*** xes has left #maemo-meeting00:42
*** xes_ has quit IRC00:43
*** xes has joined #maemo-meeting00:43
*** xes has quit IRC03:17
*** M4rtinK has quit IRC03:33
*** DocScrutinizer05 has joined #maemo-meeting04:51
*** DocScrutinizer05 has quit IRC05:04
*** DocScrutinizer05 has joined #maemo-meeting05:13
DocScrutinizer05ok, almost business as usual again (recovery from IT breakage and new PC)05:30
*** DocScrutinizer05 has quit IRC06:03
*** DocScrutinizer05 has joined #maemo-meeting06:03
*** kolp has joined #maemo-meeting11:04
*** kolp has quit IRC11:37
*** kolp has joined #maemo-meeting12:10
*** M4rtinK has joined #maemo-meeting12:36
*** kolp has quit IRC12:44
*** kolp has joined #maemo-meeting14:59
*** kolp has quit IRC15:06
*** kolp has joined #maemo-meeting15:17
*** kolp has quit IRC16:31
*** M4rtinK has quit IRC18:46
*** kolp has joined #maemo-meeting20:13
*** kolp has quit IRC20:48
*** xes has joined #maemo-meeting21:46
*** xes has quit IRC21:51
*** xes has joined #maemo-meeting22:48
*** xes has quit IRC23:17
*** xes has joined #maemo-meeting23:31

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