IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Friday, 2013-02-08

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DocScrutinizer05(trying to) postpone meeting 30 minutes to 18:30UTC, since ivgalvez won't attend, MT will be late, and I also have problems making it in time19:36
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keriowait, it's 18:40 now19:40
kerio...i am the dumb - timezones19:41
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kerioxes: your ip is showing20:00
thedead1440since now is the "official" time for Council meeting; DocScrutinizer05 has asked me to announce that he will be late for meeting my 30 minutes.20:00
keriohe also said that MT will be late too20:00
qwazixDocScrutinizer05, sorry, I went for a quick nap, I'm ok with postponing the meeting20:00
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kerioMentalistTraceur: doc said to postpone to 18:3020:08
MentalistTraceurThat wording suggests he has unilateral authority to do so. I don't mind, if no one else is here who wants to start now, though. either way, thanks for informing me.20:10
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MentalistTraceurThat's 18:30 UTC, I presume?20:12
kerioand actually my wording was wrong, he asked20:13
thedead1440MentalistTraceur: On #maemo Doc posted: 01:36 <DocScrutinizer05> qwazix: could we postpone meeting 30 min please? Could you announce on #maemo-meeting in 26min? MT will be late, iv will be missing, i'm in a pinch with time   <--- Doesn't seem unilateral now does it? :-)20:13
kerioand qwazix agreed20:13
MentalistTraceurthedead: correct, the actual quote doesn't seem unilateral at all. But all I had to go on was how kerio worded it. :) In other news: I had to connect over f'ing webclient again, because apparently T-Mobile USA can't just be a good dumb network provider for IRC traffic.20:14
MentalistTraceurAnd in my defence, I'm only like 8 minutes late. :P That's virtually punctual.20:15
MentalistTraceurThough I told council by e-mail I'll have a 20 minute or so gap of time during meeting when I might be unable to pay attention to IRC at all,20:16
MentalistTraceurso he might've thought I meant that that was going to be at the beginning of meeting, hence late,20:17
MentalistTraceurvs. in the middle of it.20:17
thedead1440possible indeed20:17
MentalistTraceurDid I ever mention how much I hate mobile phone carriers? That's rhetorical, of course I have, but that's one of those topics where no amount of complaining about is enough.20:21
kerioMentalistTraceur: ssh -p 80 your_home_server20:22
MentalistTraceurAt least as far as the USA ones go. I can't say I'm familiar with the rest of the world's.20:22
MentalistTraceurkerio: that presupposes I have a home server - as it happens I do, but only as of very recently. Also, at the moment, I don't have the time to figure out how to configure irssi to use the proxy connection thus formed,20:23
MentalistTraceurand for all I know I didn't even compile it right and it'll segfault when I try.20:24
MentalistTraceur(Currently it works swimmingly, except for when it's ran with command-line parameters, which it segfaults for all of.)20:25
MentalistTraceurBut I will probably be doing just that for next meeting.20:25
kerioMentalistTraceur: you could use pop3s, it's my favourite known port to masquerade ssh20:26
kerio(tcp 995)20:26
MentalistTraceurOkay, I have to AFK for the next 20 or so min. Hopefully I won't get disconnected in the meantime.20:27
DocScrutinizer05hmm, then let's wait another 20min? fine with me20:29
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qwazixfine with me too20:35
thedead1440time to twiddle thumbs then :-D20:36
misterc__good day / evening20:36
Estel_MentalistTraceur,  that's also situation, when you may find proxy bounder usefull too20:39
Estel_one configured to listen to you at port 80 should be enough to avoid t-mobile limitations20:39
Estel_BTW what the heck is with usa providers, t-mobile in poland don't even think of smth like that, and they would be killed by laught, if they would try.20:39
MentalistTraceurOkay, I'm back.20:40
Estel_I've heard of such providers in france, that did it, when dinosaurs were young20:40
Estel_...and choice of mobile network providers thin20:40
qwazixOur providers even blocked 25 back in the day but now fortunately they have opened everything20:41
MentalistTraceurWell, they seem to work like some moronic proxy - irssi gives the have to connect with sasl authentication only error, or whatever.20:41
qwazixVodafone however treats N900 like a dumbphone and redirects traffic through a wap-like proxy20:41
MentalistTraceurIt's not that they're blocking it (though they do block icmp pings), they just... seem to do some wierd mitm/proxy shit with it.20:43
MentalistTraceurSsh and stuff goes through fine, though, up until now I've been relatively happy with tmo.20:43
MentalistTraceurtmo = t-mobile, in that last line.20:43
MentalistTraceurAnyway, Joerg, qwazix, ready to begin?20:44
Estel_qwazix,  I wonder, how they determine that?20:44
Estel_oh, sorry, I'm out then20:44
MentalistTraceurMy annoyance is more with the state of mobile carriers in the US in general, TMobile is one of the more tolerable ones, this is the first really bothersome thing.20:46
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: ping or something.20:46
MentalistTraceurI'm done with my stuff. Ready to begin when you are.20:47
* DocScrutinizer05 smiles happily, sipping his coffee and eating a sandwich20:48
MentalistTraceurThanks for waiting for me by the way, @ both of you.20:48
DocScrutinizer05I wasn't able to make it in time either20:48
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DocScrutinizer05or first chair declares meeting opened ;-)20:49
MentalistTraceurSo, what's on the agenda? We had the whole discuss-referendum-regarding-council-and-Hi-Fo-bylaws thing slated, but I was hoping to read the bylaws again to refresh my memory, which I didn't get to.20:49
qwazixTopic: Denser meetings for next 3 weeks20:50
MentalistTraceurAnd woody nor ivan are here for that, and I thought they might have relevant input for that.20:50
DocScrutinizer05nobody driving it then, I suggest postpone20:50
MentalistTraceurqwazix: seconded, partiticularly as far as council/board-together meetings.20:51
DocScrutinizer05##bullet: merlin1991 and woody new maintainers20:52
DocScrutinizer05##bullet: my weekly short report about state of migration20:53
MentalistTraceurAs I proposed in that mail reply to what you (qwazix) sent out earlier - we should, I think, figure out a time when all of us can meet, board and council members alike, and do a weekly board/council meeting like that.20:54
DocScrutinizer05##subbullet: osuosl20:54
MentalistTraceurAlright, so let's do Joerg's stuff/bullets first.20:54
DocScrutinizer05##subbullet: iphh.de20:54
MentalistTraceurSince those are likely to require less in-depth discussion.20:54
qwazixMentalistTraceur, :nod:20:54
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991 volunteered for maintainert of maemo repos. Ivgalvez gave yay (counts for board 100$, council 20%), me and qwazix gave yay, which makes 60% total for council. Officially accepted20:56
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: officially welcome! :-)20:57
misterc__hello (?)20:58
qwazixhi misterc__20:58
DocScrutinizer05woody volunteered to maintain whatever he could help with. He offered help for chem|st on lowe sysop task on talk, and also accepted assignment to garage, due to his background with midgard20:58
DocScrutinizer05approval of woody pending20:59
DocScrutinizer05speed vote by council: ok from me20:59
qwazixok from me too20:59
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: ?21:00
MentalistTraceurDid this (merlin acceptance) ever get brought or discussion in some way other than those-people-who-were-on-IRC-at-the-time-heard-about-it? I'd give him my approval from whaI I know (ditto for woody since we're voting on him now), but I don't recaaring of merlin's volunteering until now.21:00
merlin1991I volunteered on irc21:01
MentalistTraceurAlso, idk if this web-client splits text properly when it runs long, so if I seem cut-off, can someone please let me know?21:01
qwazixMentalistTraceur, it was just that Doc was asking us one by one, and when he reached 3 votes Merlin was automatically accepted21:01
MentalistTraceurs/recaaring/recall hearing/21:01
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: the approval by council is of course not valid of any of you rises concerns21:01
MentalistTraceurFair enough @ Joerg's last statement.21:02
DocScrutinizer05since any concern would stop a simple majority vote21:02
qwazixI think that this speed in decision making is what makes the difference21:03
DocScrutinizer05I just anticipated you'd accept and since we're in a pinch....21:03
MentalistTraceurThat's fair.21:03
DocScrutinizer05after all that's why I bring it up again today21:03
qwazixand I'd hate to become what I was whining about in today's mail21:03
DocScrutinizer05so, any concerns about woody or merlin1991?21:04
MentalistTraceurAlright, so I have no objections, and vote in favor of both as well. Do we still need board approval for woody?21:04
qwazixSo I vote to continue in this style, majority vote ok when it happens, and final approval in next meeting.21:04
DocScrutinizer05yes, we do21:04
DocScrutinizer05I take one voice from board for the whole though21:05
DocScrutinizer05since we have no means to check if they made a proper internal decision finding21:06
qwazixAnd since their meetings are once in a month or rarely we can't possibly wait so long21:06
DocScrutinizer05ok, council approved both woody and merlin. Board approval for merlin pending21:06
DocScrutinizer05qwazix: ack21:07
qwazixBoard approval for *Woody* pending, no?21:07
DocScrutinizer05eeeeek, "board approval for *woody* pending"21:07
DocScrutinizer05see! I'm completely derailed already, after this today's madness21:08
DocScrutinizer05ok, status:21:08
DocScrutinizer05all servixes running on xen-grid. repo works and has legacy hashsum issues. Autobuilder defunct but since today Niels is working on it, according to Eero21:09
DocScrutinizer05Merlin will look into repo hashsum issues this weekend, he said21:09
DocScrutinizer05we got an offer for free CoLo in Hamburg. warfare/Falk managed that21:10
DocScrutinizer05would need shipping of iron from Finland to HH21:10
qwazixwho's offering?21:11
qwazixAnd what does "free" mean exactly?21:11
DocScrutinizer05free as in "no money asked for. Just proper credit"21:12
DocScrutinizer05which we will give with a joyful feeling21:12
keriois this osuosl or something different?21:13
DocScrutinizer05osuosl: I talked with a guy from them 2 days ago on IRC, 1h ago he sent a copy of the mail thread between osuosl and khm/HiFo21:13
MentalistTraceurWell, that sounds good. I second qwazix's "who's offering" question, though.21:13
qwazix> IPHH, a ISP in Hamburg. Falk contacted them and they are willing to offer CoLo basically free of charge. Of course we will put their name on our frontpage to give due credit. HW service will be done by Falk. (costs ~300EUR for setup and HW upgrade, plus 50..300EUR for shipping the server to Hamburg)21:13
DocScrutinizer05kerio: osuosl is in Ohio21:13
qwazixSorry for asking again, but network companies always like to hide costs behind the free curtain. Does it mean free rackspace AND free power/bandwidth?21:14
DocScrutinizer05this osuosl thing went pretty haywire, since khm asked for colocation and put HiFo instead council and me in CC21:15
DocScrutinizer05qwazix: yes21:15
DocScrutinizer05qwazix: those are friends of Falk, 3 bus stations from where he lives, and are maemons21:16
kerioso with IPHH we'd have our own sysop working on the actual hardware? neat21:16
MentalistTraceurWould this approach mean we'd no longer be selling the hardware we are getting?21:16
kerioheh, i suppose the n900 density *is* much higher in places like datacenters21:16
qwazixFinal question: What's HW upgrade?21:16
qwazixas in > costs ~300EUR for setup and HW upgrade,21:17
DocScrutinizer05with osuosl we need to negotiate if they could offer rootservers as well, since CoLo in USA seems a bit... far from EU for shipping the server and doing hw service21:17
DocScrutinizer05also Robert of HiFo today said they'd charge 250/month21:17
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: obviously21:18
DocScrutinizer05qwazix: warfare said he'd like to have 2TB plus21:18
qwazixI second that21:19
DocScrutinizer05he'd retrofit those21:19
qwazixMaybe even more. I feel that extras should keep more old versions but that's another discussion21:19
misterc__2TB plus like in additional 2TB?21:19
qwazixAIUI yes21:20
misterc__so how much is available now?21:20
misterc__=> 4TB ?21:20
DocScrutinizer05yes, 2 + 2 = 421:21
DocScrutinizer05we need a few more drives for backup21:21
kerioexcept that it's more like 3.8TiB :(21:21
qwazixRAID'ed of course, so 2 + 2 = 2 :)21:21
DocScrutinizer05so that sums up to the quoted ~300 bucks21:21
DocScrutinizer05incl one workday of Falk and 2 crates of beer for those of IPHH helping him21:22
MentalistTraceurOkay. I presume/home this won't cause hard feelings between the other volunteers we had interested in helping, but this seems like a really good situation for us either way. One thing I'd worry abth a free offer, is what happens when those people making it no longer work there and someone in theirmanagement decides to get rid of thisbox sitting around or else charge for it.21:23
DocScrutinizer05our evaluations/esimations are: 98% probablility for downtimes <24h, in case of hw failure21:23
misterc__2nd that ?21:24
MentalistTraceurUgh, microB swallows key-presses way too much.21:24
DocScrutinizer05we'll get a 'contract' running for one year. We talk to sem in time before that contract exoires21:24
DocScrutinizer05ok for you?21:25
MentalistTraceurIt's all good Joerg, my typo-rate is making everyone else look good right now no matter how many mistakes they make. :)21:25
qwazixI find that a very good solution21:25
MentalistTraceurAlright, sounds good to me.21:26
MentalistTraceurI move we recommend that as the course of action to pursue to the Board.21:26
DocScrutinizer05so our 3rd and last resort is Hetzner: will cost us ~300/month, plu ssetup fees21:26
qwazixSo we ship before unboxing?21:26
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: I'd still be willing to talk to osuosl more, since it was only 2h ago I got to know about the whole case's details21:27
DocScrutinizer05qwazix: probably21:28
kerioDocScrutinizer05: eu > us, though21:28
kerioand having our own hardware would be really good21:28
DocScrutinizer05kerio: nah21:28
DocScrutinizer05no eu > us for anything material21:28
MentalistTraceurWilling to talk more, sure, but we can still recommend it as a "ATM best solution we have" to them.21:28
qwazixDocScrutinizer05, maybe we could use OSUOSL for static, firmware downloads and other big things which are not necessarily interconnected with the rest of maemo.org21:28
DocScrutinizer05osuosl is an option only for them providing root servers21:28
DocScrutinizer05or VM21:29
kerioqwazix: we don't need that, there's free CDNs for that21:29
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: no way I'll tell such stuff to HiFo, you never know what they make of it21:29
qwazixkerio, free CDN's?21:29
MentalistTraceurFYI, American government considers it legal for their law enforcement to wiretap all communications that cross their national borders.21:29
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keriono, CDNs without the saxon genitive :) - content distribution networks21:30
MentalistTraceurWithout warrants, probable cause, any acocuntability to public, etc.21:30
DocScrutinizer05we don't need that since our infra running fine *right* *now*21:30
qwazixMentalistTraceur, especially if it contains foreigners data21:30
keriostatic files that are downloaded more often are only downloaded a handful of times from our servers and then cached in bigass distributed networks21:30
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qwazixkerio, I know what CDN's are, I just don't know any free one21:31
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kerioqwazix: coralcdn, cloudflare21:31
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: I'm also not happy with US based hosting, but that won't rule out osuosl21:31
kerioand yeah, it runs fine right now21:31
DocScrutinizer05we don't have any sekrit data, we're FOSS21:31
MentalistTraceurSo I would strongly prefer an EU hosting approach on principle. I agree that it shouldn't rule it out, just that it should be remembered.21:32
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: believe me, I'll remember it21:32
qwazixkerio, ack21:32
DocScrutinizer05I'm doing nothing else since 8 weeks, litearlly 24/721:32
misterc__2nd DocScrutinizer0521:33
DocScrutinizer05warfare also prefers the IPHH approach21:33
DocScrutinizer05I just don't rule out anything (unlike board </rant>)21:33
misterc__o, i understood that US would only be for firmware (?)21:34
DocScrutinizer05misterc__: nope21:34
misterc__thus MO going to HH21:34
DocScrutinizer05misterc__: please read
MentalistTraceurBtw: It's not about secrets, it's about innocent users having their privacy and PMs and stuff respected. If someone PMs their paypal info to someone else, and tsomeone else happens to have a username vaguelly similar to some terrorist suspect, there's unfortunate possible reprecussions. But I agree, free/cheep hosting is not to be discounted, we can't afford to be too picky atm.21:35
DocScrutinizer05again my call to collect all *existing* maintainers we got, for wiki, bugs ( andre), planet, what else21:35
DocScrutinizer05we have no comprehensive list of those21:36
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: we basically have no PM21:36
DocScrutinizer05except for talk, and i'd *strongly* advice not to use _that_ for this type of stuff anyway21:37
DocScrutinizer05* is email via maemo.org21:37
DocScrutinizer05but meh, lusers using gmail21:38
DocScrutinizer05so why would *we* worry about secrecy of based mails21:38
DocScrutinizer05we're, not a mail provider advertising 100% security21:39
qwazixIt's more of a principle anyway, nothing to hide is not a good excuse to provide info21:39
qwazixbut anyway it doesn't very much apply to maemo.org21:39
DocScrutinizer05honestly, I'd love to discuss this topic 5h... tomorrow21:40
qwazixLet's move on21:40
MentalistTraceurAlright, agreed.21:40
DocScrutinizer05yeah, just you completely nuked my script now21:40
DocScrutinizer05so I assume I'm done, until I recall all the stuff I forgot21:41
qwazixYou're jus21:41
qwazixstrike that21:41
misterc__so the plannned / schedules / whatever part of the meeting is over?21:42
DocScrutinizer05maybe we should discuss what's role of HiFo and relation between HiFo and council?21:42
qwazixWhat is there to discuss?21:43
DocScrutinizer05I'm not really appreciating sd69 giving orders to council, like "please call Mr XY and check how much they charge for Z"21:43
misterc__i start to suspect that it got lost in the Ether, but i once e-mailed about helping out for sysop tasks (?)21:44
misterc__is this still a topic or have all needs been covered meanwhile?21:44
DocScrutinizer05also I wonder why sd69 even needs to know about technical details of migration or a particular provider like osuosl. After all HiFo clearly gave "order" to *council* to do the complete migration planning21:44
qwazixmisterc__, did you email Because that was out for some weeks and is still out for us using gmail21:45
DocScrutinizer05misterc__: please stand by, I'll query you in 30 min21:45
qwazixDocScrutinizer05, that is something that should be discussed when board is present too IMO21:46
DocScrutinizer05misterc__: I'm your contact, and I'm here on IRC21:46
DocScrutinizer05qwazix: :nod: no use in ranting again about it21:46
DocScrutinizer05for now it seems we have to live with HiFo the way it is21:47
qwazixWhich brings us to the board-council meeting matter21:47
DocScrutinizer05I'm just too busy to write long emails like you both guys did today21:47
MentalistTraceurI think we should all coordinate a time for Board/Council meetings to be scheduled on, preferably a time not on a work-day.21:47
DocScrutinizer05and I guess I can't change HiFo's practice _not_ to invire me to meetings like this afternoon with Nokia and Nemein, no matter what I or any of you say21:48
MentalistTraceurBut now that I think about it, we are pretty much stuck finding a meeting time Board members find workable - if they don't show, we're still screwed, and to know what works for them, we have to wait for their e-mail replies to that one ongoing mail thread.21:49
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: exactly21:49
DocScrutinizer05so... ->futile21:49
qwazixMentalistTraceur, mark my words, it'll take a week21:49
MentalistTraceurAbout to walk into room where cell signal might not make it.21:50
DocScrutinizer05just let me quote that info ivgalvez shared today...21:50
DocScrutinizer05moment please21:50
qwazixI still think we have to schedule another meeting for the coming weeks, mid-week, informal so that it doesn't add bureaucratic burden21:51
qwazixwhen final is in place we can revert to weekly meetings21:51
DocScrutinizer05assuming this isn't any NDA'ed info, I'll spam the channel a bit21:51
DocScrutinizer05A brief summary from latest conference with Nokia representative and Nemein.21:51
DocScrutinizer05   - Autobuilder is being worked ATM by Niels, should be working soon.21:51
DocScrutinizer05   - DNS transference. To be started, I'll send an email including Nokia21:51
DocScrutinizer05   representative and Nemein to start the process.21:51
DocScrutinizer05   -  problems. They were not aware about the21:51
DocScrutinizer05   problem. Please Joerg, send me any details that might be useful to forward.21:52
DocScrutinizer05   - SDKs will be available for redistribution by the Hildon Foundation21:52
DocScrutinizer05   later, once they finish the IP transference agreement.21:52
DocScrutinizer05   - Nokia doesn't plan to shutdown hosting of any downloads any time soon.21:52
DocScrutinizer05   - They are now looking to the list of files we have asked for permission21:52
DocScrutinizer05   of redistribution.21:52
DocScrutinizer05   - OVI Store and other "consumer related" downloads will be online for21:52
DocScrutinizer05   quite a long time, but cannot be transferred to HiFo.21:52
DocScrutinizer05... ok, thru21:52
DocScrutinizer05am i still online? :-)21:52
kerio"Nokia doesn't plan to shutdown hosting of any downloads any time soon."?21:53
keriowhat happened to tablets-dev then?21:53
qwazix> They were not aware about the problem.21:53
kerioDocScrutinizer05: you don't have enough faith in the ZNC :D21:53
kerioqwazix: i thought that that was about the repo key thing21:53
MentalistTraceurKerio: *jedi handwave* there was never a tablets-dev.21:54
qwazixkerio, hmm, maybe it was. I thought it was about tablets-dev and related downloads21:54
DocScrutinizer05[2013-02-08 15:31:15] <mashiara> Received the HW 30mins ago, emailed serial number to hifo board21:54
DocScrutinizer05[2013-02-08 15:31:43] <mashiara> also got my builder login working so docscrutinizer and warfare can soon ssh there too21:54
DocScrutinizer05[2013-02-08 15:45:54] <mashiara> DocScrutinizer05: ok you and warfare should now have access on builder, X-Fade figured out some problem and is fixing it now21:54
DocScrutinizer05knew I had forgotten something ;-)21:55
MentalistTraceurClarification: what problem are Nokia unaware of, tablets-dev or the GPG key?21:55
qwazixDocScrutinizer05, since you're talking with nemein could you please forward my request to add another non-gmail address to council ML?21:55
DocScrutinizer05qwazix: np, but best done by direct mail from you to ferenc21:55
qwazixOk, I can do that, but I didn't want to spam them.21:56
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: ivgalvez isn't here to answer21:56
DocScrutinizer05qwazix: best practice21:56
DocScrutinizer05to ferenc CC niels21:57
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: I was hoping you knew what he meant at the time.21:57
DocScrutinizer05nah, sorry21:57
DocScrutinizer05I got what I posted here21:57
qwazixDocScrutinizer05, ok21:57
DocScrutinizer05ok, I'm not having more awesome new for you21:59
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: next topic?22:00
MentalistTraceurI believe that's it.22:01
DocScrutinizer05wow, anothe monologue of Doc22:01
qwazixWhat about mid-week meeting?22:02
MentalistTraceursuggested times for council/board meetings should probably be e-mailedto Board/council on the whole.22:02
MentalistTraceurOh, right, qwazix's mid-week meeting suggestion.22:02
DocScrutinizer05I'm basically always on irc, and I don't mind too much which channel we use to do our chats22:02
MentalistTraceurI'm good for... hmm, UTC is 5 hours ahead of EST, right?22:02
DocScrutinizer055..7 sth22:03
MentalistTraceurI'm busy but almost guaranteed to be online Monday evenings.22:03
qwazixIf we have some time set down, it'll be easier to gather. It should be informal but I think it's going to help get some things off DocScrutinizer's plate22:03
MentalistTraceur(Yeah, it's 5 ahead, I remembered)22:03
DocScrutinizer05I suggest weekend to help with that working hours issue22:04
qwazixIsn't weekend too close to Friday?22:04
MentalistTraceurSo by "monday evenings" my time I mean, umm... usually hmmm 21-24 EST is 2-5 UTC.22:04
DocScrutinizer05as already mentioned several times, I hope to pick up any of you on IRC nay time, when I got something for you. For board weekend should be best22:05
qwazixMentalistTraceur, that's pretty impossible for me here. It's right in the middle of the night.22:05
MentalistTraceurActually, preferably before that... 20-22 EST Monday, so 1-3 UTC Tuesdays, good for me as an informal meeting.22:06
qwazix(EEC here, +2)22:06
MentalistTraceurAh, okay qwazix. Guess that's out.22:06
DocScrutinizer05regarding this public council meeting is for the public, I don't see much use in a 2nd official meeting22:06
MentalistTraceurI think first we should schedule a Board/Council meeting, if we get that sorted, and find those two meetings aren't enough, then do other informal ones.22:07
DocScrutinizer05but.. whatever works for you22:07
MentalistTraceurAlso, my 900 is about to die, gonna start walking to car.22:07
qwazixDocScrutinizer05, I was just advocating setting an informal time so that it's easier for us to not slip away and be absent for the whole week, but I can live without too, no problem22:07
DocScrutinizer05to inform "the public2 about what's going on one meeting per week is enough. For us three council dudes no fixed schedule needed, eh?22:08
qwazixok then, let's leave it at that22:08
DocScrutinizer05i'd just appreciate any of you dropping by and say hello one or twice a week22:09
DocScrutinizer05if you also want to meet each other though, you probably should coordinate that22:09
DocScrutinizer05as said multiple times, for me any scheule is fine22:09
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: I've tried to, but admittedly not aas often as ideal.22:10
DocScrutinizer05ok, afk for 15min. And I'm fine with wrapping it up here22:11
MentalistTraceurYeah, me too. Qwazix, anything else on your end?22:12
MentalistTraceurAnyone else had anything they wanted council to deal with?22:12
DocScrutinizer05then thanks everybody for attending!22:13
qwazixNo, nothing else22:13
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: I asked warfare to fix login on for you, so you could post meeting minutes22:14
MentalistTraceurAlright, council is adjourned.22:14
DocScrutinizer05a hotfix ;-)22:14
MentalistTraceurAh, thank you.22:15
DocScrutinizer05ask warfare about it22:15
DocScrutinizer05I can't trace this workpackage22:15
MentalistTraceur*nod* will do.22:16
DocScrutinizer05either IRC or flak at fourecks22:16
DocScrutinizer05flak even22:16
DocScrutinizer05you know what I mean22:16
MentalistTraceurYeah. Got it. :)22:17
MentalistTraceurAliright, bye all. i will be back on later tonight hopefully, from proper IRC client.22:19
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