IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Friday, 2013-01-25

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DocScrutinizer05morning everybody20:00
DocScrutinizer05let's hope anybody of council eventually will drop by20:01
DocScrutinizer05(in addition to your humble doc)20:01
wirrhi everybody, just wan't to excuse myself for not being able to attend. good luck and by!20:02
DocScrutinizer05bye wirr20:02
DocScrutinizer05also Hi warfare!20:03
DocScrutinizer05warfare is another sysop volunteer offering help with maemo infra admin. Much appreciated20:03
PaliDocScrutinizer05, can you ask (somebody who could know) if there will be OBS?20:04
warfarehi everyone.20:05
DocScrutinizer05Pali: according to my papers about what got migrated, there's no obs, and never been20:05
Paliso prepared obs is dead?20:06
Sc0rpiusthe "so-prepared-obs" is dead20:07
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DocScrutinizer05Pali: give me an URL I shall take care about! If that URL is (.*) odds are we can do something about for migration. Otherwise we can just backup - usually20:08
PaliDocScrutinizer05, I will look to #maemo-meeting logs20:08
DocScrutinizer05but please do that during normal "working hours", not during meeting20:09
DocScrutinizer05oh Hi20:09
* MentalistTraceur waves20:10
DocScrutinizer05then there were three20:10
DocScrutinizer05Pali: nobody is going to read chanlogs during meeting, sorry20:11
MentalistTraceur(Connected over webclient again - need to compile irssi with perl support, else get xchat from repos, but repos are still unusable for me, irssi's configure script says there's no glib found, so webclient it is)20:12
MentalistTraceur(Perl support needed in irssi because without it I can't have it split my overly verbose statements into multiple sent lines when it goes over the IRC char limit)20:13
DocScrutinizer05Pali: (from maemo.orginfrastructureforhildon.pdf)20:14
DocScrutinizer05 we offer an autobuilder environment for Maemo devices (N900 and older tablets)20:14
DocScrutinizer05 we can not offer build services for Harmattan community (N9 devices)20:14
MentalistTraceurkerio, I have an irrational aversion to using repository mirrors. Plus, if I do that, I don't feel sufficiently motivated to regularly whine about the repos being down.20:15
DocScrutinizer05I like to get OK from council to order Nemein to get the servers20:15
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: Isn't that Board decision?20:16
DocScrutinizer05I evaluated disk storage requirements with our backup guys thedead1440 and brkn, with our sysops-in-spe, and with Eero, and it seems 2TB netto should suffice20:17
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: no way, technical aspects are our domain20:17
qwazixDocScrutinizer05, with keeping them in mind i.e. specced-for-maemo, or with selling them i.e. highest resell value?20:17
DocScrutinizer05board is involved in anything asset-related20:17
DocScrutinizer05qwazix: sorry?20:18
DocScrutinizer05I don't spec requirements for high resell value20:18
DocScrutinizer05of course the storgae needed got calculated against what we run right now for maemo infra20:18
qwazixit might make sense as we can't possibly afford the colo cost as specified by nemein's quotation20:19
qwazix(Not that their quotation is not sane, it's just out of our reach)20:19
MentalistTraceurQwazix, my understanding is that yes we are then going to sell these servers, but this is just getting the okay to tell Nemein to go through with the purchase.20:20
DocScrutinizer05I thought that detail been clear as thin air: we get the servers with all the VMs on it, run it for a month or two (~500EUR/month) and during that time we migrate to $better-hosting20:20
DocScrutinizer05then we sell the iron20:20
DocScrutinizer05even Henry implicitly suggested that20:21
MentalistTraceurYep. Anyway, I am in agreement.20:21
MentalistTraceurSo, if we are all in agreement, that makes 3/5, which presumably counts as "council OK'ed it".20:22
DocScrutinizer05so I'll negotiate with Eero on easy chat to go ahead with whatever he suggested, we are fine with it20:22
qwazix##action item ^^^20:22
DocScrutinizer05same time I should probably send a mail to HiFo about that, since (grrrr!) ivgalvez is again not around20:23
qwazixDo we have an agenda?20:23
DocScrutinizer05noone sent any20:23
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: what's with meeting minutes of last 2 meetings?20:23
DocScrutinizer05I hoped to use those as a todo list for me - sure I could've used chanlogs, but ...20:24
qwazixI know it's trivial but it's almost a boiling subject on tmo so I'd like to discuss a joint course of behaviour regarding tmo restructuring20:24
keriosomeone, probably someone appointed by the council, should mail nokia to explain the situation regarding the repo key20:25
DocScrutinizer05ooh, and btw: prepare for me vanishing dead eventually. I can't sustain this workload20:25
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer51: It's more than 2 meetings I've failed to do meeting minutes for now. I keep forgetting and next thing I know it's already the next meeting.20:25
DocScrutinizer05chem|st: you here?20:26
qwazixSo re tmo restructuring, I know this should be done when we are not loaded with other things, but before I posted a message telling people to calm down and that20:27
qwazixthis will be probably work for the next monts or so20:27
DocScrutinizer05qwazix: tbh I don't give a **** about tmo restructuring right now, sorry for plain speech. I happily leave this on your and chem|st's plate20:27
qwazixI wanted to have your agreement20:27
MentalistTraceurqwazix: sure, we can discuss tmo restructure, either this meeting or later, but I agree we should wait until the rest or the stuff has been sorted.20:27
DocScrutinizer05chem|st is our tmo ultimate master, not even we can instruct him to do anything20:28
qwazixDocScrutinizer05, I understand it, no need to be sorry, and I don't want to discuss it either20:28
DocScrutinizer05so convince him, not us20:28
qwazixI just want you to give me an OK to go and post "Calm down people this will be done in due time"20:28
keriobesides, it's better to keep tmo working until the rest isn't properly fixed, so there's at least a way to communicate20:28
kerio*until the rest is20:28
DocScrutinizer05qwazix: go ahead!20:28
DocScrutinizer05ok with me20:28
DocScrutinizer05kerio: yep20:29
MentalistTraceurqwazix: agreed, post that. But don't say so much "this will be done", as much as "we will discuss whether to get it done or not".20:29
MentalistTraceurSo it's not construed as a promise/made-decision.20:29
DocScrutinizer05for the record: what do the gnomes at tmo request ? ;-D20:30
qwazixEventually it will need to be done IMHO but let's not go into that now.20:30
qwazixI'll post that it will be discussed and presented to everybody20:30
DocScrutinizer05does anybody want tmo go to a pusg-service, or have a porn subforum?20:31
DocScrutinizer05or what is it this time?20:32
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: Nah, they just want to shift the subforums around and stuff.20:32
DocScrutinizer05oh yeah! super idea20:32
MentalistTraceurLast I checked.20:32
DocScrutinizer05discuss that with chem|st, FFS20:32
MentalistTraceur(I'll admit I haven't had time to read through the full thread)20:32
DocScrutinizer05(not you, MentalistTraceur qwazix)20:32
qwazixI'm not the one continuing this :P20:33
DocScrutinizer05again, I'm announcing a prolonged downtime on my side20:34
DocScrutinizer05got kinda burnout during last 4 weeks20:34
qwazixUnderstandable but you got a big thank you for this20:35
qwazix(I hope that makes it a tiny bit easier)20:35
MentalistTraceurYeah, you've carried a lot of the work-load lately, Joerg. Much appreciated.20:36
DocScrutinizer05I'd feel a lot better if somebody would make a list of stuff that needs to be taken care of when I'm offline for a week20:36
DocScrutinizer05and who will be able and willing to do that20:36
qwazixOk, do you have any leftovers to start from?20:37
DocScrutinizer05not me, I'm at 5% of my mental battery20:37
DocScrutinizer05and 1st coffee doesn't kick in20:37
qwazix(also is there any other chanop? I'll tell him to kick you out of #maemo for exactly one week)20:37
DocScrutinizer05only x-fade could do that20:38
DocScrutinizer05wtf is going on inside HiFo????20:38
DocScrutinizer05are those guys still alive?20:39
MentalistTraceurI could try to put together a to-do list, but I'm not sure I'm the most in-the-loop councelor for that task.20:39
warfareHiFo == Hildon Foundation?20:39
qwazixAnyway, repos are still down, ML's don't work, tmo mails don't work, tablet-dev is down. Anything else?20:39
MentalistTraceurSpeaking of, should we make that an action item? E-mail HiFo and ask for an update since we've not had one for 2 weeks?20:39
MentalistTraceurwarfare: yes.20:39
* kerio has one thing for the list20:39
DocScrutinizer05I got the impression the more I help on stuff moving, the more everybody else feels "oh fine, somebody else is taking care, so they don't need me"20:40
DocScrutinizer05where TF is Ivan?20:41
MentalistTraceurProbably held up at work again, is my guess.20:41
DocScrutinizer05and that other guy, Niel was his name?20:41
MentalistTraceurAnyway, I'll e-mail HiFo asking for an update.20:41
MentalistTraceur##action item ^^^20:41
keriowe need to decide who's going to mail nokia, as per
MentalistTraceurAnd put together (or at least start on) a to-do list.20:42
DocScrutinizer05I'll continue with Eero on making server purchase start, I'll continue talking to our sysops-in-spe with a little help so they catch up on what's our current situation. I drop most everything else for next week20:43
MentalistTraceurKerio, is this about the repo key issue?20:43
keriotl;dr: akuma, the nokia guy, found the key, but it's apparently a somewhat important key for nokia internals, so we need a mail that explains clearly that signing the repo with that key won't add a risk for nokia20:44
DocScrutinizer05thedead1440: when will brkn be back?20:44
qwazixkerio, why did Nokia remember this now? Do we know?20:45
qwazixwe also need to ask nokia about tablets-dev20:46
DocScrutinizer05while we talk, *.m.o down again?20:46
MentalistTraceurt.m.o loaded fine for me just before meeting...20:46
kerioi'm up for explaining to you guys the issue if you have any doubts, but i'm not capable of writing in formal english - and besides, it would be a lot better if the mail was sent "officially"20:47
freemangordonkerio: I wonder why "we" should explain that to nokia20:47
qwazixtmo loads, it's that it's down20:47
kerioi.e. from council or board20:47
keriofreemangordon: because we want the repos to work, they don't give a fuck20:47
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: tmo is disparate20:47
freemangordonhmm, what about woody? I bet he is capable of writing such a letter20:48
DocScrutinizer05t.m.o (is not element of) *.m.o20:48
DocScrutinizer05Pali: could you comment on this?20:49
MentalistTraceurKerio, sure, if you work with me on it, I can write up the formal english version, but I'm kinda thinking Board should send it instead of council.20:49
DocScrutinizer05Pali: I haven't read your mail yet20:49
DocScrutinizer05nor nokia's20:50
DocScrutinizer05nor maeo-ssu chanlog of this afternoon20:50
MentalistTraceurThough if board doesn't respond to the e-mail asking for updates within a few days, we can send it as council.20:50
DocScrutinizer05Pali: so please step in and tell us what's state of matters20:50
DocScrutinizer05before some nonsense gets decided here20:51
qwazixMentalistTraceur, let's send it as council anyway20:51
qwazix(if we're going to send anything)20:51
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: WTF got board to do with keys?20:51
DocScrutinizer05unless they own them?20:52
DocScrutinizer05for the record: HiFo is about keeping assets20:52
DocScrutinizer05and finding new ones20:52
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DocScrutinizer05up til now I never felt any happy with any technical topic board took care of20:53
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: Board is the official entity Nokia sees as the legal thing they can negotiate with, no? So I figured they mightk be20:54
MentalistTraceurbetter suited for sending explanation to Nokia about keys.20:54
DocScrutinizer05and in the end they made up their mind and e.g. "delegated" migration a toto to council20:54
DocScrutinizer05no, again: HiFo is about *assets* and *money*20:55
DocScrutinizer05not about technical stuff20:55
DocScrutinizer05*council* is community's representative20:55
DocScrutinizer05*we* are20:55
DocScrutinizer05not hiFo20:55
DocScrutinizer05who from HiFo is in #maemo-ssu?20:56
DocScrutinizer05do you think they already even *noticed* the key issue?20:56
MentalistTraceur"Formal explanation email to Nokia" is not technical (though it's about a technical topic), nor assets (though keys are arguably 'assets') , nor money. It's politics.20:56
MentalistTraceurBut you and qwazix was it to be sent from council, so sure, we'll send the email from council. Fine by me.20:57
DocScrutinizer05in my book HiFo's politics been not exactly fruitful so far either20:57
MentalistTraceurEspecially since it falls under the migration issue and they did indeed deligate that to us.20:57
DocScrutinizer05under plain day's sunlight, migration always been the domain of council, for all technical aspects. It's HiFo to own possession of the domain etc20:59
DocScrutinizer05using signature keys is a technical aspect. POSSESSION of those keys is an asset aspect belonging into HiFo board's domain21:00
DocScrutinizer05forwarding community knowledge and notions to Nokia been council's domain since very beginning, the genuine purpose of council21:01
DocScrutinizer05ok, I put it on my plate as well21:02
kerioDocScrutinizer05, the one who's burned out and needs a vacation ;)21:02
warfare.. and already has a full plate.21:03
MentalistTraceurAlright, so, we have the following action items: Qwazix: tell TMO restructuring thread that we'll deal with the matter when the rest of the migration has been sorted. Me: Email HiFo board asking for update. Colloborate with kerio to compose e-mail about keys to send Nokia.21:03
keriowe need a formal *technical* explanation email to nokia21:03
DocScrutinizer05###actionpoint: prepare (or care for preparation of) letter to Nokia about signature keys21:03
MentalistTraceurWhat else we missing?21:03
DocScrutinizer05###actionpoint: Joerg21:03
MentalistTraceurDoc, I already said earlier I'd do kit.21:03
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MentalistTraceurOh, right, I also said I'd put together a proper what's-still-left-to-do list.21:05
qwazixWe're still stuck with the alternative money routes because HiFo only has an account in the US and there is fear of immense fees21:05
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: i'm not sure you are up to date re thread regarding keys between pali and nokia21:05
qwazixBut on the other hand most income is in eu, most expenses are in eu we've got to have an EU account, or just stop worrying about the fees and love them21:06
DocScrutinizer05HiFo *has* a proper account here in EU already, just they are too shy to use cosimo's "private" account, and they are incapable/lazy to establish a "Vereinskonto"21:06
keriowe don't have enough funds to love the fees, i think21:06
MentalistTraceurTrue. I'm not. Kerio said he could explain the technical issue to us, I'd jsut need to put it into formal english. I also presume I could get pali/someone-else to help fill me in.21:07
qwazixkerio, yeah but we21:07
qwazix're gonna have 0 funds if we continue not having a bank account21:07
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: please do21:08
DocScrutinizer05I'll recheck the mail thread if everything got copied to council21:08
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: do you get council mail now?21:08
DocScrutinizer05I / Ferenc sorted your issue21:09
qwazixDocScrutinizer05, I still get no mail so please cc it to me to if possible21:09
MentalistTraceurI'll send it out to the council anyway once I've written it before sending it to Nokia so that you all can make sure I didn't fuck up the explanation.21:09
DocScrutinizer05you both should already be on council mail alias since yesterday21:09
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: Nope, no council ml mail coming last I checked.21:09
DocScrutinizer05I'll go thru all my mail and forward you all council threads21:10
DocScrutinizer05don't expect any nice formatting21:10
qwazixno problem with that21:10
DocScrutinizer05pester ferenc about your council mail please21:11
MentalistTraceur(But I haven't had chance to check mail on that account since what would probably be early morning your time)21:11
DocScrutinizer05I'll forward that mail of ferenc to you both this minute21:11
DocScrutinizer05ferenc's mail about your mail alias and thread about sign keys sent21:15
DocScrutinizer05mail to community-ml bounced :-/21:16
DocScrutinizer05so lemme resent it here: We need info about who's maintaining what URGENTLY!21:16
DocScrutinizer05chem|st = tmo21:16
DocScrutinizer05andre_ = bugs21:17
DocScrutinizer05?? = *21:17
DocScrutinizer05who got access to wiki?21:17
MentalistTraceur(Signed into gmail just now, confirmed that I got mail from you directly, but nothing from council ml)21:17
DocScrutinizer05who to frontpage and stuff?21:17
DocScrutinizer05who to repos?21:17
DocScrutinizer05to autobuilder?21:17
DocScrutinizer05fuck gmail21:18
MentalistTraceurDon't know @ maintainers of any of those.21:18
DocScrutinizer05gmail accounts bounce mail from *.m.o because of... they think it's funny21:18
DocScrutinizer05please kick off an effort to gather info who are our maintainers21:19
DocScrutinizer05I tried but failed with ML bouncing my mail21:19
MentalistTraceurNever had a problem with gmail bouncing mailing list mail until the migration.21:19
DocScrutinizer05 MentalistTraceurthere are DNS issues we *might* get sorted *eventually*21:19
DocScrutinizer05fact is: gmail bouncing our mails21:20
MentalistTraceurI'm pretty sure gmail ain't the problem.21:21
DocScrutinizer05or copying to dev/null, whatever21:21
DocScrutinizer05it is!!!!21:21
DocScrutinizer05please talk to chem|st about the deatails21:21
MentalistTraceurAnyway, start compiling list of who is maintaining what. k.21:21
DocScrutinizer05I claimed from beginning there are issues maybe with those SNP or whatsthename DNs TEXT entries21:22
DocScrutinizer05and there *are*21:22
DocScrutinizer05with gmail21:23
DocScrutinizer05there been even more problems until our rDNS been ok, and others been with ML not having a recipient under same name/account like senser. Those got sorted21:24
DocScrutinizer05still gmail acts up21:24
* DocScrutinizer05 feels a terrible headache just around the corner21:25
keriowe need someone who really groks emails21:26
kerioat least to diagnose the problem21:26
MentalistTraceurAll I can say is, before the migration, gmaial recieved all mailing list mails for me fine. If you're saying there's some other issue that's appeared since thmigration, then I can't/won't argue.21:26
DocScrutinizer05kerio: the problem *got diagnosed* ad nauseum21:26
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: our DNs records changed!21:27
DocScrutinizer05so technicall everything changed, from gmail's POV21:27
MentalistTraceurGotcha. So now gmail is having a fit over same address'ed emails coming from different servers or someshit. Okay. Makes sense.21:29
DocScrutinizer05ooh, and on a general note: i'd appreciate when you qwazix and MentalistTraceur would drop by at IRC at least maybe once a day (and those other peers of us maybe at least once a week ;-P) so we don't discuss stuff during one hour at Friday evening and the week passes by with me working 16h per day without any feedback/help from anybody21:30
DocScrutinizer05you know email is a PITA for me21:31
DocScrutinizer05eats time like mad for silly low info thruput, when it's about handshaking21:32
qwazixok you got that. I was absent Monday-Tuesday but I think I did pop up the other days though21:32
DocScrutinizer05no bashing intended21:32
DocScrutinizer05I just feel rather ... lonely21:32
MentalistTraceurI will make an effort to be on more frequently, though being in USA I think our hours are completely different and there won't be much overlap.21:33
DocScrutinizer05and felt there happened nothing since last Friday which wasn't triggered or supervised by me21:33
keriohave you seen DocScrutinizer05's uptime on IRC?21:33
keriohis effective timezone is probably somewhere in the middle of the atlantic ocean21:33
DocScrutinizer05kerio: it's just I have 127h days21:34
DocScrutinizer05but this *must* change now21:34
MentalistTraceurAlright, so, I have to get offline soon: anyone have anything else for the meeting?21:35
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keriowe also have to decide what to ask nokia, regarding their repo21:35
warfareI can introduce myself, if wanted ;)21:35
kerioand also figure out what happened to tablets-dev.21:35
DocScrutinizer05warfare: sure, please go ahead!21:36
warfareHa ;)21:36
ZogG_laptopDocScrutinizer05: introduce yourself too :)21:39
warfareName is Falk, I'm (nearly) 34 years old and live near Hamburg, Germany. I've been doing sysadmin work for some larger websites, did a lot of networking stuff over the last few years and am now the team lead for the datacenter network team at I started with maemo a few years ago with a N810 and got myself an n900 a few days ago.21:39
warfareOh, and I'm using Unix/Linux for about 18 years now.21:40
DocScrutinizer05which already sold me to him ;-D21:40
keriowhich one?21:40
DocScrutinizer05plus his kind way21:40
DocScrutinizer05warfare joined out team of sysops-in-spe just yesterday (iirc - though today on my 127h day scale)21:42
khmthat's a long day.21:43
DocScrutinizer05and I think he's a great benefit to maemo21:43
kerioi think it means "network administrator", but i'm not sure21:44
ZogG_laptopbtw meetiing is over i see21:44
keriogerman is weird21:44
ZogG_laptopkerio: preatty sure it is21:44
kerioZogG_laptop: unless you've got a point to discuss21:44
ZogG_laptopjust funny word21:44
ZogG_laptopkerio: neh21:44
warfarekerio: it does. :)21:44
DocScrutinizer05anyway, guys, I'm almost out now21:45
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: any more point on agenda?21:45
DocScrutinizer05qwazix: ?21:46
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qwazixno, not by me21:46
DocScrutinizer05seems MT again got connectivity issues21:47
keriohe was using the web interface21:47
ZogG_laptopqwazix: sup man21:47
ZogG_laptoplong time no see21:47
qwazixZogG_laptop, too busy latest weeks21:48
DocScrutinizer05so welcome warfare, much appreciated new member of our sysops-in-spe team, and bye everybody21:48
ZogG_laptopqwazix: know that feeling, barely on irc myself :(21:48
qwazixZogG_laptop, and busy @day work coincided with maemo migration21:48
ZogG_laptopDocScrutinizer05: bye21:48
khmwhat is spe?21:48
ZogG_laptopinteresting if DocScrutinizer05 still ignores me21:49
DocScrutinizer05khm: roughly same like "designated"21:49
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mentalisttraceurLost conenction, didn't notice for a little while.21:50
mentalisttraceurLast I got: <DocScrutinizer05> and I think he's a great benefit to maemo21:51
mentalisttraceurThen I said "Well: Welcome Falk, good to meet you.", but I don't think that went through.21:51
mentalisttraceurAlright, so, I have nothing else for meeting.21:53
warfareThanks for the warm welcome, everyone.21:53
mentalisttraceurIf that's all on everyone else's agenda, I suppose we can disperse.21:53
DocScrutinizer05warfare: thanks for stepping up to help with your experience and expertise21:53
DocScrutinizer05mentalisttraceur: ack21:54
DocScrutinizer05mentalisttraceur: and please prepare a post-it note "meeting minutes"21:54
mentalisttraceurYep yep. Will do.21:55
* mentalisttraceur waves21:56
mentalisttraceurAlright, I'm off. Good day/evening/morning/whatever, everyone.21:56
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