IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2013-01-22

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qwazixivgalvez, don't know how old is your ping but if you still need me I'm here12:12
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ivgalvezyes I just wanted to comment you that zejothkah already had his own bank account for Europe and that Board had a bank account in U.S.12:13
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ivgalvezI I told him to read the logs from latest council as there were a lot of comments about funding12:14
qwazixyes I've been talking with zejothkah by mail, trying to figure it out12:14
qwazixhmm, sometime during the thread me or cosimo must've hit reply instead of reply to all...12:15
ivgalvezah OK12:16
DocScrutinizer05anyway I'm out re my account12:17
qwazixivgalvez, do you get council ML mail normally?12:29
ivgalvezI think so12:29
DocScrutinizer05Nokia / maemo notorious to mess up mail sending12:34
DocScrutinizer05my sysop on my om mail account bitched like a xxx12:34
ivgalvezmaybe I've lost any email during the last days12:36
ivgalvezfinally we are receiving a lot of volunteer offerings for sysadmin12:36
qwazixX-Fade, can you please check why I cant receive mail from ML? My mail is same as nick at gmail. Thanks.12:38
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DocScrutinizer05qwazix: it pretty much seems like X-Fade has an orphaned client running on IRC. I haven't seen him answering a ping since a year or longer12:53
DocScrutinizer05you probably should mail him12:53
qwazixok, I'll do that12:54
kerio~seen X-Fade12:59
DocScrutinizer05kerio: use your tab key, fool13:02
DocScrutinizer05qwazix: ivgalvez: we got more applications for sysops than expected, I request assistance on managing that awesome crew. I have no good concept on that yet, but my initial staement still holds: no more than 3 sysops, otherwise it will become a chaos13:06
DocScrutinizer05I tend to prefer those who are long known members of community to those who popped up out of "nowhere" (from our very special POV)13:07
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DocScrutinizer05otoh I much like equal "rights" for all, and I appreciate expertise some of the applicants claimed13:08
DocScrutinizer05frankly put, I'm unable to do management of such situation. I'm a technician, no HR dude13:09
ivgalvezDocScrutinizer05, lemme know how can I help13:10
DocScrutinizer05interview the candidates, tell me what you think about them13:11
ivgalvezOK I'll prepare a list of candidates and share with you both, I dunno if I have all the names13:12
DocScrutinizer05we need 100% integrity, and we need some criteria who's going to help and who's going to need more supoervision than others on that13:12
DocScrutinizer05ivgalvez: and in the end it will be HiFo to take responsibility for each single sysop to cling to the common rules about keeping confidentiality and not abusing servers or the data there and whatnot13:13
DocScrutinizer05I can't decide on that13:14
ivgalvezOK, I'll prepare a list (to check is someone is missing) and then will start gathering data and experience details13:14
ivgalvezthen I will interview them personally13:14
ivgalvezI agree with your criteria13:15
DocScrutinizer05I can deliver some thoughts, one of them is "how long is that person known in community, what's been his contributions so far"13:15
DocScrutinizer05and probably HiFo in the end wants a fax from them, signed and with complete addr etc, with a standard loyality and NDA legalese stuff in it13:16
kerioi pledge allegiance to the wm and to the community for which it stands...13:17
DocScrutinizer05otoh garage account might serve same purpose13:17
DocScrutinizer05kerio: sorry, please rephrase, doesn't parse here13:17
keriothe american pledge of allegiance13:18
* DocScrutinizer05 looks for his banhammer13:18
DocScrutinizer05cya folks, got other nasty stuff to get done13:19
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qwazixDocScrutinizer05, just seen this, I saw ivgalvez will take care of it, tell me if something more is needed13:33
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chem|stI setup the donation link, it would be much more suitable to have a HF page with bankaccount details and other donation possibilities than linking to a tmo thread with only a paypal link22:57
chem|stpaypal is the devil as it is so common and so bad at once22:58
kerioit's so bad because it can afford to be so bad because it's common23:15

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