IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Thursday, 2013-01-17

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Stskeepsis it just me or is tmo much faster?08:35
Stskeepsah, read only08:35
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kerioit might very well be faster, mind you09:10
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qwazixmashiara, hi, do we have any news about the tmo dns change? Do you know what is the current state?13:00
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DocScrutinizer05  >>It's not just you! looks down from here.<<15:00
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Paliping Stskeeps17:03
PaliStskeeps, can you give me admin rights or convert garage bootmenu svn repo to git?17:04
Stskeepsno, i forgot my password17:04
Paliwhat about lost password button?17:05
Stskeepsdon't have access to the email it points to, think it was my old uni one17:05
Palihm, garage see your @gmail email:
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mashiaraback online. wiki is fine now, no-one has told me they did anything to it17:24
merlin1991hm whatabout repo and bugs?17:29
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merlin1991ah wait repo is about dns, but bugs?17:29
merlin1991(I mean
freemangordonmerlin1991: did you try it by IP?17:31
merlin1991no point in adding links to bmo if it only works by ip xD17:31
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mashiararef I will need to doublecheck a few things with ferenc&X-Fade17:40
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khmis the council@ email functioning?  I know there was some downtime for the server migration.17:45
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khmmailer-daemon has answered my question.18:06
khmI'm available to help with systems administration work.18:07
khmHere is my resume:
khmLet me know if you would like more information.18:07
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DocScrutinizer05khm: please CC the mail to joerg at openmoko org19:05
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khmDocScrutinizer05: will do.19:48
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DocScrutinizer05khm: see20:14
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