IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2013-01-15

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DocScrutinizer05bergie: * down since 24h!16:06
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DocScrutinizer05X-Fade: : * down since 24h!16:06
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: could you send it over the mailing lists too?16:07
DocScrutinizer05which mailing lists?16:08
freemangordonhmm, good question16:08
DocScrutinizer05what's left to us is IRC, and tmo - though for tmo it's unclear what's the sitaution after tomorrow16:09
freemangordonwell, a mail to nemein guys with CC/BCC maemo-community. I guess HiFo might be uninformed of the situation16:10
DocScrutinizer05maemo-community down16:10
freemangordonwell, mail to SD69 and ivgalvez then16:11
DocScrutinizer05honestly I don't see HiFo in first line to do *anything* about current situation16:11
freemangordonthey can have some additional communication channels we're not aware of16:12
DocScrutinizer05it's council in duty16:12
DocScrutinizer05no, they don't16:12
freemangordonand you may CC all those(nemein guys) who were involved in some mails 1-2 weeks ago16:13
DocScrutinizer05they even don't communicate with Nemein, apart from open mail every now and then, which Nemein doesn't answer16:13
DocScrutinizer05actually mail from Eero (Nemein) and from Ferenc to council/board ML been the only mail from Nemein to "maemo" during last 2 months, that I'm aware of. And of course Eero / mashiara here in this chan, and in private query with me. Bergie as well in private query with me16:15
DocScrutinizer05last sign of life from Nemein: [2013-01-14 17:32:00] <mashiara> ok, I pack my stuff now and hope I don't miss the next train16:16
DocScrutinizer05(^^^ CET, so 22h ago)16:16
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bergiewe're still waiting for the DNS switch, AFAIK16:31
bergiebefore that we can't do anything16:31
DocScrutinizer05bergie: nope, DNs switched yesterday (most of them) - since then stuff is dead16:32
bergieinteresting, let me check with the guys then16:32
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DocScrutinizer05bergie: thanks! could you report back in 60min the latest please?16:36
DocScrutinizer05bergie: we (council) at very least need to let know community about what's going on and what to expect16:37
bergieseems there is an issue with the firewall, I'm talking with our support guys ATM16:37
DocScrutinizer05please keep us up to date frequently - nothing worse and more devastating than a lack of info about what's going on 8or if anything at all is going on)16:39
bergieBTW, for future situations, it is a lot faster to ping our support ( than me on IRC ;-)16:41
bergienow it is up again:
DocScrutinizer05good to know, thanks16:42
bergiebut apparently there is something in routing that needs to be looked at16:42
DocScrutinizer05>>Connection to Server Refused - Additional Information: Socket operation timed out<<16:43
bergieyep, the firewall is shutting down quite a few of the connections. We're talking with the ISP16:44
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bergieI'll let you know more as soon as I have the info16:54
qwazixIs still readonly?16:55
bergieqwazix: shouldn't be, I think that was just on the original servers16:56
bergieX-Fade would know the situation better16:56
qwazixon the downloads page there hasn't been an update with recent packages16:56
qwazixmaybe we need to do something to re-sync extras and midgard16:57
bergieI think we need to check network reliability next16:57
bergiefirst, I mean16:57
bergiemashiara is apparently working on it right now16:58
bergie(I'm in Berlin so I have a bit limited visibility to what happens in Helsinki)16:58
mashiaraI just got away from a day of meetings unrelated to this.16:58
mashiaraso I have just about zero knowledge of what has happened today16:59
mashiaraI will do my best to find out where the problem is and then make a plan to rectify it, the fact that it's beyond normal working hours in Finland will not make this easier.17:00
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: ping17:01
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: ^^^17:01
mashiara"we must do something, this is something, therefore it must be done" is *not* the way to proceed here. First I will get some data, then I will think, then I will see what is to be done.17:01
DocScrutinizer05mashiara: nobody suggested "to do something ($random)"17:03
DocScrutinizer05mashiara: the main issue is about information17:03
mashiaraI have been pestered via other channels...17:03
DocScrutinizer05mashiara: I easily can announce even a week of complete downtime, as long as I know what's going on17:04
mashiaraI have no more data than yesterday yet, my hypothesis is that our bandwidth is not what I was led to believe it is, I have contacted the ISP to doublecheck17:05
mashiaraand I will see if I can pull out some data from the network switches in the meantime17:06
DocScrutinizer05thanks :-)17:06
DocScrutinizer05please report about any news (even no news) here on a regular (I suggest at least hourly) schedule, so everybody has the pleasant feeling that things are moving17:07
DocScrutinizer05if longer than 60min of "no news, so no message" are expected, please leave a time/date when next update will show up17:09
mashiaragah the "switch" access info I got was for the maemo firewall not the main switch, waiting for access to the right hardware.17:31 still down for me17:39
keriooh it's back17:42
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DocScrutinizer05kerio: no it's not17:51
DocScrutinizer05please don't spam the channel with short term findings17:51
kerio"slow enough to be unusable" is fairly important17:52
DocScrutinizer05kerio: we all are aware of that, thanks17:54
mashiaraI enabled traffick-shaping on the maemo-firewall but I have no real data yet to be able set correct parameters so current config is based on guesswork18:04
kerioTMO is still separate, right?18:07
DocScrutinizer05until tomorrow probably18:08
DocScrutinizer05mashiara: Date and Time: Tue 15 January 2013 17:09 Additional Information: Socket operation timed out18:10
DocScrutinizer05Date and Time: Tue 15 January 2013 17:09 Additional Information: Socket operation timed out18:11
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mashiaragot more access, looking at things shortly, right now otherwise occupied19:10
mashiaraI got some more info but not enough to make any better guesses at the problem than previously. I will hopefully get some real data tomorrow during office hours.20:13
mashiaraI'm going to call it a night now.20:13
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DocScrutinizer51ok, so no real change in situation to be expected until <now>+12h20:27
DocScrutinizer51IOW tomorrow 0700UTC20:29
DocScrutinizer51my latest tests seem to indicate that repository and are available in one out of 10 tries20:30
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DocScrutinizer05wiki.m.o stalled at 81%, rendered like no CSS, probably static.m.o missing22:15
DocScrutinizer05 just loaded fine22:16
DocScrutinizer05 starts to render after ~80s22:17
DocScrutinizer05allegedly finished now22:18
qwazixIs it high load or something else? Any indication?22:19
DocScrutinizer05 starts rendering instantly22:19
DocScrutinizer05actually even finishes just fine22:19
freemangordondoes it?22:20
freemangordonnot here22:20
DocScrutinizer05qwazix: according to Eero it's due to firewall resp traffic shaping22:20
qwazixworks, but definitely not instantly22:20
DocScrutinizer05yes, all that still is "1 out of N times"22:21
DocScrutinizer05wiki just rendered to 81% first time for me for the last 2 days22:22
DocScrutinizer05actually hitting F5 it again rendered to already 21%22:23
DocScrutinizer05even finished, but without CSS22:23
DocScrutinizer05general load might go down in the late evening of EU, so the current traffic shaping settings might work a lil bit better22:24
DocScrutinizer05currently I have 4 tabs with somewhat meaningful content on my browser: wiki, m.o, garage, repoi22:25
kerioso it's just load?22:25
kerioit's not a misconfiguration?22:25
DocScrutinizer05kerio: it's traffic shaping resp firewall22:25
DocScrutinizer05please read backscroll22:26
DocScrutinizer05[2013-01-15 17:04:08] <mashiara> I enabled traffick-shaping on the maemo-firewall but I have no real data yet to be able set correct parameters so current config is based on guesswork22:26
DocScrutinizer05[2013-01-15 19:13:11] <mashiara> I got some more info but not enough to make any better guesses at the problem than previously. I will hopefully get some real data tomorrow during office hours22:26
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DocScrutinizer05I'd say it's not worse than on some famous weekends during last 3 years22:28
DocScrutinizer05IOW some tuning might fix it, if we can speed up bandwidth and reliability by maybe factor 522:29
MentalistTraceurSo is this why repos wouldn't update for me yesterday? The changes already started kicking in?22:29
DocScrutinizer05hi MentalistTraceur22:29
MentalistTraceurAre people for the most part aware of the issue (those in the IRC at least?)22:30
DocScrutinizer05given the current situation I'd like to suggest postponing of tmo migration planned for tomorrow22:31
DocScrutinizer05chem|st: ^^^^22:31
MentalistTraceurI would agree, but we don't know how soon it'll be resolved and reggie's limit is the 20th, right?22:32
MentalistTraceurBuys us at most four days?22:32
MentalistTraceurBetter than nothing I suppose.22:32
DocScrutinizer05I'd hope 4 days are sufficient for Nemein to sort stuff22:32
DocScrutinizer05chem|st: nfc who requested change of DNS A to CNAME, anyway it points to internettablettalk or sth right now. So reggie is free to handle that domain DNS record to his liking22:34
MentalistTraceurI thought I remembered being just a redirect to itt.22:38
MentalistTraceurWasn't that always the case?22:38
DocScrutinizer05Reggie thought it been, but last time I checked I think it been a proper A record22:44
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MentalistTraceurSorry I keep connecting/disconnecting, messing with xchat settings and it keeps behaving not-how-I-want.23:33
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