IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Friday, 2013-01-11

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qwazixhi everybody20:03
DocScrutinizer05I'm here, but cought a flu and will not be able to contribute much productive stuff. I talked with Qwazix and ivgalvez and we agree on general path for migration. So I leave it up to them for today to summarize, i will try to correct details I might find incorrectly stated20:04
DocScrutinizer05since MentalistTraceur already sent a mail about his non-involvement in planning, we count him as "yay" too, so we got 4 approvals for the plans20:05
MentalistTraceurWell, no, I didn't say I was uninvolved, I said I was not sure how useful I would be.20:05
DocScrutinizer05sorry, that's what I meant20:06
DocScrutinizer05I get this as "no objections" but ask qwazix and read last meeting minutes, for what we planned so far20:06
qwazixSorry, I couldn't make it to read MT's mail so I'm skimming over it today, and up to what I read I couldn't agree more20:06
qwazixs/today/right now/20:07
DocScrutinizer05same here20:07
MentalistTraceurOf course, I'd still like to be filled in on what the migration plan you all agreed to is is so I can properly comment/vote in an informed manner, even though if the three of you agree, then we already have a majority agreement either way.20:08
qwazixThe general idea is as such:20:09
DocScrutinizer05nono, not meant to leave you out20:09
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qwazix1. try to make board renegotiate the RX-300 boxen deal20:09
DocScrutinizer05ivgalvez basically said that's thru20:10
ivgalvezwe tried that a few times20:10
ivgalvezwe can try again anyway20:10
DocScrutinizer05ivgalvez: I'm here, but cought a flu and will not be able to contribute much productive stuff. I talked with Qwazix and ivgalvez and we agree on general path for migration. So I leave it up to them for today to summarize, i will try to correct details I might find incorrectly stated20:10
qwazix2. If that fails put all VMs on the boxen and hope they work20:10
qwazix(DocScrutinizer and I believe they can handle it)20:10
qwazixthis solution will require to respec a little bit with regard to HDD size20:11
qwazixeither by paying the difference or by exchanging RAM for HDD20:11
ivgalvezwe should sabe an extra VM for scratchbox.org20:12
qwazixI do have a question though. What happened with the COBS?20:12
ivgalvezalthough it could be easily trimmed down to share as much resources as possible with maemo.org20:12
qwazixThe initial idea of nemein was to put the legacy builders on one box and COBS on the other20:12
ivgalvezqwazix I'm not up to date with COBS status20:12
qwazixCan't we do with one of them instead of both?20:13
ivgalvezat the moment autobuilder is the only way for Fremantle and Diable AFAIK20:13
ivgalvezbut Diablo didn't show any new packages for months20:13
qwazixYeah, probably the latest package is still mine :)20:14
ivgalvezso I think it would be fine if we simply drop it and allow only scp for Diablo and olfer20:14
MentalistTraceurSidequestion: What's COBS stand for?20:14
qwazixCommunity Open Build System20:14
qwazixivgalvez, builders don't cost if they're unused20:15
qwazixso no reason to scrap it20:15
MentalistTraceurIs that what autobuilder is part of?20:15
ivgalvezHDD space?20:15
qwazixMentalistTraceur, it's what was meant to replace autobuilder20:15
DocScrutinizer05hdd space is dirt cheap20:15
qwazixivgalvez, yes, they don't cost much in HDD anyway20:15
qwazixall builders < tmo20:16
ivgalvezbut are all the autobuilders in the same VM?20:16
DocScrutinizer05an additional VM doesn't initally cost much either20:16
DocScrutinizer05it will get swapped out if unused AIUI20:16
DocScrutinizer05I'm rather sure it cen get set up this way20:17
DocScrutinizer05I hope20:17
DocScrutinizer05so any downsizing or consolidating or dropping of services is *additional* work right now20:18
ivgalvezFYI I contacted Nokia to ask about the DNS (Nemein was in copy) but no answer yet20:18
DocScrutinizer05how's negotiation between HiFo and Nokia?20:19
MentalistTraceurDid the boxen (and why you'd want to renegotiate it) ever come up in the e-mails? I'm not remembering anything off the top of my head?20:19
ivgalvezno new communications since pre-holidays20:19
mashiaraivgalvez: I got a reply from Nokia that the DNS thing has finally moved forward and "should be done in a few days"20:20
mashiarathis was today.20:20
ivgalvezmashiara: great news!20:20
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: Nemein got order from Nokia to migrate the infra, and they planned 2 RX30020:20
DocScrutinizer05hi mashiara :-D20:20
MentalistTraceurIndeed great news.20:20
mashiaraAs for the physical servers, I have a quote here for Supermicro 2027TR-HTRF  with two blades populated20:20
qwazixMentalistTraceur, the reason we'd like to get rid of the Rx300 is because they're a liability, they cost too much to host (more than renting equal-specced iron which will be upgraded at will)20:20
qwazixand because they need someone of us to maintain them physically20:21
MentalistTraceurOkay, thank you.20:21
mashiaraThe physical machines need not to be RX300, that was just the original suggestion for the build boxes20:21
ivgalvezright, however Nokia apparently can only donate the hardware instead of just the money, wo we will take what we are offered20:22
DocScrutinizer05whatever they are, we'll want to get rid of them rather soonish20:22
MentalistTraceur(Dang it, googling "rx300" brings up results for the Lexus car model)20:22
mashiaraanyway that supermicro would have Xeon E5-2620 6-core SB-E 2000 MHz on the blades20:22
qwazixmashiara, from your experience, how feasible/logical would it be to buy one machine (better specced) instead of two to save CoLo costs?20:22
mashiara8x8GB RAM and 4x1TB disk divided equalle between blades20:23
mashiaraqwazix: the supermicro is 2U so it would save colo costs20:23
mashiaraeven though it has two blades so two separate "machines"20:23
DocScrutinizer05mashiara: great20:23
DocScrutinizer05mashiara: how much would it cost us to upgarde to 2TB HDD?20:24
mashiarathe enclosure has a lot of disk slots for SATA disk so the "optimal" way to get X amount of diskspace with RAID1 requires a bit of calculating20:25
DocScrutinizer05rough value guesimate20:25
MentalistTraceurivgalvez: is the current HiFo funding still ~2000 USD total?20:25
mashiarabut supposing we just double the amount of those 1TB disks it's 780EUR extra20:25
ivgalvezMentalistTreaceur, yes according to latest accountability20:26
mashiaraDocScrutinizer05: but note that you already have 4TB total space, in RAID1 configuration it's 1TB per blade.20:27
qwazixGiven the slowness of nokia and ivgalvez's report that they tried already to renegotiate the purchase of the boxen, maybe it's wiser to skip directly to plan b?20:27
DocScrutinizer05#maemo interim-dns is " and"20:28
qwazixthanks DocScrutinizer0520:28
mashiara"already" as in in this quote that I have here should you want that HW as your physical machines.20:29
DocScrutinizer05I think 2TB are a tad small to hold all we need20:30
qwazixAren't those regular sata disks?20:31
DocScrutinizer05mashiara: just out of interest, what's your nominal charge for one vserver in your xen-grid20:31
ivgalvezIndeed 2 TB won't be enough if we receive more assets (Harmattan) from Nokia20:31
mashiaragood question... I don't actually know (the pricing is handled by other people...)20:31
mashiaraand we generally offer those only to clients who buy consulting services etc20:32
DocScrutinizer05mashiara: could you find out how much Nokia is paying for the hosting right now, resp how much we would need to pay from 2013-03 on?20:32
DocScrutinizer05mashiara: board *urgently* needs _any_ hard quotation20:33
mashiarayes, but not right now. I'll ask bergie to get that info for you20:33
ivgalvezthank you20:33
qwazixCan we draft out a quick plan of action now? Shall I open an etherpad?20:36
MentalistTraceurQuestion: if we get the Harmattan assets, that's just the Nokia binaries and firmware images and the like, correct? I.e. is there any other forum associated with Harmattan that we'd be taking over?20:37
DocScrutinizer05mashiara: also I found out it's not only me who has a absolute lack of info about who's who and who does what in our *current* maemo infra and orga. I meanwhile found out what's Nemein (I think) but generally we got no idea who's responsible for what here. Could any of you who are those responsible guys bring us up to date who's ferenc, who's x-fade, who works for which company etc pp. I hope you got my point20:37
mashiaracurrent as in the VM setup in our grid or the one Logica is taking down any day now ?20:39
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: there once been but considered dead20:39
DocScrutinizer05mashiara: the latter20:39
DocScrutinizer05I just recently seen "maemo sysop" as a role description on ferenc's page on tmo20:40
DocScrutinizer05and some hungarian(?) company he's associated to20:40
mashiaraferenc has done I think most of the sysop:ing alongside X-Fade (Niels)20:41
mashiaraI have been basically out of the loop for 1.5 years due to other projects20:41
mashiaraFerenc has his own company that subcontracts to Nokia & Nemein, ditto for X-Fade20:41
DocScrutinizer05and you three were paid by Nemein which in turn charged Nokia?20:42
mashiaraThis sub-sub contractor thing stems from the politics inside Nokia20:42
DocScrutinizer05mashiara: Henry said the Nokia budget contained a slice for "knowledge transfer" - could you elaborate who'd accomplish that and what exactly it will look like?20:45
mashiarabasically me/ferenc/x-fade would explain some people from the community the setup and how to maintain it20:46
mashiaraand answer questions as they arise20:46
mashiara(for some sane amount of time)20:47
DocScrutinizer05is this budgeted to a number of questions we may ask, to a time period, to an amount of working hours, or would you just try to handle it in a "user-friendly" unlimited way based on your own dedication and involvement to maemo?20:48
mashiaraI can't speak for the others but I'm fairly sure we will answer random questions for at least a year, but will not train more than a few people and those should be in at most two batches.20:50
mashiarathe actual migration has been so hectic that there has been little time to think about the details of the "knowledge transfer"20:50
DocScrutinizer05even more to the point, do you know if any of you feels dedicated to maemo so much that we'll continue to see them around and helping in your free time?20:50
DocScrutinizer05mashiara: that's a fairly generous offer already20:51
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DocScrutinizer05of course we'll not run 15 classes "how to do system administration" with 50 members each ;-)20:52
MentalistTraceurOn that note, to those of you in the community/HiFo who will ultimately maintain the infra, please do your best to document and record in an accessible area all of said maintenance knowledge, as you acquire it - as it would be fortunate if, when admins/etc swap out and fade in/out of the community, the new ones had documentation/instructions to go on.20:52
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: that's a nice call, though "adress unknown"20:53
mashiaraas for my free time, can't say much. definitely no time for actual sysadmin stuff, probably will have time to answer occasional questions by email. will not have time to hang around at these meetings regularly20:53
DocScrutinizer05ok, appreciated, thanks :-)20:53
DocScrutinizer05council's (and HiFo's9 *main* problem for now is to find a professional sysop who really knows how to manage that stuff so it doesn't turn into a spam bot box, and who's willing to do this for low or no refund (for now, though things might change when HiFo finds a sponsor)20:56
DocScrutinizer05could any of my council colleagues start a thread on tmo asking for such person to mail
qwazixI can do that.20:59
DocScrutinizer05mashiara: what's status of tmo vserver? were you able to create accounts for chemist, reggie, me?21:00
mashiaraI sent you an email earlier today requesting your SSH public key21:00
DocScrutinizer05aah, sorry I cought a flu and not been able to read my mail yet21:01
mashiaraalso who's chemist ? :)21:02
mashiarabasically so I can request the key from ey too.21:03
DocScrutinizer05future vBulletin maintainer21:03
DocScrutinizer05are the mail services already migrated? So mail to e.g. will continue to work when Nokia finally sorts the annoying DNS issue?21:05
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mashiaraall has been migrated since 28th of december or so.21:05
DocScrutinizer05fine! :-)21:06
DocScrutinizer05even autobuilder?21:06
mashiarayes, it's in a VM21:06
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mashiara(it was supposed to go on the physical machines but...)21:06
mashiaraso all waits for DNS21:06
DocScrutinizer05mashiara: many thanks for awesome work :-D21:07
mashiaraferenc and X-fade did most of the actual work, I have just clocked a ton of hours on trying to keep on top of everything21:08
mashiara"project management"21:08
MentalistTraceurWell, thanks to all three of you.21:09
DocScrutinizer05mashiara: (ton of hours) I know what you're talking about :-D21:11
DocScrutinizer05during last 2 weeks I learnt more new things about infra and orga than the last 4 years before21:12
DocScrutinizer05and particularly about related non-maemo stuff21:12
DocScrutinizer05like mxr.maemo.org21:13
MentalistTraceurHuh. Never new that existed (
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: what's status of cssu repos?21:14
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: could you verify they got migrated?21:15
DocScrutinizer05or do they need to...? NFC21:15
DocScrutinizer05sorry folks, I have to leave this meeting, my headache gets worse, damn this flu21:16
mashiaraget well soon21:17
MentalistTraceurSecond that, get well soon.21:19
MentalistTraceurAlright, well, qwazix, ivgalvez, anything else to discuss?21:19
MentalistTraceurIf not, we can call this meeting over.21:19
DocScrutinizer05aah one sidenote: the "new" wiki works again, I'd ask council at alrge and HiFo to update whatever due there21:20
MentalistTraceurOh wait, qwazix, you wanted to write up the migration plan properly, right?21:20
qwazixI'd like to make a more concrete version of the plan21:20
qwazix but maybe it's better to write it and then send it to the ML21:20
ivgalvez DocScrutinizer05 get well soon21:20
qwazixand arrange a mid-week meeting for a bit of etherpading on it21:21
DocScrutinizer05ivgalvez: thanks21:21
DocScrutinizer05qwazix: send that plan, i'll read over it and comment21:21
DocScrutinizer05sorry I didn't manage to write it up yet21:22
MentalistTraceur*Nod* Mailing list is probably best, although we could etherpad the first draft now (call the meeting over, those who want can write up the plan on etherpad, then we send it to ML and go from there.)21:22
DocScrutinizer05I'm out21:22
mashiarabye, ping me via email if you need something from me.21:24
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MentalistTraceurAlright, qwazix, if you're writing it up, I'm interested in the link, if only just to read along.21:26
qwazixI'm not doing that now21:34
MentalistTraceurAh. K.21:35
Stskeepsjust wanted to congratulate the council on what looks like two successful and useful meetings surrounding hard topics in a row :)21:37
MentalistTraceurThank you.21:39
qwazixThanks, Stskeeps21:42
Palido you know what happened with COBS?21:44
Stskeepswhich one?21:46
MentalistTraceur@Pali: I can't say for sure, because I'm not confident I have a full understanding of the migration plan, but judging from the above comments, I think it's going to be set up eventually, but may or may not be useable for a while? Better to ask one of the other councilors, as I was unable to make the previous discussion where the migration plan was first being decided.21:51
PaliStskeeps, that for maemo21:52
Paliivgalvez, do you have some info?21:52
Stskeepsas in the one? thought it was temporary/development one21:52
Stskeepsdid harmattan builds stop working?21:53
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MentalistTraceurNew email just came from Reggie to council + board + others-involved in the "TMO migration update" topic. Reggie says he'll be ready to move things on the 16th (Wednesday), at which point there will be some downtime while the DNS changes propagate. Just announcing it here so if anyone has strong objections against that date, can speak up.23:23
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