IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Friday, 2012-10-05

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ZogG_laptopIs there meeting today?21:06
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ZogG_laptopNielDK: hey21:06
ZogG_laptopNielDK: is there meeting today?21:07
NielDKhelli all21:07
NielDKif any shows up, yes21:07
ZogG_laptopi'm here :P21:07
ZogG_laptopbtw so council and bod are chosen?21:08
keriothe council is... idk21:08
ZogG_laptopkerio: hey21:08
kerioafter yesterday's bomb...21:09
NielDKwell, not so many nominees unfortunately21:09
kerioZogG_laptop: onwards21:09
ZogG_laptopDocScrutinizer05: are u in or not21:09
ZogG_laptopsaw that21:09
ZogG_laptopEstel is what annoing me21:10
kerioyeah, he does that21:10
ZogG_laptopand the problem is that everyone already see that and understand but he doesn't give up21:11
NielDKwish we could spend the energy on moving forward21:11
ZogG_laptoprespect for stuborn character, though it's stupid nd childish :P21:11
ZogG_laptopNielDK: if there is meetingi would ask what we can done about it21:12
keriowhere's woody?21:12
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ZogG_laptopon personal level of community to administrative21:12
NielDKWoody is out for a lot of work21:12
ivgalvezI could escape from work21:13
NielDKhi ivgalvez21:13
ZogG_laptopas it turns a lot of threads in shit load argues :P21:13
ZogG_laptopivgalvez: hey21:13
ivgalvezI'm having a lot of work lately21:13
ivgalvezsorry for the delay21:13
ZogG_laptopi got a job so i do too :P21:14
NielDKno worries, was late also21:14
ivgalvezso we have the problems with elections21:14
ZogG_laptopDocScrutinizer05: ping21:15
ivgalvezfirst of all I want to apologize for nominating DocScrutinizer0521:15
ivgalvezas it has turned to be yet another problem for eveyone21:15
ivgalvezhe has been in charge even less than Estel!21:15
ZogG_laptopi think there was miss understanding in between21:16
ZogG_laptopboth meant good things but just didn't hear each other :P21:16
ivgalvezOK, let's begin the meeting21:17
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ZogG_laptopWoody14619: hey21:17
ivgalvezjust in time Woody1461921:17
Stskeepso/ Woody1461921:17
ivgalvezwe were about to start21:17
Woody14619Sorry for lateness21:17
ZogG_laptopWoody14619: you all came almost at same time :P21:18
ivgalvez#Start Maemo Council meeting21:18
Woody14619Am in a hanger, so signal may suck21:18
ivgalvez1. Elections21:18
ivgalvezwhat else?21:18
ivgalvezI think it's going to be almost everything around this subject21:19
ZogG_laptopi think we should split that21:19
ZogG_laptop1)council 2)bod21:19
ivgalvezAbout elections21:19
ivgalvezwe have asked Andrew Flegg  for advice about the situation21:20
Woody14619board election will happen, reguardless.21:20
ZogG_laptopi mean split the topics21:20
NielDKyes, lets start with council election to avoid confusion21:21
ivgalvezWell I'd like first to talk  about Andrews comments21:21
ivgalvezas they are of interest to everyone21:21
ivgalvezand apply to both topics21:22
Woody14619he replied?21:22
ivgalvezAbout Mentalist Traceur joining late  self nomination21:23
Woody14619Got no notice. Dumb N900, supposed to pinf me on new mail.21:23
ivgalvezlet me resend it to you21:23
keriothat's what you deserve for using modest :P21:24
ivgalvezactually I supported MT  joining the Council, officialy or not, as it would be useflu to have more hands for work21:24
ZogG_laptopthis problem is still in harmattan :P21:24
ivgalvezJoerg_rw  suggested nominations be re-opened to allow him to enter.21:25
ZogG_laptopI didn't cross him a lot but from few posts of his on TMO i would say he is intelegent and knows how to speak21:25
ivgalvezAndrew comments that "The election was well advertised and if someone misses the nomination period, they're unlikely to be involved21:26
ivgalvezenough to be an active council member."21:26
ZogG_laptopand it might help to have someone administrative ho can put trolls down21:26
ivgalvezwe have discussed what options do we have at this point21:26
Woody14619So, he's going to option 1.21:27
ZogG_laptopi don't see how it works21:27
ivgalvezThe options seen before us would see to be:21:27
ivgalvez1> Accept the withdraws.  Board of 3 is elected of 5, Council nomination period reopened and extends.21:27
ivgalvez2> Deny the withdraws.  Elections for Board happen as 5 of 6, with one "problematic" candidate.  Consider Council as having already been formed at21:27
ivgalvezthe end of nominations (as no election was required) and view Joerg's  leaving as him stepping down, leaving us with a Council of 2.21:27
ZogG_laptopmaybe current council would vote for it?21:28
Woody14619NielDK, have you read the mail (2 paths?)21:28
Woody14619nm, Ivan pasted21:28
NielDKyes I read it21:28
kerioi thought the council of 2 would make for an automatic extension21:29
NielDKPersonally, I say stick with what was (well) announced21:29
ZogG_laptopwhere was it announced?21:30
ZogG_laptopwhile they had argue and everyone was stressed?21:30
Woody14619NielDK not really the question.  Do we accept withdraw?21:30
ivgalvezplease focus21:30
ZogG_laptopi don't think those decisions were made in best way21:30
Woody14619Zogg: See tmo election thread for info21:31
ZogG_laptopWoody14619: you mean the one without argue? ( Sorry i got job and barely checked TMO few last days)21:31
ivgalvezas the situation is different for Council and Board21:31
ZogG_laptopso i may missed it, i just saw the arguing thread21:32
DocScrutinizer05ivgalvez: I've definitely NEVER been in charge21:32
Woody14619If we accept withdraws, path is clear. Council nominations extend, separate elections, Board is 3 of 521:32
ivgalvezDocScrutinizer05: naughty boy, you have been in charge for x->0 seconds21:33
Woody14619If we deny, path is clear, Council stands as 2, Board is 5 of 6 w/ Doc on ballot.21:33
ivgalvezBoard has five nominees21:33
ivgalvezmaybe that's the best way to go21:34
ivgalvezI mean extend Council election21:34
DocScrutinizer05where in election rules is written there will be no election if there are less then five candidates?21:34
ivgalvezand keep Board election21:34
Woody14619I/Jaffa voted accept.  SD/Ivan went reject21:34
Woody14619Doc: if under 3, nominations continue21:35
Woody14619if under 5, 3 are elected21:35
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DocScrutinizer05if >=3, those 3 with **most votes* get elected!21:35
Woody14619if less equal 5, 321:35
Woody14619otherwise 521:36
Woody14619yes? and?21:36
ivgalvezI have to say that a Boar of 3 seems worse to me than a Board of 521:36
DocScrutinizer05there's not been any council election yet, ergo nobody been in duty21:37
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Woody14619yes, why I think 1 is correct.21:38
NielDK(also here lousy connection)21:38
Woody14619re nieldk21:38
DocScrutinizer05rules clearly state >>If fewer than 5 candidates stand for election, the 3 with the most votes are elected to the council.<<21:38
Woody14619re: NielDK not really the question.  Do we accept withdraw?21:38
DocScrutinizer05this implires there'll be proper vote21:38
ivgalvezDocScrutinizer05, please for the sake of all, reconsider withdrawing, that would allow an election of 5 candidates to Board21:40
ivgalvezwithout need to argue any more21:40
NielDKWoody14619, I think thats what I answred. No, we should not accept the withdrawal21:40
DocScrutinizer05sorry, I don't feel like giving the fool and whipping boy21:41
DocScrutinizer05and sd69 telling me "loser, you're already council, you can't withdraw" makes me angry and show him I can anyway21:42
Woody14619doc rules also clearly state based on nominations21:42
DocScrutinizer05and that shitstorm on TMO convinced me I don't want to stand this any day longer21:42
ivgalvezOK, it's up to us21:42
ivgalvezI vote we don't accept withdrawals until election closed21:43
ivgalvezso we keep on voting for Board21:43
DocScrutinizer05do whatever you like, as that's what you do anyway21:43
Woody14619then I am outnumbered21:43
Woody14619doc, I am AGREEING with you21:43
ivgalvezSD69 also supported this option21:44
DocScrutinizer05and that's the reason why I'm out21:44
Woody14619fuck you21:44
ivgalvezwe need to move on, there is no time for tese silly games21:44
ivgalvezand as usual at this time I am in a hurry21:45
Woody14619so, 3 to 121:45
DocScrutinizer05neither has me time to be part of your silly games21:45
Woody14619Board election is 5 of 6, council is 2.21:45
ZogG_laptopso council elected?21:46
Woody14619I disagree, but will not stand against majority of council21:46
ZogG_laptopmaybe than ut mentalist instead doc there or something? it's really not the best time to be right but to be smart21:46
DocScrutinizer05isn't that funny how you bend the election rules however you feel makes most use to you?21:47
ivgalvezareyou talking to me?21:47
DocScrutinizer05to all those who think there's already a council elected21:48
Woody14619would't be an issue if you weren't a quitter.21:48
DocScrutinizer05while you refuse to accept a late nomination, you are ignoring ther fact there's *no* mentioning of voting won't happen on 4 or 3 candidates21:49
ivgalvezOK guys I need to leave now, please ping me by email if there is anything else to discuss21:49
NielDKivgalvez, ol21:50
Woody14619doc, did you object to no voting for 2 of last 3 council?21:50
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Woody14619there have been 2 Council elected without votes Q2/Q4 201021:51
DocScrutinizer05I'm a quitter since sd59 made me regret my willingness to work with guys who bend the rules like some of you do. My plan origally been to force nomination extention and _not_ quit board. But SD69 and some vocal others convinced me I'm not the right guy for this elite bunch21:52
Woody14619FWIW, I agree with you. Board should be 3 of 5, Council should reopen nom21:52
Woody14619based on your recent actions, I agree.21:52
DocScrutinizer05good luck with your board of 5 if I'm one of them21:52
DocScrutinizer05after vote21:53
Woody14619another reason I wanted 3 of 521:53
Woody14619but w/ a Council of 4 and a dispute on ruling, Council went 3 to 1.21:54
DocScrutinizer05you're aware you as well could've nominated abill_uk and fake his accept and revoke21:54
Woody14619mailer spoofing is trivial, so?21:55
DocScrutinizer05with the 3 or 5, I actually agree, I pondered that for several hours yesterday21:55
Woody14619As does Jaffa21:55
DocScrutinizer05I think we had a reason when we decided on not accepting 4 equal heads in any such entity21:56
Woody14619But even if we consider Jaffa  as stand in for nokia rep, 2 vs 3.21:56
DocScrutinizer05well, what can I say? After all it doesn't matter an angstrom what *I* do now21:57
Woody14619same boat.21:57
NielDKboy this is realky a waste of time21:58
DocScrutinizer05you don't need me avidently, and for sure a lot of people don't even want me21:58
NielDKseems like noone realky cares about the future if our community21:58
Woody14619we need and want anyone willing to help.21:58
DocScrutinizer05so, all I can say is "sorry for not refusing when I had the chance to, sorry for considering we should not alienate volunteers for council"21:59
DocScrutinizer05Woody14619: SD69 made utterly clear you don't need to get elected to help as volunteer22:00
Woody14619which is true22:00
DocScrutinizer05so *shrug*22:00
DocScrutinizer05doesn't matter in the end22:00
Woody14619as it stood, with 5 of 6 before I figured I would be not elected22:01
DocScrutinizer05you got your elections done, all that counts22:01
Woody14619given my time constraints22:01
Woody14619still planned on helping where I could22:01
Woody14619where it 3 of 5, can guarantee I would not be in 3.22:02
Woody14619but 5 of 6 with you screaming "I am not here!"....22:02
Woody14619anyway, a plane awaits install.  I must go22:03
NielDKend of neeting then22:04
Woody14619#end Maemo Council meetings (Ivan did not close?)22:04
DocScrutinizer05if SD69 had started *thinking* and pointed to the "but that's FOUR then!" probably things would've been different22:04
NielDKok, take care Woody22:04
Woody14619again, FWIW, it was leaning pro reopening before your power play.22:05
NielDKDocScrutinizer05, right, unfortunately I would say, there is too much spitting going on22:06
Woody14619You forcing things tiped others against you22:06
DocScrutinizer05again *shrug*22:06
Woody14619so you are not a "innocent" as you play22:06
DocScrutinizer05I tried to follow election rules as *I* understand them22:06
Woody14619I get that22:07
Woody14619and I agree22:07
DocScrutinizer05withdrawing extends nomination period, then I can join in again22:07
NielDKthat is true, forvall22:07
Woody14619but the tone and level pissed people off22:07
Woody14619making the offer would have been enough22:08
DocScrutinizer05but as all this hate now hitting the cieling, I'm not one of this crew anymore, definitely22:08
Woody14619pushing it in a "do it my way or else" tone set people agains you22:08
NielDKsadly, yes22:09
DocScrutinizer05that's not "my way", that's the only sane way to real election rules22:09
DocScrutinizer05then SD69 comes and tells me "we invented a rule that declared council as already elected, and we ignore to suggestion to extend nomination period, due to that fact"22:10
Woody14619again, I agree.  But I am 1, not 3.22:11
Woody14619anyway, back to work22:11
Woody14619thanks all for coming.22:11
DocScrutinizer05so you bent 2 or 3 election rules, or invented new ones, to not take in a fourth late candidate while last term all election been late and nobody but me thought that's any problem22:12
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NielDKnot going to play with you DocScrutinizer05 in this game, going to attend my wife now, but I really hope you get your senses back.22:14
DocScrutinizer05If fewer than 5 candidates stand for election, the 3 with the most votes are elected to the council.22:14
DocScrutinizer05please quote where it's mentioning those "votes" are generated by anything else but a real vote22:15
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DocScrutinizer05I.E. what amkes you think you're allowed to quit vote?22:15
DocScrutinizer05and to declare council as elected same minute nomination period ended?22:16
DocScrutinizer05it's not, sir!22:16
DocScrutinizer05but honestly, you'll do what serves *you* best, ignoring common sense in written election rules, and I couldn't care less. The result will not differ anyway22:17
* kerio needs more popcorn22:24
ZogG_laptopkerio: pass some here22:49
kerio/dcc send ZogG_laptop popcorn.food22:49
ZogG_laptopDocScrutinizer05: i think you over reacted somewhere in the beggining and it warmed to this point. Same with woody and others.22:50
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