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Woody14619 | :) Quite place this week. | 21:00 |
Woody14619 | Guess lots of people are on holiday? | 21:01 |
ivgalvez | it seems so | 21:02 |
Woody14619 | Haven't heard from Rob in a bit, so not sure if he's coming. And Niel is still on holiday, so doubtful he will be here. | 21:03 |
ivgalvez | let's wait 5 min, just in case | 21:03 |
Woody14619 | Any topics to be put in? I know you wanted to talk about something a couple weeks ago but we ran out of time? | 21:05 |
Woody14619 | And then last week my work prevented me from being here on time (and it was just you & me). | 21:06 |
ivgalvez | we are still pending on X-Fade to grant permissions over repositories to merlin1991 | 21:06 |
ivgalvez | Other questions already discussed by email | 21:07 |
ivgalvez | we need the bylaws update from SD69 | 21:08 |
ivgalvez | can't think of anything else right now | 21:08 |
Woody14619 | K. May as well start up and see where things go... We can't really do anything without a third, but at least we can update the community. :) | 21:08 |
Woody14619 | #start Maemo Council meeting | 21:09 |
Woody14619 | Agenda for meeting: | 21:09 |
Woody14619 | 1> Review of hand-over activities (repos, FB page, etc) | 21:09 |
Woody14619 | 2> Review of bylaws for NFP | 21:09 |
Woody14619 | 3> Misc, other, etc? | 21:09 |
ivgalvez | OK, let's proceed | 21:09 |
Woody14619 | Topic 1: Hand over activities | 21:09 |
ivgalvez | we can't do pretty much now until X-Fade gives permission to merlin1991, once started I hope he will be willing to add more services and people to the task | 21:10 |
ivgalvez | we have receive offering from lma to maintain Diablo repos, freemangordon and Pali are also able to help | 21:10 |
Woody14619 | I recently was handed over the Maemo facebook page. Currently Quim & I are the only two admins. I'd like at least one other Council to have this as well if possible (I can now add people). | 21:11 |
ivgalvez | I don't have a Facebook account | 21:11 |
Woody14619 | So, we need to bug X-Fade about adding merlin... And I really need to get to an OBS meeting. I'll take that for Monday. | 21:12 |
ivgalvez | great | 21:12 |
Woody14619 | I'm pretty sure NielDK or SD69 does, if not, worst case I'll manage it for now. | 21:12 |
ivgalvez | once things start moving I hope we could gain some more tracktion | 21:12 |
Woody14619 | It's mainly consumers on the fan page anyway, not TMO users, though we could easily cross-promote to help move people to TMO and/or eventually CSSU. | 21:13 |
ivgalvez | good idea, I'm afraid a lot of average N900 users don't know about CSSU | 21:13 |
Woody14619 | We just have to do so with the express acknowledgement that TMO/CSSU is not a Nokia "sanctioned" upgrade. | 21:14 |
ivgalvez | that reminds me one question about promotion of CSSU that we could discuss on 3rd point | 21:14 |
Woody14619 | That's per the e-mail I got from the previous maintainer, who will no longer be with Nokia as of the 6th. | 21:14 |
Woody14619 | OK. Let's touch point 2 quickly then... | 21:15 |
Woody14619 | Topic 2: Bylaw status for NFP | 21:15 |
Woody14619 | SD69 was able to get to the Mer meeting, I read the logs and it looked like a nice chat. | 21:15 |
Woody14619 | I was hoping he would have updated the bylaws by now and gotten them posted to blog/TMO for discussion. | 21:16 |
Woody14619 | But if I don't hear back from him by mid-week next week, I'll make an attempt at doing so myself. | 21:16 |
ivgalvez | OK | 21:16 |
Woody14619 | We need to move this along. At minimum I'd like to see the bylaws done in time for the next election. | 21:17 |
Woody14619 | Sounds like that's going to include an election of Council, ref on bylaws, and probably election of Board, all in one go. | 21:18 |
ivgalvez | it's first priority I think | 21:18 |
Woody14619 | Down-side is we have lots of topics and voting to do. Upside is we get to do it all at once and limit the need for a lot of resource hits to get it all done. | 21:19 |
ivgalvez | yes, and we can't count on the voting system for too long, it's better to get it done at once | 21:19 |
ivgalvez | topic 3 then? | 21:20 |
Woody14619 | I think it would be best to try to keep the Sept/May election cycle.. Cuts out terms short, but give next Council (which could be some of us) time to get things done, vs doing it Oct/Nov. | 21:20 |
Woody14619 | s/out/our/ | 21:20 |
Woody14619 | Topic 3: Misc, other, AI review, etc. | 21:20 |
Woody14619 | You had something on CSSU? | 21:21 |
ivgalvez | regarding CSSU | 21:21 |
ivgalvez | right now, no one can publish any application to Extras if it depends on CSSU | 21:21 |
ivgalvez | so consider that someone wants to maintain an application both for Harmatan and Maemo 5 | 21:22 |
ivgalvez | and use only Qt 4.7.4 | 21:22 |
ivgalvez | or anything else, upgraded in CSSU but not available in stock PR1.3 | 21:22 |
ivgalvez | there is no way to add dependencies on CSSU | 21:22 |
ivgalvez | once merlin1991 starts administrating repositories we shoud investigate the possibility allow it | 21:23 |
ivgalvez | that would also add a second possibility | 21:23 |
Woody14619 | Hmm.. The only reall problem I see with that is the packaging to make that work would be tough. | 21:24 |
ivgalvez | to create a package named something such as "Maemo 5 Community Update" | 21:24 |
ivgalvez | that can be a simple metapackage that adds the stable CSSU repository | 21:24 |
ivgalvez | and serves as a triggering for dependencies | 21:24 |
ivgalvez | that would also add visibility to users about CSSU | 21:24 |
Woody14619 | I was going to mention that... I would really like to see a package that updates to add the CSSU repository and maybe a desktop icon that runs the CSSU updater. | 21:25 |
ivgalvez | that's right | 21:25 |
ivgalvez | freemangordon has mentioned that he would like to see Council more involved in CSSU decisions | 21:25 |
ivgalvez | so we could propose it to CSSU team | 21:25 |
Woody14619 | The key is we need to make sure it's clearly labeled as not a Nokia update and/or something supported by Nokia. | 21:26 |
ivgalvez | exactlym with all the warnings etc | 21:26 |
Woody14619 | And something beyond a yes/no box. I'd prefer an ending of "So we know you read this, who provides technial support for the CSSU upgrade?" With the buttons "Nokia" and "You". And the Nokia button is the cancel. ;) | 21:28 |
ivgalvez | sounds fine | 21:29 |
Woody14619 | So, sometime after the 6th, I'll start promoting CSSU on the Facebook page... If we could have a mini installer app in Extras by then, that would really be great. | 21:30 |
Woody14619 | Would you like to look into getting someone to throw that together and get it tested/promoted? | 21:30 |
ivgalvez | I can handle that task and comment with CSSU team | 21:31 |
Woody14619 | It really should be a semi-trivial app for existing developers. I'd be supprized if they don't have something already out there for it to be honest. | 21:31 |
Woody14619 | .oO(Wow... I really need an IRC client with spell check) | 21:31 |
ivgalvez | fat fingers | 21:32 |
Woody14619 | Okey... Anything else to discuss? Input from anyone else here? :) | 21:32 |
Woody14619 | more like lazy language center in my brain. ;) | 21:32 |
ivgalvez | nothing else from my side at the moment | 21:33 |
Woody14619 | No? :( K. Well, as always, if anyone has more to add or questions for Council, we are best reachable by e-mail coucil (at) Maemo.org. | 21:33 |
Woody14619 | I'm often here, and even if away I will try to reply to comments when I'm back. :) | 21:34 |
Woody14619 | Speaking of, I have a pilot waiting on a new software version to test things... so I'm off. | 21:34 |
Woody14619 | #end Maemo Council meeting. | 21:34 |
ivgalvez | cheers | 21:34 |
ivgalvez | ok, have fun | 21:34 |
Woody14619 | I'll mail the minutes as usually later today or tomorrow. | 21:34 |
Woody14619 | You too! Have a nice weekend. :) | 21:35 |
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