IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Monday, 2012-07-16

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X-Fadejavispedro: Hi :)18:19
X-FadeLong time, no see :)18:19
PaliX-Fade, hi18:20
X-Fadehi Pali18:20
PaliX-Fade can you look at that package in extras-devel?18:21
javispedroYeah..  I've read the logs, seems that not much happened either :(18:21
X-Fadejavispedro: No, other things came up unfortunately :(18:21
javispedroI'm blaming myself :P18:22
javispedrothis really needs more volunteers to move on18:22
X-Fadejavispedro: Yeah, the only possitive thing that has happened is on the SB2 end.18:23
X-FadeDid you see that there are now a few debian helpers like there were for rpm.18:23
X-FadeIn a newer version than you packaged though.18:23
javispedroI can upgrade that and see to workaround that tar thing18:24
javispedro*that other tar thing ;P18:24
javispedrohow is the political/community/economical side of things? has some building hardware been "secured"?18:25
X-FadeNo news there yet.18:29
X-FadeDoing the SB2 approach will help though as we are then not using so many resources.18:29
PaliX-Fade, can you look at package wl1251-maemo-source?18:43
X-FadePali: Yeah, I'll check what happened. Or didn't..18:43
PaliX-Fade, today I pushed package kernel-power-setting v15: and has Size: 0 bytes18:46
X-FadePali: Hmm I see build results.18:46
Palithis looks bad too18:46
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PaliX-Fade, [2012-07-16 19:34:04] REJECTED: The same or newer version (kernel-power-settings 0.15) is already in extras-devel19:45
PaliX-Fade, I cannot upload kernel-power, I got email again: [2012-07-16 19:52:01] REJECTED: 'File size for /mnt/incoming-builder/fremantle/kernel-power_2.6.28.orig.tar.gz does not match that specified in .dsc'20:08
PaliI'm sure that dsc, tar.gz and diff.gz files are OK20:08
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X-FadePali: What timezone are you in?20:46
PaliX-Fade, +020020:46
X-FadeMaybe the timestamp on the files is wrong.20:46
Palibut logs are from email (not my timezone)20:47
X-FadeYou are using scp?20:47
X-FadeYeah, same thing :)20:47
X-Fade7340032 2012-07-16 19:51 kernel-power_2.6.28.orig.tar.gz20:47
X-FadeThat seems small :)20:48
X-FadeSo what I think is happening is that it sees that the timestamp in in the past and assumes the upload is complete when the .dsc checks are performed.20:49
Palican you delete that small file?20:50
X-FadeYou can prevent this by using scp and uploading the .dsc last.20:50
X-FadeCheck the wiki for uploading to extras.20:50
Paliok, I will try to upload via scp20:52
X-FadeI guess that because your upload takes a while, the cron job picks it up already. (And the timestamp is from a timezone behind .fi)20:53
Palinow uploading with scp20:53
X-FadePali: so far so good. I see the orig growing.21:02
PaliX-Fade, ok, file still uploading...21:03
PaliI do not know why I did not have these problems...21:03
Paliuploading always worked...21:04
Palibut if cron checking for dsc file it could be problem...21:04
X-FadeI guess upload order in dput is just 'random' (inode or whatever)21:07
PaliX-Fade, and what was problem with package wl1251-maemo-source?21:07
X-FadeI think a intermittend network issue at the moment your package was just ready building.21:08
Palikernel-power v51 was copied21:10
X-FadeIt is 'building'21:10
Paliand what is state of kernel-power-settings?21:11
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merlin1991X-Fade: dput should put the .dsc last21:21
Palino, I looked into log and dsc was first :-( (by dput)21:33
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PaliX-Fade, building kernel-power v51 failed, but problem was in debian/control (missing dependeces) I fixed it and pushed kp51 again22:03
PaliX-Fade, but pushing kernel-power-settings 0.15 is still not possible, same email: [2012-07-16 22:02:04] REJECTED: The same or newer version (kernel-power-settings 0.15) is already in extras-devel22:04
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ZogG_laptopi missed it?23:45

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