IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Monday, 2012-06-18

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Woody14619Hi :)18:02
X-FadeHi Craig18:03
Woody14619X-fade just as a follow up: Did you see my mail with the link about promoting qt-components-10?18:03
X-FadeI can push it.18:05
X-FadeProblem with the original package is that some apps depend on it.18:06
Woody14619Yeah... Just curious: Does relying on something in non-free prevent normal promotion?  That was an ask earlier, and nobody seems quite sure.18:06
X-FadeNo, that should not. But in the old interface non-user packages can't be promoted separately.18:08
X-FadeThey follow user packages as they get promoted.18:08
X-FadeSo things like this need a manual push.18:08
Woody14619Ahh.. So will this continue into OBS? (Sounds more like a safety?) :)  Also, with folks out, are we doing an OBS meeting? :)18:09
X-FadeYeah, so this is the OBS meeting. But given the news, things might change.18:09
Woody14619And thanks for the attention to this...  Small thing for sure, but it makes a world of difference to a lot of people.18:10
Woody14619ah? :(  Was hoping the Nokia issues wouldn't impact you as much, but figured it might.18:10
X-FadeFor now it looks like it does.18:11
merlin1991any idea how big cuts to expect?18:11
X-Fadetotal kill?18:11
Woody14619So... What do you forsee?18:11
X-FadeBut no news about when though.18:11
* Stskeeps is around too18:12
Woody14619Oh. :(  Sad... You mean for Maemo in general, or just this project, or?18:12
X-FadeYou have to understand that these top-down announcements need time to trickle down into an organisation.18:12
X-FadeUntil then nobody knows what is happening.18:12
merlin1991expecially in ornaistaions as big as nokia :)18:12
StskeepsWoody14619: think we can pretty much assume a budget cut, but when is unknown, it usually goes like that general plan and new budgets come in, then managers sit together and figure it out, come out pale, and start firing/stopping projects..18:13
X-FadeBut it is safe to say that funding for everything maemo is going down or even away.18:13
Stskeepsand when there's big cuts, everybody knows at same time18:13
* Woody14619 nods.. I was a Kodak when they started to implode in 2001... I know how this cycle works to some degree.18:14
Stskeepsas x-fade: really really bad news18:14
StskeepsX-Fade: how did your deployments of my scripts go?18:14
X-FadeAs far as this OBS project goes, there is a real need for it.18:14
Woody14619I guess the question is, with the remaining time, do we think we can get to the point of geting OBS rolled enough that it can be used internal/external?18:15
X-FadeIf we want to move to any other OBS out there, we need to get this working.18:15
* Woody14619 nods.18:15
* merlin1991 nods aswell18:15
X-FadeAs the current maemo on obs is all emulated on qemu and that is slow and needs a lot of resources.18:15
X-FadeStskeeps: I packaged everything and installed it.18:15
X-FadeStskeeps: But did not come to the configuring yet.18:16
X-FadeWanted to do it at the end of the week, but there were some things happening then..18:16
Stskeepsis there anything on qt side of things i ought to discuss at QtCS next week from community ?18:16
X-FadeI think we really need to discuss the whole joint obs thing again.18:17
X-FadeAnd see if things like QtonPie etc can benefit from it.18:17
Woody14619Is there anything community side we can do that would be of aid to you, X-Fade?18:18
X-FadeWoody14619: Mostly I'd need help from Stskeeps for the bootstrapping.18:18
Stskeepsi am in berlin next week but otherwise i have a week of not much work18:19
Stskeepsthis wek18:19
Woody14619In that case, Stskeeps, is there anything we can do to lighten your load so you have more time? :)18:19
Woody14619Gah... slow link.. :P18:19
StskeepsWoody14619: there's this guy called abill_uk .. ;)18:19
X-FadeStskeeps: Well when you have time...18:19
* Woody14619 laughs... ;)18:19
StskeepsWoody14619: but seriously, perhaps start guides on how to use obs for people18:20
Stskeepsmoving from autobuilder18:20
Stskeepsdocumentation is always a drag18:20
X-FadeMotivate people to revive the QtCreator publish to OBS plugin..18:20
Stskeepsthat too18:20
X-FadeThat would be a big help, I guess.18:20
Woody14619I'll poke about to the developers I know that are good at that and see if I can get someone on the documenting part.18:21
Stskeepsmy own view is that needs to get into survival mode and plan for the future, even if the solutions don't make everybody happy18:21
Woody14619I'm not familiar with QTCreator, but will put out a call for that as well.18:21
StskeepsX-Fade: there is also a possible problem with the cross stuff i'm basing on, but i'll talk to some people and hear how complete it is18:21
* Woody14619 nods. I think we need a rallying call very soon.18:22
X-FadeStskeeps: The cross compiling stuff?18:22
StskeepsX-Fade: yes18:22
StskeepsWoody14619: i wouldn't mind seeing how people could utilize html5 apps within maemo5/6 as well18:22
Woody14619X-Fade, I assume the OBS we're constructing is not disimmilar to that used already in Harmattan projects?18:23
X-FadeWoody14619: From a user pov, it is quite the same.18:23
X-FadeWoody14619: Or developer, rather.18:23
X-FadeThe magic is behind the scenes.18:23
Woody14619I know a couple of folks that cross-build in both, so can try to tap them to do some of the documenting.18:23
Woody14619I'll look at the html5 thing too, but my understanding is that html5, while highly functional on the N900 for it's time, hasn't progressed much since then, as the default browser is closed. :(18:25
X-FadeWoody14619: Ok, that would be good.18:25
StskeepsX-Fade: we can probably tap some people to play with sb2 sdk and obs-deb-* mode18:25
Stskeepsit can be used without obs18:25
X-FadeStskeeps: Yeah, I'm sure javispedro will be interested, he should be back next week.18:25
Stskeepsso they walk from the other end towards a solution18:25
X-FadeStskeeps: A potential risk there is that the SB2 guys themselves move on.18:26
Woody14619I don't care which end they walk from, as long as it all fits together in the end. ;)18:27
StskeepsX-Fade: :nod:18:27
StskeepsX-Fade: meeting lauri tomorrow18:27
X-FadeStskeeps: Ok, good to know.18:27
Stskeepsso i'll know more after that18:27
Stskeepsbut yes, it is a risk and a very likely one18:28
Stskeeps(ie, pink slips are involved..)18:28
Woody14619Is there a particular place we want to drop the cross-over OBS stuff?  Wiki I assume, but any particular place?18:28
X-FadeWoody14619: For maemo, I guess at wiki.18:29
X-FadeIf the infra moves or projects move, we can always extract the info easily.18:29
* Woody14619 nods, was just curious if we wanted it somewhere particular. It's all wiki, so mobile. I'll coordinate that then. :)18:30
X-FadeSo yeah, I don't have much else atm.18:31
Woody14619Ok..   You mentioned last week that LDAP was setup.  Does that mean general developers can get access to the OBS right now?  If so is there a pointer on how to do that?  (eg a page to log into, etc)18:34
X-FadeWoody14619: No, that is not hooked up yet.18:34
Woody14619If I get someone to document, it would be great to have them have actuall access to it, even if it's not 100% finished yet.18:34
X-FadeWoody14619: If they ping me, I can enable or create an account.18:34
Woody14619OKey. :)  Figured there was a chance, so I'd ask.  I'll let them know that then. :)18:35
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X-FadeThings are a bit crazy atm, trying to divide my time as best as I can.18:36
X-FadeBut let's meet again next week, same time.18:38
X-FadeThanks and talk to you at least next week :)18:41
Woody14619Thanks for the update X-Fade, and I hope things calm down a bit soon.  Hopefully that calm won't be from cuts or strict time limits, in the very near future...18:41
X-FadeWoody14619: Let's see.18:42
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