IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2012-05-29

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* timoph is late18:28
X-Fadetimoph: hehe :)18:32
timophbtw, build a Qt application yesterday with obs pr1.3 target. no probs18:33
X-FadeNo sign of javispedro either :)18:33
X-FadeAh, yeah. I added the qt4-dev with armel binaries.18:33
X-FadeSo now qmake etc work.18:34
timophalthough not for x8618:34
timophbut dunno if we even need that18:34
X-FadeI've switched x86 build off atm.18:34
X-FadeBecause I was working on the project config and that triggers rebuilds of the entire repo :)18:35
X-FadeCurrently trying to compile qemu for pr1.318:36
X-FadeIf we have that, then we could start setup the sb2 experiment..18:36
timophsb2 stuff?18:36
X-FadeThe Mer improvements.18:37
X-FadeI guess I should add the info about qemu to the wiki and see if javispedro has any input on his things of interest.18:42
timophlooks like no meeting today18:44
X-FadeHappens, it is summer season :)18:45
Stskeeps(what meeting?)18:45
X-FadeSitting outside with laptop too :)18:45
timophmaemo obs18:45
Stskeepsi can quickly brief on how i'm doing with sb2-obs v2 if you want18:45
X-FadeStskeeps: Sure, that would be good.18:45
Stskeepsso my work is going on in -- the new cross compile approach (B1systems is doing this) is basically ability to have multiple installation roots18:46
Stskeepsso you can set up a target that states, use project configuration, and put x86 binaries into / and arm binaries into /target for example18:47
Stskeepsand it'll set up the roots sanely18:47
Stskeeps is this with SB218:47
Stskeepswhere for a target, it'll set up a SB2 target18:47
Stskeepsand run build commands inside this18:47
X-FadeAnd this is without rootstraps anymore, right?18:48
Stskeepscorrect, the rootstraps are made on the fly by installing dpkg's18:48
Stskeepser, debs18:48
Stskeepsi -have not- tested this with debian packages yet, but sb2 maintainer said he'd gladly help on rules side for it18:48
Stskeepsas there's a fully functional one for harmattan18:48
X-FadeAnd you use qemu dynamically linked there, right?18:49
X-FadeOk, building that atm for fremantle.18:49
Stskeepsand a modification to glibc on x86 side is needed, but this is in fremantle and harmattan too AFAIK18:49
Stskeepsof course, i have no idea how this will interplay with aegis18:49
X-FadeDoesn't matter.18:50
X-FadeWe don't bring that up atm :)18:50
Stskeepsi'll pump out obs packages for testing eventually, but anyway18:50
Stskeepsthe transparent cross compile work could also yield cross compiled qt apps in general18:51
Stskeepsnon-SB2 cross compile mode sets up the x86 root and arm target, but instead runs the command on x86 side18:51
Stskeepsso you have a cross compiler and can use for example qmake or whatever18:51
X-FadeBut your changes are not packaged yet?18:51
Stskeepsthey're not yet, no18:51
Stskeepsi have a script that packages them though18:51
Stskeepsjust letting you know of possibilities18:52
Stskeeps.. that's it from me - any questions?18:53
X-FadeWe're looking in getting the prerequisites in place atm.18:53
X-FadeSo javispedro is doing SB2 packages for fremantle and we have the cross compilers.18:54
X-FadeI guess once we have qemu too, we could try to setup an experimental project for it.18:55
Woody14619Wow. :)  Great progress Stskeeps.18:56
X-FadeSo it would be good to have at least the script for packaging your changes, or the packages themselves at some point :)18:56
X-FadeStskeeps: Thanks for the update, I'm sure al kinds of questions will come soon :)18:59
*** javispedro has joined #maemo-meeting19:01
javispedromeh, late again19:01
X-Fadejavispedro: Yes, you are :)19:02
javispedrosorry, but I'm extremely busy these days..19:02
X-Fadejavispedro: No problem, life happens.19:02
javispedroStskeeps: any suggestion for a sb2 version to use?19:03
javispedroI made some packages here,
javispedroyou can ignore the version string there, it is just latest tag from
X-FadeI guess that version is ok?19:08
javispedrowell then :)19:09
X-FadeI've updated the wiki with my stats.19:10
javispedrore qemu, there's one in extras. If we want the dynamic one (and I think we do), it should be fine19:10
X-FadeYeah, I'm building that one now.19:10
javispedroah, thanks19:11
X-FadeBut building on OBS failed a few times as it ran out of memory :)19:11
X-FadeIt is taking it's sweet time, so it might be broken again..19:11
X-FadeDon't mind the project name :)19:12
X-FadeEhm, package name.19:12
javispedrothe actual package was the kvm fork iirc, but since it seems a relatively recent version of qemu either way we should not have any problems afaiu19:13
X-FadeYeah, I could always try to bring it up to the linaro version if problems arise.19:14
X-FadeBut that one had more dependencies, which I want to avoid :)19:14
Stskeepsjavispedro: 2.3_development19:15
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javispedrodiablo sb2... will be problematic.19:20
javispedroO_CLOEXEC is used, for example.19:21
X-FadeI don't think we should spend a lot of time on diablo. There doesn't seem to be a lot of life in there?19:22
X-FadeI'm sorry, but I have to leave. Dinner time..19:25
javispedroOk, so I'll build sb2 today's 2.3.60 and put it on that folder19:26
javispedro(for fremx86)19:26
X-FadeOk, will look at that tomorrow then.19:26
javispedrothanks, so let's see next week.19:27
X-FadeYeah, will ping you when I have something.19:27
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javispedroanother hidden problem: we will need tar 1.15 or patching sb2.20:20
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Estel_damn, mail with requets to change meeting for today was late in my case :)23:13
Estel_wondered, yesterday, why no one is here and was about to ask in mailing list...23:13

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