IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Monday, 2012-05-21

*** Pali has quit IRC02:26
*** Pali has joined #maemo-meeting11:09
*** SD69 has joined #maemo-meeting18:09
*** lbt has joined #maemo-meeting18:09
lbtsorry - got back late18:09
X-Fadelbt: No problem, I was waiting for javispedro too.18:10
X-FadeBut he does not seems to be awake atm :(18:10
lbtI'm around for a while so anytime fpr is fine18:11
lbtfor ~2hrs18:11
X-FadeOk, let's see if he shows up otherwise I'll try to plan another meeting at a different time.18:12
* merlin1991 is here aswell18:12
X-FadeHi merlin1991  :)18:12
Woody14619What meeting? :)  OBs?  Just choosing if I want to do lunch in or go out. ;)18:29
X-FadeWoody14619: Yeah, OBS.18:29
X-FadeOk, let's postpone until later. I'll write a mail to the list to see if we can pick a better time :)19:08
*** SD69 has quit IRC21:19

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