IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Monday, 2012-05-07

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X-FadeAnyone else awake? :)18:01
timophdunno how many are at the tizen conf18:01
X-FadeNo idea :)18:02
timophat least we can go through the status so we'll have something to share and continue working on18:03
X-FadeYeah, let's do that.18:03
X-Fade#startmeeting Maemo OBS meeting18:03
X-FadeHmm no bot :)18:03
X-FadeAgain :)18:03
X-FadeThe import of the Fremantle 1.3 repo seems to be ok atm.18:04
X-FadeSDK repo that is.18:04
X-FadeThere are 594 packages from Extras that succeeded building in the i586 part.18:05
* timoph looks18:06
X-FadeI'm still trying to find out why I can't get the dispatcher to dispatch armel builds.18:06
X-FadeSomething broke in the latest OBS upgrade unfortunately.18:07
timophlooked at a random fail..18:08
timoph"fatal error... Need make 3.81 but using 3.80, please upgrade"18:08
X-FadeYeah, there are a few issues with some tools being newer in Extras than in SDK.18:08
X-FadeAs there people have upgraded SDK tools :)18:09
timophso we need to do some upgrading18:09
timophshouldn't be a big issue though18:09
X-FadeI removed things like debhelper from this Extras import for now, just to see which packages are affected.18:09
X-FadeAnd not to get failures from broken tools in Extras, at least to rule that out.18:10
timophthat and maemo-optify seem to cause a lot of those failures18:10
X-FadeYeah, I need to move maemo-optify to the sdk repo.18:11
X-FadeAs we now have some cycles.18:11
timophand the themes are missing imagemagick18:11
X-Fadeyeah, they miss newer debhelper :)18:11
X-FadeAt least imagemagick does.18:12
timophtrue. that should get at least the themes going18:12
X-FadeBut as you can see, it is not hopeless.18:12
timophnope. look quite good actually18:12
X-FadeI talked with lbt, about the SB2 approach.18:12
X-FadeHe's willing to help out trying to create a minimal rootstrap for fremantle and testing that out.18:13
timophvery nice18:13
X-FadeI'm currently looking at how Mer is using SB2 and trying to see how that would map to fremantle.18:14
timophiirc stskeeps was going to upstream the sb2 stuff18:14
X-FadeBut as lbt and stskeeps are both in SF this week, I don't see a lot happen there this week.18:14
X-FadeSo yeah, that is what I have done this week and where I am atm.18:15
timophlooks like good progress18:15
X-FadeI'm a bit annoyed that I didn't get the arm building going again, as that should have given even better results :)18:15
X-FadeOne issue I saw with an i568 build was that the package specified arch: arm, instead of any.18:16
X-Fadeehm, armel18:16
X-FadeThis week, I'll try to find out which of the SDK tools need upgrade to match the ones used in Extras-devel for building.18:17
X-FadeAnd add those to see what the result looks like when the rebuild finishes.18:18
timophI could try building something against the 1.3 target18:18
timophjust to see how it works18:18
X-FadeSure, no problem.18:19
timophand add some documentation on how to build stuff with it to the wiki18:19
X-FadeYeah, that might be a good start.18:19
timophI was thinking of doing some step-by-step example using Qt hello world or something simple18:20
X-FadeYeah, that might be a good thing.18:20
timophsince most of the applications nowadays seem to be written with Qt anyway18:20
X-FadeI wonder what ever happened to the OBS publishing plugin for Creator18:21
timophI'd guess it got buried under the meego rubble18:22
timophif the sources are still there it might be a good project to pick up18:22
X-FadeYeah, would be a good thing to have though.18:22
X-FadeI see something here:
timophah. leinir has been working on it18:23
* merlin1991 is here now, had to grab my car from the repair shop18:24
timophwe can simply ask him about it18:24
X-FadeI'd imagine that other projects would also benefit from it.18:24
timophhe's at least in #mer18:24
X-FadeAnyway, that is it from me this week.18:25
X-FadeAnything else we should discuss?18:25
X-Fademerlin1991: Not ignoring you :)18:25
X-FadeI have say that every time, as some people believe I have am ignore list :D18:26
timophanyway. I'll try to ping leinir about the plugin18:27
merlin1991so far I never had problems getting your attention :D18:27
timophactually already did :)18:27
merlin1991so basically you still have to figure some stuff out before we can start to help?18:28
X-Fademerlin1991: Yes, unfortunately.18:28
X-Fademerlin1991: But I want to keep you guys in the loop as much as possible as once I get to fix it, we should be good to go :)18:29
X-FadeLet's wrap it up for this week and meet again next week, same time, same place?18:30
timophok for me18:31
X-FadeOk, thanks!18:31
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