IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Monday, 2012-04-23

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SD69_javispedro: hi17:46
SD69_anybody else on?17:46
* X-Fade looks at clock ... puzzled :) 17:47
* merlin1991 looks into the void which meeting?17:47
SD69_cOBS meeting in a few minutes?17:48
merlin1991I kept reading the mailinglist, but I don't remember an announcement for that17:48
X-FadeWell no.17:48
X-FadeMaemo on obs meeting :)17:48
javispedrowell, there have been three emails about it =)17:49
merlin1991probably missed them in the spam about n9 device seeding ;)17:50
javispedrobut I do ponder whether they have been ineffective..17:50
merlin1991I might have sticked out better with a different topic :)17:50
merlin1991anyway I'm here17:51
SD69_timoph: hi17:54
X-FadeAlready not a bad turnout  :)17:54
timophis someone logging this?17:55
X-FadeDoes it have the meeting script too?17:56
X-Fade#startmeeting Maemo on OBS meeting17:56
X-FadeNo ;)17:56
SD69_I can't stay, just wanted to check in, I'll read log tonight17:57
timophyou could mark the items like that anyway so it's easier to summarize minutes from the logs17:57
X-FadeYeah, could be done anyway.17:58
merlin1991btw povbot logs go here:
X-FadeSo, who will host? :)18:00
timophyou? ;)18:00
X-FadeOk :)18:00
X-FadeSo, who is here for the Maemo on OBS meeting?18:00
SD69_here for a few minutes18:01
X-FadeThe reason we planned this meeting is because we need to discuss the possibilities and difficulties of getting Fremantle apps to build on OBS.18:01
X-FadeAnd in a later stage older versions too.18:02
X-FadeIn the community council meeting I explained a bit that I already took a stab at that a while ago.18:02
X-FadeTo illustrate this:18:03
X-FadeIn Fremantle PR1.2 times, I worked on a proof of concept to build all the apps in Extras on OBS.18:03
X-FadeIt kind of worked, but there were some issues to figure out.18:04
X-FadeMaybe I should give a short introduction in to how this works?18:05
timophdo you remember what kind of issues?18:05
timophthe intro is welcomed too :)18:06
merlin1991yep I'd appreciate the intro18:06
X-Fadetimoph: I'll give some examples later :)18:06
X-FadeSo what we did was copy all packages from the fremantle SDK and import them into a project.18:06
X-FadeWe did some tricks to bootstrap the sdk, but I won't bother explaining that part at this moment :)18:07
X-FadeWhat basically happens on a build, is that we start out with an empty rootfs.18:07
X-FadeAnd fill that based on a configuration.18:07
merlin1991the link requires a login18:08
X-FadeThe configuration for this project specifies which packages need to be installed before the worker can boot.18:08
X-FadeAh crap..18:09
javispedrothe site is horridly slow for me btw18:09
X-Fadelet me create an account for merlin1991 quickly.18:09
* timoph 18:10
timophwill ask for one later18:10
X-Fadetimoph: you had one, right?18:10
timophdon't remember the login :)18:10
X-FadeI can reset the pw.18:10
X-Fadepw = sd9wqm2-la18:11
X-FadeOh, let me reset that :D18:11
X-FadeOk, better now?18:13
merlin1991not really :/18:13
merlin1991Errorcode: unknown18:13
merlin1991Message: Missing template user/unconfirmed.erb in view path app/views/vendor/neutral:app/views18:13
X-Fadetry again18:13
merlin1991now we're good18:14
X-FadeSo again, what we see here is packages that get preinstalled before the VM can boot.18:14
X-FadeAnd everything which is not Preinstall, happens when the VM is booted.18:15
X-FadeWhat you see there is that things like binutils, bzip2 etc will be installed by default.18:15
X-FadeSo this config basically describes what is inside a rootstrap18:15
X-FadeAs the intent is to have everything available to a build that is also available in a fremantle sdk rootstrap18:16
X-Fadein scratchbox that is.18:16
X-Fadequestions so far? :)18:18
javispedrowhy is it so slow? =)18:18
X-FadeThe webinterface is not cached atm, it is not a production setup.18:18
javispedroah well, the main page is slow, but I can get to the login page at least :S18:19
X-FadeWill tune it when we are going to do something :)18:19
javispedromay I ask for an account too? otherwise I have no idea what shows up in prjconf18:19
X-Fadelol, ok I thought you had one.18:20
X-FadeSpeak up man :)18:20
javispedromeh, it is still not fully finished loading the permission denied page :)18:21
javispedrook, thanks18:21
X-FadeAnd for the lurkers:
timophworks pretty smoothly for me. am I hogging all the bandwidth :)18:22
X-FadeSo the main problem you will see when you build a random package against this project, is that there is a missing build dependency.18:23
X-FadeA package that is assumed by the developer to be there, but is not in our config.18:24
merlin1991well inside scratchbox the assumed pacakges are hold by a metapackage18:25
X-FadeThose issues are of course quite easy to fix. Either we add the dependency in this config, or we fix the package.18:25
merlin1991it's depends field should give us enough information for what should go into a rootstrap by default18:25
timophso for example a lib that is currently in -devel repo, etc?18:25
javispedroX-Fade: doesn't autobuilder/sbdmock start from the fresh rootstrap?18:26
X-Fadetimoph: No, you have to think about utilities that get used during builds.18:26
X-Fadejavispedro: Yes, but OBS has no such thing.18:27
X-Fadejavispedro: This config is your rootstrap.18:27
timophso autotools, etc.18:27
X-Fadetimoph: Yeah.18:27
X-FadeSo let's look at a build log and relate that to the config.18:28
merlin1991though it already holds debhelper so packages could simply decalre all build depends18:28
X-FadeSo this is one of the builds that worked back then.18:28
timophat least these deps work: Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), libtool, autoconf, libxml2-dev, doxygen, check, libcurl3-dev18:28
X-FadeWhat you see in this log, is that it starts with preinstalling..18:29
X-FadeIt then boots the VM. (We build inside a VM)18:29
X-FadeAfter the VM boots, it runs the 'runscripts' items18:30
X-Fadetypically pre and post scripts inside these packages.18:30
X-FadeIt then starts to install all dependencies.18:30
X-FadeThose are dependencies specified by Required in the config and...18:31
X-FadeThe dependendency tree generated from the build-depends of the package itseld.18:31
X-FadeAfter that, the build script calls dpkg-source and dpkg-buildpackage.18:32
javispedro... surprisingly not using apt for the deps18:32
X-FadeThat is just the regular stuff.18:32
X-FadeNo, it uses OBS internal dependency resolving for that.18:33
X-Fade(topic for another time :D)18:33
merlin1991isn't that a potential problem?18:33
X-Fademerlin1991: No, not really.18:33
X-FadeIt has issues, but nothing which prevents it being used for all debian, ubuntu repos18:34
X-FadeIt does use debian code on a lower level.18:35
X-FadeAnyway, the package builds, and after that OBS shuts down the VM and copies the results out.18:35
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X-FadeNow let's look at a typical failure:
X-FadeWho can spot the issue? :)18:37
timophno qmake18:37
merlin1991usage of find in debian/rules?18:37
X-Fadetimoph takes home the price :)18:38
* timoph has battled with that before :)18:38
X-FadeIn this case the dependency was not installed. It is up to us to figure out why.18:38
merlin1991bah didn't scroll enough, though qmake isn't expected to exist on scratchbox either (I think it comes with libqt4-dev18:38
X-Fadeas the .dsc file specifies
X-FadeBuild-Depends: libqt4-dev, debhelper (>= 5.0.0), mce-dev18:39
X-FadeAfaik it should have installed it, so that is one of the issues to figure out for instance.18:39
X-FadeGood thing is that if you do figure it out, you fix 50 other failed builds too.18:40
timophdoes maemo's version of Qt actually have 'qmake-qt4' too or just 'qmake'18:40
X-FadeSo this is just to show you the issues you run in to.18:40
merlin1991qmake-qt4 and a symlink called qmake afaik18:41
X-FadeThey are not terribly complicated, but take some time to figure out.18:41
X-FadeAnother thing you will run in to is this:
timophI can try building a couple of Qt hello worlds18:42
X-FadeIf you hover the 'unresolvable' links, you see the issue.18:42
X-FadeWhen this happens, we need to figure out why a package is missing.18:43
timophanything in common with the unresolvable package?18:43
X-FadeIt might be that I didn't import everything from the SDK :)18:43
timophthat would explain it :)18:43
X-FadeAs there are multiple repos, it might be that I missed one back then.18:43
merlin1991for those a few calls to dpkg/apt inside a clean scratchbox should give clearance18:44
X-FadeAnyway, not too complicated either, just needs some searching.18:44
X-FadeSo as you see, it _should_ be possible to get 80% of the packages to build relatively easily.18:45
timophsomeone those at least fail because another package is blocked in the same list18:45
timophso not too many failure imo18:45
timophs/someone/some of/18:45
X-FadeAnd as Extras packages can also depend on other packages in Extras, fixing one thing might unlock a whole slew of others.18:45
X-FadeSo maybe we should talk a bit about a plan? :)18:46
* timoph nods18:46
merlin1991can obs resolve "to build" dependencies?18:47
X-FadeSo, first I think we need to determine what we are trying to achieve.18:47
X-Fademerlin1991: yes.18:47
merlin1991or would we have to inject all extras packages libs first?18:47
X-Fademerlin1991: Well, you import all the sources and obs determines a build order.18:48
X-FadeSo as far as goals, I'd say the first thing we should aim for is to have 80% of current Extras build against Fremantle SDK 1.3 on OBS.18:49
X-FadeDoes that sound reasonable?18:49
timophdo we have 1.3 in obs yet?18:49
X-FadeNo, so I guess we should decide on a todo then :)18:50
X-Fade1. import fremantle SDK into OBS18:51
X-Fade2. import all Extras source packages in the Extras:Testing project.18:51
X-FadeI can take care of that this week.18:51
javispedroone thing18:51
javispedrowhat about it? =)18:52
X-FadeYeah, I'd say that is step 2.18:52
X-FadeOr goal 2.18:52
X-FadeWhat you see now is that building armel packages is done on qemu, so it is slow.18:53
* timoph wonders how long does it take to build all the extras packages18:53
javispedroI'm thinking though that using sb2 will probably fix some of those problems18:53
X-FadeThe SB2 approach that Mer is taking is an interesting one.18:53
X-Fadejavispedro: Yes, some scratchbox-isms in packages might be fixed this way.18:54
X-FadeAnother big advantage of the SB2 in OBS approach is of course that cross building etc is a lot faster.18:55
X-FadeAnd host accelerated things.18:55
X-FadeQuestion is what best order would be to work on this.18:56
merlin1991step one pretty stays step one if we use sb or not18:56
timophI'd just update the sdk to 1.3 and see how stuff build for a start18:57
javispedroI have my doubts, but those arise from not knowing exactly how sb2 is used here18:57
javispedroe.g. do they use rootstraps? if so that's half of the problem fixed already18:57
timophlbt: got a minute to explain? ^18:57
javispedrois sb2 apt-get used instead of obs's builtin dep resolver? that's another 1/4...18:58
X-FadeWe might need to schedule a QA with lbt or Stskeeps about this.18:58
javispedrootoh, having it working without any sb* is a plus, so I've not made up my mind.18:59
merlin1991what's the plus side of that?18:59
X-FadeWe could roll on our own sdk :)19:00
javispedroobs future is greener than sb219:00
javispedroin terms of maintenance19:00
merlin1991but qemu?19:00
javispedroit's a con of course.19:01
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X-FadeYou can also do cross build accel in other ways.19:01
X-FadeBut I'd like to see if the Mer SB2 approach will help us out.19:01
X-FadeThey are working on getting that method upstream in OBS.19:01
timophlatest commits in sb2's git seem to be from last thursday19:03
timophso it seem to be getting some love nowadays19:03
javispedrobecause of obs, as seen on commitmsg :)19:03
X-FadeAfaik, we still need to specify what is inside the rootstrap.19:03
X-FadeSo the first 2 todo's I specified are valid anyway.19:04
merlin1991hm from the wiki it looks like we probably could slap apt instead of whichever rpm tool they use in there19:04
timophI can help checking through the failed builds after obs has done it's thing19:05
X-FadeSo how about I do the imports this week?19:06
X-FadeAnd let the thing run and see where it ends up?19:06
timophsounds like a sane plan to me19:06
javispedroagreed, and won't break anything :)19:06
X-FadeWe can then in parallel talk with lbt and Stskeeps to see what the status is for SB2 in OBS.19:06
X-FadeWhere shall we communicate?19:07
timophyep. at least I need to read up on the docs a bit before I can start asking questions19:07
timophgood question19:08
timophcommunity mailing list / some irc channel?19:08
X-FadeI'd say -devel mailing list.19:08
X-FadeBut what channel for real time communication?19:09
* timoph subcribes19:09
timoph(haven't really been following that list lately)19:09
X-FadeMight be better to not get flooded with n9 seeding mails :)19:09
timophtrue :)19:09
X-FadeShall we make this meeting recurring?19:10
X-FadeSo we have one point in the week we can at least have status updates etc?19:10
timophI think we should19:10
X-Fademerlin1991: Is the maemo-ssu channel too busy to communicate in for this topic too?19:12
merlin1991well #maemo-ssu tends to go off topic quite often19:12
javispedroI propose creating
X-FadeAnd we don't :)19:12
X-Fadejavispedro: Go for it :)19:12
merlin1991we don't know that yet ;)19:12
merlin1991but I wouldn't see a problem in getting things done in #maemo-ssu19:13
timophlet's try that and move away if needed19:13
X-FadeHaving another channel for it seems a bit over the top.19:13
merlin1991btw a personal long term goal (if possible) would be a -ssu extras repo (to bring things like the qml support in qt 4.7.4 to a bigger audience of applications)19:14
X-Fademerlin1991: Yes, I'd like that too.19:15
X-FadeAnd this should be doable once we have this going.19:15
X-FadeAnything else we should discuss?19:17
timophhow to change password in the obs?19:17
X-Fadetimoph: I'll talk to you in pm after the meeting :)19:17
timophbtw, is the plan to clean the other targets that currently exist in the obs19:18
X-Fadetimoph: Yeah, what is in there is all experimental atm.19:18
timophat least I don't see the point of having a meego target :)19:18
X-FadeI want to use this OBS as we don't bother anybody.19:18
X-FadeWe can experiment with whatever there.19:19
timophsounds good19:19
X-FadeSo, recap:19:19
javispedroI wrote some garbage on
javispedroafter the recap I'll update :)19:19
X-FadeMe -> import SDK and source packages from Extras.19:19
X-Fadejavispedro -> wiki page.19:20
X-Fadeand next meeting, same time next week?19:20
timophthe time is good for me19:20
javispedrohmhm, I might be on holiday19:21
javispedroeeh, probably not, time is ok.19:21
X-FadeOk, well let's try it. Just complain if it doesn't work for you..19:21
X-FadeOn the list or so :)19:21
timophwill do19:22
X-FadeI'll spend this week setting up things in such a way that we all can experiment etc.19:22
merlin1991one thing we should do is document the final setup somewhere19:22
merlin1991people might be interested to run their own instance of the "maemo obs" at home19:23
timophwiki sounds like the natural place for it19:23
javispedroI was actually reading that19:24
javispedroand it seems like it is horribly hard19:24
X-FadeWell, it got a little easier with the appliance.19:25
timophI just tend to use the command line client for obs. Haven't really had a need to setup an obs since you can do local builds19:25
X-FadeYeah, that is easy.19:25
X-Fadeosc makes your life easy in a lot of ways.19:25
timophand osc chroot helps a lot19:25
X-FadeLot faster than clicking through web pages too :)19:26
timophyep :)19:26
javispedroI too use the osc client mostly, but no idea how to change say prjconf19:26
merlin1991well ie with cssu it is an interesting target to test new libs against the existing applications19:26
timophosc meta prjconf -e <project>19:26
merlin1991not exactly a thing todo on the main maemo obs :D19:26
timophor something like that19:26
X-FadeWell, cool thing is that you can work on the prjconf in your own project too.19:27
X-FadeBut lets keep that for the next meeting :)19:27
X-FadeOk, shall we wrap up?19:27
* X-Fade is getting hungry :)19:28
timophnothing else at least from me (for now)19:28
X-FadeOk, then thanks for joining!19:30
X-FadeAnd let's see what next week brings :)19:30
javispedrothank you too19:31
merlin1991X-Fade: when you pm timoph how to change the obs password, copy me the instructions aswell please19:33
javispedro(I have been slightly busy here and there during the meeting, had to answer some student questions =) )19:34
javispedro(so sorry)19:34
X-FadeOk, will do. But got to run now :)19:36
X-Fadejavispedro: no worries.19:37
* lbt was afk < timoph, X-Fade19:56
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