IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2010-05-04

*** JoeBrain has quit IRC05:46
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*** lma has joined #maemo-meeting14:14
X-Fadehi lma14:14
lmahi all14:14
X-FadeStskeeps is here too.14:15
lmaSo, how do we proceed?  Do you have access to the repo Jeremiah set up?14:15
X-FadeAccess it not a problem ;)14:15
X-FadeLet's see what you need.14:16
lmaIdeally two (stable/testing) signed apr repositories14:16
X-FadeDo you have a package setting the key for the repo and the trust level?14:16
X-FadeOk, so then needs to create a key.14:17
X-FadeAnd you need to add that pubkey to the package.14:17
X-FadeOne repo per SSU update?14:18
X-FadeOr do you want to keep everything in one repo?14:18
lmaI can't think of a good reason to split it, everything will be based on 5.2008.43-7 anyway14:18
X-FadeI guess it is done to keep a consistent view after each upgrade.14:19
lmaAlso, a single repo has worked out pretty well so far in testing (about a dozen SSUs)14:20
X-FadeBut the meta package ensures it anyway.14:21
X-FadeThen it is just as simple as importing the new packages in to the repo and indexing/sign it.14:21
lmaPlus some way to publish new ones :-)14:22
X-Fadelma: Yes, I think I'll setup an incoming queue for it.14:22
X-FadeJust like uploading to diablo extras-devel.14:23
X-FadeOnly for you/Stskeeps writable.14:23
X-FadeThen you can just scp your packages to that dir and the server will handle the rest.14:23
lmaSounds good.  Will that involve package promotion via a web UI as well?14:24
X-FadeI wouldn't do that.14:24
X-FadeIf you want to promote, you just upload to the incoming dir for the other repo.14:25
X-FadeIf you always upload the metapackage last, there should be no problem.14:25
lmaI prefer it like this too actually14:25
X-FadeYou just have to make sure you don't break anything ;)14:26
X-FadeBut that is something you have to work out ;)14:26
lmaWhat do I need for scp?  I had uploaded my key to garage ages ago, but I think that got lost during the server move?14:27
X-FadeYou seem to have a key set.14:27
lmaa, ok, I'll figure it out then14:27
X-FadeI'll give you instructions once I have set the thing up.14:28
lmaDo you need anything else from me?  Eg packages for testing, etc?14:28
X-FadeWill you be online today?14:28
lmaon and off, email is usually the best way to reach me14:29
X-FadeOk, well I'll try to setup something asap. Won't take too long before you can upload.14:29
lmaThanks! :-)14:30 ok ?14:30
X-FadeOk, then it will probably be
X-FadeSo we are safe for the future ;)14:32
lmaGood point, thinking ahead :-)14:32
lmaBTW, what's the best place to put the .install file for the package that enables the repository and sets keys & trust level?14:33
X-FadeI guess we can put the package in extras-devel?14:34
X-FadeAnd after testing, put it in extras?14:34
X-FadeSo we can use Downloads too?14:34
lmaThat could work, though I'm not sure it fits in extras conceptually14:35
X-FadeWell, it is only the enabler.14:36
X-Fade"Install this to receive community firmware updates"14:36
X-Fadecommunity and community-testing, is that ok?14:40
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